The strongest saint

Chapter 127 The Resurrected Emperor Flame Linshi

Chapter 127 The Resurrected Emperor Flame Linshi

Chapter 120 Seventh Resurrected Emperor Flame Linshi
Hearing Xuanxuan said that the envoy would lead the Danzong Qizong to restore its former glory, Tianhuo knew that his own troubles were coming again, so he hurriedly diverted Yao Lao's attention, "Yao Lao, show me this furnace of panacea quickly!" Look."

Yao Lao looked at Tianhuo suspiciously, and handed Tianhuo a jade bottle, "Do you really have an innate spirit tripod? I sensed it earlier, you don't really have it, do you?"

Lava Flower Pill: A panacea refined from Yaolao’s original recipe. After taking it, its level will increase by 2, and its four attributes will increase by 50. After taking it, beasts will be upgraded by one level. Only one piece can be used for every 10 levels, and it will not work for high-level spirit beasts. .

Looking at the attributes of the lava flower pill, Tianhuo was overjoyed, and without mentioning the matter of the Xiantian Lingding, he said excitedly: "Yao Lao, this is really a good thing!"

Taking one petal of the lava demon lotus can only level +1, four attributes +30, but after refining it into a elixir, it is actually level +2, four attributes +50, this is a huge gap!

There were two jade bottles in Yao Lao's hands. The one Tianhuo brought was filled with ten pills. Yao Lao must have already distributed them. Tianhuo laughed, took out a lava flower pill and handed it to Xuan Xuan, "Xuan Xuan Miss Xuan, thank you very much!"

Xuanxuan didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly took out the three-pattern ice spirit grass and handed it to Tianhuo, "Master Messenger, you are too polite."

Tianhuo put away the three-grained ice spirit grass with a smile, and everything is fine this time, "Yao Lao, where is the beast soul grass? One of my pets died, and I need the beast soul grass to revive it."

Yao Lao still stared blankly at Tianhuo, as if he was still thinking about the issue of the Innate Spirit Cauldron. Hearing Tianhuo's question, he directly took out a stalk of spirit grass and handed it to Tianhuo, "It happened that I got one on the way."

Tianhuo was overjoyed, took the spirit grass and saw it was the beast soul grass, "Haha, that's great, Yao Lao, thank you! I'll go revive the pet first."

Saying that, Tianhuo didn't stay any longer, and trotted away from the pharmacy.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Tianhuo leave, Xuanxuan shook her head and asked Old Yao.

Yao Lao looked like he was thinking, and was about to speak, but saw Tianhuo running back again, took out two spiritual fruits and handed them over, "Yao Lao, let's see how to use these two spiritual fruits, I'll go first what!"

This time, Tianhuo didn't come back, and the two spirit fruits that he handed to Yao Lao were naturally Soul Melting Fruit and Earth Spirit Fruit.

Melting Soul Fruit: Different fruit from heaven and earth, 50% chance to gain intelligence +50, MP +500,50 after taking it, [-]% chance to explode and die.


It has not been a short time to get these two spiritual fruits, but Yao Lao has not been around, and Tianhuo dare not take them indiscriminately. After all, the effect is very clear. An explosive body and a petrification are not just a joke.

Leaving the pharmacy, Tianhuo ran straight to the pet shop. The three-pattern ice spirit grass needed to control the beast king has been obtained, and the beast soul grass to revive Diyan Linshi is also obtained. This time, Diyan Linshi can come out.

"Hey, Brother Tianhuo, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!" The Beastmaster hurriedly greeted Tianhuo when he saw Tianhuo coming.

Tianhuo smiled, "Haha, senior, happy Mid-Autumn Festival, what are you busy with?"

"It's nothing, it's a big festival, so it's natural to prepare well." The Beastmaster smiled.

Tianhuo directly touched the three-pattern ice spirit grass, "Senior, take it quickly, I heard from the city lord that this thing can suppress your injuries for several months."

The Beastmaster took the three-striped ice grass in a daze. Although he knew that the city lord and Tianhuo were going to find the three-striped ice grass for him, but now that the three-striped ice grass was in hand, the beastmaster seemed a little nervous.

After a long time, the Beastmaster took a long breath, "Brother Tianhuo, I will never thank you for your kindness. I will remember this kindness in my heart."

Tianhuo shrugged, it was just suppressing the injury for the Beastmaster, and it was not a big favor.

The Beastmaster directly swallowed the three-pattern ice spirit grass, and the ice crystals visible to the naked eye quickly gathered around him. At this moment, the surrounding temperature seemed to have dropped a lot, but then, those ice crystals disappeared quickly. And the Beastmaster, as if nothing happened, just let out a long breath, and his face became rosy.

"Great, there will be no problem this time." Beastmaster murmured, Tianhuo understood that what he was talking about was about getting rid of the Qilin's devilish energy.

Tianhuo is also overjoyed, in this way, there will be no problems with his mission.

"By the way, senior, please help revive my Emperor Yanlin Lion." Tianhuo said expectantly as he touched the Beast Soul Grass.

The Beastmaster smiled, "There is this thing, it's only a blink of an eye to revive it, come with me."

In a room deep in the courtyard, a mysterious thing like a teleportation array is arranged on the ground, covered with cumbersome runes, it must be the resurrection array mentioned by the beast master.

"Go up, it will be fine soon." Said the Beastmaster.

Standing on the resurrection formation, I saw the Beastmaster throwing the Beast Soul Grass in his hand to the resurrection formation at will, "Introduction!"

There was no movement of the Beastmaster, a white light lit up on the resurrection array, and a system notification sound came from Tianhuo's ear, "Ding! System notification: Your pet Emperor Yanlin Lion has been resurrected successfully, level -1 .”

Originally, Diyan Linshi had already reached level 21, and after death and resurrection, it was reduced by one level and became level 20, but it doesn't matter anymore. In the pet space, the word "dead" after the name of Diyan Linshi has disappeared. It can be summoned at any time.

As a spirit beast, the Diyan Lin Lion's initial attributes are already very powerful in Tianhuo's view, but now after getting the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, Tianhuo discovered that there is a huge gap between the Di Yan Lin Lion and the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, and the health value is only the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon. One-twentieth that of the Golden Spirit Dragon, and half of the attack and defense of the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon.

The same spirit beast, the gap is also huge, presumably this is the level of division between them, the so-called elementary, intermediate, and advanced spirit beasts, but the system did not explain it, and Tianhuo could not distinguish it very well.

"Summon Emperor Yan Linshi!" This guy has been dead for a few days, and he probably couldn't wait to appear already!
Di Yanlin Lion appeared in the white light, but the white light had not yet dissipated, and the faint colored light instantly wrapped it up. Tianhuo looked at this scene suspiciously, while the Beastmaster raised his eyebrows, "Interesting!"

"Ding! System prompt: Player Tianhuo, please pay attention, your pet Emperor Yanlin Lion breaks and stands up, arouses part of the power of Qilin inner alchemy, enhances attributes, and ranks among the high-level spirit beasts."

Following the system prompt, the colored light around Diyan Linshi gradually faded until it returned to normal, while Tianhuo looked at Diyan Linshi's attributes in amazement, is this all right?I thought it was a high-level spirit beast before!

(End of this chapter)

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