Chapter 181

"Blood escape?" Tianhuo raised his brows slightly. These situations, which are only found in novels, also exist in games!
As Tianhuo frowned, Xuandu's alchemy cauldron had already landed in the sky above the blood mist, and a thick white light gushed out from the alchemy cauldron, but it seemed that it was still a step too late, and the blood mist shrank abruptly, and then disappeared.

"I'm still running away!" Xuandu said helplessly as he put away the cauldron, scanning the sky with his eyes.

"Damn it, that guy can easily kill Xiao Mu instantly, let him run away, and he will be in trouble if we meet in the future." The fat man said with palpitations.

"Let's talk about it when we meet. The demon general has already been backlashed at this moment, and he forcibly used the blood escape, so he can't recover in a short time." Yifeng looked at Xuandu reverently, and turned his head to say to the fat man after a long time.

"Hey, that's good, let's go, clean the battlefield, there must be a lot of good things for such a big sect!" The fat man smiled and walked quickly towards the house not far away.

Almost all the disciples of the Fenglei Pavilion were killed or injured, and the higher-ups were completely wiped out. Today's Fenglei Pavilion can also be said to be completely destroyed.

"Uncle hero, call some people to help open that hole. I have to go in and get something." Tianhuo pointed to the entrance of the cave that was smashed by the demon general. open.

The hero didn't ask any more questions, and waved someone up to remove the gravel. Soon, the passageway that could accommodate people had been moved.

Tianhuo stepped inside and walked directly towards the place where the child was imprisoned before, only to see that the stone gate had already been smashed, and Tianhuo saw the Danding standing quietly in the center of the hall at a glance.

"Ding! The system prompts: The discovery of the spirit weapon level Danding meets the requirements for swallowing the innate spirit tripod. Do you want to swallow it?"

As soon as he approached Dan Ding, a system notification sounded in Tianhuo's ear.

The blacksmith told Tianhuo before that the Xiantian spirit cauldron wanted to become solid, and it had to continuously devour other cauldron furnaces. Unfortunately, Tianhuo never knew where to get the cauldron furnace. What appeared in front of him at this moment was actually a spirit cauldron. How could Tianhuo Not happy, hastily agreed.

As soon as he agreed to devour it, the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron in the Tianhuo Dantian suddenly flew out, and reached the sky above the cauldron in a flash, the illusory figure expanded abruptly, and slowly fell down to wrap the cauldron.

Tianhuo's eyes are full of hope. The cauldron in front of him is a spirit weapon level existence. His innate spirit cauldron swallowed it, so it should be solidified, right?And the attributes that come with it shouldn't be ordinary!

In anticipation, I saw the Xiantian Lingding cauldron wrapped around the big cauldron suddenly shrank, and submerged into Tianhuo's dantian again in a flash, and there was no movement.

"Ding! The system prompts: The Xiantian Spirit Cauldron is evolving, open the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron panel."

Following the system prompt, Tianhuo has an extra Xiantian Lingding panel. After the name of the Xiantian Lingding, there is a description of "evolving", but there is no time to explain it. I don't know when this evolution will be completed. It's not a matter of a day or two.

Tianhuo was not in a hurry, it was strange that he devoured the spirit weapon level cauldron soon, he looked around the hall and found that there was nothing there, so Tianhuo went back the way he came from, the purpose of this trip has been achieved, rescued those children , got the big cauldron, and destroyed the Fenglei Pavilion, that's enough!

And what everyone is looking forward to is naturally the treasure map. Now that all the treasure maps have been collected, they can go hunting for treasures. The treasures of a sect must be extraordinary.

In the huge valley of Fenglei Pavilion, thousands of players are shuttling through various buildings at this moment. It seems that they can't stop without emptying Fenglei Pavilion.

Xuan Du guarded in front of Xuan Cheng who was sitting cross-legged, his eyes were full of kindness, and when he saw Tian Huo approaching, he smiled slightly at Tian Huo.

"Senior, how is he?" Tianhuo asked.

Xuan Du glanced at Xuan Cheng with his eyes closed, "It's not a big problem. Fortunately, the demon general withdrew part of his demonic energy before. Messenger, your innate spirit cauldron is evolving?"

"Well, in the cave there is a spirit-level alchemy cauldron that was swallowed by the innate spirit cauldron." Tianhuo laughed.

Xuandu raised his eyebrows, showing a look of joy, "Yes, the future achievements of the Xiantian Lingding are closely related to the alchemy that was swallowed for the first time. The higher you are, congratulations to the envoy!"

Tianhuo was delighted, and fortunately he didn't get the Danding before, otherwise, if the Xiantian Lingding swallowed it, wouldn't it be in vain?
"I just don't know how long it will take to devour it, hehe." Tianhuo asked with a smile.

"The higher the grade of the alchemy cauldron to devour, the longer it will take. As for how long it will take, I am afraid no one can answer you. After all, you are the first person I have seen in hundreds of years who has the innate spirit cauldron. " Xuan Du said.

Tianhuo was stunned, not because of time, but because Xuandu said hundreds of years!So, he is several hundred years old?

"Messenger, the purpose of my trip is to see you, to see if you are as powerful as my granddaughter said, and now the purpose has been achieved. When Xuan Cheng wakes up, I have to leave. You keep this thing. "Xuandu said, flipped his hands and took out a piece of pure white jade.

