The strongest saint

Chapter 156 talk on paper

Chapter 156 talk on paper
Chapter 150
In the hopeful expressions of the three at dusk and dawn, Tianhuo quickly opened the second page of the Book of Glyphs, and many players around, after seeing the arrival of the three red-named NPCs, had already receded far away, for fear of being like those players before. Generally killed in seconds.

Following Tianhuo's movements, I saw pale golden light flashing on the Book of Glyphs. As Tianhuo opened it, large characters flew out of the book quickly. people shrouded.

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the Glyph Sage, the defense will increase by 10% within 50 minutes, and the damage received will be reduced by 20%."

The second page of Wensheng's Book is written with the head of the water tune. When the city lord recorded it, it was the same situation. However, there was no system prompt at that time, but since the last time I saw these big characters flying around me, the sky fire fainted. Guess, this must be a defensive effect.

However, what was unexpected was that it actually had the effect of reducing damage by 20%. Tianhuo was overjoyed, the paper was really good, and he could write more poems on it when he was free.

As for the chivalrous action on the third page, Tianhuo didn't know what the effect would be, so he didn't dare to try it at this time. As the book of scribes closed itself, Tianhuo had already stepped out, "Prisoner!"

A cage of four or five meters appeared around the Fourth Elder. The Fifth Elder and the Sixth Elder were lucky not to be surrounded by it, but they were also very frightened. After the same thing was imprisoned, You hurriedly dodged back to protect the outside of the cage, looking warily at the approaching Tianhuo.

"Ten steps to kill one person..."

However, as the sky fire shot out, large golden characters also appeared in the sky quickly, and then smashed down violently.

Within the area covered by the big characters, those little monsters were instantly killed, and above the heads of the three elders, damage values ​​of around 30 to [-] were constantly popping up, and there were several [-] to [-] crit damage from time to time, which was really shocking people.

In just a few steps, Tianhuo has already stepped into the scope of the title's effect. Diyan Linshi is faster and comes from behind. Under the shock of Diyan, together with Tianhuo's title of Ten Thousand Slayers, it directly reduces the attributes of the three elders by 40%.
600000! -1800000!

Looking at the huge damage above the heads of the three, Tianhuo was slightly taken aback. Like the three elders, they all had 600 million health points, but these three guys would be even worse, losing 40% of their attributes all at once. Hopeless.

The attack and defense were both reduced, and the damage received by the three suddenly increased, and the three of them at the side of Twilight Breaking Dawn were not idle, each desperately using their status skills, and then stepped out.

"Fight it, avenge the third brother!" The fifth elder shouted loudly, and shot out together with the sixth elder, with wind and thunder surging all over his body, rushing straight towards Tianhuo.

Tianhuo jokingly smiled, he stepped forward to use it for the title effect, now that the goal is achieved, it is natural to be as far away as possible, so instead of advancing, he retreated, and continued to display his verbal criticism skills.

Backing away while using the verbal punishment skill, Tianhuo's speed was not fast, and he was overtaken by the two in an instant, but there were big characters flying around Tianhuo. Under the obstruction of these big characters, the two couldn't get close at all. The weapon slashed out streaks of sword light.
1, -1...

Amid the astonished expressions of countless players, mandatory 1-point damage emerged from the top of Tianhuo's head one by one. Tianhuo was also stunned for a while, and then stopped moving and stood firmly in place.

After doubling the attribute, Skyfire's defense is more than 6. Even if they don't use their paper, I am afraid that these two NPCs will not be able to break through their own defense. After all, their attack cannot exceed Skyfire's defense.

When the three of them saw this, they rushed straight towards the imprisoned fourth elder, and the attacks continued to fall.

Skyfire has fought quite a few bosses, but this is probably the easiest one ever. It's okay to stand up and let the enemy attack. Besides, Skyfire still recovers more than 8000 health per second, so why worry?
Despite the attacks of the Fifth Elder and the Sixth Elder, the pale golden text around Tianhuo was still floating, showing no signs of breaking, and the negative status skills cast by the two of them had no effect, like a stone sinking into the sea.

Interested players have already recorded the scene in front of them. This is the latest Tianhuo recent situation. I think someone in Xinshou Village recorded the scene of the Tianhuo battle. After the forum was released, he became a local tyrant the next day .

In the previous videos, there were only large golden characters appearing on the top of Tianhuo's head, but now, there are large pale golden characters wrapped around his body. I'm afraid not many players have seen it.

The surrounding players watched Tianhuo attack the boss so easily, and one by one who didn't believe in evil also started to attack. However, unexpectedly, the two NPC-like bosses could only cause dozens or hundreds of damages. There are thousands of damage values ​​appearing.

The Fifth Elder and Sixth Elder were attacked by these players, they ignored them at all, and still gritted their teeth to attack Tianhuo.

