The strongest saint

Chapter 180 The Demon General himself

Chapter 180 The Demon General himself
The demon general threatened Xuandu with Xuancheng. After all, Xuancheng is Xuandu's apprentice, no matter what, he has a great chance.

However, upon hearing Xuandu's words, the demon general was stunned. He didn't care about this disciple?Aren't human beings the most emotional?
But even so, when Xuandu said this, Tianhuo and the others could clearly see the strong reluctance and anger in Xuandu's eyes. How could his disciple not care?Saying that is just to make the magic general miscalculate.

While the demon general was in a daze, a fat figure suddenly appeared beside the demon general. Besides the fat man, who else could it be?
Fatty is a god of evasion and thieves, and his ability to appear and disappear is unmatched by anyone. When he appeared next to the demon general, he reached out and grabbed it, and shouted: "Steal the sky and change the sun!"

Fatty's actions surprised everyone, they saw that Xuan Cheng had escaped from the control of the demon general, and Fatty flew back with Xuan Cheng.

Seeing this, Xuandu's eyes showed joy, and the elixir glowing with color slammed at the demon general again with a wave of his hand, piercing his heart immediately.

"Haha, I understand, so this is what it means to change the sky!" The fat man sighed and looked back, only to see that what the devil was holding had turned into a scarecrow at some point.

Fatty replaced the controlled Xuan Cheng with a scarecrow!
But it was over, as soon as Xuan Cheng was rescued by the fat man, the demon general was blown open by the radiant pill, and immediately fell down.

In the eyes of everyone, the powerful and invincible demon general is so fragile in the hands of Xuandu, the suzerain of the alchemy sect.

"Cheng'er..." As soon as the demon general was killed, Xuandu rushed in front of Fatty and Xuancheng, and a pill was put into Xuancheng's mouth.

"This elixir can suppress the demonic energy. Don't worry, Cheng'er. I'll take you back for treatment. You'll recover in a short time." Xuandu's body trembled with excitement. For decades, he thought that the only apprentice had died. Die, I didn't expect that!

"Master..." After taking the elixir, the black energy surging around Xuan Cheng's body gradually diminished. Obviously, the elixir had an extraordinary effect on resisting the devil energy.

"Don't talk, cooperate with the power of the pill to stabilize the demon energy first." Xuandu said hastily.

Xuan Cheng nodded, sat cross-legged and said nothing, quietly closed his eyes and put on a posture with five hearts facing the sky.

"Little brother, thank you!" Xuan Du bowed slightly towards the fat man, who was so frightened that the fat man rushed away, "Senior, you are welcome, hehe."

"Want to run? Let me see who else will save you this time!" Mu Yichen shouted violently, followed by the sound of fierce fighting.

Everyone turned around and saw that Mu Yichen had already fought with the master of the Fenglei Pavilion. Because of Xuandu's presence, the latter had no intention of fighting at the moment, and he was at a disadvantage in a blink of an eye. The value has not been restored yet.

"Messenger, nice to meet you!" Xuan Du didn't bother Mu Yichen and his fight, walked quickly to Tianhuo, cupped his hands and said with a smile.

Tianhuo also cupped his fists, "Thank you for saving me, senior."

"Hehe, why not, you are our envoy, and your help will be indispensable in the future, so how can something happen to you." Xuandu had a soft smile on his face, and looked up and down Tianhuo with kind eyes.

Tianhuo felt a little helpless in his heart, it seemed that the so-called envoy had decided to do it himself because of the matter of the innate spirit cauldron.


Suddenly, there was a violent vibration from the cave where the blood pool was located, attracting everyone's attention, only to see two figures fleeing out of the stone wall in a state of embarrassment, it was Yi Feng and Zi Mei'er.

The two of them were covered in blood, and their aura was extremely messy. As soon as they got out of the cave, Yi Feng yelled, "Brothers, run away!"

As soon as Yi Feng's words fell, the stone wall behind him suddenly exploded, and the broken stones shot out in all directions for a while, and in the flying broken stones, a figure surrounded by black air stepped into the air!

This person's attire is exactly the same as that of the demon general who was killed, and the aura emanating from his body is probably several times stronger than that of the demon general, and as soon as he appeared, he stepped towards Xuandu, "Old man, you You actually killed my clone, you are courting death!"

The devil will be dark C, with hidden attributes.

It has exactly the same attributes and the same name as the demon general who was killed before!

Xuandu stared at the demon general who came from the sky, and secretly waved his hands at Tianhuo and others, motioning everyone to stay away, and said: "I just said why it is so weak, it turns out it is just a clone!"

The demon general stood in the air a hundred meters away from the Xuandu, terrifying black air lingered around him, and the black air was faintly mixed with blood, which looked extremely strange, but the powerful breath was released without any concealment, "Weak? This will let you know what it means to be strong!"

As he said that, the figure of the demon general shot out.

"Senior, be careful, his recuperation in the blood pool was interrupted by us, and he is now very strong after being backlashed, but it only takes a moment, and the backlash will make him weak." Yifeng and Zi Meier landed in Xuandu Next to him, Yifeng said hurriedly.

