My Wanjie Assassin System

Chapter 373 Sea God Temple

Chapter 373 Sea God Temple (2)

Standing in the center of the Sea God Temple, Bo Saixi was very calm, but his heart was filled with excitement, because someone successfully defeated the Seven Sacred Pillars.

It shows that this person has the ability to inherit the Seagod position, but still lacks something.

It's just that she doesn't know the real purpose of Yechen's coming here, so she thinks this way.

Don't be afraid of this, Ye Chen is not afraid because of his own ability, coupled with the addition of the system, it is impossible for him to die, so he is not afraid.

However, Nangong Yumo and Huohuo were not like this. Nangong Yumo could do it before, but now his system can't be used, so it's even more impossible to get in!
Do you want them to wait for you outside again?But the scene in front of me is actually not dangerous, because I can't feel any energy impact at all.

It seems to be something that looks a little magical, but Shi is not so scary.

Exhausting all the strength of the whole body, fighting fate to turn the soul power, impacting the soul seal, and arousing the innate ability of immortality, at the moment before Yechen's soul fell asleep, the soul seal radiated light, and the veins of the soul seal hidden under the skin continued to emerge, Connects important parts of the body.

Then a miracle happened, the blood on the body slowly healed, and the blood flow in the abdomen stopped losing. This is the super strong physical regeneration ability brought by the immortality talent. , can also be completely resurrected.

Seeing such a miraculous thing, Er Ming opened his eyes wide, witnessing such an incredible thing that he can have such regenerative ability?

The flame of the sky fire bird hit Er Ming again, and Er Ming roared out in pain.

Being burned by the strange fire is not just a pain of flesh and blood, Er Ming’s body is hard, and his skin is even more hard as a rock, but the strange fire also burns the spirit, and the severe nerve pain is unbearable. compromise.

Because Yechen is still the soul sect now, the Ice and Fire Saint Cloth can no longer be used, and the soul power is limited, so the efficiency of the immortal soul seal will be slightly slower. During this period, Er Ming can only rely on Er Ming to resist for a while.

Originally, Er Ming had overestimated Yechen a little, and was KO'd before a few hits, which was a bit shocking, but after seeing the miraculous physical regeneration, he resolutely gave up that idea.

So in order to help Yechen recover physically, Er Ming and Tianhuo Shenniao staged a life-and-death chase game in the Star Dou Forest, which felt a bit like an escape from the doomsday.

After about half an hour, Yechen's physical body recovered, and his body was still a little out of control. After resting for a while, his soul power gradually recovered, and his body could feel the fluctuation of soul power.

"This guy's bad temper is because of that strange fire, no wonder even Er Ming provokes it, it's really crazy!"

Through the previous battles, Yechen discovered that most of the Skyfire Divine Bird was backlashed because it wanted to devour the different fires. Now its sanity is a little unclear, and it doesn't look pleasing to anyone. Er Ming was unlucky to meet it.


Although Er Ming was physically strong, his speed was not as fast as that of the Sky Vulcan Bird, and he suffered many injuries all over his body.

Yechen turned on the Ice and Fire Saint Cloth, and then turned on the blood sacrifice mode, his body entered a state of blood rage, and his strength made a huge leap.

I was negligent before, and the Sky Vulcan Bird found an opportunity, this time I won't be hit by it so easily. Not only should I pay attention to its extremely powerful attack, but also be careful of its sharp claws at all times.

The Sky Vulcan Bird chased after it quickly, vibrating its wings violently, and in an instant gusts of high-temperature hot wind rushed over, sweeping across a large area of ​​trees, collapsing everywhere, and even melting them.

Yechen released the bone spirit cold fire to wrap around his body, so as not to be hit by the ultra-high temperature hot wind.


Daming couldn't bear that kind of temperature, it was really uncomfortable.

"Hold it, I'll find a chance to strike!"

Yechen said loudly to Erming.

And Er Ming also understood Ye Chen's meaning, so he endured the pain by force, in order to buy some more time.

"The fourth soul skill, Blood Sea Feast!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Yechen directly released the fourth soul skill, the sea of ​​blood was highlighted, and strange fires were born, and the whole world instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Even though the Sky Vulcan Divine Bird is also a fire attribute soul beast, it still has concerns in the face of different fires.

It opened the distance, did not continue to attack Erming, hovered in the sky, and then summoned those flints again, and bombarded the ground in a burst, it really didn't care what it did to destroy it Star Dou Great Forest.

"This guy has been dazzled by the strange fire, and the only way to solve it is!"

Taking advantage of Erming and Tianhuo Shenniao's fierce battle, Yechen quietly went around to the back, looking for opportunities to find its weakness.

