The strongest saint

Chapter 145 The Book of Wen Sheng

Chapter 145 The Book of Wen Sheng
"Give it to me like this?" Tianhuo asked a little uncertainly as Laomo Feng picked up the Book of Grammar and handed it to himself.

Old Demon Feng nodded, "Yes, I have studied it for decades but failed. If I can see the usefulness of this book from you, I have no regrets."

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows indiscriminately, what the old man said was nice, but thinking of the fact that the master of Fenglei Pavilion and others did not chase after him, Tianhuo still became alert, "Then thank you, senior."

As he said that, Tianhuo stepped forward, but he was on guard in his heart, while Feng Laomo was calm, and he didn't intend to do anything at all, allowing Tianhuo to take the book of the sage.

The Book of Grave Sage was in hand, but there was no prompt to complete the task. Tianhuo flipped his hands and wanted to put the Book of Grave Saint into the Ring of Grave Saint, but a system prompt sounded.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have been cursed by the immobilization curse, and you cannot move for 20 seconds."

Following the system prompt, Tianhuo found that he could no longer move, so he just stood still quietly, and was immediately startled, no matter how vigilant he was, he was still hit!And this system is also nonsense, such a fixed curse, actually congratulate yourself?

"Hehe, I've been waiting for decades, and I finally waited for someone with the power of the scroll to come, boy, thank you very much." Feng Laomo suddenly stood up from the stone bench, staring at Tianhuo with sharp eyes, as if staring at Prey in general.

Tianhuo can only listen, can't move, can't speak, a feeling of coolness rises in his heart, this old guy, what do you want to do?
Without waiting for Tianhuo to think about it, Old Devil Feng slowly stretched out his big dry hand, took back the Book of Grammar and pressed it on the top of Tianhuo's head, "I accept the power of your book."

As he said that, a black light appeared on the palm of Feng Laomo's hand, and as the black light appeared, Tianhuo found that his experience bar was actually decreasing.

"Ding! System prompt: affected by Feng Laomo's secret technique, your experience value has been reduced by 200 million!"


Every second, a system notification like this sounded, and Tianhuo's heart skipped a beat. Is this old man trying to suck up his experience points?What a horrible way!

Unable to move at this moment, Tianhuo can only wait for the time of the holding spell to pass. He has a demon belt and only needs to endure half of the negative state time, which is 10 seconds. He only needs to lose 2000 million experience points. I hope this negative state will pass After that, he can resist Old Demon Wind.

When the time was up, Tianhuo kicked the old man, trying to use the force of the shock to bounce him away, but to Tianhuo's surprise, the right foot that kicked on the old man's abdomen was like kicking on cotton, without being affected at all. strength, but was strangely absorbed by the old man, and the loss of experience also accelerated.

"Ding! System prompt: The level has been lowered. Congratulations, you have reached level 42."

But in an instant, Tianhuo has returned to level 42, but Tianhuo has the urge to strangle the system, and the level is lowered, congratulations!
"Don't try to break free, just cooperate obediently!" Feng Laomo laughed jokingly, his wrinkled face was full of complacency.

"Cooperate with your sister, old guy, you're looking for death!" Tianhuo cursed angrily, followed by Wen Sheng's disgust and Lion King's roar.

However, Laomo Feng was not affected by the two skills at all, and was still absorbing the experience value of Skyfire.

Tianhuo forcibly suppressed the anxiety in his heart, "Old guy, let go, or don't blame me for killing you!"

If this continues, Tianhuo may directly return to level 1. This is still a relatively ideal consequence. If it is more serious, it may even lose the profession of scribe, but Tianhuo is not sure.

Old Devil Feng smiled jokingly, completely ignoring Tianhuo's warning, but Tianhuo gritted his teeth and directly used the injury-free spirit ball.

"Ding! System prompt: Successfully use the injury-free spirit ball once, and you will be immune to all damage for 10 seconds."

The injury-free effect of the injury-free spirit ball was successfully activated, and unexpectedly, the experience value of Tianhuo was still continuously decreasing. Obviously, the injury-free spirit ball could not avoid such a state.

Tianhuo was startled, at this moment, his right foot was being sucked by Feng Laomo's lower abdomen, and he couldn't break free, and his forehead was also being held down by him, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free.

"go home!"

"Ding! The system prompts: In a special state, this skill cannot be used!"

"Spirit escape!"

"Ding! The system prompts: In a special state, this skill cannot be used!"

"Fuck, old guy, ask me one last time, do you want to let go?" Tianhuo cursed angrily, but his heart ached, not because of the lost experience points, but because if the old man didn't let go, Tianhuo would have to use his trump card. It represents the imminent loss of some gold panlong pens.

"Hehe, don't worry, just hold on for a while, and I will thank you when the time comes." Old Demon Feng smiled with joy in his eyes.

Tianhuo's heart was full of anger, he gritted his teeth, "Persevere your sister, old guy, bully too much, all mode, explode!"

With the roar of Tianhuo, the Dianjin Panlong Brush suddenly turned into a black light, and instantly submerged into Feng Laomo's body, and the latter's eyes suddenly became dull, and the force of adsorption disappeared.

