The strongest saint

Chapter 133 Ancient Moon Cave

Chapter 133 Ancient Moon Cave

Chapter 130 Three Ancient Moon Cave
Tianhuo was lucky, through the teleportation array on the lake, he came directly to the mountains outside Gu Yue Village.

After looking around, he didn't see the shadow of the so-called demonized Jade Rabbit. It must take a while to find him, but Tianhuo was not in a hurry and walked directly towards Yixiantian.

Gu Yue Village seemed to still be hung with fire lanterns, and was still immersed in the festivities of the Mid-Autumn Festival. For them, Gu Yue Cave had been lost for many years, and they were not in a hurry.

Of course, this may have to exclude the new village chief who has just taken office. He has to make some achievements when he just takes office, otherwise how can he establish himself in the hearts of many villagers.

Outside Gu Yue Village, the village chief paced back and forth, looking at the sky from time to time, "Young Hero Tianhuo, the night of the full moon has passed, you must not forget about Gu Yue Cave!"

Just as the village chief was anxiously expecting the arrival of Tianhuo, a figure slowly came out from a line of sky. When the village chief saw that figure, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and hurried forward, "Young Xia Tianhuo, you finally managed to come out!" coming!"

Tianhuo smiled awkwardly. He came here early in the morning, unexpectedly, the village chief was already waiting here, "Village chief, please tell me the specific situation."

"Talk while walking." The village chief made a gesture of invitation, and led Tianhuo to walk towards the side of the village, "Guyue Cave is occupied by some strange monsters. Those monsters' bodies don't look solid, and they are very vulnerable to physical attacks. strong immunity."

"Young man, we have organized a lot of people to destroy those monsters, but those monsters are protected by mysterious powers. They seem to be endless and impossible to kill. We had no choice but to retreat. Young man, you must Please help us!" The village chief said with tears in his eyes.

"A monster that can't be killed?" Tianhuo asked suspiciously.

"Yes, we tried many times, and finally we found that the only way to completely eliminate those monsters is to destroy the spirit pool in the center of Guyue Cave. Unfortunately, the spirit pool is guarded by powerful monsters, so we have no choice! "While the village chief was speaking, a pitch-black cave appeared in front of the two of them.

"That's it, young man, I'll take you in." The village chief pointed to the cave and said expectantly.

Tianhuo didn't refuse either, it was naturally best to have an NPC lead him, and he could avoid detours.

In the cave, it was a bit dark outside, but as you walked in, it gradually became brighter, and you saw strange stones inlaid on the stone wall, and it was those strange stones that emitted light that illuminated the cave.


As the two moved forward, strange sounds came out one after another. Hearing the strange sounds, the village chief shrank back, "It's those monsters, they usually hide on the stone wall, and they will come out when they get close to a certain range .”

As soon as the words were finished, one after another somewhat illusory figures emerged from the stone wall, and as soon as they appeared, they floated straight towards Tianhuo.

"The eyes of Wensheng!"

Greedy dead soul, level 40, HP 18000, attack 1600, defense 1200.

Explanation: Many years ago, outsiders from Guyue Village died in the Guyue Cave because of competing for gems. Under the breath of the dead soul spring, they formed unwisdom souls, but their greed did not diminish in the slightest.

Skills: Body of the Dead, passive skill, physical damage reduced by 50%, magic damage reduced by 50%.

"I see, the damage is halved, which is a bit difficult for ordinary players. Unfortunately, mine is not physical attack and magic attack." After seeing the monster's attributes, Tianhuo murmured, but he was full of hope in his heart. Looking at it like this Come on, there is really a high possibility that it is a copy.

One after another illusory figures emerged from the stone wall, dozens of them gathered in an instant, and they floated towards Tianhuo and Tianhuo. Tianhuo signaled the village chief to hide behind him, and flipped the Emperor Yanlin Lion and the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon together. call out.

"Oral punishment, kill one person in ten steps!"

-24550, -24330...

Today's Skyfire is level 42, and its attack range has reached a terrifying radius of 105 meters. Within this range, all monsters instantly turn into white light.

"Ding! The system prompts: 4000 experience gained, 4000 extra experience gained."


"Ding! The system prompts: Your pet Emperor Yan Linshi has gained 4000 experience."


"Ding! System prompt: Your pet Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon has gained 4000 experience."


A series of experience prompts flashed up on the screen, and Tianhuo's eyes lit up. The experience of monsters here is twice as high as that of the same level outside. This is quite a considerable number, but I don't know how the boss's experience is.

However, after killing dozens of monsters in a row, he didn't get any items, which made Tianhuo a little suspicious. His explosion rate was 1.2 times that of ordinary players.

"Young hero is really powerful. With you here, I believe we will be able to take back Gu Yuedong. At that time, the young hero will be my benefactor of Gu Yue Village!" The village chief said hopefully, although he already knew about Tianhuo's strength. Unusually, seeing this large-scale attack at this moment makes me even more excited.

Tianhuo smiled and continued to clean up the monsters, "Village Chief, are there all these monsters here?"

"That's right, it takes a few moments for us to kill a monster together, but it's so easy for the young hero..." The village head began to compliment again.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, and patted Emperor Yan Linshi, who understood, and quickly ran towards the passage in front, where illusory figures floated out one by one.

After a while, an empty hall appeared in front of the two of Tianhuo, surrounded by abandoned mine pits, and skeletons could be seen from time to time. As Diyan Linshi ran around, illusory figures appeared as before. floated out.

"Through this hall, you can reach the small hall at the back. That weird spring is in it. If you destroy it, I believe that Gu Yue Cave can be taken back." The village chief's eyes lit up. This time, he found the right one. people.

"Jiu Hun, you also go to pull monsters." Tianhuo ordered, relying on Emperor Yan Linshi alone is a bit slow.

The Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon was already ready to move. Hearing Tianhuo's order, he strode forward and ran in another direction.

More and more monsters floated out of the hall. After the two beasts walked around, no new monsters appeared. Tianhuo nodded in satisfaction, and the verbal punishment skill was used. Hundreds of monsters in the hall disappeared in an instant No, it was completely wiped out by the sky fire.

"Ding! System prompt: Glyph Sage's Sorrow activates, pick up Blood Spirit Stone x 1, Attack Stone x 1, Elementary Punch Stone x 1."

"Yo? Hundreds of monsters, I finally found something." The system prompt for picking up items suddenly appeared, making Tianhuo's eyes light up. It really is gems and punching stones. Although they are elementary, there is still a boss behind. !
PS: Two chapters will be released in succession, saving readers from waiting, hehe, please support me a lot!
(End of this chapter)

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