Tianhuo didn't refuse either, the gift from the master of Danzong, one of the top ten sects, is probably unusual!

Soul Jade Slip: The jade slip with the imprint of Xuandu's soul can be sensed by the opponent after being crushed.

The simple attribute introduction fell into Tianhuo's eyes, but Tianhuo became confused, there is indeed something in the game!
"This is my soul jade slip. If you encounter an invincible enemy in the future, you might as well crush him. Then I will be able to sense it and help you." Xuandu said.

A protection from a super expert?Tianhuo cupped his fists and put away the jade slip, and was about to thank him, when Xuan Cheng, who was sitting cross-legged, woke up.

At this moment, Xuan Cheng didn't have the black air around him before, he looked extremely normal, and his complexion was not bad.

"Disciple pays homage to Master!" Upon waking up, Xuan Cheng knelt down cross-legged and bowed to greet him.

"Quickly tell Master, how have you spent these decades?" Xuan Du hurriedly supported Xuan Cheng and said.

A look of helplessness flashed in Xuan Cheng's eyes, and he pondered for a moment before saying: "Master, I was too proud back then, so I don't need to mention it. Over the years, under the persecution of the magic general, I had to refine a lot of pills for Fenglei Pavilion, otherwise, I'm afraid he's already dead."

Xuandu nodded, "It's over, it's okay not to mention it, when I return to the sect, I will gather everyone's strength to wipe away the devilish energy for you."

As Xuan Du said, his eyes suddenly became playful, "Cheng'er, you're refining the pill for Fenglei Pavilion, maybe you've messed with it?"

Xuan Cheng smiled mysteriously, "I will follow the master's instructions, so naturally I will not let the pills fall into the hands of these demons. I have refined a lot of pills for them, but I added some ingredients secretly. It seems normal, but there will be hidden side effects after taking it.”

"In recent years, I have supplied the pills needed by the entire Fenglei Pavilion by myself. It is precisely because of this that the strength of everyone in the Fenglei Pavilion is difficult to increase."

Hearing this, Xuandu nodded approvingly, but Tianhuo couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. In this way, the five wind and thunder pills in his hand were all refined by Xuancheng, and they were tampered with by him. There are side effects.

Tianhuo felt a little helpless, Fenglei Pill was a good thing, but he couldn't take it, after all, the devil would know what kind of side effect it was for players!
But fortunately, Tianhuo kept Feng Lei Pill all the time, and wanted to wait until the skill level was high before taking it, resulting in five Feng Lei Pills still in his hand, which avoided the side effects.

"Messenger, when I came here before, I found that there was an aura of Danding in the northernmost part of Tianyan City. If you have time in the future, you might as well go and see it. Farewell. When you come to the first-level area in the future, please invite the envoy to come to my Danzong." Let's go." Xuan Du said with a smile.

When Xuan Cheng heard what the master said, he looked at Tian Huo in astonishment, but he didn't say anything, and was dragged away by Xuan Du.

Seeing the two flying away, Tianhuo rubbed his chin, "Dan Ding, naturally the more the better, otherwise how would one's innate Ling Ding evolve, and the northernmost part of Tianyan City is a bit far away!"
"Brother Tianhuo, those one hundred children have been sent to the Wild Lion Grassland, but they encountered trouble." At this time, the hero came over and said helplessly.

Tianhuo frowned, "What's the trouble?"

"My subordinate said that he was blocked by an NPC and wanted to take one of the children away." The hero shook his head.

Tianhuo frowned, "Maybe it's the child's relatives, anyway, it's almost here, I'll go and have a look, you guys come back later, I'll go first."

As he said that, Tianhuo directly used the homecoming skill, and then ran towards the teleportation array. If he wanted to go to the Wild Lion Grassland, it would be faster to go back to the city first and then teleport.

On the Wild Lion Grassland, hundreds of Huaxia Gang players tightly surrounded the one hundred children, looking warily at the middle-aged man in a white robe in front of him.

The middle-aged man was still shaking a folding fan in his hand, but it was a bit nondescript to match his sturdy figure. At this moment, he looked at a child in the field with his eyes full.

"Senior, please make way. If you want to take this child away, please let us complete the task first." The person in charge of the Huaxia Gang said respectfully.

It stands to reason that with so many people present, it is enough to just rush over. However, the situation is not that simple. This middle-aged man looks gentle, but he just stands there casually, and everyone feels unable to move forward.

This feeling made many players understand that this NPC is very strong and cannot be tough, so the person in charge had to say politely.

The middle-aged man ignored the person in charge, showing a self-confident smile, "Son, come with me!"

It seems to be asking for the child's opinion, but there is an unquestionable taste in the words.

That child was the only one in the cave who dared to talk to Tianhuo, and he was calm in the face of danger, which was extremely rare at the age of the [-]th Five-Year Boys.

"Senior, I really don't know you, sorry boy." The boy cupped his hands and said calmly.

The middle-aged man grinned, "I'm not asking for your opinion, so I have to be tough."

As he said that, the middle-aged man wanted to grab someone, but just as he stretched out his hand, the middle-aged man suddenly frowned deeply, and slowly raised his head to look at the distant sky.

(End of this chapter)

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