Chapter 173
Looking at the huge crack that was spreading, the five of Tianhuo retreated quickly, avoiding the danger of falling into the crack.

Immediately afterwards, the earth demon stepped forward, and wherever he passed, the soil around his body rolled away, as if walking on the water surface caused water waves.

"It's so weird, everyone be careful." Tianhuo said, he patted Diyan Linshi beside him, and the latter understood, and ran out with big strides.

A damage value of 270 million emerged from the top of the earth demon's head, and the sky fire also moved. The third page of the Book of Glyphs was opened, and the whole poem of Xia Kexing flew out quickly, and it was submerged in the earth demon's body in an instant.

Another million damage, Tianhuo kept moving, and as the book of the sage of literacy closed automatically, Tianhuo waved a stroke of strokes, "Don't rush to use the status skills."

As soon as the words fell, the earth demon's small eyes were fixed on the sky fire, and he stepped on his right foot again, and saw the soil in front of him rolling and turning into a spear. With the wave of the earth demon's claws, the spear flew towards The sky fire came whistling, and the earth demon followed closely behind the spear, rushing towards the sky fire at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, he had rushed into the scope of Tianhuo's title, but the 10% loss of all attributes did not appear. Seeing this, Tianhuo did not dare to hesitate, "Prisoner!"

Imprisoning the earth demon in place in an instant, how could everyone let go of such an opportunity, and all kinds of attacks fell down.
70990, -349860, -140140...

Compared to Skyfire's damage, everyone felt a little ashamed, but within 23 seconds, no one would stop attacking.

The earth demon tried to break through the cage, but after a few attempts with no effect, it suddenly stepped on again, and the surrounding soil rolled up and stood upright, protecting its body like a wall in an instant, and letting everyone's attention Even if the attack falls, it can't break through this weird defense.

Even the strokes of Tianhuo's strokes were submerged in the earth demon's soil defense but did not cause any effect.

"Damn it, can it still be like this?" The fat man turned bitter, and walked around the earth demon, but he could only see the defense formed by the condensed mud, and he couldn't see the earth demon in the cage at all.

Tianhuo also stopped attacking with the pen, and the earth demon still had half of its health, and if it lasted until the cage disappeared, it would be difficult to deal with.

Suddenly, Tianhuo smiled, "You guys are ready for state skills, verbal punishment, broken iron clothes on the battlefield..."
55380, -54640...

Large golden characters appeared in the sky, and then they were slammed down fiercely. With every drop of a character, the earth demon's soil defense was shattered, and its body was exposed in an instant.

"Here I am, the guy who took the lead ran away again, fighting all over the world!" Mu Yichen's figure was like a ghost, bringing up afterimages and falling in front of the earth demon. The shadow of the fist has already bombarded the mud defense.


Amidst the dense puffing sounds, the soil defense completely disintegrated, and without waiting for the earth demon to make another move, Mu Yichen had already punched him on the top of the head.

"Xiao Mu's relay, my cage is almost gone." Mu Yichen's arrival made Tianhuo overjoyed. Without this guy, five people alone would not be able to deal with the earth demon.

"Okay, hold back!" Mu Yichen understood, and immediately cast hold after punching.

Tianhuo's verbal punishment was replaced by a pen attack, and the strokes were impartially submerged into the earth demon's body, causing a lot of damage. During the double attribute period, it was the easiest to fight monsters.

"Ah! Damn human..." The earth demon roared, unable to leave its place, but with a wave of its sharp claws, a khaki-yellow light roared out, blasting towards the entrance of the cave not far away.

"Too bad, it wants to bury those villagers alive!" Twilight Breaking Dawn's expression tightened.

"I'm coming!" Fatty slashed his dagger, and his figure suddenly appeared at the entrance of the cave, just in time to meet the earthy yellow light.

"Fatty!" Everyone's hearts tightened. Even with double attributes, how could Fatty's more than 1 HP resist such an attack?
However, unexpectedly, the earthy yellow light directly passed through the fat body of the fat man, and continued to shoot towards the cave, but the fat man was fine.

"Eh? I'll fuck it..." The fat man touched his chest, seeing that he was safe, his eyes were full of doubts.

However, there was no doubt for a long time, a huge force came from behind the fat man, and he couldn't avoid it in this narrow passage, and was immediately blasted out of the cave by the huge force.

As soon as the fat man landed, he saw the village chief stepping out, his eyes turned a strange khaki color at some point, "Don't even think about hurting my master!"

The village chief shouted violently, and after a few ups and downs, he came to the side of the earth demon and looked at everyone warily.

After Tianhuo and the others attacked, Tianhuo frowned and said, "Master?"

"Hey, master can give me longevity, how about it? Why don't you surrender to master together!" The village chief said with a smile.

"The hopeless guy, team mode, let's kill together!" Tianhuo snorted coldly. He knew before that the village chief must have colluded with the monsters. After all, there is a mine in his home, and what is an ordinary farmer doing digging obsidian?They don't need to build equipment, which is naturally for monsters.

At this moment, it seems that Tianhuo's guess is correct, so they can only kill together, only 10 crime points, Tianhuo doesn't need to care at all.

As soon as Tianhuo's attack mode was changed, two huge damages appeared above the head of the village chief, -900000, -300000!

Monsters can be immune to the title of killing thousands of people, but the village chief can't, and the health value of 300 million people suddenly dropped by 40%.

