The strongest saint

Chapter 172 Earth Demon

Chapter 172 Earth Demon
On the ground, the monsters attacking Beiling Village had become thinner, apparently coming to an end, but at this moment, there were roars in the distant sky.

Tianhuo looked intently, and saw a strange monster with wings on its back galloping towards it.

"They are all elite monsters." Elite monsters are much stronger than ordinary monsters, and they are all level 60. Obviously, they cannot be killed by Skyfire.

"Skyfire, go up and kill them, or they will cause trouble when they rush in. Leave it to us first." Twilight Lixiao said.

There are hundreds of elite monsters, if they fly into Beiling Village, they will be in big trouble.

Tianhuo once again cleaned up the monsters within more than 200 meters around him, and with a dodge, he flew in front of the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, "Hold it!"

Stepping on the back of the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, Tianhuo looked calm, killing these flying elite monsters, the boss should also appear!

The Nine-hundred Golden Spirit Dragon carried only Tianhuo, and was extremely fast, quickly meeting those flying monsters. As the distance approached, large golden characters appeared in the sky above Tianhuo.

"Ten steps to kill one person..."


Under the attack of Skyfire, dense roars came out from the mouths of hundreds of flying monsters, and then attacks rushed towards Skyfire, but the distance was still far away, and their attacks could not approach Skyfire at all.

Dozens of monsters were caught off guard by the sky fire, but the remaining monsters seemed to have wisdom, and scattered in all directions, swooping towards Beiling Village in the valley.

"Keep up! Never stay behind for a thousand miles..."

Tianhuo's attack did not dare to stop at all, letting the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon block in front of the group of monsters, constantly killing monsters, verbal and pen attacking, not daring to let go of a monster.

"Master, there are people there." Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon said suddenly.

Tianhuo glanced at it immediately, and saw a figure galloping towards the land outside the village, it could be whoever it was.

Seeing the lead, Tianhuo didn't understand why, he must know that the task of setting up the team is here, no, he came here to sabotage.

As long as he helps Tianhuo and the others to defend against the monster's attack, the mission will be considered a failure. After all, the mission description is clearly written, and only Tianhuo and the others can rely on it, otherwise it will be considered a failure.

"Xiao Mu, hurry up and stop the leader, and don't let him deal with the monster, or our mission will fail." Tianhuo said in the team channel.

Everyone was shocked, knowing what the other party was thinking, Mu Yichen didn't dare to stay, and quickly rushed towards the outside of the village, he had to take the lead to stop the village outside.

However, as soon as Mu Yichen left, the pressure on the crowd suddenly increased, but within a few breaths, a monster had already rushed over, running straight towards the depths of the village.

"Oops!" Twilight Lixiao's face turned cold, the long sword in his hand was retracted to his waist, and his body turned suddenly, "Sheng Wu!"


The ear-piercing sound of piercing the air resounded all over the body at dusk and dawn, and then one after another sword light roared, covering a full range of [-] meters, and the monsters within the range were killed instantly.

"Quick, stop it." After using a wide range of skills, Twilight Breaking Dawn panted and walked quickly among the monsters.

Fatty, Wu Chen, and Hua Xiaoran also used all kinds of skills, but there are only four of them left, how can they completely stop all the monsters, within a few breaths, monsters have rushed into the village.

"Damn it, the goddamn one took the lead, how did he know we were here?" The fat man said viciously, but his fat body did not move slowly.

As soon as this remark came out, several people looked at Hua Xiaoran, and he was the last to join among the six people. For a while, several people suspected that Hua Xiaoran had leaked the news.

I just glanced at it lightly, and continued to kill the monsters. I can't be distracted at this time, and everything will wait until the end.

Soon, there were no more monsters coming from behind, and all those who could be killed were killed by the four of them, but in such a short time, hundreds of monsters had already rushed into the depths of Beiling Village.

"Quick!" Not daring to delay, Twilight led the three of them towards the depths of the village and quickly chased after them.

In mid-air, Tianhuo also chased the remaining dozen or so flying monsters to the depths of Beiling Village. Hundreds of monsters were scrambling to rush towards the entrance of the cave, and the four guards beside the entrance of the cave were already on guard. .

"Jiu Hun, you will be in the air later, don't leave any monsters that fly up." Tianhuo said intently, taking advantage of the Jiu Hun Golden Spirit Dragon flying low, it jumped down.

Falling from a height of more than 1 meters, more than 1 damage values ​​immediately appeared above Tianhuo's head, and then more than [-] health recovery burst out, and after recovering, Tianhuo hurriedly ran towards the cave after traveling thousands of miles a day go.

The ten or so monsters arrived in front of the cave ahead of Tianhuo, and after landing, they retracted their wings and ran towards the cave.

"Block me!" Skyfire's order sounded in the minds of the four guards.

These monsters rushed in at random, and within a moment they would kill all the villagers, and it would be over by then.

