The strongest saint

Chapter 110 Kill Him First

Chapter 110 Kill Him First
Chapter 110 Kill Him First
Beside the lake, Tianhuo pulled the iron chain and slowly pulled the wooden house to the shore.

If it hadn't been for the last time I saw Yima take the lead in doing so, I'm afraid I would have to swim over at this moment!

The wooden house moved to the shore, and Tianhuo stepped on it one by one. After opening the door, a teleportation array was quietly placed in the center of the house just as the beast master said.

This teleportation array is different from the one in the city, there is a faint light flickering all the time, it seems that as long as people stand on it, they will be teleported away.

Tianhuo's guess was right, as soon as he stood on the teleportation array, the scenery in front of him began to change, it was the teleportation array that started automatically.

Stabilizing his figure, Tianhuo felt a refreshing breath blowing towards his face. At this moment, it seemed that the pores of his whole body were opened, and he greedily breathed in the incomparably refreshing air. After being slightly surprised, Tianhuo began to look around.

There are towering ancient trees that can only be embraced by several people everywhere, covering the sun like a sky, and occasionally seeing a few meters of sunlight falling through the leaves. This situation is very similar to those magical movies on the earth.

"I'm in trouble this time. How can I find the things that the golden dragon has stained!" In this ancient forest, Tianhuo is like a tiny ant. It doesn't matter if you can't tell the direction. If you want to find the things that the golden dragon has stained, there is no way to start. what!

If the Diyan Linshi was still there, maybe it would sense it, but Yao Lao didn't come back, and he didn't know where to find the Beast Soul Grass, so he couldn't revive the Diyan Linshi.

After looking carefully for a while again, Tianhuo chose a direction at random and moved forward slowly.

Wangyue Forest, the junction of several third-level cities, the monsters in it are all above level [-], and they cannot be directly teleported here, so so far, not many players will come here.

Of course, those who can come here at this time are naturally not weak players.

In the ancient forest, a fat man deftly moved his figure, attacking a gift-giving jade rabbit back and forth, attracting hatred, and not far away, a young man with flying black hair quickly opened his bow.

If ordinary people see this situation, they will be amazed, that fat figure can have such dexterous movements.

"Why isn't Twilight here yet? This Jade Rabbit is getting more and more powerful." The fat man dodged to avoid the Jade Rabbit's attack, and said without turning his head.

Not far away, the young man with the 'Wu Chen' on his head kept moving his hands. He quickly drew his longbow and shot out an arrow. "Do you regret it now? I told you to wait for him to come before we can do it together."

The fat man curled his lips, "Damn it, obviously the rabbit bumped into my dagger by itself, so I can't be blamed."

Wu Chen shook his head, and then glanced aside, only to see a young man galloping towards him with the word 'Twilight Breaking Dawn' on his head.

"Wu Chen, Fatty, hurry up, go over there to watch a good show after the fight." Twilight Lixiao's face was full of excitement, and the voice had already come before the person arrived.

"Damn it, if you want to hurry up, you can help!" the fat man said helplessly.

Dusk breaks dawn and stops next to Wuchen, a head of jet-black long hair fluttering on the back of his head with the wind, standing at random, the whole person is as dazzling as a round of sun, looking teasingly at the fat man who has attracted the hatred of Jade Rabbit, " Tangtang is a thief, you still need my help?"

"Haha, that's right, I will definitely become the number one thief in the world of Destiny, but you are on the top, and there is Wuchen, so why don't you stop." The fat man said innocently.

Wuchen and Twilight looked at each other and smiled, and they both joined the battle, only to see a long sword appearing in Twilight's hand, stepping forward to take over Fatty's work, attracting Yutu's hatred.

The fat man gasped and continued to attack Yutu, "Twilight, you must not be called wherever there are beauties in the future, or I will be attracted to you."

"Stop talking nonsense, there are more than [-] life points left, work harder and go to watch a good show over there." Twilight broke dawn with a smile in his eyes, and two dimples on the corners of his mouth.

"Twilight, is there any good show to watch?" Wu Chen asked while drawing his bow.

"Hehe, he took the lead and led a team to kill a boss over there. It's very strange that the boss has a purple-black name." Twilight Lixiao said.

"Damn it, it must be a divine beast, right? Come on, don't miss it." The fat man became excited, and his fat body movements became more sensitive.

The three of them intensified their attacks, with an average damage value of around [-] constantly popping out from the head of the gift-giving jade rabbit, until the jade rabbit fell down, the three of them hastily packed up the spoils and ran towards the distance under the leadership of Twilight.

In an open space, most of it is covered by ancient tree branches not far away. In this open space, hundreds of people are besieging a humanoid monster. Outside the crowd, a horse takes the lead, directing and firing bows from time to time.

"Back away when you release your status skills." He took the lead and frowned tightly, then the longbow in his hand was replaced with a staff, and he swung it towards the humanoid monster.

"Damn it, that guy can still use a staff? Is this the benefit of the natural selector?" Not far away, the fat man said in surprise.

However, Fatty's voice seemed to be a little louder. When he heard Fatty's voice, he immediately turned around and saw the three Fatty people walking out of the ancient forest more than ten meters away, and said lightly: "I advise you not to fight this boss Idea, otherwise, you will die in an ugly way!"

"Fuck, so arrogant, who is this guy?" Fatty said pretending to be exaggerated, he couldn't bear other people's arrogance, this is a good thing, the arrogant warning that came out at the first place has already made the fatty unhappy.

Twilight Breaking Dawn and Wuchen also frowned, the three of them just came to watch the excitement, and had no intention of attacking the humanoid monster at all, but they seemed to think otherwise.

He took the lead and turned his head again, looking at the fat man jokingly, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, get out of here, or you will regret it."

The fat man narrowed his eyes slightly, and then a playful smile appeared on his face. Taking advantage of the gap between taking the lead and continuing to attack the boss, his figure suddenly disappeared.

Twilight Lixiao and Wuchen were taken aback for a moment, and then they were on guard, as if they were preparing to meet Fatty.

At this moment, a figure in a white robe stepped out from another direction, it was Tianhuo.

Tianhuo heard the sound of fighting and the monster's roar in the distance, and ran over curiously, just in time to see the leader who was attacking the monster with a staff in his hand, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "Leader!"

Immediately, he was facing the direction of Tianhuo. Naturally, he also saw Tianhuo, and his face suddenly turned cold. "Team three, team four, kill him first!"

The players who were cooling down their skills in the arena were stunned for a moment, looked at Tianhuo anxiously, and hesitated for a while, as if they were afraid of Tianhuo. Obviously, it was the inconceivable deterrent effect of the title of 'Millions of Thousands'.

"Your sister!" Tianhuo cursed inwardly, he never expected to meet the leader here, and the other party wanted to kill him without saying a word, how could he let him succeed?
Immediately, Tianhuo activated the title effect of 'Thousands of Slashes', and immediately, 10% of their own health was damaged from the heads of everyone in the field, except for the humanoid monster.

"Stay away from those who don't want to die!" Tianhuo's goal was just to take the lead, so he reminded him before doing it. After all, he is already actively attacking. If he kills them, he will get crime points.

(End of this chapter)

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