movie world adventurer

Chapter 160 Breakthrough

Chapter 160 Breakthrough
This second method is very different from the first method. It does not use the method of internal force to break through, but to use the method of blood and qi to nourish the blood. method to make a breakthrough.

When breaking through, it is necessary to integrate the internal force of the whole body into the flesh and blood, stimulate the strength and power of the flesh and blood, and force the flesh and blood to make a breakthrough.

This breakthrough method has many disadvantages. One is that it puts a lot of pressure on the meridians, and the other is that if the stimulated flesh and blood do not have high-intensity energy supplements and uninterrupted continuous release of energy, there will only be one result in the end, that is, the person who breaks through will explode and die .

Of course, once this breakthrough is successful, the attributes of the whole body will skyrocket in an instant!

According to the estimation of the system, at least 5 points of each attribute can be increased!

As for the mental power, it didn't improve much, and in the end, it could only be improved slowly after the breakthrough.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Tian turned over and jumped off the city wall in the astonished eyes of all the wall guards, and fell into the crowd of zombies!

"Is he crazy? Why did he jump off!"

"Damn! Who does he think he is!"

"Hurry up and invite Master Wesker and Miss Alice! This guy is in big trouble!"

Others didn't know that Lin Tian was not afraid of the T virus. Everyone thought that Lin Tian was tired of living and went to seek death by himself, so they panicked all of a sudden.

But, soon, the appearance of everyone turned into a look of shock!
Lin Tian, ​​that guy!What is he doing!

Is he going to challenge the zombies with his own strength?

Arrows are incredible!
This is just crazy!
Everyone thinks so.

While everyone was talking, Wesker quickly rushed to the city wall, beside him, a member of his team was introducing to him what had just happened.

"That guy has been sitting there with his eyes closed, as if he was meditating, and then suddenly jumped to the bottom of the city at night, fighting those zombies, looking very crazy!"

The team member felt shuddering when he thought of Lin Tian throwing himself into the vast wave of zombies.

Those zombies were originally intended to be gathered together and then burned and wiped out tomorrow morning, but no one thought that this situation would actually happen tonight.

"He alone?" Wesker couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard this.

"Yes, alone!" The team member affirmed, "I guess that guy has been infected by zombies now, and he will mutate soon!"

Xu Ai disdains the words of the team members. It's not that they haven't thought about fighting zombies, but the facts have proved that this is impossible.

In terms of physical strength alone, ordinary humans are far behind zombies!
"Hehe, I don't think he will be infected by the virus!" Wesker couldn't help smiling when he thought of the news sent by his subordinates this morning.

Actually, this guy ran out from the crowd of zombies, Alice was really lucky to meet this guy!

You know, in order to set that trap for Alice yesterday, he did not hesitate to attract those violent zombie birds himself. He originally thought that Alice would be killed and eaten by those zombies, but he did not expect such a person as Lin Tian to appear. Guy messing things up.

Not only did he escape from the zombies with Alice, but he also managed to accept Alice's tricky hot girl, which was simply unbelievable.

Although the newspaper said that the two had found a bulldozer to run out of the zombies all the way, but Wesker would not simply attribute this almost impossible task to that damn bulldozer.

If his guess is correct, Lin Tian, ​​who came out of nowhere, should not be afraid of virus infection!

Lin Tian, ​​Wesker, and Alice are all God's Chosen One in a Thousand!
Thinking of this, Wesker couldn't help but quicken his pace.

Today, I used the M fungal virus to test your strength, but that useless guy was knocked out with only one move. Now I finally have the opportunity to see how strong you really are.

However, even though Wesker had already made enough mental preparations, he was still taken aback by the scene in front of him.

Looking at Lin Tian, ​​who was showing his might among the zombies, Wesker couldn't help but gasp a little. How much physical strength is needed to fight such a huge wave of zombies for such a long time!

What's more, this guy is still at an advantage!

Lin Tian didn't notice that Wesker had arrived at this time, and all his energy was immersed in the battle with the zombie frenzy!
All the internal force turned into needles and pierced into his own flesh and blood, making him dripping freely, and the blood all over his body trembled.

Lin Tian's blood energy is like a big kilowatt light bulb at this moment. In the eyes of zombies who can only smell fresh flesh and blood, it is an unparalleled huge energy.

All the zombies who could sense Lin Tian's blood were rushing towards Lin Tian one after another. "Good! Good! Good!"

Lin Tian shouted repeatedly, these continuous zombies are exactly what he needs!

The power of the dragon elephant raged in Lin Tian's body, filling Lin Tian's acupoints violently, making Lin Tian's power continuously strengthened. He was like a crazy engine, bursting out all his power and releasing it. come out!
Then, by absorbing the viruses of those zombies, Lin Tian's internal energy surged into his body again, and in this cycle, his whole body was exposed to the energy scour!

Lin Tian yelled, and punched the head of a zombie beside him, fell to the ground, turned around and punched again, endlessly!


Lin Tian soon felt the energy in his body washing away faster and faster. Finally, after killing more than 3000 zombies, the energy in his body was saturated again.

But at this moment, the meridians in his body were dripping with blood, and the unrefined internal force was constantly tearing apart, which made Lin Tian feel extremely uncomfortable.

However, he succeeded in the end!

According to the data on the system, Lin Tian's agility, strength, and physical strength have all reached 15, and he has entered the second-level life physique.

Only the spirit is still 11.

But he was already satisfied.

The skill of the second level of "Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu" has gained such terrifying power after just one promotion, which is really gratifying.

After eating the last remaining life-restoring potion, Lin Tian looked injured with a wound in his eye, and recovered instantly.

"Hey, next, I'm going to get rid of you!"

Lin Tian looked at himself who was stunned on the city wall and smiled suddenly.

Kicking away the zombies around her, she flew up. At the same time, Alice just arrived at the city wall, leading a fighter from the Umbrella Company in black.

Wesker also saw this scene, and took a closer look, and found that it was the guy who accidentally killed the goalkeeper when he planted the bomb on the city wall in the morning!
Wesker was startled, secretly thinking that it was not good.

How could they find out about their business!
(End of this chapter)

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