Of course, the main power of the Sky Vulcan Bird comes from the power of the flame, coupled with its keen vision, it can face any enemy with ease!

So destroying its eyes is the premise, and then look for opportunities to attack its weaknesses.

Reining in his breath, Ghost Shadow Mizuo opened up to the fastest speed in an instant, and it just sneaked up to the top of Tianhuo Shenniao's head in a blink of an eye.

He took out a Thunder Fire Needle and stabbed it hard at the right eye, and the eyes of the Sky Vulcan Bird closed naturally reflexively.

However, with the super penetrating and destructive power of the Thunder Fire Needle, it penetrated directly through the eyelid and inserted into the eyeball. This time the attack was successful and there was nothing wrong with it.

However, just as Yechen was about to insert his left eye, a burst of super energy burst out from the body of the Sky Vulcan Divine Bird. Yechen had no time to dodge, and was blown away by the energy.

The body fell down in the air, and Yechen kept rolling in the air. Finally, his feet landed on several trunks of a big tree, and he rose to the sky again with the help of elastic force.

Sky Vulcan's right eye was injured, and the blood that flowed out was like a magma-like liquid, falling on the ground, and even the ground could melt.

Er Ming took the opportunity to throw huge boulders wildly, hitting the Vulcan bird in the sky one by one, forcing it to retreat, and the flint in the sky stopped falling.

The Sky Vulcan Bird was very smart, instead of continuing to confront Yechen and the others, it turned around and fled. It knew that it would be bad for him to fight if he was injured, so he chose to retreat temporarily.

However, Yechen didn't want to lose such a good opportunity, Ghost Shadow Mizong followed quickly, and saw a red light and shadow shuttle through the jungle at the speed of light, and quickly caught up with the Sky Vulcan Bird, while Er Ming ran desperately, also wanting to follow The rhythm of Shang Yechen.

Whoosh whoosh!
With the help of strength, the legs bounced violently, bounced quickly among the big trees, and finally rushed to the sky, aiming at the legs of the Sky Vulcan Bird.

Both hands were condensed into cold jade, and Xuanyu's hand directly grabbed one of the claws of the Sky Vulcan Divine Bird, and held it tightly, refusing to let go.

The Sky Vulcan Bird desperately wanted to get rid of it, but Yechen was very strong, so he just had to use the other claw to attack Yechen.

Yechen's body swayed quickly to avoid the attack of the claws, while at the same time running Xuantian Kungfu and soul power.

"The second soul skill, Tianyan Instant Kill!"

Several lines of fire appeared quickly and repeatedly penetrated the body of the Sky Vulcan Bird, causing it to shake its body violently in pain.

It opened its mouth, sprayed a mouthful of gray flames towards Yechen, flapped its wings, and agitated the wind and cloud to sweep in. The combination of wind and fire stimulated each other, and instantly burst out a very strong wind and fire energy crit.

Ye Chen had no choice but to let go of his hand, and his body fell quickly. At this time, Er Ming had followed up, caught Ye Chen, put him down gently, and then attacked the Sky Vulcan Bird.

Now that the Sky Vulcan Bird is also injured, it is still a bit difficult to face Er Ming, so grasping this momentum, Er Ming did not hesitate at all, and directly hit the ground with both fists, his body jumped up suddenly, his arms spread out, that huge body unexpectedly To be able to jump that high.

It hugged the Vulcan bird fiercely, and the two fell at the same time. Er Ming turned his body, pressed the Vulcan bird underneath, and smashed it heavily to the ground. The energy spread, flying sand and stones!

Yechen wanted to see what the result would be, when suddenly a huge gray flame shot straight into the sky, and Er Ming happened to be at the top of the huge flame.But upon closer inspection, Er Ming was holding a black object in his hand. It was not difficult to judge that it was a leg of the Sky Vulcan Bird.

When the dust settled, Yechen saw that the Vulcan Bird was standing there with one leg, looking a little unbalanced, and it flapped its wings again, wanting to fly away.

But how could Yechen give it a chance? He followed him in a flash, pulled out a dragon's whisker needle, and shot it quickly, hitting its other leg.

The instant the dragon's whisker needle entered the body, it twisted the muscles, and the instant pain caused the Sky Vulcan Bird to collapse to the ground...

I remember seeing such a light in the cave before, but I didn't seem to pay much attention to it at that time, but it's different now.

Does this have any special connection?Do you really want to enter this mysterious place?
When he came to the center of Sea God Island, he saw the Sea God Temple. Yechen was excited, and soon he could see the new strange fire energy.

Thinking of this, Yechen still looks confident, hoping to get what he wants.

No matter what, no matter what method you use, you must get what belongs to you

(End of this chapter)

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