The strongest saint

Chapter 134 Strange Quarrel

Chapter 134 Strange Quarrel
Chapter 130 Four Strange Quarrels
"It is said that the secrets of my Guyue Village were exposed back then, and countless outsiders rushed to snatch the gems. However, you have seen the situation. Almost all of those people were buried here." The village chief looked at the hall of Guyue Cave, a little resentful Said.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, killed hundreds of monsters, and only got one each of blood spirit stone, attack stone, and primary punch stone. The explosion rate is really not flattering, but fortunately there are monsters behind, and the boss is also behind.

"Village chief, but that small hall? Just destroy the spring of dead souls?" Tianhuo pointed to the passage on the side, through which, he could faintly see the light on the other side.

"That's right, young hero, it's up to you!" The village head nodded, with hope appearing on his face.

Tianhuo smiled, and patted Di Yanlin Lion and Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon beside him, "Open the way!"

The two beasts were used to it, and when they heard the order from Tianhuo, they rushed out quickly, and quickly disappeared into the passage. Wherever they passed, phantoms emerged from the ground or stone walls.

"Hundred battles..."


"Ding! The system prompts..."

There were not many monsters left. Passing through the passage, a cave less than [-] square meters appeared in the field of vision of the two of them. In the center of the cave, a pool of two to three meters in size was particularly conspicuous, "Village chief, is that the spring of dead souls? "

There are no wonders in the vastness of the world, not to mention that this is a game. It is not surprising that a spring can give birth to those dead souls. The village chief stared at the spring with a solemn expression, "It is it, with it, these dead souls can't be killed... "

"Where is the evildoer? How dare you disturb my lord's cultivation!" Before the village chief finished his sentence, a powerful voice rang out, shaking Tianhuo's eardrums to buzz.

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a figure floated out of the spring water, which looked more or less solid, and compared to other phantoms, it was a world of difference.

"Monster?" Tianhuo looked at this phantom with some amusement, and said with a smile: "In comparison, it seems that you are the monster?"

"Hmph! How bold!" The phantom snorted coldly, and anger appeared on its clear facial features.

Soul leader (boss), level 40, HP600000, attack 5800, defense 4600.

Explanation: Many years ago, outsiders from Guyue Village died in the Guyue Cave because of competing for gems. Under the breath of the spring of the dead, they formed unintelligent souls, nourished by the spring of the dead, and became extremely powerful.

Skills: Body of the Dead, passive skill, physical damage reduced by 80%, magic damage reduced by 80%.

Soul Coil: Active skill, entangles the enemy with Yin Qi, reducing the target's defense by 20%.

Voice of the Dead: Active skill, after casting, it causes 30% damage to the target within 90 meters, and has a chance to stun the target.

"Just this attribute?" Seeing the attributes of the boss, Tianhuo couldn't help but shake his head. Although he felt like pretending to be X, to be honest, this ordinary boss was too weak for him.

For ordinary players, the passive skill of the body of the dead is definitely very BT. Unfortunately, the tome attack of Tianhuo does not belong to physical and magical attacks. This passive skill is useless to him.

"Prisoner!" Seeing that the boss was about to float away, Tianhuo directly used the skill of Prisoner's Ring, and immediately trapped the boss in place.

In the blink of an eye, the Dianjin Panlong brush has already made strokes, and the Diyan Linshi and the Nine Soul Golden Linglong are not idle. Came out from the top of the boss.


What Tianhuo likes the most is Diyan Linshi's Diyan Shock. As long as it is within the effective range, the enemy's all attributes will be directly reduced by 30%, even the life value will be reduced by 30% in an instant.

The strokes that Tianhuo swung also arrived, "Ten steps kill one person!"

Prisoner's skill has already been able to trap the target for 21 seconds. Such a period of time is enough for Tianhuo to swing two lines of poetry, but as soon as the first line of poetry comes out, the boss has already fallen down, turning into a puff of green smoke and disappearing.

"Ding! System prompt: Gain 260 million experience points, and gain an additional 260 million experience points."

"Ding! The system prompts: Your pet Emperor Yan Linshi has gained 260 million experience points."

"Ding! System prompt: Your pet Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon has gained 260 million experience points."

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up intermediate punching stones x 3, high-level punching stones x 1, and high-level attack stones x 1."

The four system prompts sounded, and Tianhuo couldn't help shaking his head slightly. This ordinary boss at level [-] has such low experience, and he can't compare to the Qilin Cave dungeon!
However, when he saw the items that exploded, Tianhuo was slightly delighted. High-grade gemstones and punching stones were exactly what he needed.

With the death of the boss, there was no shadow of the monster in the cave, and the village chief excitedly ran to the spring of the dead, took out a bottle of medicinal powder and sprinkled it in, "Young Xia Tianhuo, thank you for your kindness, I, Gu Yue Village, have a gem that has been treasured for many years, and I will give it to you as a reward when I go back!"

Tianhuo watched the village chief's movements curiously, and saw that as the medicinal powder was sprinkled, the spring water gradually decreased until it disappeared completely.

"Village chief, what kind of medicine powder are you?" Tianhuo didn't seem to hear the village chief saying that he would reward the treasured gems, but asked curiously looking at the dry spring water.

"It was made by my father, and I don't know." The village head smiled awkwardly.

Tianhuo touched the tip of his nose. The old village head of Guyue Village seemed to be very powerful. The medicine powder he made could even be fooled by the Nine-hundred Golden Spirit Dragon. At this moment, it can actually make a spring water disappear.

"Let's go, young man, let's go back now. I can't help but want to tell everyone the good news!" The village head put away the medicine bottle and made a gesture of invitation.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, but he became puzzled in his heart. He didn't hear the prompt to open the dungeon, and he has already cleared the level here!

With doubts, Tianhuo followed the village chief and walked towards Guyue Village, and went straight back to the village, but still saw no prompts related to the dungeon, "Isn't it a dungeon? There is no prompt."

Tianhuo couldn't help but feel a little disappointed because he hadn't been prompted by the system. That's the place where gems and high-level perforated stones can be found. If it wasn't for dungeons, he wouldn't be able to go there in the future.

If he wanted to get gems from Gu Yue Cave again, he might have to dig.

"Father, we succeeded. We took back Guyue Cave!" The village head excitedly ran up to the old village head, like a child showing off his achievements.

The old village chief waved his hand, interrupted the village chief's words, dragged the village chief into the house, and left Tianhuo outside. After a while, Tianhuo heard the quarrel between the two inside the house, but unexpectedly It was in a language that Skyfire couldn't understand.

"It's strange, it's a good thing to take back Gu Yue Cave, but the two actually started arguing..."

(End of this chapter)

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