The strongest saint

Chapter 118 Dragon Slaying Mission

Chapter 118 Dragon Slaying Mission
Chapter 110 Eight Dragon Slaying Tasks

More than 3 damages continued to emerge from the top of the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon. The seven or eight big men turned their heads to look in amazement, and then froze. How could they have thought that the sky fire could cause such a high damage to this giant dragon? harm.

The young village head who had persuaded Tianhuo to leave before was even more sluggish, and stared at Tianhuo in disbelief for another look, and only turned to look after hearing the sound of the big net.

"Too bad, once it escapes back to the cave, we have nothing to do." Seeing the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon dragging the heavy net back, the village chief looked anxious.

Tianhuo stepped forward, his hands kept moving, and strokes flew out one after another, and the huge body of the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon was simply a living target, unable to avoid Tianhuo's attack.

"Human, I remember you!" Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon glared at Tianhuo, his powerful voice resounded in the cave, and then his body was also submerged in the darkness.

Tianhuo let out a cold snort, and tried to chase after him, but was stopped by the young village head, "You can't go in, go quickly."

Involuntarily, the young village chief pulled Tianhuo and left, and the rest of the people also followed one after another, not daring to stay at all.

"Young man, thank you for your help, but we have already lost the chance to kill it, so we can only find another chance." The village chief said as he walked.

Tianhuo was a little puzzled. The Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon was wrapped in the big net and couldn't fight back at all. What a great opportunity, if a pet egg exploded, he would be prosperous!
But since these people didn't chase after him, maybe there was a reason that he didn't know, Tianhuo gradually felt relieved, "Uncle, when did the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon come here?"

Village head Shao led the crowd around the cliff, and a ray of sky that only one person could pass appeared in front of him. He led the way, and said as he walked, "We don't know, this is the holy place of our Gu Yue Village, but it was blocked by that person." The guy occupied it and often came to destroy our village, so we tried every means to kill it."

Tianhuo looked at Yixiantian, a little curious in his heart, Holy Land?Could it be because the Golden Dragon stayed here that Gu Yue Village enshrined this place as a holy place?
"Young man, I underestimated you before, I'm really sorry, I wonder if you can help us kill that evil dragon!" The village chief hesitated for a moment, but still said.

"Ding! The system prompts: Player Tianhuo, you accidentally triggered the mission: Dragon Slaying, do you accept it?"

Following the words of the village chief, the system notification sounded.

Naturally, Tianhuo would not refuse, not to mention that the giant dragon had already remembered him viciously. If he wanted to obtain items that had been contaminated with the golden dragon's breath, he had to go in too.


As soon as he accepted the mission, Tianhuo checked the mission panel. As he expected, the mission description stated that the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon was doing evil here, but the mission reward was a secret told to him by the head of Gu Yue Village.

Tianhuo was a little curious, what would be the secret of this task reward?While thinking about it, Tianhuo's eyes lit up. The blacksmith said that there is a village in the Moon-Watching Forest. Could it be the Guyue Village in front of him?
Then the blacksmith said that the village chief knows where there are gemstones and punching stones. Could it be the secret of this task reward?

The more he thought about it, the more possible it became, Tianhuo became excited, this time, he could kill two birds with one stone!
Passing through the sky, a village with dozens of stone houses and wooden houses appeared in front of Tianhuo. It was Gu Yue Village.

Gu Yue Village is surrounded by mountains on all sides, like a paradise. If it wasn't for the leadership of the young village chief, Tianhuo would never have found it. The only way out for Guyue Village.

"How is it? Did you succeed? Who is this?" Outside the village, hundreds of villagers looked at the returning crowd expectantly, thinking that the old man had come up, and asked expectantly.

The old man had the word 'Village Chief' on his head, and he looked like a rotten wood, but his eyes were shining with sharp light, staring straight at Tianhuo.

Tianhuo clasped his fists and was about to speak, but the young village chief stepped forward, "Father, this young hero saved us. He repelled the evil dragon, but the evil dragon fled back to the holy land, and we couldn't pursue it."

The old man was startled, stared at Tianhuo in disbelief, nodded slightly after a while and said: "You are very bookish, but the young man is a disciple of Wen Sheng?"

Tianhuo was taken aback for a moment, this seemingly isolated place actually knows Wenshengmen?Immediately nodded, "Almost, but I am the adventurer in another world that you call."


As soon as this remark came out, many villagers were in an uproar, as if they were amazed by the adventurer in another world, all their eyes were focused on Tianhuo, as if they wanted to take a closer look at the adventurer in this other world.

The village chief turned his head and waved his hands at the many villagers, "Everyone disperse, be on guard, in case the evil dragon comes again."

As soon as the villagers heard about the evil dragon, they scattered in all directions. In an instant, only the village head and the few villagers who were slaying the dragon were left in the field.

"Father, this young hero's attack power is extremely strong. He has promised to help us get rid of the evil dragon. I think we have to prepare as soon as possible." The young village head said with a serious brow.

The village chief showed a look of embarrassment, "I don't know, but the cold iron has been used up and needs to be mined now. Even if the whole village does it, it will take at least three days to make another net."

"No, there is a young hero here, we don't need to make iron nets, we just need to make a thick enough iron chain, as long as one of its feet is entangled so that it cannot escape, we can kill it!" The village chief shook his head.

Tianhuo was shocked when he heard the words, what a joke, although his attack is strong, it is not as good as the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, without the iron net, it can attack, and he can't hold it a few times without getting hurt The spirit ball has a cooling time, even if it is used, it is impossible to guarantee that it will not die under its attack.

As for the Recovery Pill, although it can restore 10% of its life per second, the number is limited, and it is impossible to last until it kills the dragon.

Character name: Tianhuo

Occupation: Vincent

Auxiliary occupation: pharmacist (advanced), refiner (junior)
Rating: 39
Upgrade experience: 25133540/76089000
HP: 104292/104292
MP: 21782/21782
Tome Attack: 22710-25710
Defense: 17610

Equipped with the sky-walking shoes, the demon belt, the ice dragon mask, the evolved gold panlong pen, and two new titles, the attributes of Tianhuo have skyrocketed. Can sustain its seven or eight attacks.

"Young Village Chief, you think too highly of me. I'm afraid I won't be able to withstand the attacks of the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon." Looking at his own attributes, Tianhuo said truthfully. If he didn't say anything at this time, his life might be in danger!
(End of this chapter)

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