The strongest saint

Chapter 144 Old Demon Wind

Chapter 144 Old Demon Wind (First Order!)
Tianhuo held his breath and stood at the entrance of the cave. There was no place to hide here, but he could be invisible. As long as there was no movement, no one should be able to find him.

As expected, the owner of Fenglei Pavilion and his group came towards the entrance of the cave. Tianhuo was overjoyed. The owner of the pavilion is naturally the most powerful existence in Fenglei Pavilion. As soon as he leaves, his chance will come. The risk of finding the book of the sage is even small. Quite a lot.

Waiting quietly, the pavilion master and his party got closer and closer, but no one noticed Tianhuo at all. The group of people kept walking and walked past Tianhuo. Fortunately, the entrance of the cave is wide enough.

Seeing the pavilion master and his party walk into the cave, Tianhuo was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but saw the pavilion master suddenly raised his hand and stared straight at the ground.

Tianhuo was startled, followed the gaze of the pavilion master, and saw the footprints of the two beasts on the muddy ground.

The pavilion master leaned over to look at the footprints on the ground, stood up abruptly and turned his angry eyes to Feng Lie, "Di Yanlin Lion, Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, and human footprints, Feng Lie, you did a good job !"

Feng Lie turned pale with shock, why didn't he understand at this moment, someone must have followed him into Fenglei Pavilion!

"Hmph! Seal the entrance of the cave and find him out!" The pavilion master snorted coldly, and then turned around quickly.

Tianhuo looked at the pavilion master in amazement, with such strong eyesight, he could recognize Diyan Linshi and Nine Soul Jinlinglong just by a series of footprints!
In astonishment, the pavilion master was not far from Tianhuo, and suddenly stopped, his eyes scanned the entrance of the cave, the tip of his nose moved slightly, and then he directly moved his gaze to where Tianhuo was, and shouted violently: "Get out!"

Tianhuo looked at the master of the Fenglei Pavilion in astonishment, his face was full of surprise, not to mention his invisibility, he didn't even use the title of Ten Thousand Slayers, how could he be discovered?This guy has a good nose!

"Wait for me to ask you to come out? Hmph!" Tianhuo didn't move, but the Pavilion Master of Fenglei Pavilion let out a cold snort, and pressed his palm fiercely in the air, and saw the air waves rolling away and spreading rapidly.

Under the tumult of this air wave, the disciples behind the pavilion master were all blown away and kept retreating, and Tianhuo was also uncomfortable. Being hit by this air wave, he was instantly blasted against the cave wall, and his whole body burst into flames. There was burning pain, and the invisibility state was instantly broken.

"It's him, Pavilion Master, it's him who came to snatch the Phoenix Phoenix fruit!" Feng Lie shouted when he saw Tianhuo, pointing at Tianhuo.

Tianhuo shook his head slightly. The strength of the pavilion master in front of him was unfathomable. From the fact that such a terrifying air wave could be blown out so easily, it can be seen that the invisibility state has been broken at this moment, and there is no need to hide.

Hearing Feng Lie's shout, the pavilion master's face turned cold, "Are you an adventurer from another world? I dare to snatch things from my Fenglei Pavilion, and you don't even inquire about it. My Fenglei Pavilion is not easy to mess with!"

There was a smile on the face under the Tianhuo mask, and he possessed the spirit escape skill, so he didn't have to worry about safety, but since he was here, he couldn't say, at least he had to find out the exact location of the Book of Grammar.

"I've heard about it, hehe, but I didn't rob you of your things. If I had the ability, would I be robbed by others?" Tianhuo said slowly with a joking smile.

There was a chill under the calm expression of the pavilion master, and he suddenly smiled, "I sensed that the phoenix sycamore fruit is already on your body, so according to what you said, I also want to see if you have the ability."

The implication behind the words is obvious, if the pavilion master makes a move, whether or not he will be robbed depends on Tianhuo's ability.

Tianhuo smiled faintly, and naturally understood the pavilion master's meaning, "Hehe, then try it!"

As he said that, Tianhuo stepped on his feet, and in an instant, he performed a thousand miles a day, and ran straight towards the Fenglei Pavilion complex.

"Huh? Interesting, it's fine if you don't escape, but you dare to enter my Fenglei Pavilion!" The pavilion master's face became even colder, and he murmured to himself, and then waved his hand, "Command, capture him!"

Tianhuo naturally has his own plans. Now that they are all here, let's use the ring and crown of the sage to sense the specific whereabouts of the book of the sage.

Wandering like lightning among the buildings of Fenglei Pavilion, the ring and crown of the sage of the sage did not respond, but Tianhuo was not worried at all. Since the mission stated that the book of the sage was here, it must be there.

Gradually, chasing soldiers appeared behind Tianhuo, and disciples poured out from all directions, chasing after Tianhuo, and curses came from those disciples, but Tianhuo ignored it, always paying attention to the ring of the sage .

Fenglei Pavilion is surrounded by cliffs hundreds of feet high, and the only exit is the previous cave. However, with the chaos of the sky fire, a cave was discovered on the other side. The light pointed directly at the cave.

Last time, the sage ring guided the whereabouts of the sage crown in the same way. Tianhuo's eyes lit up when he saw the strange shape of the sage ring. Obviously, the book of the sage was in the cave.