The attributes of the four guards are no less than those of Twilight and Daybreak. After all, they have 75% of the attributes of Skyfire, and at this moment, the attributes of Skyfire are doubled. The four guardians are standing in front of the cave, killing each other with one sword. with monster.

But there are hundreds of monsters, and the sprint speed is extremely fast. If one is not good, it is very likely that most of them will rush in.

As soon as Tianhuo's thought appeared, sure enough, a monster rushed into the entrance of the cave!

"Fuck me, what's the point? I'll run away!" The fat man shouted violently, and then his figure suddenly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in the passage of the cave, just blocking the monster .

Escaping from the sky and stealing the gods, this is the signature skill!

However, before everyone was happy, a group of monsters had already passed the defenses of the four guards and rushed towards the cave, but no one had arrived yet.

"This arrow is chasing the sun!" As soon as Wuchen opened his longbow, dazzling rays of light gathered on the longbow, and as he loosened the bowstring, the arrow branch whizzed out like a falling sun, and rushed into the passage in an instant , Wherever it passed, more than a dozen monsters that had rushed in were pierced through and turned into white light.

"Good job!" Tianhuo had already reached his attack range, secretly praised the two, and then large characters appeared above his head.

Dots of white light lit up outside the entrance of the cave, and in an instant, all the remaining monsters turned into white light.

"Great, it's a success!" The fat man laughed and walked out of the passage.

"Don't be complacent, the boss hasn't appeared yet, it's a monster!" Twilight dawned on alert, his eyes scanning the surroundings.

"Xiao Mu, how is your situation?" Tianhuo frowned and asked in the team channel.

"Enjoy!" Mu Yichen's short answer made everyone helpless. This guy, the sky fire was not there before, and he was the only one who could stop the leader. However, judging from the current situation, he seems to have forgotten that there is still a major event, and he is fighting with the leader.

Speaking of taking the lead, Twilight, Fatty and Wuchen looked at Hua Xiaoran again, suspicion flashed across their eyes, but the latter was looking around, looking for the whereabouts of the boss, and didn't notice.

Tianhuo imprinted the actions of several people in his eyes, and after thinking about it, he realized that Mu Hui and the others had misunderstood Hua Xiaoran.

"As soon as he takes the lead, he knows the big events of the game for ten years. He will naturally know that we are here to do team missions. Don't think too much about it." Tianhuo smiled and said.

"What?" The four of Twilight were all surprised. How could they know about the ten-year history of the game in the first place?
Tianhuo smiled, "It's inconvenient to say more about this matter, anyway, you can't underestimate the lead."

But this time, it was Tianhuo who took the lead. In his memory, he only knew that Tianhuo was the first player to establish a team, but he didn't know the location of the mission. The reason why he came here at this time was entirely his subordinates. I saw Tianhuo and others went to the NPC to accept the task.

After that, he took the lead and bribed the battle group administrator a little, and he told him to take the lead.

"Be careful, I feel something coming from the ground." At this moment, Mu Yichen's voice sounded.

"Boss?" Tianhuo frowned, coming from the ground, without the sense of a god-level miner like Mu Yichen, I'm afraid it would be difficult to deal with.

"Xiao Mu, stop playing, kill the horse and come to help first." Twilight broke dawn with his sword lowered, ready to strike at any time, urging in the team channel.

Tianhuo also looked warily at the surrounding ground, Tudun, hoping there could be traces to follow.

Suddenly, the soil hundreds of meters ahead was turned over, and a pointed head poked out. Seeing this, Tianhuo hurriedly threw out the Eye of the Glyph, but only after seeing the monster's attributes, the head got into the soil In, disappeared.

Earth Demon, level 60, HP 9000000/9000000, attack 48000, defense 26000.

Explanation: Monsters who are good at earth escape are not easy to deal with, but they are average in strength but can control the earth to a certain extent.

Skill: Hide.

Weakness: If he is out of combat, he can use the earth escape to escape.

Tianhuo didn't have time to think about why the weakness he saw was like this, and said in the team channel: "Be careful, don't let him run into the cave, as long as you don't let him get out of the fighting state, he can't escape from the earth."

As soon as the words fell, Wu Chen saw a strange white light flashing in his eyes, and the longbow in his hand was slowly pulled away, "Break!"

The ear-piercing sound of piercing the air spread, echoing in the valley, and the arrow branch sank into the ground in a flash, and then a large piece of soil rolled, and a monster three to four meters high came out of it.

The earth demon's body is covered with khaki scales, with a pointed head, sharp claws, thick legs, and small eyes staring at Tianhuo and the others guarding the cave, "Humans, get out!"

"Damn it, what should I say, this is the ugliest monster I've ever seen." The fat man murmured.

"court death!"

After drinking violently, the earth demon stepped on the ground with his right foot, and the ground trembled. Then, the ground quickly split open, and a crack several meters wide spread towards Tianhuo and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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