The strongest saint

Chapter 158 Level 3 City Lord Medal

Chapter 158
Zhan Tianleiyuan leaped high, holding two bucket-thick thunderbolts and landed down suddenly, with a terrifying momentum.

And the target he landed on was naturally Tianhuo. As soon as the numbness in Tianhuo's body left, strokes flew out again, but now he regretted it a bit. It couldn't be more appropriate.

hold head high……

The deep dragon chant resounded through the heavens and the earth. The Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon has always been able to do very little damage to the Zhantian Thunder Ape. At this moment, it seemed to be angry. When it saw it leaping high, it spread its wings and slammed towards it. Zhan Tianlei Ape struck away.

Standing in mid-air, Zhan Tian Lei Yuan had nothing to rely on. Under the impact of the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, he suddenly fell unsteadily, and the two lightning bolts in his hand also began to dissipate.

Falling from the mid-air of tens of meters, although it is not considered high, the ground trembled from the impact of this huge body.

"Stand still!" Such a good opportunity, Mu Yichen naturally wouldn't miss it, he directly used "hold still" to trap Zhan Tianleiyuan in place, then laughed and looked at Tianhuo, "Which one of us can deal more damage! You The more than 100 million yuan before is not counted."

With that said, Mu Yichen strode out, gloves emerged between the two fists, and his skills were unreservedly displayed.

Zhantian Thunder Ape couldn't leave the spot for 30 seconds, and Skyfire didn't worry about its attack at all. After all, Luolei, who ignored defense, had tried it himself. Naturally, he would not let go of such a good opportunity at this moment, and his strokes flew out roaring.

"Remove the armor!" A strange light surged from Mu Yichen's fists, and it slammed on Zhan Tian Lei Yuan's body. Immediately, a sign of weakened defense appeared on Zhan Tian Lei Ape's head.

Coincidentally, Tianhuo's stroke attack also arrived, and each stroke brought a damage value of nearly 16, and the critical strike damage that appeared from time to time became about [-]. , that is, more than [-] damage values ​​emerged.

On the other hand, Mu Yichen also has a damage value of 20 to [-], and the critical damage that occurs from time to time can reach as high as [-]!
Everyone in the arena was sluggish. Even if they were dealing with a spirit beast level boss around level 50, they would have to organize thousands or even tens of thousands of people to dare to step forward. However, the level [-] spirit beast in front of them, Tianhuo and Mu Yi The dust made it powerless to resist.

Huge damage values ​​emerged from Zhan Tian Lei Yuan's head one by one, and the surrounding players watched this scene with great enjoyment. They saw Zhan Tian Lei Ape's life value dropping rapidly. In more than ten seconds, it was unexpectedly It's bottoming out.

"Haha, your damage is higher than mine, but your speed is not as fast as mine." Mu Yichen laughed, and his fists kept hitting Zhan Tian Lei Yuan, who was stuck in place and could only spin around. The attacks released from time to time, but the two ignored them at all, allowing their own attacks to fall.

"Look at my spirit-level capture technique!" Seeing that Zhan Tianlei Ape's health was about to bottom out, Mu Yichen laughed suddenly, turned his fists into palms and slapped Zhan Tianlei Ape, and Tianhuo also hurriedly stopped the attack , and then attack, Zhan Tian Lei Yuan will die.

Since Mu Yichen wants to capture this spirit beast, Tianhuo will naturally be beautiful.

"Again!" Mu Yichen failed to capture several times in a row, but he was not in a hurry, and kept using the capture technique while dodging Zhan Tian Lei Yuan's attack.

The time passed by second by second, and 30 seconds was about to pass. At that time, Zhantian Thunder Ape would be able to leave the place. At that time, it would be almost impossible to capture it. I am afraid that it can only be killed.

Roar!Zhan Tianleiyuan roared, and suddenly left the spot. Obviously, it was time for Mu Yichen to stay still.

However, just as Zhan Tianleiyuan left the spot, it strangely turned into a bolt of thunder and rushed towards Mu Yichen, and that huge body just disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"Haha, Tianhuo, thank you very much, let's see, which one of us has the higher output?" Mu Yichen laughed and opened the team panel expectantly.

Tianhuo shook his head and didn't check it. He wasn't as boring as this guy. He was not in a hurry to check the pet's attributes, but was actually busy checking the output comparison.

"Ding! System prompt: The ultimate siege boss has been subdued by the player. Congratulations on successfully resisting the monster siege, becoming the city lord of Tianyan City, and unlocking all city lord permissions."

"Ding! System prompt: As the first player to obtain the position of city lord, he will be rewarded with 80000 reputation, full system tax exemption, and a third-level city lord medal. Please pay attention to check."

After Zhan Tianleiyuan was subdued by Mu Yichen, the system notification sounded, which meant that the siege was over. Although there were still a large number of ordinary monsters, compared to the boss, these ordinary monsters were no longer to be feared.

