The strongest saint

Chapter 132 Taking over Tianyan City

Chapter 132 Taking over Tianyan City

Chapter 130 Taking over Tianyan City
In the wild suburbs in the north of Tianyan City, not many players have come here so far, because the monsters here are at least level [-].

But at this moment, in the dead of night, large characters occupying a radius of more than 200 meters appeared quickly one after another. Under the cover, damage values ​​of more than 2 came out one after another, and then white lights lit up one after another.

"It's been a long time since I leveled so quickly. Although the speed is not fast, it feels like a game!" Tianhuo walked quickly in the forest and murmured.

Since entering the game, Tianhuo has seldom upgraded monsters like now. With the two beasts at the moment, there is no need to use them at all. Tianhuo's verbal killing skills are displayed, and a large number of monsters are turned into experience points.

"The master is mighty!" Di Yan Linshi excitedly followed behind Tianhuo, saying loudly from time to time.

And the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon was a little silent, just quietly watching his level increase.

"Jiuhun, what are you talking about? It's unbelievable that you can summon more than ten pets?" Tianhuo asked after cleaning up the monsters.

"According to my inheritance memory, it is an ancient profession called beast master, but unfortunately, it has long been lost." Nine Soul Jin Linglong said.

Tianhuo shrugged, isn't his scribe also a profession lost in ancient times?It's not that I got it by myself, but Tianhuo doesn't have much interest in the so-called beast master. For pets, one or two powerful ones are enough.

"Ding! The system prompts: 2184 experience gained, 2184 extra experience gained."


"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on upgrading your pet Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, currently level 10, HP+200000, attack +1100, defense +500."

It wasn't until dawn that Tianhuo stopped. It only brought the Nine-hundred Golden Spirit Dragon to level 10 overnight. powerful.

Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon (spirit beast, rideable), level 10, HP 2000000, attack 11000, defense 5000.


When the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon reaches level ten, it has an additional attribute that can be ridden. Among pets, it is undoubtedly very rare to have such an attribute. After all, riding is the function of a mount, and it is naturally rare to appear on a pet.

"It's almost there, you guys come back first." Seeing that the sky was bright, Tianhuo took back the two beasts and directly used the homecoming skill.

Now that the Mid-Autumn Festival has passed, the city lord must have left. Since he asked himself to take over, Tianhuo has already agreed, so naturally there can be no delay.

In front of the city lord's mansion, it was as calm as ever, but at the gate, there was an extra NPC with the 'Tianyan City' quartermaster on his head.

Tianhuo led Zhiduoxing straight towards the quartermaster, and brought Zhiduoxing here, naturally hoping to be a hands-off shopkeeper, and Zhiduoxing is a peerless genius from Moutianmen, if he manages Tianyan City, it will definitely be out of Tianhuo's hands. expected.

"Tianhuo? The city lord has already confessed, give me your third-level city lord order." The quartermaster glanced at Zhi Duoxing lightly, and moved his eyes to Tianhuo.

Tianhuo clasped his fists and took out a third-level city lord token, "Senior, what are the requirements for becoming the city lord of Tianyan City?"

The quartermaster took the third-level city lord order and checked it, and said with a stern face: "First, you have no problem with a reputation of 20. Second, you have no problem with a third-level city lord order. Third, the level exceeds Level 30, fourth, the city has no city lord, you have no problem."

Tianhuo breathed a sigh of relief, as expected, that would be the best.

"Have you figured it out? Becoming the lord of Tianyan City is not an easy task, and there is still a test. If you fail the test, you will be lowered by at least ten levels, and the loss of the entire Tianyan City is also extremely heavy." General Quartermaster The third-level city lord shook his hand and said solemnly.

"What test?" Tianhuo raised his eyebrows, he had never thought about it, it all needed a test.

"Once a new city lord takes office, monsters will inevitably come to make trouble. Repelling those monsters will be a test." The quartermaster said still sternly.

Tianhuo frowned, it was monsters attacking the city, I have already experienced this, but I don't know if this time is the same as last time, if so, there is no problem, I am afraid that some powerful spirit beasts will come, then It's troublesome.

"As the first adventurer from another world who came to accept the third-level city, the test will not be easy, but at the same time, if you pass the test, the benefits will definitely be great." The quartermaster said again.

Tianhuo's brows relaxed, he had already agreed to the city lord, how could he shrink back now, smiled slightly, and said: "Think clearly, senior, I will trouble you."

"That's good." The quartermaster showed a rare smile, put away the third-level city lord order, and said: "I have recorded it, you go back and prepare well!"

Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, and there was no hint, so he couldn't be cheated, right?

"Master, that's great. When Tianyan City is taken down, we must work hard to make Tianyan City the largest city in the third-level region!" Zhi Duoxing said a little excitedly.

"Is that enough?" Tianhuo asked in a low voice, as if afraid of the quartermaster hearing.

Zhi Duoxing nodded hastily, "Yes, the quartermaster has already recorded it, we just wait to repel the incoming monsters."

Tianhuo looked at Zhi Duoxing suspiciously, is it alright?I didn't hear any hints!
"In three days, monsters are bound to attack. You must be prepared. I don't want to see Tianyan City destroyed. If it succeeds, you will be a legitimate city lord." Seeing the doubts on Tianhuo's face, the quartermaster once again added.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, it really is like this, within three days, it's a pity that I don't know the specific time, but Tianhuo doesn't need to prepare anything, if the monsters come, then countless players will scramble to fight the monsters, after all, the experience points of monsters attacking the city are even higher. high.

"That's it, Zhi Duoxing, you go back and wait for my news, I still have things to do." Tianhuo said, it is impossible for him to wait for three days, and while there is still time, he might as well go to Guyue Village to kill those people first. Mission done.

"Yes, master!" Zhi Duoxing hurriedly bowed and saluted, the excitement on his face never diminished.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, and then strode towards the teleportation array. The night of the full moon has passed, and the task of Guyue Cave in Guyue Village can also be done. That place is likely to be a dungeon, and it produces gems and The dungeon of the punching stone, the first kill of this kind of dungeon, Tianhuo doesn't want to miss it.

(End of this chapter)

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