Chapter 109

Chapter [-]

The mysterious token in his hand still needs to be identified, but the style is different from the third-level city lord order and gang establishment order. Tianhuo can't help but feel puzzled. It seems that there are many unknown things in the game.

"The eyes of Wensheng!"


"Ding! Trigger the appraisal ability of the Eye of the Grave Sage, and the appraisal is successful! The proficiency of the Eye of the Grave Saint is +1000, and the proficiency +1000 is additionally obtained."

The Hidden Spirit Jade Pendant has a 100% skill proficiency attribute, and all the skills used by Tianhuo can get double the proficiency. Right now, the Glyph Saint's Eye is about to reach the advanced level. At that time, whether it is to observe monster attributes or identify Items must be more powerful.

Prisoner Dragon Token: A token specially made by the Prisoner Dragon Sect, which can sense the breath of the dragon within a certain range.

The token was successfully identified, but its function made Tianhuo puzzled, "What's the use of sensing the dragon's breath within a certain range? Could it be that you still want to slay the dragon?"

An absurd idea popped up in Tianhuo's mind, the dragon race must be at the level of divine beasts, facing divine beasts, it is unimaginable!

Put away the Prisoner Dragon Token, Tianhuo continued to appraise the three pieces of equipment, although now he can also forge equipment, but the materials are rare, making advanced equipment is even more difficult, and after what happened last time, Tianhuo has to take a good look at it Looking at the attributes of the equipment, if it is good, you can go to Qilingshui.

"Ding! Trigger the appraisal ability of the Eye of the Grave Sage, and the appraisal is successful! The proficiency of the Eye of the Grave Saint is +1000, and the proficiency +1000 is additionally obtained."

Storage ring: storage space 200 grids, usage requirements: none.

Explanation: A ring with only storage function is useless.

"Storage ring?" Before the identification of this ring, even the name could not be seen. Now that it was identified, Tianhuo was taken aback. He never thought that there would be such an item in the game.

My Glyph Saint Ring has 1100 storage slots, and it comes with a skill, which I can think of, but this pure storage ring is a bit unexpected. In this way, this thing will not be the only one. It must still be seen, and it is on the npc.

However, although this ring has no usage requirements, it is of no use to Tianhuo. If you wear it, it will waste an equipment slot.

"Get some powerful equipment!" Looking at the two pieces of equipment that have not yet been identified, one long sword seems to be the one used by Prison Baiteng, and the other is a pair of shoes.

Weapons such as long swords are obviously not something that Tianhuo can use. This Tianhuo has already understood, so he couldn't help but focus on the shoes first.

"The eyes of Wensheng!"

"Ding! Trigger the appraisal ability of the Eye of the Grave Sage, and the appraisal is successful! The proficiency of the Eye of the Grave Saint is +1000, and the proficiency +1000 is additionally obtained."

Walking shoes (dark gold), defense 800, strength +180, agility +180, constitution +180, movement speed +30%, use requirements: level 35.

A dark golden light flashed faintly on the shoes, and then, the attributes of the stepping shoes were revealed, but Tianhuo was stunned. After so long, he was finally able to get rid of the system's default cloth shoes!

The attributes of the shoes are no better than clothes and leggings. Even if it is a dark gold weapon of level 35, its defense is not as good as the golden leggings made by Tianhuo. Extremely high agility, this speed is definitely second to none among players.

Excited to put on the sky-walking shoes, Tianhuo couldn't help trying to take a few steps. During the movement, the scholar's white robe covered most of the sky-walking shoes, but Tianhuo could clearly feel that the speed was much faster.

"Hey, why are you so leisurely?" Just as Tianhuo was trying out the stepping shoes, a teasing voice came.

Tianhuo stopped in his tracks and smiled awkwardly, "Senior, why are you here?"

"Ahem... this, it's not because of you that you went to Wangyue Forest." The man who came was the Beastmaster, and Tianhuo was going to find him before, but he didn't expect him to come by himself.

Seeing the beast master coughing violently as soon as he spoke, Tianhuo hurriedly sat down, and the servant also brought a glass of water up.

The Beastmaster took a sip of water before continuing: "Moon Moon Forest is not peaceful recently. It is said that monsters have appeared. I think you should go later."

"Monster? How is its strength compared to spirit beasts? Hehe, senior, I would like to see it. If I can meet it, it would be good to learn more." Tianhuo's eyes lit up and he smiled.

The Beastmaster paused, and looked at Tianhuo in surprise, "Are you sure? Monsters are stronger than ordinary spirit beasts, and you can't deal with them alone."

Tianhuo smiled, "That's not necessarily the case, please tell me, senior, where the Mochizuki Forest is."

Tianhuo put on the sky-stepping shoes, and his defense has already broken through ten thousand, so naturally there is no need to worry.

The Beastmaster hesitated for a moment, then smiled, "It's good to hear from the city lord that you have life-saving skills, but I advise you, if you encounter a monster, you'd better run away immediately."

"As for the Moon-Watching Forest, there is a lake on the edge of the Wild Lion Grassland. There is a wooden house in the lake. There is a teleportation array in the wooden house. Through that teleportation array, you can directly reach the Moon-Watching Forest." The Beastmaster said.

Tianhuo stared blankly at the Beastmaster, the wooden house he mentioned, he had seen it before, wasn't it the same wooden house where Zhi Duoxing stayed?There is actually a teleportation array leading to Mochizuki Forest?

"Senior, within which city is Mochiyue Forest?" Tianhuo became confused. If it belongs to Tianyan City, it can be teleported there as long as the map is opened, and there is actually a separate teleportation array there.

"Watching the Moon Forest is very big, it seems to be the junction of several cities, and it doesn't belong to any city." The Beastmaster nodded slightly, and then coughed again.

Tianhuo shook his head a little bit unbearably, the day after tomorrow Yao Lao will come back, when he refines the panacea, he can exchange the three-pattern ice spirit grass with that woman, now he only hopes Yao Lao can come back on time, after all, the day after tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival!
The Beastmaster left, and Tianhuo ran directly towards the square, took the Jade Rabbit mooncake and gave it to a random player. After gaining double experience, Tang Dan walked towards the teleportation array. To go to the lake, he would naturally teleport to the crazy lion. Grassland is the closest.

"Huh? Young Xia Tianhuo, didn't you go to Icewind City? When did you come back? Where are you going?" The teleporter seemed to have remembered Tianhuo long ago, and when he saw Tianhuo stepping into the teleportation formation, he was puzzled asked.

Tianhuo smiled, "Please take me to the Wild Lion Grassland."

The teleporter didn't ask much, shrugged his shoulders, and a white light appeared in his hand, "It's easy to say, let's go!"

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly. The teleporter always said 'go you' every time, which seemed a bit individual.

The scenery in front of him changed, and in an instant, Tianhuo was already standing on the Wild Lion Grassland, looking around, Tianhuo saw the sparse forest last time.

"Lucky, I went directly to the edge of the grassland."

(End of this chapter)

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