The figure of the pavilion master stepped into the air like a ghost, and with the sound of breaking through the air, he blocked Tianhuo in an instant, "You are not small, it turned out to be for the forbidden area of ​​my Fenglei Pavilion, hehe, hand over the phoenix sycamore fruit!" , it doesn't matter if I let you in."

Tianhuo was taken aback for a moment, and then the light flickered in his eyes, letting himself in?It seems that there is a Jedi inside, otherwise how could the master of Fenglei Pavilion be so kind.

But even if it is a Jedi, the sky fire must enter, because the book of the sage must be obtained.

With his heart racing, Tianhuo smiled slightly, "In full mode, the Lion King roars!"

A sound wave came out from the mouth of Tianhuo, and it spread in an instant. The pavilion master was the first to be hit, and a dizzy sign appeared above his head, and Tianhuo stepped on his feet again, taking advantage of the dizziness of the pavilion master, he rushed into the cave middle.

In just two seconds, the pavilion master returned to normal, but the figure of Tianhuo was no longer in front of him, but the large group of disciples had already caught up.

Many disciples surrounded the cave, but they dared not move forward, because this is a forbidden area, not everyone can enter, but the pavilion master smiled instead of anger, looking at the cave as dark as the mouth of a giant beast, "I, Fenglei The forbidden area of ​​the pavilion is not so easy to break into, hum!"

The pavilion master sneered, waved his big hand, and led the disciples away, ignoring the sky fire that broke into the cave.

Tianhuo entered the cave and looked back from time to time, but he didn't see anyone chasing him, so he couldn't help being puzzled. When he turned around to look, he saw that there was no one outside the cave, and he was even more puzzled, "Strange, why didn't you chase after him?"

After thinking for a while, Tianhuo didn't know the reason, but it was so good that he could slowly search for the book of the sage in this cave.

With this in mind, Tianhuo ignored the abnormality of the situation and continued to walk forward.

After walking not far in this cave, the surrounding situation became clear. I saw glowing gemstones inlaid on the cave wall, illuminating the whole cave. The ground is flat and there are no forks.

Tianhuo once again used the invisible skill to enter the invisible state. In this unknown cave, it is better to be careful. It can be seen from the fact that people outside do not chase or guard outside, it will not be easy here.

In the stealth state, Tianhuo's speed slowed down by half. After walking forward for a while, a hall became in front of him. A beam of light several meters thick shone down from above. When he looked up, he could still see the blue sky .

And under this beam of light, the situation in the hall is clearly visible. In the center, there is a stone table. In front of this stone table, an unkempt old man is sitting upright. Four thick iron chains lock his limbs respectively.

Tianhuo approached cautiously, and saw that the old man was looking down at a book, but the pages were all blank.

At this moment, the radiance of the sage's ring was shining brightly. Fortunately, only Tianhuo could see this radiance, otherwise it would definitely alarm the old man.

Apart from the situation in front of him, there was nothing else in the whole hall, which surprised Tianhuo. The so-called forbidden area of ​​Fenglei Pavilion seemed too simple.

Seeing the situation in the hall clearly, Tianhuo's eyes were attracted by the book that the old man was flipping through, and the light of the sage ring pointed to the book. Obviously, it was the book of sage that Tianhuo needed.

The old man is like an old monk sitting withered, he has checked the blank pages for a long time without turning them, but Tianhuo couldn't help but cast a Glyph Sage's eye in the past.

Feng Laomo: The attribute is unknown, he once served as the master of the Fenglei Pavilion, and his strength is unfathomable.

Looking at the attributes of the old man, the invisible Tianhuo couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He couldn't even see his level. It must be a strong enemy!

However, it seems that because Tianhuo used the eyes of Wensheng, the old man slowly raised his head, stared at the place where Tianhuo was, coughed lightly, and a hoarse voice came out, "Come and sit!"

Although the voice was hoarse, it had an undeniable taste, which surprised Tianhuo. In front of these npcs, his hidden spirit skills seemed to have become decorations and were discovered again.

Tianhuo no longer hides, removes the hidden spirit skills, and intertwines his eyes with the old man, "Who is trapped here, senior?"

"Trapping me? Hehe, who can trap me? I just locked myself here. You came here for this thing?" Feng Laomo said, raised the book of Wensheng, and followed his movements. , the arm-thick iron chain rattled.

Tianhuo's gaze followed the two iron chains, but he saw that the two iron chains had sunk into the cave wall, and were locked by the heavy chains, but the old man seemed to be fine and did not affect his movements at all.

Tianhuo was surprised, the old man looked dry, even his unkempt face was like bark, but his movements were so powerful, he secretly guarded for a while, probably in Fenglei Pavilion, this is the ultimate boss!
Tianhuo clasped his fists together, "Senior, I'm here just for the book of the sage."

The old man slowly put down the book of literati, and looked up at Tianhuo again. His sharp eyes seemed to want to see through Tianhuo. Seeing the usefulness of this book, come on, here you are."

Tianhuo was taken aback for a moment, a strange feeling surged in his heart, is it so simple?I'm afraid not!

(End of this chapter)

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