Chapter 111
Chapter 110
"Quick back!" As soon as he saw Tianhuo was about to attack, Wuchen who was not far away pulled Twilight and dawn and retreated violently.

Wuchen had seen the attack of Tianhuo before, it was a terrifying attack with a large area, if it was affected, he would die.

In front of Tianhuo, dozens of players were hesitant. Tianhuo is the number one player on the level list. Everyone has seen his large-scale attacks on the forum, so naturally they are a little afraid to step forward.

The two titles of "Ten Thousand Slayers" and "Punishment Messenger" above Tianhuo's head were extremely conspicuous. Looking at the hesitant players in front of him, Tianhuo let out a cold snort and stepped forward.


As Tianhuo stepped forward, an injury appeared from the head of the first horse, and behind the first horse, the fat man's figure was also revealed, -690!

Entering the effect range of the title at this moment, both the lead and the invisible fat man will be hurt, and the invisible fat man will come out of the invisible state.

But this guy didn't seem to be aware of the current situation, and laughed loudly, "Haha, I call you crazy, I call you arrogant!"

Tianhuo looked at the fat man in surprise, "A thief is a thief, are you here too?"

The fat man stood behind the lead, holding a white ball in his hand, winked his eyes towards the sky fire in the distance, suddenly kicked the buttocks of the lead, and then quickly rushed towards the forest.

"Good guy..." Tianhuo couldn't help laughing, this fat man actually stole the things of the first, and even kicked the buttocks of the first!
The fat man's movements were flowing, almost breathing, and he was staring at the system notification in a daze. When he felt pain in his buttocks, his face became gloomy, "Bastard thief! You are dead, return my injury-free spirit!" ball!"

"Haha, your opponent is me!" Seeing the fat man who was about to attack the running away as soon as he raised his staff, Tianhuo laughed, and with a wave of the Golden Panlong Brush, a stroke slammed towards Yima.

He took the lead and hurriedly avoided the attack of Tianhuo, but he also lost the chance to deal with the fat man, his face was even more gloomy and terrifying, "The first team and the second team hold back the demon monsters, the third team and the fourth team, no one will be left behind!"

This time, everyone seemed to be a little accustomed to the palpitating aura of Tianhuo, without hesitation, they all attacked Tianhuo.

"Gen Sheng's disgust!"

Tianhuo originally wanted to use verbal punishment directly, but seeing that the thief had not left his attack range, he had to use the disgust of the sage to push these players away, but Tianhuo obviously underestimated the power of these players after the job change.

Although the player in front of him was pushed five meters away, after the job change, the player already had status skills. After a moment of surprise, these players lost their status skills and came over one after another.

Dozens of players release state skills together, the scene is so spectacular, all kinds of skills roared out, Tianhuo didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly walked thousands of miles to avoid it, but was still hit by many players.

"Ding! Player Tianhuo, please pay attention, you are affected by the slow spell, and your movement speed will be reduced by 50%."

"Ding! Player Tianhuo, please pay attention, you are affected by the stun technique, and you will be in a stun state for 3 seconds."


Several system prompts sounded, and Tianhuo was unable to move in an instant, and at this moment, those players rushed up again, and greeted Tianhuo with close attacks and long-range attacks. Misses mixed with a large -1, from Skyfire burst out from the top of his head.

Tianhuo has no skills or equipment to resist these negative states. When encountering such a skill, he can only hope that he will not be hit. If he is hit at this moment, he can only hope that the time of the state will pass.

"I'm proud of you, Tianhuo, you're going to be relegated today!" Yimai took the lead with a gloomy expression, and there was a hint of expectation in his eyes.

As he said that, he took the lead and quickly put on the longbow, and shot towards Tianhuo when he opened the bow.

Tianhuo was being immobilized by the negative state skills, so he couldn't dodge it, so he could only watch the arrow whizzing towards him, and it sank straight into his chest.


A damage value of over [-] came out from the top of Tianhuo's head, and Tianhuo felt a chill in his heart. This is not the way to go, if he is attacked a few more times, it will be over.

"Ding! Player Twilight Daybreak invited you to join the team, do you agree?" At this moment, Tianhuo's ear rang a team invitation.

As dusk broke dawn, it was naturally the person next to Wuchen. It seemed that they saw their predicament, so they hurriedly initiated the invitation.

"Accept, team mode!"

As soon as he accepted the team invitation, Tianhuo changed the attack mode to the team mode, but he was still in several negative states, unable to fight back, and the second arrow that took the lead had already shot over.


Suddenly, the humanoid monster in the center of the open space roared, and a jet-black light suddenly rippled from it, instantly filling the surrounding area for hundreds of meters. Under this light, countless players instantly turned into white light.


Under the impact of the black light, nearly [-] damage occurred on the top of Tianhuo's head, but fortunately, all the players who had besieged Tianhuo before were gone.

"Damn it!" He took the lead in cursing angrily, and his angry eyes moved to Tianhuo again.

It was because of the arrival of Tianhuo that the first team had to allocate half of the people to deal with Tianhuo, and when the strength was dispersed, the first team and the second team could no longer hold back the humanoid monster, allowing the monster to launch a wide-ranging attack.

In the distant twilight, the three of them looked at the scene in amazement. If they hadn't retreated far enough when they saw Tianhuo about to launch a large-scale attack, they might have been instantly killed by the monster as well!

"Roar..." The humanoid monster raised its head and roared, its blood-red eyes stared fiercely at the leader of the horse, exuding a tyrannical aura undisguised, then bent its legs, and flicked to the leader of the horse.

This is a monster about two meters high. Although it looks like a human being, the green scales and the eyes that make people dare not look directly at it make it feel weird no matter how you look at it.

Soon, all the negative states disappeared, and Tianhuo wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He never thought that this monster would save him. If it didn't happen to show its supernatural power, he might really be over.

Demon servant, level 20, HP 251300/2600000, attack 14800, defense 7000.

Explanation: Although monsters of unknown origin are only the lowest level of existence, they should not be underestimated.

Skill: Hide.

"Monster?" Tianhuo looked at the monster's attributes in astonishment. Before coming here, the Beastmaster King reminded him that he would encounter it so soon, and took the lead in finding some people with status skills to help him fight this monster. It seems that, This monster will explode something unusual!
But Tianhuo is not in a hurry to make a move, the monster still has more than 20 health points left, and at the moment he is being entangled by the monster, he is distracted to guard against himself, such a good opportunity to watch a show, Tianhuo will not miss.

(End of this chapter)

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