Fighting the strongest martial spirit

Chapter 51 The Little Doctor's First Battle

Chapter 51 The Little Doctor's First Battle
Nearly a thousand disciples of the inner sect gathered on the martial arts arena of the Misty Cloud Sect, standing upright around a round platform. Although there were a large number of people, there was no hustle and bustle. Waiting quietly.

The reason why so many people appeared here today was naturally because they wanted to witness the birth of the last chief disciple.

And around the martial arts arena, there are several high platforms, which are the positions of the suzerain Yun Yun and the six elders of the inner sect, and they are also the best places to watch the battle.

Yun Yun lived alone on a high platform, sitting on a white jade chair with a noble and elegant posture.

On the other side of the high platform, Mo Feng was unfortunately at the same place as the Great Elder Yun Ling.

Yunling glanced at the other party coldly, and said: "Boy Mo, the chief disciple of the Misty Cloud Sect is very important, you can occupy a high position at such an age, that is the suzerain's value, what should be done and what should not be you Be clear."

Mo Feng heard the words, turned his head to look at the other party, and replied: "Old man Yun, don't make any fools when you get older, can't you take care of yourself?"

He has been unhappy with this guy who likes to rely on the old and sell the old for a long time, but he didn't show it because of the gap in strength before. Now that he has also been promoted to the king of fighting, he is naturally more stubborn and will not be polite to the other party.

Hearing this, Yun Ling felt angry immediately, and shouted: "I am the Great Elder of the Misty Cloud Sect, how dare you talk to me like this?"

Mo Feng replied unceremoniously: "If you know that you are the Great Elder, you should set an example for the disciples of the sect, instead of abusing your power to promote your good-for-nothing grandson for personal gain."

"What did you say?"

Yun Ling was out of breath, slapped the table beside him into pieces, stood up and stared at the former.

"Isn't the Great Elder still going to do it?"

Mo Feng asked with a light smile.

A cold light flashed in Yunling's eyes, and the battle energy in his body was condensed, as if he really wanted to make a move.

But then he withdrew his aura again, such a public place is not suitable for doing it, let alone Yun Yun is also here.

Sitting back on the chair again, he said in a cold voice: "You are young, and you can speak your mind well, but the seat of the chief disciple still depends on strength to get it. A mere fighter wants to be the chief disciple. Really ridiculous!"

Originally thought that Mo Feng would recommend a powerful person, so he asked the bloody hand to find out, and if he was stronger, he would try to get rid of him.

Unexpectedly, the competitor this time is just a little girl who is still at the level of a fighter. This news also made him feel confident, feeling that he has a chance to win.

Mo Feng heard the words and said, "Eight-star fighters are a little weaker, but it's not a problem to deal with a vindictive dude."

Yun Ling was furious, but he also knew that he couldn't talk to the other party, so after a cold snort, he stopped talking and turned his head to look at the martial arts field below.

At this time, the two people who were going to compete had already arrived on the battle stage, splitting their forces on both sides.

On one side is the little fairy doctor in a lavender dress, and on the other side stands a tall young man, who is Yun Tianyang, Yunling's grandson.

Yun Ling, who was on the high platform, took a look at the two of them. The difference in size and age was very obvious.

He said with a smile: "This little girl is only fifteen or sixteen years old, right? She even wants to become the chief disciple, haha..."

Mo Feng heard the words, and said lightly: "Aspirations don't depend on age, and age may not be great. Just like you are so old, aren't you still just a low-level fighting king?"


Yun Ling felt his heart beat faster due to anger, and few people dared to talk to him like this in so many years.

Want to refute but don't know what to say, after all, the other party is qualified to say such a thing with his talent.

And I have indeed been wandering in the Dou Wang Samsung for more than a year, and it is difficult to go any further.

"The old man will break through soon, you don't need to say more!"

After saying those words, he turned his head to look at the martial arts arena again.

When Yun Tianyang saw that his opponent was a delicate girl, he couldn't help laughing: "You are so beautiful, I don't have the heart to do it, it would be a pity if I hurt my face.

It's better to admit defeat and go back with me to be a concubine. You can't do without your martial arts and fighting skills. "

Hearing this, the little fairy doctor's eyes flashed a hint of disgust, and said indifferently: "Stop talking nonsense, let's start."

Yun Tianyang shook his head: "It's a pity, if this is the case, then don't blame me."

As soon as the words fell, a breath belonging to the Dou Shi spread, and the khaki Dou Qi turned into a layer of rocks and wrapped around Tian Tian's arms.

Quickly launched an attack towards the former, jumped up high, and slammed down with a fist with his right hand.

Cracks appeared on the hard ground, and the masonry crumbled.

This blow was also considered ferocious, but its speed was a bit short. Before the fist fell, Qianying standing here had already dodged.

After a miss, Yun Tianyang stood up and attacked the opponent again.

However, he was once again dodged by the little fairy doctor with his flexible movements.

Although Yun Tianyang's fighting spirit is vain, he is still a fighting master after all, and he is still practicing a rather fierce earth attribute technique. Under such circumstances, it is definitely not a wise choice to confront him head-on.

Several consecutive attacks failed, and the former said impatiently: "If you want to hit, hit it. What's the meaning of hiding?"

But the little fairy doctor said indifferently: "You care about me?"

A trace of anger flashed in Yun Tianyang's eyes: "Do you think I can do nothing about you?"

Then he softly shouted: "Yellow Sand Obstacle!"

After the voice fell, the yellow wind and sand blew up, blocking the little doctor's sight, making it impossible to see the surrounding things clearly, let alone quickly capture the other party's position.

At this time, a figure rushed over through the wind and sand, and punched hard.

The little fairy doctor was slightly startled, but it was too late to dodge, so he had to slap the opponent.

The fists and palms intersected, and the fist gained the upper hand due to its strength.

The little fairy doctor snorted, and his body was knocked back two to three feet, almost falling off the battle platform, but fortunately he stabilized his body at the critical moment.

Seeing this, Yun Tianyang couldn't help laughing, wanting to continue chasing.

But at this moment, his palm was slightly numb.

He raised his right hand to look, but was surprised.

I saw that the rock armor above my fist was corroded by half...

 Seeking recommendations!

  Thank you for the reward of "Hall lll you a bastard"!

(End of this chapter)

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