Chapter 112
Chapter 110 Two

"Haha, Tianhuo is great, I didn't expect to meet you again so soon."

Just as Tianhuo was staring at the battle with the monster, the fat man suddenly showed his figure beside Tianhuo and laughed.

Tianhuo smiled slightly, nodded and said: "Let's talk about it later, let's watch the show first."

"Watching a play? Bastard Tianhuo, and robbers, you wait for me!" Hearing Tianhuo's mocking voice first, he cursed angrily.

"Hey, this guy seems to want to escape." The fat man laughed.

At this moment, the monster has more than 20 health points left. Fighting alone, taking the lead would have been a sure win, but an extremely important item was stolen by the fat man. thought.

Tianhuo smiled, and held some of the gold panlong pen, "Let's take the lead, every time we meet, you always want to kill me without saying a word, I'm curious, how did I offend you?"

Taking the lead while dodging the demon servant's attack, he said viciously: "You don't need to know why, all you need to know is that either you die or I die!"

As soon as the voice fell, the speed increased sharply at the head of the horse, and quickly retreated towards the forest, really ignoring the monster with only more than 20 HP left.

"Ha, since that's the case, you don't have to run away!" Tianhuo laughed, and then his expression froze, "Prisoner!"

Yimadao was suddenly enveloped by the cage formed by the light film, but his speed was too late to slow down, and he bumped into the cage immediately. For a while, Yimadao's expression became ugly.

He was imprisoned first, and the demon servant chased after him in the blink of an eye. The blood-red eyes full of violence unexpectedly showed a little bit of doubt, and he stared curiously at the cage formed by the light film.

"Tianhuo!" Gritting his teeth, he looked at the demon servant who was close at hand first, and said with a low voice resounding through the forest.

"I'm here!" Tianhuo teased while playing with the Golden Panlong Brush, and then with a wave of the pen, a series of black and ink-like strokes whizzed out and fell straight into the cage.

Losing the injury-free spirit ball, his face became even more ugly when he took the lead, trying to avoid the attack of Tianhuo with difficulty, but in this small space, how could it be possible to completely avoid it?


A string of damage values ​​popped out from the top of the leader's head, and then his body fell down, but Tianhuo still stared at the corpse of the leader. Last time, he was resurrected from the dead, and this guy seemed to be able to break away from the fighting skills in an instant. Otherwise, it would be impossible to just disappear like that in Ice Wind City.

Sure enough, it took less than two seconds for him to fall down first, and then get up again in an instant, obviously resurrecting on the spot!

"Damn it, this guy doesn't have a magic weapon, does he?" the fat man murmured, his eyes full of disbelief.

And Tianhuo has already seen it before, and he waved out strokes again and again, "This time, the cooling time for your resurrection is not enough?"

"Roar!" Seemingly seeing the first to die, the demon servant suddenly turned to face Tianhuo, but unfortunately, it happened to block those attacks of Tianhuo.


"Next time, you will die!" Immediately took the lead and suddenly took out a tiny needle, pierced the cage with a single stab, and quickly escaped into the ancient forest with a distraught voice.

Strangely, this time he didn't use the ability to disappear suddenly.

"Holy shit, can you run away like this?" Tianhuo frowned, and now he couldn't chase after him, but he was puzzled in his heart. It seemed that the strange disappearance of taking the lead last time should not be a skill, but some kind of prop.

"Come on, come on!" The fat man tugged at Tianhuo's sleeve, and stared nervously at the demon servant. He could clearly see the previous scene. This demon servant killed hundreds of people in one move!
"Kill one person in ten steps, and stay away for a thousand miles!" Now that the four of Tianhuo are in a team, Tianhuo has changed to a team mode, so naturally there is no need to worry about accidental injury, so he used the verbal punishment skill.

-13500, -13890...

Before the demon servant could reach Tianhuo and Fatty, he fell to the ground with a loud bang.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations to your team for killing the demon servant, all team members' level +1, and all team members' evil value -20000."

"Ding! System prompt: As the first player team to kill the demon servant, each team member will be rewarded with the title: Demon Slayer!"

"Ding! System prompt: The current team assignment mode is the captain assignment mode, please wait for the captain assignment."

"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations on reaching level 39, four attributes +5."

"Damn it, Tianhuo is really powerful, hehe..." The fat man checked his system prompt panel, his eyes couldn't hide his excitement, and he clicked his tongue endlessly.

Twilight broke dawn and Wuchen had been running towards Tianhuo before, and at this moment when they heard the system prompt, Qi Qi stopped in a daze, did they just pass the first level?
"Ding! System prompt: Captain Twilight Breaks Dawn changed the distribution mode to designated mode, designated player Skyfire to pick it up."

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up two pieces of equipment, demon blood beads × 1, treasure map × 1."

Twilight broke dawn and came back to his senses, and hastily changed the distribution mode to designated Skyfire to pick up. After all, this is a monster killed by Skyfire. It can also be divided into things that exploded from Tianhuo.

"I've heard about Tianhuo's powerful BT for a long time, but seeing it now is beyond my imagination!" Twilight Lixiao walked over with Wuchen and said with a smile.

"Tianhuo, we meet again so soon." Wuchen also smiled.

Tianhuo shook his head slightly. If he hadn't used all his skills on the demon servant before taking the lead, which made him unable to use powerful skills to deal with him, he might be the one who should run away at this moment.

"Hello!" Tianhuo nodded to Twilight and Daybreak when they met for the first time.

"Twilight Lixiao, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Twilight Lixiao introduced himself to his house, and stretched out his hand with a polite smile.

Yingwei's upright twilight dawned, giving people the feeling of sunshine, Tianhuo also stretched out his hand, I could see clearly before, this guy and Wuchen originally wanted to go up and kill the first, but unfortunately they ran too fast, so they gave up helplessly .

"Hey, guess what I stole from Yimadao?" Seeing the two shaking hands, the fat man smiled wickedly.

"That guy has already said that the spirit ball will not be injured, so you still need to guess?" Twilight turned around and smiled.

"Eh? Well, guess what attribute it is!" The fat man was startled and said mysteriously.

"I'm afraid it will be immune to damage for more than ten seconds?" Tianhuo said, but he remembered the situation in Ice Wind City last time. That guy must have used this injury-free spirit ball to make his attack Miss all of them.

The fat man looked at Tianhuo in astonishment, then looked at the ball in his hand, then shrugged, "Congratulations, you got the answer right, and the reward is... the spirit ball that won't hurt you."

(End of this chapter)

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