"Ding! World news: Congratulations to the player Tianhuo for becoming the city lord of Tianyan City. As the first player to be the city lord, he will receive a generous reward."

The world news also rang out, and the players who had wondered why the monster attacked the city but didn't get the system prompts immediately realized that this was a monster attack aimed at Tianhuo!
But even if they knew it early on, there would be countless players who couldn't resist the temptation of double experience and double burst rate. At that time, the result would still be the same. It wasn't because of Mu Yichen's appearance that he could completely stop Tianhuo from becoming the city lord.

Not to mention taking the lead, Tianhuo looked at the system prompt expectantly. The attribute of the system's tax exemption made Tianhuo a little excited. This means that Tianyan City belongs to him completely. The entire Tianyan City has such a wide range. There are countless field maps!
In addition to the field map, there are countless villages and towns, and there are shops in those places. In this large area, 11.2% of the tax revenue will belong to them!
"Tianhuo, congratulations!" The hero walked over with envy, but looked at Mu Yichen helplessly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Tianhuo smiled, "Uncle hero, thank you for your help, otherwise I'm afraid it will be difficult to resist the monster attacking the city."

The hero patted Tianhuo on the shoulder, "You're welcome, as long as you don't forget about the order of the third-level city lord."

"That's easy to say, as long as there is the whereabouts of the boss, it can be any time." Tianhuo said with a smile, there is no urgent matter at hand right now, just to see the benefits of the city lord.

"Haha, it's easy to say, let's do it tomorrow. I'll get these subordinates ready and call you tomorrow." The hero said.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows unobtrusively. It seems that the hero has already found the whereabouts of the dark gold boss, but it doesn't matter, the dark gold boss is not a big threat to Tianhuo.

The remaining monsters were gradually wiped out by the players, and with the departure of the players, Tianyan City gradually returned to the previous scene, but the traces of the battle outside the city still showed the previous fierceness.

This time, not counting the dozens of pieces of normal equipment that were released by mobs, there were as many as 12 pieces of equipment that were released by bosses alone, 4 pieces from ground worms, 3 pieces from war giant elephants, and 5 pieces from NPCs.

The two dark gold bosses broke out, and if nothing else happened, the highest level was no more than dark gold equipment, but the ones that broke out on the NPC were different. These five pieces of equipment were what Tianhuo was most looking forward to.

In the living room of the mansion, there are four people, Tianhuo, Haohan, Nan Jinglin, Dongqing Wushen, and Twilight Breaking Dawn. A total of nine people are sitting in the living room, each of them has a look of expectation on their faces, looking at Tianhuo. Take out the equipment one by one.

In the anticipation of everyone, Mu Yichen was extremely bored, pacing back and forth in the living room, apparently not wanting to stay here any longer.

The reason why Tianhuo came out one by one was that he secretly used the eyes of Wensheng to identify them. Every time he identified one piece, he handed it to everyone to watch, until the last piece of identification was completed, Tianhuo shook his head helplessly. Come on, 12 pieces, there are actually two spiritual weapons, but neither of them can be used by Tianhuo.

"It's fine for you to divide according to occupation, don't worry about me." Tianhuo said with a smile, the few people in front of him have helped him a lot, and this is a little feedback.

"Hey, I knew it must be right to mess around with Tianhuo, so I will accept this dagger." Fatty's eyes flickered, and he hurriedly put away the dagger he had been rubbing in his hand, it was one of the two spiritual weapons .

However, the requirements for using those two spiritual weapons are not low, they need level 50, which is not something they can equip now.

Tianhuo didn't bother to care about the distribution of the people, and took out the third-level city lord medal to check.

Level 5 City Lord Medal (exclusive for players of Tianhuo): The symbol of the city lord status, life recovery +5% and mana recovery +[-]% after wearing it.

Wearing effect: make the NPC of the city admire it, and make the guards of the city prohibit it.

The simple attributes made Tianhuo a little disappointed. In Tianhuo's mind, there should be a bonus of the four major attributes. After all, the basic attributes are extremely important to Tianhuo. With the Glyph Saint suit, I am afraid that every part has no attributes, and the source of all attributes will be basic attributes.

Putting the medal on his chest, Tianhuo checked the four incomplete treasure maps he got. He got one from the four elders of Fenglei Pavilion respectively.

Incomplete treasure map (4/6): The treasure map that records the secrets of Fenglei Pavilion, even if every pavilion master does not know about it, only the past elders know about it.

"Fuck, this is still two copies!" From the 4/6 mark, it is not difficult to see that to get this treasure map together, six such incomplete copies are needed, and from the introduction, Tianhuo understands that, The remaining two copies must belong to the First Elder and Second Elder.

While thinking about it, the corner of Tianhuo's mouth curled up. Since this thing fell into his hands, he is not afraid that the First Elder and Second Elder will not come to him. What treasure?
(End of this chapter)

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