My Wanjie Assassin System

Chapter 372 Sea God Temple

Chapter 372 Sea God Temple (1)

Hai Long Douluo fought Ye Chen desperately, and found that Ye Chen didn't want to confront him head-on, and instead pulled the distance away.

This is a tactic. Although the opponent is strong, there is no way to take him. The only way is to consume him.

After half an hour, Sea Dragon Douluo found that he had consumed a lot of energy, while Ye Chen was still full of soul power.

But didn't Yechen say that this fire crystal can increase the power of the different fire, so that its explosive power will increase by leaps and bounds.

So even if you are not familiar with it, you still have to help him collect as many fire crystals as possible.

But Nangong Yumo didn't regret it at all, because he hadn't seen Yan destroyed with his own eyes, so how could he die?

The place where I live has long been turned into dust in the universe, if I don't destroy Yan, I will die hard!
They are the initiators of everything, so they have to pay the due price for their actions!

The three of them came to the cliff again, but Ye Chen looked pensive.

Huo Huo still wanted to get involved, but after much deliberation, there was no topic of interest to him at all.

Besides, the topic they were talking about was really strange, and I couldn't understand it at all, so I simply treated it as a boring audience...

Yechen thought about it carefully, and then said, "Then. Do you know of any other system-capable users who might have survived?"

"During the process of fleeing, I also met some, but due to the pressure of Yan, our time together was very short. I also saw Yan pull the system away from the host and kill the host!"

Nangong Yumo replied.

"I'll just believe your words for the time being, but... the dark sealer you mentioned can actually prevent the system from starting. Is there really such a god?"

It is really not unreasonable for everything in the world to descend from one thing to another.

"I don't know exactly how they did it. It should be some very special abilities..."

Don't think about it anymore, those people can't be touched now, only by becoming stronger and possessing enough power can we defeat them!

Turning around and stepping into the island forest, looking around, there is nothing attractive.

This place seems to be full of vitality. Although there are many soul beasts living on it, it is not a magical place!
"Yechen, what are you doing here?"

Nangong Yumo has never figured it out, Yechen didn't put his mind on dealing with Yan, but came here to travel, the first girl beside him, what is this called?

I thought they were looking for something related to the system, but after wandering around, nothing happened?

"Don't you really want to know why I have the Flame of Light Soul Piece?"

Yechen didn't call him Yihuo, but another person named Yihuo, because Nangong Yumo also knew this secret in his heart, so there was no need to pretend that he didn't know.

"The Flame of Light and the Flame of Eternity, as long as anyone who has been in contact with them knows that if they can master the power of the Flame of Light, then the power will become the supreme existence in the universe!"

But you also know this, Yechen said silently in his heart.

The so-called Creation God Flame is formed by the fusion of these two supreme fires of the universe. At that time, with the power of the Red God Orb, what nightmare is there to be afraid of?

It's just that I'm afraid it hasn't reached that point yet, so I can only focus on the collection of Flame of Light Soul Pieces and the improvement of Myriad Realms' cultivation!
The constant sense of satisfaction will make the energy points of the Chishen Orb and the Shenming Orb continue to gather until they are full!

"We have sensed the energy response of the Flame of Light Soul Piece here. It's just that the sea area of ​​Xislan is so vast, it's still difficult to find it."

After leaving the island, Yechen planned to leave this place and look elsewhere.

"There are some kinds of fire that have an aura self-closing enchantment, and it is not ruled out that they also exist in such a place. It doesn't hurt to take a look!"

I remember that it was the same when I subdued the Purple Star Demon Fire, because I accidentally discovered the strangeness through the color of the volcano when I was chasing and killing the Heavenly Flame Horse.

That's why Yechen concluded that some of the fire species have an aura self-closing barrier, which can protect themselves and prevent people from harming them.

And this kind of strange fire is very spiritual, and it is easy to cultivate into a human form.

Just like the Jinglian demon fire was gradually discovered after cultivating the human form, but after reaching that level, its own strength will increase many times after a while, so it will be difficult to subdue it!

But Ye Chen didn't take it seriously, after all, he had subdued so many different fires, and now even the flame of immortality, who was number one on the list of different fires, could subdue it!
It's just that it will take a certain amount of time to subdue it, and the Flame of Eternal Life is not easy to find, so far I haven't even seen its shadow.

