movie world adventurer

Chapter 159 Wesker is lying!

Chapter 159 Wesker is lying!

"Ding! Your task, side task [-], is to gain Alice's favorability, the favorability is [-]%, and the task evaluation: Unswerving until death. The task progress is [-]%, and the task has been completed."

At the same time, in the side task list, a small tick has been marked on the blank box before the first task.

Unswerving until death!Lin Tianle was delighted.

The relationship between people is sometimes so wonderful. Not long ago, Lin Tian was still arguing with him, but now it has reached the point where he will not change until death. This is fate.

A deep French kiss made Alice almost unable to hold back Lin Tian's enthusiasm. When the two separated, Alice's face was flushed.

It's not shy, it's completely suffocating!

Seeing such a lovely scene of Alice, Lin Tian was even more happy.

"Hey, brother, you are very good!" When the two of them looked at each other and didn't know what to say, a buddy next to him stretched out his thumb and laughed at Lin Tian.

The same was true for the others. Suddenly, the entire medical room was filled with laughter.

"Hey? By the way, Alice, do you know that they are the person in charge of the first city wall?"

Suddenly, Lin Tian seemed to think of something, looked at Alice and asked.

Alice didn't understand why Lin Tian asked this suddenly, but she didn't ask. She turned her head and looked around, and suddenly found that the city wall manager who seemed to be injured didn't seem to be here.

How is this going?Alice was stunned.

"Is there only one medical center in the White House?" Lin Tian frowned and continued to ask.

He always felt that the accidental injury case that happened this morning was very problematic.

Especially after learning that Wesker has a connection to the Red Queen!

So, now Lin Tiantian has such a question.

"Yes, the White House doesn't have many resources, and this is the only one for all the medical resources!" Alice nodded, and she also felt something was wrong.

The person in charge who was shot in the morning did not seem to be among these crowds!
Moreover, judging from the situation in the morning, the situation of the person in charge is not optimistic!
"Did any of you see Els this morning?" Alice turned her head and asked directly.

"Els? Isn't he guarding the city wall?"

"Is he hurt? Poor guy?"

"We haven't seen Els coming!"

When Alice and Lin Tian heard this, their eyes met immediately, and they could see the doubt, uneasiness, and shock in each other's eyes!
Els hadn't been here at all!
So, Wesker was lying this morning!

So what are they hiding?

What did Els see when he was on the phone?
To make Wesker cover it up himself?

Lin Tian felt uneasy. He really wanted to investigate now, but he was injured now, and once there was a conflict, the gain would outweigh the loss.

Alice also saw Lin Tian's thoughts, walked to Lin Tian's side, and comforted: "Don't worry, when you recover, let's go and check together!"

Lin Tian nodded.

He also knew that it was useless to be anxious now, since he was injured, there was nothing he could do.

The pain can be resisted by oneself, but the objective conditions cannot be overcome.

He can feel that Wesker is brewing a big conspiracy, and this conspiracy is likely to be aimed at Alice, so he must recover quickly and break through!
"Hey, what are you talking about?" The others couldn't help but ask when they heard the conversation between the two.

But before Lin Tian has enough evidence for these things, otherwise the entire White House City may fall into chaos and infighting, which is not what Lin Tian wants to see.

"Ha, it's nothing, a little secret between us!" Lin Tian laughed, making everyone laugh again.

After consciously speeding up the breakthrough, Lin Tian's recovery speed was very fast. By noon the next day, the wound had fully recovered. In addition to the super soldier's serum, the "Dragon Elephant Wisdom Skill" that Lin Tian had cultivated himself The role of internal force is also indispensable.

Although the greatest function of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu is to enable the practitioner to have terrifying power, but in the end, it is still to improve the degree of flesh and blood of the practitioner. Every time the internal force is circulated, it can slightly increase the strength of the flesh and blood. When the internal force accumulates to At a certain level, opening up the acupoints and connecting more flesh and blood channels will naturally greatly increase the strength of the practitioner's flesh and blood.

And Lin Tian is at this level now!

Injured that day, in order to recover quickly, Lin Tian mobilized a lot of flesh and blood power. Although the speed of the quick recovery shocked everyone, it also completely consumed all the flesh and blood power accumulated in the body, leaving the body in a state of exhaustion.

When Lin Tian absorbed a large amount of virus energy and supplemented a large amount of meat food, and recovered completely, he found that the first layer of his "Dragon Elephant Wisdom Skill" had reached the edge of breakthrough.

"It seems that we need to break through first, and then investigate!" Lin Tian secretly thought.

At this time, Lin Tianzheng was sitting on the second city wall of the White House City, and was in charge of a section of it. Under the city, there was a vast expanse of zombies.

These ordinary zombies do not have strong attack power, even ordinary people can contend with them.

But the scariest thing about them is not the attack, but the special way of infection.

This special way of spreading the virus caused the rapid resistance of human beings to fail and turned into a terrifying zombie frenzy.

But these are exactly what Lin Tian is least worried about. They can absorb viruses and transform them into internal strength. Lin Tian can't wait for these guys!

Suddenly, Lin Tian opened his eyes, a ray of light burst out, and he looked at the group of zombies under the wall fiercely, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of Lin Tian's mouth.

Feeling the surging power in his body, Lin Tian couldn't help but want to scream up to the sky. He could feel that at this moment, the meridian that was opened up in his body was still completely connected.

Next, Lin Tian wants to make a breakthrough. One is to continue to practice and use his internal force to forcibly rush to the second meridian to break through. However, to break through this method, he needs to find a secluded place where the environment is elegant and quiet, and the air is fresh. , with the method of Buddhist meditation, sitting with the five hearts facing the sky, concentrating on the Tianmu point, imagining the "image" shape of your body, meditating on the method of celestial phenomena, the method of contemplating the free, yang, dragon and yin images, and entering into tranquility. Break through with peace of mind.

This kind of breakthrough through meditation may even improve the spirit and obtain various spiritual powers, which is incredible.

But now in the zombie world, if he is not careful, he will be in danger, and Wesker is on his back, so Lin Tian naturally would not choose this method of breakthrough.

In this way, there is only the second method of breakthrough.

The second method, compared to the first orthodox breakthrough method, is somewhat bursting.

(End of this chapter)

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