The strongest saint

Chapter 157 Siege Ultimate Boss

Chapter 157 Siege Ultimate Boss
In the south of Tianyan City, many players were scrambling to fight monsters, but a strange scene appeared in the field.

The five members of Tianhuo stood in a circle, ignoring the bloody battles around them.

Twilight broke dawn and grabbed Mu Yichen's ears, and the latter lowered his head with grinning teeth, but he didn't dare to resist.

"Tell me, why did you get all the names wrong!" Twilight Lixiao let go of his right hand that was holding Mu Yichen's ear, and snorted coldly.

Only then did Mu Yichen heave a sigh of relief, and carefully glanced at Twilight and Breaking Dawn, and said weakly: "That... I just found out that I was wrong, it's different from yours."

The corners of the mouths of Tianhuo and the others twitched slightly. Tianhuo never expected that such a powerful player could not even distinguish these two words.

Twilight breaks dawn and stares at Mu Yichen with hatred, trembling slightly with anger, the joy of seeing Mu Yichen before seems to have disappeared.

"Brother, don't be angry, can't it be okay if I'm wrong? Anyway, the reading is the same." Mu Yichen said weakly, there was no trace of the previous arrogance.

Twilight gave Mu Yichen an angry look, and then said helplessly to Tianhuo: "Tianhuo laughed at me, let me introduce, this is my father's adopted son, my younger brother, who has been away from home for a few years, I didn't expect to be here meet here."

"Congratulations." Tianhuo said with a smile, this couldn't be better, otherwise Mu Yichen would definitely pester him to compete.

"Tianhuo, come here quickly, there is a spirit beast in the west of the city, we can't beat it." A hero's voice sounded in the team channel.

Tianhuo and the others were taken aback when they heard the words. They thought that the four red-named NPCs were the ultimate boss, but they didn't expect there to be spirit beasts!

"The Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon can only carry one person at the moment, I'll go there first." Seeing several people nodding, Tianhuo greeted the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon to come down, and after sending Mu Yichen a team invitation, he took off into the sky and flew towards the west of the city.

Mu Yichen naturally wouldn't refuse to join the team, but as soon as he joined the team, this guy couldn't wait to rush towards the west of the city, "Brother, I'll help."

Not far from the sky, Tianhuo could already see the situation in the west of the city, and saw many players attacking a monster surrounded by lightning, but when the monster waved its arms, the thunder light suddenly diffused, At the same time, the players who were swept turned into white light one after another.

"There is Zhantian Thunder Ape here, master, that guy is very powerful!" Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon said in surprise as he rushed towards the field.

"Don't worry about that, it's still double attributes now." Tianhuo smiled.

"It's hard to say, I feel like I was no match for it back then." The Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon was a little worried. What he said was naturally before he was subdued by Tianhuo. At that time, he was a level 40 spirit beast with powerful attributes.

Tianhuo smiled, patted the back of the Nine Souls Golden Spirit Dragon, and said nothing more.

"Stand back, wait for the fire to come over!" The voice of the hero resounded through the gang channel, this is not going to work, even if the gang elites in front of them are together, it will be difficult to deal with this spirit beast.

With Tianhuo, there is no need to lose these elites.

However, in addition to the hero's subordinates, there are many other casual players in the field. Many players see the ultimate boss appearing, so there is no reason why they should not go up. However, there is only one end, and that is to hang back to the city.

When Tianhuo came to the sky, Zhan Tianleiyuan was already running towards the city gate, no player dared to resist at all, and the heroic people did not resist, but the Tianhuo came, so why use them to resist?
"Nine Souls, stop it!" Tianhuo slapped the Nine Souls Golden Spirit Dragon, and jumped down from the air more than ten meters away.
8550! +8550!

As soon as the falling damage value appeared, the automatic recovery also restored Tianhuo's full health.

And the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon sprayed out a mouthful of dragon flames, blocking Zhan Tian Lei Yuan's path, causing a burst of roars.

Seeing Zhan Tianleiyuan's damage value of 80 above his head under his title, Tianhuo was slightly taken aback.

"The eyes of the sage!" Tianhuo habitually used the eyes of the sage, and immediately took the attributes of this big man into his eyes.

Zhantian Thunder Ape (spiritual beast), level 50, HP7195504/8000000, attack 39000, defense 18000.

Explanation: A powerful spirit beast from the gods, with powerful thunder and lightning power.

Skill: Lightning Coil, an active skill, releases lightning after casting, causing 25% damage to enemies within a radius of 90 meters.

Thunderbolt, an active skill, causes lightning to cause 200% damage to a single target after being cast, ignoring defense.

Capture the Thunder and Battle the Sky, an active skill, the effect is unknown.

Zhantian Shenyuan stood on the ground, his seven or eight meter tall body suddenly turned towards Tianhuo, obviously because the huge damage value exceeded the hatred value.

"Eh? I forgot to bring the Diyan Linshi." The corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly, and he rushed to ride the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, but he forgot the Diyan Linshi who went to fight monsters by himself. Mistake, mistake!
"Twilight, tell my pet to come over, I forgot to bring it." Tianhuo said in the team channel, just as he finished speaking, he saw Zhan Tianshen ape stepping forward with the roar, and the ground trembled randomly.

