The strongest saint

Chapter 139 The Player Who Fell From the Sky

Chapter 139 The Player Who Fell From the Sky

Chapter 130: The Player Who Fell From the Sky

The Demonic Human Dragon and the Demonic Jade Rabbit were fighting fiercely, but Tianhuo didn't pay too much attention, but shifted his gaze to the sky.

The two who were fighting fiercely didn't seem to notice any abnormality in the sky. The battle was fierce and terrifying from the very beginning. The weird situation completely attracted Tianhuo's attention.

In the sky, a white light wrapped around something and fell down. It was only a small size before, but in an instant, it has become bigger and bigger.

"What is that?" Tianhuo lay on the ground, looking at the light in doubt.

After a few breaths, the ball of light had fallen even more. Tianhuo watched intently, and saw a figure struggling in the faint light.

"Player? Damn, what's going on!"

Tianhuo could see clearly that the person who fell was actually a player, and there was a faint white light floating around him at the moment, and as he fell lower and lower, Tianhuo could already clearly see the helplessness on the player's face color.

There was a deafening sound, and as the terrifying shock wave spread, Tianhuo found that he could move. Looking down, he saw that the vines around him had slowly disappeared. Standing on guard.

"Although your defense is strong, you are not my opponent. Go to hell!" The Demonic Human Dragon roared, pressing both palms, and saw the air billow rolling away.

The Demonic Jade Rabbit snorted coldly and refused to give in at all. Just as he was about to strike, he suddenly stopped and looked up. The Demonic Human Dragon saw that the Jade Rabbit was still distracted during the battle, couldn't help but was overjoyed, and attacked with every step.

"Stupid X!" The Demonic Jade Rabbit cursed secretly, seeing that the Demonic Human Dragon was about to attack him, he hurriedly retreated, but at this moment, the figure falling from the sky also arrived.

Falling from a high altitude, the speed is terrifying. Before the demonized human dragon could react, it was bombarded by that figure. For a moment, the field was full of dust, and it was impossible to see the situation clearly.

"Ahem..." A cough came from the flying dust, followed by angrily cursing, "A bunch of bastards, they are so wicked..."

"Well, fortunately, it is protected by this thing, otherwise I would die." The voice continued.

"Roar! Who dares to sneak attack me!" The voice of the Demonic Human Dragon also came, and then the air wave rolled away, suppressing all the dust in the field.

In an instant, the situation in the arena was clearly visible. The crocodile tail of the Demonic Human Dragon had broken off and was dragging powerlessly behind it. On the opposite side of it, a tall young man was sizing up the Demonic Human Dragon suspiciously.

Tianhuo looked at the young man who fell from the sky in astonishment, only to see Mu Yichen was on top of his head, and he was wearing a simple coarse cloth shirt. It didn't look like any good equipment, but Tianhuo couldn't see him with the eyes of the sage Attributes, even the level can not be seen.

"Go to hell!" The Demonic Human Dragon looked at the young man in front of him and looked him up and down. His curious eyes seemed to see everything about him. He was so annoyed for a while, he picked up his staff and waved it. It was a sharp vine blasting past.

"Get out of the way!" The sky fire in the distance was startled, and hastily reminded that this unlucky ghost survived the fall from the sky, but right now, he is about to die in the hands of the demonized human dragon.

Mu Yichen turned his head to look at Tianhuo suspiciously, and grinned, "Hello! My name is Mu Yichen."

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly, he couldn't help but raised his hand to cover his forehead, and said to himself: "Brother, it's already this time, you still have time to say hello?"Don't blame me if you hang up! '

There was a muffled sound, Tianhuo hurriedly lowered his arms to look, his mouth shut in surprise, he saw Mu Yichen standing there motionless, and the Demonic Human Dragon flew upside down, a 2 A lot of damage value popped out of its head.

Tianhuo looked at Mu Yichen in disbelief, and saw him shrug his shoulders, and looked at the Demonic Human Dragon who flew upside down with a sarcasm, "Little monster, dare to sneak attack me? You think I'm in vain in the cemetery of the gods?" ?"

"Bastard, go to hell!" The Demonic Human Dragon turned over in mid-air and landed steadily. It stepped on the ground as soon as it hit the ground. At this moment, its speed seemed to have fully recovered. The ghostly figure It shot out and roared towards Mu Yichen, almost reaching the latter in the blink of an eye.

"Cut! A monster that can talk is great? It just so happens that I still lack a few pieces of equipment!" Mu Yichen smiled disdainfully, clenched his fists fiercely, and saw a soft light surge between his fists, A pair of gloves appeared on the fists out of thin air.

"Battle Soul! Fight the sky with your fists!" Mu Yichen yelled violently with his fists, but his body turned around, avoiding the claws of the demon dragon, and both fists hit the demon dragon. The chest of the human dragon.


The huge damage value emerged from the top of the demonized human dragon's head, which made the demonized human dragon's eyes change again and again, with a trace of nervousness appearing in the eyes, "Yutu, let's kill him together first, how about?"

The demonized jade rabbit on the side snorted coldly in disdain, ignored the opinion of the demonized human dragon, turned sharply to face Tianhuo, and ran towards Tianhuo without saying a word.

"Fuck! I'm afraid you won't make it!" Tianhuo raised his brows, but he didn't expect a suggestion from the demonized human dragon, but let the demonized jade rabbit attack him, but Tianhuo could see clearly that there were only less than 100 million demonized jade rabbits left. Life value, how can you be afraid of it?

"Prisoner!" Prisoner Tianjie's skill cooling time has long passed, so Tianhuo naturally has to use this skill to limit the magic of the jade rabbit.

On the other side, when the Demonic Human Dragon saw the Demonic Jade Rabbit directly attacking the Skyfire, his eyes suddenly became cold, and he was about to plunder away, but was entangled by Mu Yichen again.

In the blink of an eye, Skyfire and the Demonic Jade Rabbit, Mu Yichen and the Demonic Human Dragon all faced off.

Tianhuo glanced at Mu Yichen, and saw that he was entangled with the demonized human dragon, he was relieved a lot, and with a wave of the golden panlong pen, the strokes were drawn towards the demonized jade rabbit trapped in the cage Boom.

-6860, -6520, -48560!

"Ten steps to kill one person!"

An ordinary stroke can only cause more than 6000 damage to the Demonized Jade Rabbit. After all, this guy's defense is as high as 25000, which can be called terrifying. Tianhuo is already very satisfied with this damage, not to mention the damage is even stronger under critical strikes.

After 21 seconds passed, the prison cage disappeared, and the magic jade rabbit's health was less than 50. If there were another 21 seconds, it would be dead. However, this skill still has a cooldown of 39 seconds .

Tianhuo made up his mind, it's only 39 seconds, just delay it.

With this in mind, Tianhuo didn't care about attacking, but just as he was about to sprint away, a system notification sounded, and Tianhuo, as if being held in place by someone, couldn't move at all.

(End of this chapter)

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