The strongest saint

Chapter 126 Cauldron Saint

Chapter 126 Cauldron Saint
Chapter 120 The Sixth Cauldron Saint

A milky white halo emerged from "The First Explanation of the Alchemy", pointing directly at the center of Tianhuo's eyebrows, and as the white light came out, the book disappeared page by page.

Tianhuo was a little unaware of the Ming calendar, and seemed to have lost consciousness at this moment, unable to stop the white light from entering the center of his eyebrows.

However, under this halo, Tianhuo only felt that something was slowly forming in his body. This feeling was like a pregnant woman watching her belly grow bigger, as if she could see her child growing up with the naked eye. generally.

Tianhuo looked down at his lower abdomen in surprise, although he didn't grow up, but this feeling is not wrong, there is indeed something appearing in his dantian.

With this feeling, cold sweat dripped down Tianhuo's forehead involuntarily. '

As soon as this idea appeared, Tianhuo was even more shocked. Although it is a game, it is also his own reality. Don't make any mess!
Fortunately, the coolness in Tianhuo's heart didn't last long, and the moment "The First Solution to the Alchemy" completely disappeared, a system notification sound also sounded.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on your integration of alchemy masters, and you have opened a unique profession in ancient times: Ding Sheng!"

"Ding Sheng?" Hearing the system prompt, the tension in Tianhuo's heart did not decrease but increased, but this time, it was more excited.

When I first entered the game, I got the Glyph Sage class, and now, there is a tripod sage auxiliary class, which appeared when the Alchemy Master and the Artifact Master merged. Such an existence will definitely not be weak!

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on becoming a tripod saint, four attributes +200, damage reduction +20%, negative state resistance +20%."

"Damn it..." The systemic reminder came again, which directly made Tianhuo swear in a daze, and looked at the attribute bonus and damage reduction brought by the tripod saint in disbelief, which means that the damage received was reduced!

The black Ling leggings made by Tianhuo, and the suit attributes of the Glyph Saint suit only added 10% damage reduction. This Cauldron Saint is good, and directly added 20% to himself. Under this attribute, there are only [-] damage!
And the attribute of negative status resistance +20% surprised Tianhuo even more. With the lava demon spirit pill, when it reaches level 80, Tianhuo has 70% resistance. Such a high resistance, facing thousands of troops Horses are not afraid!
After being astonished, Tianhuo hurriedly looked at the auxiliary profession. Now, Tianhuo has no alchemist and craftsman, but has become a tripod sage!
Ding Sheng: The most noble profession in ancient times, with a tripod in hand, I have the alchemy.

Primary: 0/500000.

There is not too much introduction, no explanation of the success rate, but the sentence "I have the alchemy in my hand, I have the alchemy", the corners of Tianhuo's mouth slightly curled up. What the blacksmith uncle said was right. In ancient times, alchemists and alchemists Teachers really do not separate families!
I was lucky enough to become a primary alchemist and a primary alchemist at the same time, but under the influence of "The First Explanation of Alchemy", the two auxiliary professions have changed, not to mention the success rate of alchemy in the future, just this The attributes brought by the cauldron are already enough for Tianhuole.

However, what makes Tianhuo a little unhappy is that he has never had a tripod, not even a bronze one.

After thinking for a while, Tianhuo remembered the strange feeling from the dantian before, and hurriedly sensed it away. However, at this point in his thoughts, a small cauldron that looked somewhat illusory suddenly appeared in Tianhuo's hand.

The small tripod has three legs, it looks like a phantom, but the simple and simple aura emanates from the small tripod undisguisedly, mixed with a respectable aura, quietly permeates.

"Xiantian Lingding!" A startled voice sounded beside Tianhuo, it was the woman.

Xiantian Lingding (Tianhuo), the Lingding that was conceived in the dantian of the Dingsheng, absorbed the majestic spirit of the book, and its effect is unknown.

Tianhuo stared blankly at the small cauldron that was still not solid, and swallowed with some difficulty, "Fortunately, it's not like giving birth to a child or something."

At this moment, Tianhuo also understood that the so-called "I have a tripod, and I have the alchemy" refers to this innate spirit tripod!As for the unknown effect, do you need to think too much about it?Naturally, it was used for alchemy refining, but at this moment, this illusory appearance is obviously not the time to use it.

Tianhuo stared blankly at the Xiantian Lingding cauldron, and the woman at the side, with a look of struggle in her eyes, slowly tore off the veil from her face, and knelt down on one knee facing Tianhuo, "Xuanxuan greeted the envoy My lord, if you offend me, look to Haihan!"

"What?" Before Tianhuo came back to his senses, he hurriedly put away the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron, and looked at the woman who gave him a big gift in astonishment. This change seems too big, right?
It turns out that the woman's name is Xuanxuan, and she just ignored her before, which was quite unwelcome, but at this moment, she actually took off the light veil and did not say anything, it was such a big gift.

"Xuanxuan paid a visit to the lord envoy. I didn't know the identity of the lord in the past, and I still look to Haihan if I offended him!" Xuanxuan said again.

"Messenger?" Tianhuo was a little puzzled, but seeing the woman's fearful expression, he hurriedly said: "Miss is joking, please get up, you didn't offend me, I did it on my own."

Tianhuo knew very well that if it wasn't for the title of Ten Thousand Killers, this Xuan Xuan would not have disliked her at the beginning. Her reaction was due to her personality. This woman seems to be jealous!

Xuanxuan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, stood up slowly, and covered her face with the light veil again, disappointing Tianhuo for a while, at a glance, this woman is more beautiful than any woman I have ever seen, she really deserves to be an NPC!
"What are you doing?" At this moment, Yao Lao came over with a face full of excitement, holding two jade bottles in his hands. Obviously, the refining was successful.

However, there was also suspicion on Yao Lao's face, he could clearly see that the little junior sister actually bowed to Tianhuo on one knee, and when he was refining the elixir, he also sensed an unusual emotion from his Baoding, Like panic, like excitement.

"Brother, did you know that this is our messenger?" Xuan Xuan shifted her annoyed eyes to Yao Lao, as if she was blaming Yao Lao for not speaking earlier.

Yao Lao looked at Xuanxuan and then at Tianhuo in a daze, and hurriedly shook his head, "Master messenger, are you alright, little junior sister?"

Xuanxuan rolled her eyes at Yao Lao, "The person who owns the innate spirit cauldron is the envoy of our Danzong and Qizong. He can lead our Danqizong to restore the glory of the ancient times, don't you know?"

Yao Lao shook his head suspiciously, "Brother, I naturally know, but it's just a legend, where is there any innate spirit cauldron?"

As he said that, Yao Lao was taken aback for a moment, looked at Tianhuo in disbelief, his expression changed, "Junior Sister, you mean... Tianhuo has an innate spirit cauldron?"

Tianhuo coughed dryly, wanting to divert Yao Lao's attention, and hurriedly said: "Yao Lao, quickly show me this pot of elixir."

(End of this chapter)

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