"Hey, I see an opportunity." Fatty laughed. They could only deal hundreds of thousands of damage against the earth demons, but it was different against the village chief.

In an instant, Mu Hui and the others turned their targets and attacked the village chief, while Tianhuo and Mu Yichen remained unchanged, still attacking the earth demon.

The earth demon is controlled and cannot leave the place, but the village head is different, he can move freely, but the four of them are all hidden professions, and they can deal with the village head with ease.

"Tianhuo, the damage you hit before doesn't count, let's compare it now." Mu Yichen cleared the output statistics of the team, and said.

Tianhuo smiled, looked at Mu Yichen's expectant eyes, and also cleared his output statistics.

But Mu Yichen's words fell into the ears of the earth demon, and it was tantamount to insulting, and he was furious immediately, "Although you are proud, I want you to die!"

In a fit of rage, the Earth Demon gripped its sharp claws and crushed something. Immediately, its stature skyrocketed. At the same time as the skyrocketing, its health quickly recovered, with hundreds of thousands of health every second. increasing.

"Ah... Tianhuo, we seem to be overjoyed." Mu Yichen was forced to retreat by the change in the figure of the earth demon, and murmured in a daze.

Tianhuo was also stunned, and the Glyph Saint's Eye kept throwing out, only to see that a prefix had been added to the name of the earth demon, "the earth demon in a rage."

In an instant, the figure of the earth demon had become more than ten meters high, and the surrounding soil seemed to be attacked by a tornado. It was continuously rolled up and fell on the earth demon, turning into a hard defensive armor.

"Go to hell!" The earth demon seemed to have completed the transformation, and kicked Mu Yichen violently. stepped down.

"Xiaomu, flash!" Tianhuo shouted, pupils shrinking.

However, under such huge feet, Mu Yichen had no chance to dodge, and was immediately stepped on.

Attracted by Tianhuo's shout, the earth demon's blood-red eyes suddenly moved to Tianhuo, "Go die too!"

Saying that, the earth demon strode forward towards the sky fire.

"It's a good idea, the roar of the lion king! Nine souls!" Tianhuo snorted coldly, and after using the roar of the lion king, he didn't care about the result, and called the nine soul golden spirit dragon to come over.

Quickly stepped on the back of the Nine-hundred Golden Spirit Dragon, and as the Nine-hunted Golden Spirit Dragon lifted into the air, Tianhuo turned around and waved out strokes, "Earth Demon, come!"

Indicating that the Nine-hundred Golden Spirit Dragon was kept in the air tens of meters away, and the strokes of heaven and fire continued to fall on the earth demon as if it had eyes. With such a huge body, there was no need to worry about hitting the problem.

Led the earth demon to plunder outside the village, but an unexpected scene appeared. Although tens of thousands of damage appeared on the head of the earth demon, the recovery of hundreds of thousands of health did not slow down. Sooner or later it will recover!

"I'm angry!" Where the earth demon stepped down before, Mu Yichen's fists slammed out of the soil, and an angry voice came out.

As Mu Yichen stretched out his fists, the soil around him was suddenly shaken away, and Mu Yichen's body also bounced out, "Earth Demon, you're pissing me off!"

Amidst the loud shouts, Mu Yichen chased after the earth demon, and Tianhuo in the mid-air couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw this, as long as this guy is fine.

The earth demon turned his head to take a look, but saw that Mu Yichen's ghostly body had already caught up, couldn't help being angry, waved his sharp claws, and blasted towards Mu Yichen again.

"Be careful." As Tianhuo said, the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon also slowed down, twisted and flew back.

Mu Yichen used his speed to the extreme, dodging the earth demon's attack, and released a few skills from time to time to bombard the earth demon. However, the same as what happened to Tianhuo, the earth demon's HP did not drop, and continued to recover.

As soon as the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon reached the mid-air not far from the Earth Demon, the Earth Demon suddenly flicked and arrived in front of him in an instant, grabbing the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon with its sharp claws.

Tianhuo staggered, and flung out from the back of the Nine-hundred Golden Linglong, and the Nine-hundred Golden Linglong had already been dragged by the earth demon and smashed to the ground.

"Hitting the east and the west? I'll fuck it, the sky fire is big..." The four fat people just killed the village chief, but when they saw this scene, they were shocked. No one thought that the earth demon would attack the east and the west, and the target was the sky fire. !
Tianhuo can't fly, and was thrown out and hit the ground hard. He was thrown into a mess and dizzy for a while, "Your sister, I was fooled."

Fatty and the others clearly saw a damage value of 20 from the top of Tianhuo's head, and then more than 4 health recovery continued to emerge, but within a few seconds, the health of Tianhuo recovered. .

Today's Skyfire has 11% health recovery, and at this moment, the attributes are doubled and there are more than 40 health points, so it naturally recovers quickly.

"Haha, go to hell!" The earth demon ignored Mu Yichen's attack and laughed loudly. At this moment, the life value has recovered to full, a full 900 million!

Everyone's hearts were chilled, it was hard to kill so many, and now it's good, not only has this guy become so big, but his health has also recovered to full!

However, there was a scene that made everyone feel even more chilled. They saw the earth demon jumping up high amidst the laughter, and stepped down towards Tianhuo. How could Tianhuo have a chance to resist at this moment?
Tianhuo naturally discovered the movement of the earth demon, but at the moment his head was so dizzy that he couldn't dodge it at all. If he was stepped on, Tianhuo had no doubts at all, and he was dead.

(End of this chapter)

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