"Strong? I don't pay attention to him even in his heyday!" Xuandu said, throwing two pills to Yifeng and Zi Meier, and then stepped out to meet the lasing magic general.

Yifeng Heizimei'er took the elixir and quickly retreated to Tianhuo and the others. While panting, she kept her eyes on the two who had fought together, and murmured: "On one side is the lord of the Alchemy Sect, one of the top ten sects, and on the other On one side is the demon general, in the third-level area, this is the peak strength!"

Zi Meier's beautiful eyes are also full of colorful lights, and she is staring at the battle between the two intently, for fear of missing any exciting places.

"Brother Yifeng, how are you doing?" Tianhuo asked.

Yifeng shook his head, "If it wasn't for him being in the pool of blood before, giving us a chance to escape, I'm afraid you won't be able to see me in the future."

Yi Fengtou didn't turn back either, he was still staring straight at the battle between the two of Xuandu.

Tianhuo's heart moved, the demon general has come out now, so there should be no monsters in the cave, right?
Thinking of this, Tianhuo hoped that there was a big cauldron in that cave, which must be the one that the blacksmith said. If he got it, his innate spirit cauldron might be solidified. At that time, it would have attribute bonuses!
"Huh? I just found out that you formed a battle group?" While Tianhuo was thinking, Yifeng's voice came.

The place where the two of Xuandu fought was covered by extremely thick black mist and white light, and outsiders couldn't see the situation at all. That's why Yifeng looked back at Tianhuo helplessly, but happened to see Tianhuo Chapter badge on chest.

Tianhuo smiled, nodded and said: "Just kidding, there are a group of brothers among them, not many people."

"Haha, count me in!"

"Ding! The system prompts: Demon Hunter Yifeng has joined the battle group, do you accept it?"

The system prompt sounded, Tianhuo was overjoyed, and Twilight Breaking Dawn on the side also heard the prompt, and was puzzled for a while, NPC also joined the player's battle group?
When dusk broke and dawn was doubtful, Tianhuo had already agreed with Yifeng's expression, and suddenly, a badge appeared on Yifeng's chest, which was exactly the same as everyone else's!
Yifeng looked at the badge for a moment, then said with a smile: "There are other benefits, not bad, not bad!"

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, "Brother Yifeng's strength, how could he care about such a small attribute."

"Me too!" Zi Meier's agile voice came, followed by a system prompt to join the group with an expression.

Yifeng shrugged, "Take it! Let me introduce, this is Zi Meier, who is also a demon hunter like me."

Tianhuo was overjoyed, these are all masters, how could he refuse, although I don't know why NPCs also join the player's battle group, but it is always good to have masters join, and Tianhuo feels more and more that these NPCs are more important than himself. for closeness.

Joining the battle group, at this moment all members are clear at a glance, not to mention that they are all present, and they all look at Yifeng and Zi Meier excitedly. Of course, no matter how you look at it, everyone's eyes are on Zi Meier. But a stunning beauty!

"Brothers, hello!" Seeing that all the members of the battle group were here, Yifeng cupped his fists and said to everyone.

Everyone hastily looked back at Zi Mei'er, and also said in return: "Hello!"

In the arena, the battle was still unclear, only fierce air waves swept away from time to time, accompanied by piercing sonic booms.

"Senior Xuandu should be all right?" Twilight asked with a frown after not seeing the result of the battle between the two for a long time.

"Xiao Mu's side is over." Fatty pointed not far away, and saw that Mu Yichen had killed the master of Fenglei Pavilion on the spot, picked up the loot and ran towards the crowd.

"Haha, that's great!" Mu Yichen laughed and stopped beside the crowd, staring suspiciously at the place covered by the black and white light in the field, "What's there?"

"Senior Xuandu and the demon general are fighting..." Tianhuo said, but before he finished speaking, Mu Yichen burst out amidst the laughter and burrowed into it.

"Haha, Senior Xuandu, let me meet him!" Mu Yichen's loud laughter resounded, and everyone had no time to stop it.

As soon as he rushed to the place covered by the black and white light, Mu Yichen's health was instantly emptied and he fell down.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Yichen revived on the spot and shot back, lowered his head and walked back to the side of the crowd in a dejected manner. It was only the aftermath of the battle that killed him instantly!

"Damn it..." The fat man swallowed hard, and the rest of the people were not much better, and the shock in their hearts was beyond words.

Everyone knows how powerful Mu Yichen is, but under the aftermath of the battle between Xuandu and the demon general, they were all killed in seconds, so how strong are the two of them?
No wonder Yifeng said before that ten of him and Zi Meier could not be the opponent of the Demon General. Now, it seems that those words are true!


Just as Mu Yichen returned to the crowd, the black mist and white light suddenly exploded in front of him, revealing the situation of the two of them. Xuandu was not damaged at all, not even breathing, while the demon general was panting heavily. He was in a terrible mess, and his armor was broken.

"Old man, if I haven't recovered, how can you take advantage of it? But I remember you, Danzong, there will be no good days!" The demon general panted, and then waved his hand, and a large cloud of blood mist suddenly appeared on the ground. its whole body.

"Blood escape? Stop it for me!" Xuandu frowned, and the cauldron shot into the sky of the blood mist in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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