Tianhuo quickly escaped from Old Demon Feng's control, and looked at Old Demon Feng angrily, only to see that his body was shaking, and the iron chains on his limbs were ringing, and Old Demon Feng was struggling, obviously Trying to endure the pain.

Tianhuo stared blankly at Old Demon Feng. After the golden panlong pen evolved into a demon weapon, it has the attribute of self-explosion. As long as the enemy is not higher than Tianhuo's level 30, it will be killed by self-explosion. However, at this moment, Tianhuo is worried. Excuse me, how old is this old guy?
"You..." Feng Laomo raised his right arm tremblingly and pointed at Tianhuo, his eyes were full of despair, and he didn't know what to say, before he finished speaking, dazzling white lights burst out of his body .

These streaks of white light were like sharp swords, and each streak of white light was accompanied by a painful roar from Old Demon Feng. In an instant, the white light had already permeated Old Demon Feng's body, making it difficult for Tianhuo to open his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Tianhuo felt a terrible wave of air rushing in suddenly, and he flew upside down uncontrollably. At the same time, the deafening explosion sound also came over, shaking Tianhuo's eardrums to buzz.

"Ding! Congratulations on killing Old Demon Feng, the lost experience points will be recovered."

"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations on reaching level 43."

"Ding! System prompt: Glyph Sage's Sorrow activates, pick up Glyph Sage's book, skill book x 1, wind and thunder pill x 1, mysterious token x 1."

"Fuck, let's not talk about wasting an injury-free spirit ball. I don't even have any golden panlong pens. How could such a little thing explode?" The corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly, feeling very dissatisfied. Baiteng is average, he has no experience points, and only a few items are revealed.

Tianhuo was very heartbroken, and the golden panlong brush was gone, but he was slightly relieved when he looked at the book of literati in his backpack.

With the death of Feng Laomo, the pavilion master who was recuperating in the main hall at the moment suddenly opened his eyes, with an expression of disbelief all over his face, slowly turned his head to look towards the forbidden area, and murmured in horror: "The old ancestor is dead?"

Tianhuo didn't know that Feng Laomo's death was sensed by the pavilion master, and he was checking his own attributes at the moment. He lost the gold panlong pen, which can be said to be a big drop in attributes. After all, the gold panlong pen added 3000-4500 to himself Scroll attack, and 260 strength and intelligence, add up to a scroll attack of 3780-5280, and with the addition of the Glyph Saint suit, that is a scroll attack of 7560-10560!

Losing so many tome attacks at once made Tianhuo extremely heartbroken. After level 39, Tianhuo seldom paid attention to the changes in his own attributes. The agility increased by 4, the intelligence increased by 510, and the attack was only increased by 610. Anyway, the current attack attribute is far inferior to that at level 1672.

The current Skyfire, even the scholar's white robe has been ruined, but it has increased HP and MP by 10%!However, he is not worried about this Sky Fire. The HP and MP settings of the Destiny World are a bit special, almost all of which are obtained by basic attributes, and his almost attributes can be called terrifying.

After checking the current attributes, Tianhuo shook his head helplessly. There were only 16950-16950 scroll attacks left, but the defense was as high as 19550, which was higher than the attack. Such attributes were absolutely wonderful.

"I hope that the Book of the Sage of Grammar can add some scroll attacks, otherwise it's really nonsense." Tianhuo put all his hopes on the book of the Sage of Grammar, and after he recognized the master, he checked it nervously.

The book of the sage, the demon weapon, the exclusive set of the sage. (Owned, cannot be traded, cannot be discarded, cannot be stolen, cannot be dropped)
Attributes: None.

Occupational Requirements: Wen Sheng.

Paper talk support: Passive skill, with the book of literati, you can use paper talk.

"I..." As soon as Tianhuo saw the attributes of the Book of Glyphs, Tianhuo's heart suddenly turned cold. One of the parts of this dignified Glyph suit, and it is also an extremely important weapon, does not add scrolls to attack!

Just like the ring and the crown of the sage of the sage, the book of the sage of the sage still has no attributes!
Tianhuo lowered his head dejectedly, no matter how he thought about it, he felt that he had lost a lot this time. In Tianhuo's opinion, this book of literary sages was no match for a gold panlong brush. With the self-explosion skill of the Golden Panlong Pen, I'm afraid I'm finished.

"Where there is gain, there must be loss? Hey!" Tianhuo shook his head and sighed, not caring about the gold panlong pen, after all, he saved himself by relying on it.

Reluctantly equipped the Book of Grammar, and was about to check other things, a system prompt sounded.

"Ding! System prompt: Gather three suits, and the attributes of the suit will be enhanced."

As soon as the system notification sounded, Tianhuo slapped his forehead suddenly, and almost forgot that this is the Glyph Saint suit. When he had two pieces, he had already doubled his attributes. Now that he has the third piece, the attributes of the suit must be Be stronger!
With great anticipation, Tianhuo looked at the attributes of the suit at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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