Spirit beasts are different from low-level pets, they can leave the owner's sight, as long as they are on the same map, but out of sight, the experience gained by pets fighting monsters is the pet's, and the owner can't share it. Ordinary pets don't have this ability.

"It has already followed you here by itself, and it should arrive in a while." The voice of twilight cracked dawn.

Tianhuo didn't care about replying, and hastily released the Lion King's Roar. With the howling of the sound waves, it immediately filled in front of Zhan Tianlei Yuan, but the big guy only paused slightly before rushing over unaffected .

Zhan Tianleiyuan is surrounded by lightning, which is extremely eye-catching, and under the thunder-like fur is covered with horned dragon-like muscles. He can tell that he is a powerful pet at first glance, but unexpectedly, his skills are all spells. type.

As Zhan Tianleiyuan rushed, the nearby players retreated one after another, leaving a large open space in an instant, all of them looked at Tianhuo expectantly, their faces full of anticipation and excitement.

Looking at the huge size of Zhan Tianlei Ape, Tianhuo shook his head and smiled wryly. Prisoner Tianjie can't imprison it!

Smiling wryly, Tianhuo simply opened the third page of the Book of the Sage of Gravity, this page records the actions of knights, just try it.

With the opening of the book of literati, golden light suddenly appeared on the book, and then the big characters wriggled and screamed out of the page as if they had eyes.

"Ten steps to kill one person..."

Twenty words, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into a torrent, and a lot of them sank into Zhan Tianleiyuan's huge body.

Following the entry of the last word, Zhan Tian Lei Yuan paused, and then suddenly flew upside down. At the same time, a large critical hit value emerged from its head.

Tianhuo looked at the huge damage value in amazement, which was five times the critical damage of his pen attack!If a stroke hit Zhan Tianleiyuan, in the case of a critical strike, it is estimated that the damage would be around 22, but using the book of the sage on paper, it would directly increase five times!
But this is the attack of the whole poem, and it is not high, but the attack is too fast, a poem arrives in an instant!
The most important thing is that it has the effect of knocking down, directly blowing Zhan Tianleiyuan to the ground. The huge body was lying on the ground struggling, but couldn't stand up for a while.

Tianhuo hurriedly opened the Book of Grammar again and looked at it. On the third page, it had turned gray, and there was also a cooldown time of 2 minutes in the lower right corner.

Such a powerful attack can almost kill the 50-level spirit beast in front of him seven times. However, the cooling time is too long. If you want to delay it for such a long time, it is obviously impossible.

Following the fall of Zhan Tian Lei Yuan, Tian Huo swung out strokes, but it could only cause less than [-] damage to this thick-skinned guy.

In mid-air, the Nine-hundred Golden Spirit Dragon kept spraying mouthfuls of dragon flames, and each time it landed on Zhan Tian Lei Yuan impartially, but the Nine-hundred Golden Spirit Dragon was still too low level to cause much damage to it.

In four or five seconds, Zhan Tian Lei Yuan suddenly bounced up from the ground, slapped his chest angrily, the thunder light all over his body was even worse, and there was no abnormal phenomenon, a thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky, and it reached Tianhuo's head in an instant.

There was no way for Tianhuo to dodge the sudden thunder and lightning, and he was hit by the bombardment immediately. Amid the deafening sound, Tianhuo became paralyzed all over.
78000! +16850...

As soon as the damage value appeared, more than 1 automatic recovery followed, and it was still double attribute time. Skyfire's health value was as high as more than 40, recovering 4% per second, which is not a small number.

The feeling of numbness all over his body hadn't receded yet, but Zhan Tianleiyuan came in front of Tianhuo, his fists were like huge sandbags, and blasted down towards Tianhuo, but Tianhuo was paralyzed all over, so he had to do his best to hide to one side.

"Haha, big guy, I like it!" Mu Yichen's loud laughter sounded beside Tianhuo, and Tianhuo saw a terrifying scene. He unhesitatingly threw out his fists, and they collided with the huge lightning-flickering fist.

As Mu Yichen's fists collided with Zhantian Thunder Ape, thunder radiated in all directions, and countless electric arcs whizzed and diffused, Mu Yichen also took a few steps back in the collision, but it made him feel even more shocked. Surprisingly, Zhan Tianleiyuan's huge body was also blasted back.

Tianhuo's health recovered, but he looked at the scene in front of him in amazement. Mu Yichen's strength was beyond his expectations. From this point of view, he may not be his opponent now.

"Roar!" Zhan Tianshen Ape was huge, but not clumsy at all, he stabilized his figure suddenly, roared at Mu Yichen, then stared at Tianhuo again with his copper bell-like eyes.

Tianhuo moved his still slightly numb limbs slightly, and with Mu Yichen's help, it was easy this time.

As soon as this thought fell into place, Zhan Tianleiyuan suddenly changed his fists, and his figure jumped up high. Thunderbolt appeared in his hands.

The two thunderbolts exuded a palpitating aura, as if penetrating the sky and the earth, and the crackling sound continued.

"Is this the Unexplained Capture Thunder?"

(End of this chapter)

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