Chapter 179
While Yifeng and Zi Meier, who fell from the sky, were talking, a figure covered in black robes came from nowhere and went straight into the cave.

Zi Meier's eyes lit up, "Monster!"

Saying that, Zi Meier stepped out first, shot towards the cave, and followed the monster into the illusory stone wall. Seeing this, Yifeng hesitated to speak, then shook his head, "Brother Tianhuo , You clean up the battlefield, and I will go in and have a look."

Saying that, Yifeng also left.

"The sky fire is big, why don't we go and have a look?" Fatty's eyes flashed with hope.

Without waiting for Tianhuo's answer, two figures appeared in front of everyone, one was the Pavilion Master, and the other was very similar to that of the Demon Soldier before, but this armor was even more majestic.

The devil will be dark C, with hidden attributes.

Secretly using the Glyph Saint's Eye, Tianhuo's pupils shrank suddenly, signaling everyone to back off, this is the magic general!
He couldn't even see the level, and Tianhuo was a little worried. If he had already surpassed level 88, how could he be an opponent?Adding Mu Yichen can't do it, and according to what Yifeng said, even they are not opponents!

I can only secretly hope that it is because of other reasons that I can't see the attribute, otherwise, I will not escape today!After all, in the third-level area, no matter how strong it is, there is a limit.

"Boy who has the aura of Wen Shengmen, you shouldn't be, you shouldn't be Wen Shengmen, what I hate the most is Wenshengmen!" the demon general spoke, and a powerful voice came from behind the armor.

"Hate Wen Shengmen?" Hearing this, Tianhuo's eyes burst into a mysterious brilliance. In this way, this demon must have confronted the strong man of Wen Shengmen decades ago, and now it has been so long In the past, he still stayed here, maybe he didn't dare to leave for some reason!
Thinking of this, the corners of Tianhuo's mouth twitched, "You were seriously injured by the Wenshengmen senior, why didn't you die?"

"Haha, what identity am I? How could he kill me? It's just a loss for both sides." The demon general raised his head and laughed, but Tianhuo felt relieved and poked out. This guy must have been killed by the Wen Shengmen The senior beat him so hard that he didn't dare to show his face and hid here.

"Hehe, Demon General, right? You don't have to be happy, there are quite a few demon hunters waiting for you here. Once you appear, I'm afraid the seniors of Wen Shengmen will also sense it. Then I will have a good show." Tianhuo joked, bringing out the demon hunter out of nothing to frighten the demon general.

"What a joke, how dare a mere demon hunter scare me? I don't need to take action against them." As he spoke, the demon general flicked his fingers, and a black light rushed into the cave. Immediately afterwards, Xuan Cheng's body The shape will be lasing.

But at this moment, Xuan Cheng's eyes are full of blackness, and he has no expression at all.

"Your Fenglei Pavilion is no longer safe. Let's find another place. I will kill all these people!" The demon general glanced around and said lightly.

The owner of Fenglei Pavilion, Tianhuo and others were all amazed. According to him, can one person kill all the players and NPC disciples?

But at this moment, there are no masters in the NPC, and among the players, only Tianhuo and Mu Yichen are not bad, but in the eyes of the magic general, it seems that they are not worth mentioning!

The master of Fenglei Pavilion swallowed his saliva, "Yes, Lord Demon General!"

The demon general didn't know what expression was under the armor covering his face, and a faint laughter came out, and then he slowly raised his right palm, and in an instant, a terrifying breath gathered in his palm, under this breath , the surrounding players and NPCs are forced to retreat.

And at this moment, many players discovered that the city return scroll was useless, and there was no prompt after it was shredded!
"Go to hell!" the demon general said lightly, but his voice spread throughout the huge valley.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying black glow shot up from his hand, fell into the air and spread rapidly, and then enveloped the valley.

Tianhuo held the injury-free spirit ball, and it was only the last time left!

"I think you are going to die!" However, at this moment, a somewhat old voice sounded in the sky, and then, the black lights produced by the demon general froze, and quickly gathered towards the sky , as if turning back time.

Down below, the hearts of heroes and others have been raised. If the black light falls, no one will be able to escape, and everyone will die. But at this moment, those black lights are gathering towards the sky strangely, and they have not fallen at all. coming trend.

All the black awns seemed to be absorbed by something. In the astonished expressions of everyone, they saw that it was a big cauldron turned upside down. At this moment, the tripod's mouth was wide open, and it was absorbing the black awns quickly.

In just a few breaths of time, all the black light had disappeared completely, and the cauldron fell down quickly. On the cauldron, a hale and hearty old man who was over half a century old stood firm.

The cauldron landed opposite the demon general, and the old man standing on the cauldron stared at the demon general, "You really are not dead yet!"

"Old guy, who are you?" The demon general's expression was unknown under the armor, but his voice was a little nervous. Obviously, he could see that the strength of the coming person was extraordinary.

The old man ignored the demon general, turned his gaze directly to Tianhuo, and smiled slightly, "Messenger, are you alright?"

messenger?Everyone stared at Tianhuo suspiciously, and Tianhuo was also puzzled, and then thought that this old man must be from the Pill Sect or the Qi Sect, and only they would call themselves that.

