Fighting the strongest martial spirit

Chapter 52 Soul Bone Skills

Chapter 52 Soul Bone Skills

Yun Tianyang was shocked when he saw this, he knew how strong this armor was, and this poison could actually corrode it, which shows its power.

He didn't expect that the other party could use such a powerful method. If this palm hit him, it would be bad.

Thinking of this, I dare not look down upon him anymore.

He gave a low shout, and then mobilized the Dou Qi in his body to condense a thicker armor.

In addition to the arms, the front chest and the back are above the legs, and they are also covered with protection.

At the same time, the vindictive gauze was also used, and the defense was fully deployed.

Although the opponent's poison is very powerful, he is only a fighter after all, and it is very difficult to penetrate such two layers of protection.

And as long as he doesn't get hurt, relying on his own strength as a one-star fighter, even if it consumes energy, he can kill the opponent.

What's more, with the body of the little girl in front of her, she probably won't be able to hold on if she gets punched by her.

Thinking of this, he no longer rushed to win, but fought steadily, waiting for the chance to win with one blow.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the two confronted each other several times again. Yun Tianyang was hit four or five times, leaving traces of being corroded by poisonous gas on his chest, back and arms.

However, because of the double defense of the grudge gauze and the rock armor, it did not harm his body.

And the little fairy doctor was also accidentally hit once during the fight, and suffered some minor injuries.

His face was a little pale, and he frowned looking at Yun Tianyang.

The opponent is not very strong, but he is a real fighting master, and his fighting spirit is much stronger than his own. If he continues to consume like this, it will definitely be very disadvantageous.

So it must be done quickly.

Originally, she didn't want to use the Ernandu body too much, but if she wanted to defeat the opponent in a short time, she had to go all out.

There was a chill in his eyes, and then wisps of gray gas emanated from his body, the breath was completely different from before.

Seeing this scene, Yun Tianyang's complexion changed, he felt a sense of crisis, and subconsciously wanted to back down.

After taking a look at the powerful defense on his body, he felt a little more at ease.

At this time, the little fairy doctor raised his plain hand, and the gray poisonous gas around him condensed and turned into sharp thorns.

With a flick of a finger, dozens of poisonous thorns flew out at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this, Yun Tianyang quickly raised his arms to resist.

Facing such a swift attack, he couldn't dodge it, he could only hope that his defense would be strong enough.

The stinger pierced through the vindictive veil in an instant, and hit the inner rock armor. The terrifying poisonous gas corroded the hard armor into potholes.

Immediately afterwards, with the pothole as the center, cracks spread one after another.

After one breath, the entire armor was filled with dense cracks, and then it turned into rubble and fell to the ground as if it had completely decayed.

And Yun Tianyang also had several tiny blood holes on his body, his lips were black, his face was pale, and the poisonous gas had penetrated into his body.


The poisonous gas spread to the tendons, causing him great pain. He clenched his fists tightly and his eyes were red.

With a face of rage, he said: "I will kill you!"

I saw that he took out a pill and ate it. After two breaths, his breath directly increased to the level of a five-star fighter!

His pale face turned into an abnormal flush, and then he bent down, slammed his palms on the ground, and shouted, "Broken Mountain God Fist!"

The bricks and stones on the battle platform shattered suddenly, and then they were condensed together by the fighting spirit, turning into a huge fist of earth and rocks, and ruthlessly bombarded towards the former.

The Mountain Breaking Divine Fist is a high-level fighting skill of the Mysterious Rank, and it is also his most powerful move.

The little fairy doctor's face remained unchanged, and he opened his hands.

Immediately afterwards, an illusory boa constrictor appeared, which looked quite similar to the green blood python.

It's just that the body size has shrunk by a thousand times, and there are many gray stripes on the body.

After fusing the soul bone, she not only controlled the Enandu body, but also obtained a rather impressive soul skill.

After this soul skill was fused with the power of the Enandu body, some changes occurred, making its power even higher.

In terms of lethality, even compared to Dijiedou, it is not much better.

The blue snake shadow rushed out, directly meeting the former's attack.

The two clashed, causing a wave of air, and then saw the huge fist of earth and stone begin to crack after a stalemate with it for a while, turning into mud and gravel again and falling down.

The boa constrictor phantom also became more illusory, but it was still attacking forward, and it came to Yun Tianyang in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, Yun Tianyang was shocked and wanted to resist.

However, he was so poisoned that he had difficulty even raising his arms, let alone using fighting skills.

If he was hit again, even if he did not die, he would lose half his life.

Yun Tianyang fell to the ground in panic, terrified in his heart.

But at this moment, a figure appeared in front of his eyes, he raised his old palm and crushed the phantom directly, saving him.

The former looked up, with surprise on his face: "Grandfather!"

Yunling lowered his body and looked at his grandson, his face was full of distress, and he wanted to heal his wounds and detoxify him.

But Yun Yangtian held him back, and said: "Grandfather, hurry up, avenge me and kill that girl!"

While speaking, Qi looked at the little fairy doctor with resentment on his face.

Hearing this, Yun Ling also looked at the other party, with murderous intent in his eyes, and said coldly: "Dare to hurt my grandson, I really want to die!"

 Seeking recommendations!

  The collections that have been tested have not increased much, and I don’t know if there will be recommendations next week.


(End of this chapter)

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