"Deeply hide merit and fame!"

The skill of Tianhuo's verbal punishment never stopped, but within tens of seconds, starting from the four elders who were trapped, the three elders fell to the ground one by one without any suspense.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations to your team for killing a red-named NPC that exceeds its own level by 10, and reward all members with +1 level!"

"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations on reaching level 45, four attributes +5."

The fourth elder died, and Tianhuo was promoted to another level. However, after the death of the fifth and sixth elders, they didn't even have experience. Obviously, one is because they are NPCs, and the other is because Tianhuo has reached level 45, and there is no reward for level differences. .

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up the incomplete treasure map x 3, wind and thunder pill x 3, and equip 4 piece."

After receiving the system prompt, Tianhuo didn't rush to check the items that exploded, but looked at Mu Yichen and the first one. These four NPCs should be the ultimate boss this time. They died, and the ordinary monsters behind them had nothing to do with it. There is no suspense anymore, now is the best opportunity for Tianhuo to understand the strength of leading the way.

However, the battle between the two was beyond Tianhuo's expectation, and it was delayed for less than a minute. When he turned around to look, he was the first to lose his life and fell to the ground!

"This is the number one master? But that's it!" Mu Yichen looked at the fallen leader, with deep disappointment on his face.

However, as soon as the words fell, I saw the first one suddenly resurrected on the spot, and his life value recovered about one tenth in an instant.

"Yo? Resurrection on the spot?" Mu Yichen frowned, feeling a little excited.

Immediately waved his hands in a hurry, but he was cursing in his heart, the best opportunity has already been missed, and it is obviously too late to stop Tianhuo from becoming the lord of Tianyan City, all because of Mu Yichen!
'The current Mu Yichen is more powerful than Tianhuo, so he must bring disaster to the east! 'Yi Ma took the lead in thinking viciously in his heart, and then suppressed his anger and forced a smile, "You are worthy of being a martial arts madman, I admit defeat!"

"Shameless madman? How dare you scold me!" The excitement on Mu Yichen's face suddenly turned cold, and before he finished speaking, he rushed towards the lead again.

He was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly backed away, "Forget about this, it is said that the guy who was the first to call out this name had a miserable end!" '

"I'm talking about martial idiots, not shameless, brother, stop!" Yima Xian was furious in his heart, but he had to say hastily.

Mu Yichen didn't care, "Want to run? Stand still!"

In an instant, he took the lead and was restrained and unable to leave, while Mu Yichen had already rushed up, "Battle Soul! Fight the sky with your fists!"

Seeing Mu Yichen's attack fall, he took the lead and gritted his teeth. It seems that the plan is going to fail again!
At the moment when Mu Yichen's attack landed, the figure who took the lead suddenly disappeared, no one could see how he left, and when Mu Yichen's attack failed, he stared fiercely at the place where the leader disappeared , without saying a word.

Not far away, Tianhuo and the others looked at each other, their eyes were full of astonishment, this Mu Yichen, how could he be so strong, Tianhuo knows best, taking the lead is a reborn, but facing this real local player, Not an opponent!
"Even if you run fast, take the lead, dare to call me shameless, don't let me meet you in the future, or you will look good!" Mu Yichen murmured to himself, and then looked around, looking at the monsters that were still densely packed , unexpectedly without the slightest interest, but slowly moved his gaze to Tianhuo.

"Hey, brother, the top player you mentioned is not very good!" Mu Yichen grinned when he saw Tianhuo in the crowd, and strode towards Tianhuo, while the nearby players hurriedly gave way.

Just kidding, the second place on the ranking list took the lead. If they could single out the existence of spirit beasts, they could only escape. How dare they stand in the way.

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly, secretly regretting that he should have gone to fight monsters immediately, this is good, I'm afraid he will be entangled.

"He said that you are the number one master. Are you done with your work? Let's compete too!" Mu Yichen stopped in front of Tianhuo and said eagerly, his eyes also looked eager to try.

Tianhuo coughed dryly, "Let's talk about it later, now is the time for monsters to attack the city, and I still have work to do."

Mu Yichen frowned, "There are so many players here, so it's no problem to deal with this little monster?"

Tianhuo was about to refuse, but Twilight Lixiao stared at him, grabbed Mu Yichen's ear, and shouted: "You can help resist monsters attacking the city if you are idle, don't make trouble here, pretend you don't know me? How many years?" See, you took the wrong name for me, is it 'Mu'?"

The sound of drinking at dusk and dawn is full of strong joy, it is a kind of joy of reunion after a long absence.

Tianhuo, Fatty and Wuchen looked at this scene in astonishment. For a moment, Fatty and Wuchen looked at each other and smiled, suddenly beaming, while Tianhuo was blank, and then became thoughtful again.

(End of this chapter)

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