And also compared to the flame of eternal life, the most difficult thing to subdue is the flame soul, which is another refraction of the flame of light, and its own energy is also pure and powerful.

"You can subdue so many Flame of Light soul pieces, which shows that you have the possibility of becoming the supreme existence of the universe. I think I should also trust you!"

I have been hesitant to trust Yechen, but after so many things, I found that Yechen is indeed a trustworthy person.

Anyway, I can't start the system now, so it won't matter if I try it, even if it fails at that time, so what?
I have lived for so long, and I am already tired of such a boring life.

If there is nothing meaningful to do, it will only feel boring to live like this.

"Whether you believe me or not is up to you, but I will also do my own thing. I don't need anyone's affirmation, because I am absolute!"

Nangong Yumo was shocked when these words came out of Yechen's mouth. With such courage, the future must not be easy.

No, it should be said that he is not simple anymore!

Just because he can subdue so many flames of light can show that he is not easy...

The three of them were about to board the boat and leave, but suddenly the island began to shake violently a few times.

Yechen immediately realized something was wrong, and immediately inspected the island as a whole, and found that the trees in the forest seemed to be moving.

Is it like this?
I was in the mountains and forests before, so it was difficult to find them, because they moved very slowly, but watching from a distance, I can capture such a subtle place.

"This island is not that simple, I'm afraid. We are on a big guy now!"

Yechen speculates that this island should be a powerful soul beast, but is it a plant type?Or beast?
If it's a plant type, I haven't seen such a huge plant type, but if it's a beast type, I can't beat it
"No. It doesn't look like a soul beast. If it is a soul beast, why haven't I noticed its existence since I entered this island?"

"Even if there are many soul beasts living on it, even ten-thousand-year soul beasts, the age of soul beasts of this size is definitely not low, so the soul power aura produced is definitely very strong, why can't you feel it?"

The three of them were lost in thought for a while, and even Yechen himself didn't know how to explain the situation.

"I feel that there is a picture of endless life, and I also feel that the vitality of this island is very strong."

Nangong Yumo said hastily.


When Yechen heard this word, he suddenly thought of something, and the scenes of the Odin continent kept appearing in his mind.

Immortal Island?
Is there some kind of connection between Douluo Continent and Odin Continent?

Could this be the key?
Because the Douluo Continent and the Aoting Continent are in the same dimension, but in different planes, Yechen has been thinking about the connection between these two worlds.
Knowing that just now, I finally discovered the clue, and this point is the connection between Immortal Island and this island.

They are like a pawn connecting two spaces, a hidden passage
At this moment, Yechen suddenly thought of Qi La. In the final battle between the prince and the apostle on the Isle of Immortals, Mingming Yechen hunted down Blessing and used the power of the fourth soul skill.

And at that time, all the aura of blessing will come out, knowing that blessing is Qi La's soul beast, it is impossible for him not to notice it.

"This guy... must have been here before, but why did he go back?"

Ye Chen was lost in thought.

"Who? Who came?"

Nangong Yumo asked hurriedly.

But Yechen still thinks that they will accept this soon, because after all, they have experienced too much, and such things are small things.

Wandering around in the mysterious passage for a long time, but finally appeared in another world!
This place is exactly the same as the Xislan sea area, except that there is only one island emitting purple light, Purple Pearl Island!

After searching this place, Nangong Yumo decided to go to another place, and chose to leave after repeatedly confirming that there was no fire crystal.

After all, the fire crystal is only as big as a small stone, and it is still a bit difficult to find yourself, so you have to be careful.

Although this is not as difficult as imagined, it is still not sloppy. If you accidentally miss a certain place, it still won't work.

Soon, Sea Dragon Douluo finally couldn't hold on anymore, even if his strength was higher than Yechen's, he still had no fighting power now.

Ye Chen was still in full condition, relying on the power of the Ice and Fire Saint Cloth, he was not afraid of Hai Long at all.

In the end, under Yechen's attack, Hai Long still surrendered.

Yechen also continued to walk down, defeated several other guardians of the sacred pillar, and obtained the qualification to enter the Sea God Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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