"Hehe, I heard my granddaughter talk about you, so I came here to take a look, old man Xuandu, the current head of Danzong." The old man continued.

As soon as this remark came out, the players in the field didn't feel much, but all the NPCs, including the magic general and others, changed their expressions slightly.

Tianhuo cupped his fists, "Senior Xuandu, hello!"

Xuan Du smiled and nodded. Just as he was about to say something, he caught a glimpse of the three demon generals retreating quietly. He couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "Want to leave? Have you asked me?"

As soon as Xuandu stepped on the foot, the cauldron roared out, and flew over the heads of the three demon generals in an instant, with a strong and coercive light gushing out of the cauldron, enveloping the three of them in an instant, and Under this light, the three of them seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and their actions suddenly slowed down several times.

The expression on the devil's face under the armor changed. A disciple of Wen Sheng Sect seriously injured himself decades ago. Although it has been a long time, but now his injury has not recovered, and he can't break free from the restriction of light at this moment.

"Everyone gets the monster and kills it, and dies!" Xuandu used the alchemy tripod to restrict the movements of the three of them, and in the blink of an eye, a elixir with a flash of color appeared in his hand, only the elixir the size of a finger But as if possessing infinite power, as soon as it appeared, the entire valley was covered with a thick medicinal fragrance.

Under the surprised gazes of Tianhuo and the others, the elixir fell on the demon general's chest in a flash. Thick black air surged, and a deep voice came out of the black air: "Don't think that I can't do anything to you because of my greatly weakened strength! Demon Dance!"

Amidst the loud shouts, the terrifying demonic energy swept away immediately, completely covering up the light released by the Danding, and the figure of the demon general also flew out of the black energy, holding a long spear in his hand, and moved towards Xuan All come out.

Xuandu looked calm, waved his hand, and the elixir lingering in color came from the black air, suddenly appeared behind the demon general, and bombarded the demon general again, "Little demon general, even in one day I don't pay attention to the super area."

This time, the demon general who was no longer protected by armor was blown away, and millions of damage points came out of his head. From the beginning to the end, the title of Tianhuo and the awe of Emperor Yan Linshi's Emperor Flame could not do anything to the demon general at all. damage.

Before the demon general who was blown away could stabilize his figure, Xuandu's pill had already bombarded him in front of him again, and the demon general's figure suddenly turned into thick black air, allowing the pill to rush over, but No substantial harm was done to him.

The black air suddenly solidified into the body of the demon general again, and before the pill came, the demon general swung his saber, and the terrifying black air condensed tens of feet long roared towards him, Xuandu, Tianhuo and others completely All under the shroud of Daomang.

"Damn it, let's get out of the way." The fat man said with palpitations, and stepped back.

With Tianhuo and others behind him, it was difficult for Xuan to avoid it. The big cauldron appeared above his head in the flip of his hand. The cauldron's mouth was opened, and it actually took all the knife lights that had been chopped down. The pavilion master of Fenglei Pavilion and Xuan Cheng At this moment, he broke away.

"So weak? Not as good as other magic generals!" Xuan Du shook his head and said, but kept moving, with one pill and one cauldron in his hand, attacking away in turn.

The demon general hardly had a chance to catch his breath, knowing that he was far from Xuandu's opponent, he rushed away despite being injured, instead of rushing to escape, he landed in front of the master of Fenglei Pavilion and Xuancheng.

And Xuandu's elixir shot out again, and it was about to hit the demon general in front of him, but the latter suddenly pulled Xuancheng over to block him, and locked his neck with his hands, "Don't move! Guy, first look who this is!"

The pill was fixed in front of the demon general and did not attack, but the demon general heaved a long sigh of relief, and with a wave of his hand on Xuan Cheng's face, he immediately absorbed the black air on his face, revealing a chiseled face.

"You should know this person, right? Haha!" The demon general laughed, and Xuan Cheng's eyes gradually regained some spirit, and the look of violent struggle appeared in his eyes. After a few breaths, a hoarse voice came out, "Master... Fu!"

"Xuan Cheng!" Xuan Du's face changed drastically, and the cauldron beside him trembled slightly, which seemed to reveal Xuan Du's mood.

"Haha, it turned out to be your apprentice. When I caught him, I knew it would be of great use. How about it? Do you dare to do it now?" The demon general laughed, clasping Xuan Cheng's neck tightly with his right hand.

"Kill... me." Xuan Cheng begged regardless of the demon general's actions. In the past few decades, his life was worse than death, and now he has been demonized. If this continues, he will soon become sane Nothing at all, might as well die early.

Xuandu's face also turned pale, and his whole body was trembling slightly. He didn't know whether it was excitement or anger. It took a long time to recover slightly, and said in a deep voice: "There are countless disciples of my Danzong who died at the hands of monsters. Demon general, you Wrong note!"

As soon as Xuandu's words fell, a fat body suddenly appeared beside the demon general, making everyone stunned, and Mu Hui's jaws dropped in astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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