Chapter 138

Chapter 130
Tianhuo frowned and looked at the demonized human dragon approaching. At this moment, his whole body was restrained, even his mouth was blocked, so he couldn't attack at all.


Diyan Linshi and Nine-hundred Golden Spirit Dragon also found out that something was wrong. Unfortunately, the pitch-black vines were so strong that even the Nine-souled Golden Spirit Dragon's dragon flames couldn't destroy it in a short time. The two beasts couldn't be the first at all. Time to come to the rescue.

Seeing the banter in the demonized dragon's eyes, Tianhuo gritted his teeth, it seemed that he could only use his trump card, otherwise he would definitely die here today.

The trump card, of course, is the self-detonation of the golden panlong pen. In that case, the demonized human dragon will undoubtedly die. However, Tianhuo will also lose the golden panlong pen. At that time, Tianhuo can only use the bronze-level novice sword up.

"Jie Jie... I said, you are doomed!" The Demonic Human Dragon's cruel smile was all over his face, and he slowly approached the restrained Skyfire.

Tianhuo couldn't speak, but his eyes were calm. Even if his body was restrained, it couldn't prevent him from using the self-explosion skill of Jinpanlongpen.

However, just as Tianhuo was about to blew himself up and ordered the Golden Panlong Pen, a scalp-numbing roar sounded outside the village. Under this beast roar, the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon forgot to spit out dragon flames, and turned its head blankly look.

The same is true for the Demonic Human Dragon. Turning around abruptly, he saw a tall black rabbit bouncing forward. Every time it popped up, it was a distance of several feet, but within a few breaths, it had already arrived in the field.

The village chief's face turned bitter, with a look of loneliness all over his face, he murmured: "This time Gu Yue Village is over, yet another monster has come!"

Tianhuo also had a bitter expression on his face, his Golden Panlong Brush could only deal with one of them, but now it's good, and another one came unexpectedly!
"Ding! The system prompts: The demonized gift-giving Jade Rabbit has sensed your location and has arrived!"

The system prompt sounded, but Tianhuo shook his head helplessly. Is this still a reminder?The Demonized Jade Rabbit has arrived!
Looking at it with the eyes of a literary sage, Tianhuo saw the attributes of the demonized jade rabbit in his eyes, and his face became even more bitter for a while. This is really the task he took on!

Enchanted jade rabbit, level 40, HP 8000000, attack 25000, defense 25000.

Explanation: It was originally a gift-giving Jade Rabbit that landed in the world. Unfortunately, due to bad luck, it was demonized after encountering a monster and became a powerful demonized Jade Rabbit.

Skill: Hide.

"With such a high defense, it's good if I can cause thousands of damage to it, and a BT with high HP, can I just escape?" Tianhuo thought to himself, facing such a two-headed boss, he couldn't make a move at all. What's more, at this moment, the whole body is bound.

The village chief also had a look of despair on his face, and muttered in his mouth: "It's over, it's over..."

"What are you?" The Demonic Human Dragon didn't know what expression it was on, but its eyes were full of vigilance, as if it was also a little afraid of the Demonic Jade Rabbit.

However, in the face of the demonized human dragon's inquiry, the demonized jade rabbit ignored it at all, and after a faint glance at the demonized human dragon, its blood-red eyes moved to the trapped sky fire, and said: " he's mine!"

"Why?" Hearing the words, the demonized human dragon's voice suddenly became extremely cold, blocking the path of the demonized jade rabbit.

The eyes of Tianhuo and the village chief who were trapped not far away lit up. There seemed to be a disagreement between the two monsters in front of them. In this way, if they fight, the opportunity will come!
With this in mind, Tianhuo signaled the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon and Diyan Linshi not to act rashly, and quietly watched the two monsters.

Hearing the icy voice of the Demonic Human Dragon, the Demonic Jade Rabbit glanced at it again with blood-red eyes, "I told you, he is mine!"

As soon as this remark came out, Tianhuo was overjoyed, maddened, one madder than the other, in this way, the opportunity to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight has come!

"Looking for death! Do you think I don't exist?" The Demonic Human Dragon was ignored, and suddenly burst into anger. He grasped his palms covered with scales, and slammed his staff on the ground. A shock wave visible to the naked eye immediately diffused. , Under this shock wave, the dark vines roared out like spirit snakes, and blasted towards the demonized jade rabbit.

A palpitating red light flashed in the blood-red eyes of the Demonized Jade Rabbit, and then he stomped on his hind legs, and his figure disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he was actually directly in front of Tianhuo.

-800000, -2400000!
As soon as it got close to the effect range of Tianhuo and Diyan Linshi, two huge damages appeared on the head of the demonized jade rabbit, but Tianhuo didn't like it and was surprised, wouldn't it be so unlucky?When encountering two monsters, they are all terrifyingly fast!

"Get out!" Seeing the Demonized Jade Rabbit dodging his attack instantly, the Demonized Human Dragon roared angrily, and as it roared, the dark vines in front of Tianhuo swelled abruptly and moved towards the Demonized Jade Rabbit. Boomed over again.

At the same time, the vines entangled with Tianhuo yanked violently, and flung Tianhuo out forcefully. It was thrown tens of meters before stopping, and Tianhuo was also slammed into the ground, and was thrown seven times instantly. Meat and eight vegetables.

"Fuck... I'm at level 42, and I'm so unbearable, damn monster, hurry up and fight!" Tianhuo was still gagged, cursing viciously in his heart.

"I said, he is mine. Since you are obstructing, then, you go to die first!" The demonized jade rabbit seemed to be irritated by the action of the human dragon. Demonized Dragon.

As soon as the voice fell, the Demonized Jade Rabbit kicked its hind legs fiercely, and the huge body of the man was like a cannonball, and instantly blasted in front of the Demonized Human Dragon. The latter's reaction was not slow, and the staff was shining brightly , The dark vines formed a large net to block in front of him.

Amidst the deafening impact, the big net was smashed instantly, and the figure of the demonized jade rabbit seemed not to be hindered at all, and it hit the demonized human dragon directly, and immediately blasted the latter out.

The Demonic Human Dragon was blown away, but the Demonic Jade Rabbit kept moving, as if it had made up its mind to kill the Demonic Human Dragon first, the shell-like body continued to pop out after a slight pause, and blasted past again.

In the distance, Tianhuo's body seemed to be falling apart, lying on the ground with difficulty but unable to move at all, but after watching the battle between the two was about to break out, a strong sense of joy emerged in his eyes, it really is the road to heaven!

The two monsters are proud existences, each of them does not allow their own goals to be taken away, and in order to fight to kill the sky fire, they actually started a big battle!
In Tianhuo's expectant eyes, the Demonic Man Long fiercely inserted his staff on the ground, and with his palms together, a dark light diffused from his palms, just as the figure of the Demonic Jade Rabbit had arrived, and The two palms of the human dragon slammed and hit the magic jade rabbit like a cannonball.

Another deafening sound came, and the Demonized Human Dragon and Demonized Jade Rabbit retreated more than ten meters together, each creating a gully nearly a foot deep on the ground.

However, Tianhuo, who was lying on the ground, didn't seem to see the fierce battle between the two. At this moment, those star-like eyes were staring at the sky in amazement, and a ray of light slowly lit up in the high sky.

(End of this chapter)

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