movie world adventurer

Chapter 125 Utah Beach

Chapter 125 Utah Beach

"The landing time has been confirmed?" Inside a huge wooden beam tent, Lin Tian sat beside the fire, drinking the legendary authentic cat poop coffee, with a solemn expression.

"The specific time has not been disclosed by the headquarters. However, the Allied forces require you and me, including my Rogers squad and your S.H.I.E.L.D. commandos, to sneak into Normandy immediately to prepare for the first beachhead troops."


Lin Tian nodded slowly. Since he agreed to the allied forces, Lin Tian would naturally not break his word.What's more, this is related to the life and death of tens of thousands of people. Lin Tian will not be merciful, but he can make a little contribution to the world war, and his conscience dictates that he cannot refuse.

Now, Lin Tian is worried about the defense of Aegis Island.

There are no artificial satellites in the outer space of the earth today.Except for on-the-spot investigations, it is impossible for RB, Germany, and the United States to monitor their own Aegis Island.

Aegis Island is not afraid of threats from the sea, but is only afraid of bombing from the air.This made Lin Tian yearn for the invisibility technology in "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.". It would be a great thing if the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. could be completely invisible.

"Then when are you going to set off? According to the requirements of the Allied Forces Command, you should lead the S.H.I.E.L.D. assault team to set off in these two days." Rogers emphasized the urgency of time.

Lin Tian thought for a while and made another request: "Rogers, I need to communicate with General Eisenhower."

"no problem."

Rogers nodded seriously.

Communication content with Eisenhower: Allied forces are required to secretly deploy 20 fighter planes into Aegis Island to assist Aegis Island in air defense.

Eisenhower did not refuse.

A day later, 20 new fighter planes landed on Aegis Island as scheduled, fully loaded with ammunition.

Lin Tian dispatched 34 Hydera recruits, plus Stephen, Bills, Jenny, and another 23 former S.H.I.E.L.D. The submarine went secretly to the English Channel...


Mainland France and the UK are separated by the English Channel.

In May 1944, the British mainland was the position of the Allied Forces, and the French mainland had become the position of defeating Germany.

The Normandy landings, the Allied Forces crossed the English Channel and landed in Normandy, France.

The entire landing campaign was mainly concentrated on five beaches, from west to east, namely: Utah, Omaha, Gold Beach, Juneau, and Sword Beach.

In the middle of the night on May 1944, 5, the sea outside Utah Beach was rough and the waves were high, and the German beach guards set fire to it.Occasionally, the soldiers looking out over the sea crouched, rubbing their palms with their guns on their shoulders, cursing the damn weather.

The cold air rushed into the neckline, making the soldiers shiver.Unclearly and unwillingly, the soldiers patrolled, perfunctory, and then eagerly gathered around the fire, or hid in the gun towers or bunkers.

To the west of the beach, the sky is black, like the color of hell; the sea is black, and there is a whining sound, which always makes people panic.

A moment later, a dark submarine slowed down to the slowest speed and slowly approached the edge of the western beach.

None of the German soldiers noticed the approach of the submarine.

The submarine quietly emerged, and the searchlights swept back and forth on the beachhead and the sea surface, just ignoring the edge corner of the west beachhead.

Under the cover of the waves and the night, 61 black figures in diving suits were connected to each other with ropes, then quickly left the submarine and set foot on the west beach.

The submarine slowly retreated into the sea, dived to the bottom of the sea, and entered a state of silence.

The 61 people quickly untied the ropes on the beach, changed into German military uniforms, and walked forward with bowed bodies.

In the jungle behind the beachhead, a bunker became the target of 61 people.

"Hi brother, come in and take shelter from the wind. This damn weather is really freezing to death. I don't know when the head of state will conquer the world."

Among the 61 people, a former Hydera soldier knocked on the door of the bunker and greeted the German soldiers.Lin Tian stood beside the German soldier, ready to strike at all times.

The 34 Hydera recruits captured by S.H.I.E.L.D. were actually forcibly recruited by Hydera. They harbored resentment towards Hydera.It is precisely because of this that they can be accepted by S.H.I.E.L.D. and transformed.

To be on the safe side, Lin Tian had already sent the relatives of these Hydera recruits to the United States.

Before Hydera's complete demise, the relatives of these Hydera recruits were hostages of S.H.I.E.L.D.Lin Tian had no choice but to protect their relatives.

"Hey, buddy, don't you have your own job responsibilities? How can you come here to take shelter from the wind? We have no land here!" The German soldiers in the bunker popped up, a little annoyed.

"Brother, please do me a favor." The former Hydera recruit took out a small bottle of spirits from his arms and handed it to the German soldier in front of him with a flattering smile.

During the war, spirits, cigarettes, food, and women are the few things that all soldiers desire most.

The German soldier was moved, took the spirits, and kept slurring his tongue. He patted the shoulder of the original Hydera soldier: "These brothers around you, do you still have spirits? If so, the brothers below me don't mind talking with you." Share a little space."

Lin Tian was surrounded by five people.

The other 55 people were all lurking around.Lin Tian estimates that there are only three or four people in this bunker, and five people are enough to deal with these three or four German soldiers.

"Yes, they have saved some property." The former Hydera soldier continued to smile, "Tonight's weather is really hell, as long as the brothers are willing to share the space, my brothers are willing to share these fine wines."

"Okay, buddy, you are very interesting, come in quickly, don't let the officer find out." The German soldier smiled and became very friendly.

Lin Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and he entered the bunker with five people.

In the bunker, the temperature was much higher.

After closing the door, looking out from the slightly raised muzzle of the machine gun, you can see the scene of the beachhead directly in front, which is condescending.

There are four people in the bunker, and the space is about 20 square meters, enough for ten people.

The five people around Lin Tian took out the wine in their arms one after another, and handed it to the German soldiers with gratitude. These soldiers were a little excited.

In the cheerful atmosphere, the German soldiers completely relaxed.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Tian roared: "Do it!"

A German soldier was severely punched in the head by Lin Tian.The German soldier passed out directly.

Five recruits from the original Hydera instantly covered the mouths of the other three German soldiers and directly twisted their necks.

(End of this chapter)

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