The strongest saint

Chapter 128 Mid-Autumn Festival

Chapter 128 Mid-Autumn Festival
Chapter 120 Eighth Mid-Autumn Festival

Emperor Yanlin Lion (spirit beast), level 20, hp1000000, attack 20000, defense 8000.


Diyan Linshi's life value growth has increased by five times compared to before, and its attack and defense have also nearly doubled. This is a high-level spirit beast!Although there is still some gap compared with the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, it is not far behind!

"Ah... I'm suffocating, master, I have to prepare a resurrection stone for me next time." Di Yanlin lion said out of mouth.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled. It is a good thing to have a resurrection stone. In that case, if his pet dies, he can be resurrected on the spot. However, the resurrection stone is not so easy to get. It took a lot of effort to find one.

"Brother Tianhuo, it's almost time. Let's go to the square to participate in the Mid-Autumn Festival." The Beastmaster waved his big hand and put it on Tianhuo's shoulder.

"Event?" Tianhuo was a little puzzled. Isn't the Mid-Autumn Festival event the same event as those rabbit fairies and beautiful NPCs? Can npc also participate?

"Yes, preparations have been made at the City Lord's Mansion. Lantern riddle guessing and moon appreciation will be held in the square at night." The Beastmaster smiled.

Tianhuo shrugged. It turned out that the King of Beasts was talking about this. Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it is also the last day of the Mid-Autumn Festival. The description of the event is clearly written. The mysterious gift is waiting to be opened on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival.


Before the two of Tianhuo went out, there were rapid explosions in the sky, and at the same time, lights of various colors lit up. Looking up, I saw fireworks blooming all over the sky.

"It's already started." The Beastmaster murmured with joy in his eyes.

On the square, lanterns have already been erected, with various riddles attached to the lanterns. Many players are walking among the lanterns, looking up at the fireworks blooming in the sky from time to time.

"Ding! News from the world: The treasure chest that gifted the Rabbit Fairy fell into the world. Warriors, hurry up and find it!"

The news of the world sounded, and at the same time, white lights lit up in the square. In the white lights, half-meter-high treasure chests appeared out of thin air.

"This is the so-called Mid-Autumn Festival gift?" Tianhuo stared blankly at the treasure chests. Unfortunately, there were too many players in the square. As soon as they appeared, countless players rushed up. Soon, the treasure chests disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Tianhuo shrugged helplessly. Now the reality is also the Mid-Autumn Festival. These players are not at home to celebrate the festival, and what to do with the game. Now it is good, there are more players than usual, and the treasure chest is impossible to grab.

However, Tianhuo also saw that these treasure chests were not like bronze, silver, or gold treasure chests, and the items that were opened should not be considered precious.

"Brother Tianhuo, here!" Wen Yao's voice rang in Tianhuo's ear, and when he turned his head to look, he saw the city lord and others coming, while Wen Yao was like a cheerful little white rabbit, running towards Tianhuo happily.

The city lord has returned to his attire of a scholar, but he can't conceal the majesty and aura honed over the years. He looks a little unaccustomed, and walks quickly behind Wen Yao, "Beast Master, Tianhuo."

"Wen Hao, why do you look like this? Are you really planning to return to the first-level area?" Beastmaster asked curiously, as if he had heard that the city lord wanted to leave here.

The city lord smiled, opened the folding fan and shook it lightly, "I'm leaving tomorrow, I should be back long ago, how about you? It should be soon!"

The Beastmaster smiled, "Yes, I will come to Wenshengmen to find you when the time comes, I hope you will not be punished by your master."

The city lord shook his head hastily, glanced at Wen Yao cautiously, saw that Wen Yao was entangled with Tianhuo, and then smiled and said: "As long as the master still takes me in, a little punishment is nothing."

The Beastmaster nodded, and also turned his gaze to Tianhuo, "It's a pity that brother Tianhuo is not strong enough, otherwise, if you take him back, it will be a great achievement. How could your master punish you?"

Tianhuo sensed the eyes of the two, and walked over with a smile, "Hello, seniors!"

"Tianhuo, I'm leaving tomorrow. When you're ready, go to the quartermaster. You must take over Tianyan City." The city lord laughed.

Tianhuo shrugged, "One day I will go to Wensheng Gate, by the way, senior, you remember to take Qingsong and his wife there, Senior Wine King seems to have forgotten."

"Haha, of course I remember. Before I leave, I would like to remind you that as a literary sage, don't run outside all the time. It's better to stay at home to recite poems and practice calligraphy. What a literary sage needs most is the power of a scroll, and the power of a scroll The acquisition of strength is naturally inseparable from reciting poems and prose." The city lord said faithfully.

"Practice calligraphy?" Tianhuo stared blankly at the city lord, not understanding why the city lord said that, but now is not the time to ask more questions, you will know when you try it yourself.

The city lord smiled and nodded, without saying much, he patted Tianhuo on the shoulder, "I'll wait for you at Wensheng Gate then, let's go up and enjoy the moon first."

A moon viewing platform was built on the square, and the chairs were neatly arranged, and many npcs and players were already sitting on them.

As the sky darkened and the moon became clearer, more and more people gathered in the stands and squares.

Tianhuo looked up at the bright moon in the sky. Although this was a game, it didn't feel unreal at all. Looking at the bright moon, Tianhuo couldn't help thinking of the days on earth. At that time, his father didn't ask much of him. On the other hand, I have been asking myself to recite it.

Thinking about it now, Tianhuo felt it was weird. It was not a coincidence that his father asked him to do so, but after coming to this parallel world, there was no ancient times.

"Father, the house is gone in reality, where are you?" After a long time, Tianhuo muttered to himself, and it has been a long time since he entered the game. He didn't get any news about his father's petrification. Traveling through time, the statue of my father didn't know where it went.

During the festive season, he misses his relatives a lot, and now that he is free, Tianhuo can't restrain the thoughts in his heart, and can't help reminiscing about the past and the days when he was with his father.

On that day, it was also the night of the full moon. For some reason, he passed through like this, and his father turned into a statue in a strange way...

"Tianhuo, what are you thinking?" The city lord patted Tianhuo on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Tianhuo smiled and put away his thoughts, "The moon is the light of my hometown, I feel homesick, nothing."

"Hehe, the moon is the hometown light? I'm leaving tomorrow, Tianhuo, today is another great day, don't you want to express it?" the city lord said expectantly.

Tianhuo understood the meaning of the city lord, it was nothing more than letting himself recite a poem.

"Alright, senior, then show your shame." Tianhuo said, slowly got up, looked up at Mingyue, wondering what reward would be given this time.

(End of this chapter)

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