The strongest saint

Chapter 186 Unearthed Artifact

Chapter 186 Unearthed Artifact
Chapter 180 The Sixth Artifact Unearthed
When Tianhuo dripped blood on the mount egg, the system prompt sounded.

"Ding! System prompt: You have successfully recognized the owner. Congratulations on getting the mount Star Devouring Moon Beast. As the first player to own a mount, you will be rewarded with 10 reputation and mount Super Evolution Pill x 1."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on starting the mount system. You have gained 10 reputation, 10 gold coins, +1 reward point, and the star-devouring moon beast hatching time has been reduced by 10 years."

"Ding! World news: Congratulations to the player Tianhuo for activating the mount system and getting rich rewards. The mount system is open, please check it yourself."

"Damn it, the sky is so hot, we only separated for a while, you turned on the mount system!" Fatty's exaggerated voice sounded in the battle group channel.

"Tianhuo, what kind of mount did you get? Is it the Star Devouring Moon Beast or the Feiyun Moying Horse? Or did you get them all?" Twilight asked hopefully.

Tianhuo came to this canyon, the most likely ones here are naturally these two spirit beasts, so it is normal for Twilight to make such a guess.

"The Star Devouring Moon Beast, but it will take 40 years to hatch. I'll go back and ask if there is any way to hatch earlier." Tianhuo said, since the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon has the opportunity to mature hundreds of years earlier, the Star Devouring Moon Beast It should also be possible to hatch earlier.

As Tianhuo said, he looked at this reward. The 20 prestige made Tianhuo a little happy. He didn't pay much attention to prestige in the past, but if he wants to upgrade the battle group, prestige is extremely important. Only 60 prestige can be upgraded to an intermediate war group. , I already have 724700 reputation in front of me.

As for the reward points, 4 points have been accumulated up to now, but they have not found its usefulness so far.

Mount Super Evolution Pill: After the mount is used, it will be directly upgraded by one grade.

Explanation: This object is a remnant from the ancient times, and it is unique in the Destiny Continent, so use it with caution!

Looking at the attributes of the super evolution pill of the mount, Tianhuo secretly clicked his tongue. His lava flower pill and lava demon spirit pill can make pets raise the level of spirit beasts below the high level, but it is invalid for the spirit beasts above the high level. He Diyan has no effect, and the super evolution pill in front of him has no limit, that is to say, even a beast-level mount can be promoted!
After transferring it to the Glyph Saint Ring, Tianhuo immediately used the homecoming skill, while the Nine Soul Golden Linglong and Diyan Linshi continued to fool around in the canyon.

Now that the mount system is activated, there is naturally an extra shop in each city, which is next to the pet shop. Speaking of which, mounts are different from pets. Although they can ride, they cannot help their owners fight. There will be exceptions.

After leaving the mansion, Tianhuo saw the horse shop next to the opposite pet shop at a glance, thought for a while, and went in anyway, and asked about the Star Devouring Moon Beast, there was no time to waste.

The mount shop has just opened, but there are already many players gathered there, "Isn't it? The lowest-level claret horse with a 30% increase in movement speed actually costs [-] gold coins?"

"Yeah, it's so expensive, it's better to catch it yourself." Some players nodded.

"This price is not expensive. You must know that the capture technique cannot choose whether to capture a pet or a mount. It is all random. Unless you can capture special beasts above spirit beasts, you can choose to become a pet or a mount. Therefore, this price is already very high." Reasonable and very cheap." A beautiful NPC introduced.

Tianhuo nodded secretly, there was nothing wrong, at least he knew the knowledge of catching pets and mounts. After scanning around, he saw that these were ordinary shop assistants, and the shop owner was not here.

"Excuse me, is the boss there?" Tianhuo walked up to a beautiful NPC and asked.

The woman glanced at Tianhuo, and suddenly her eyes lit up, "It turns out to be the city lord, please follow me."

Saying that, the woman led the sky fire and walked to the backyard.

Stables are densely packed in the backyard. In front of one stable, a strong middle-aged man was taking care of the horses. When he saw Tianhuo approaching, he trotted over hurriedly, cupped his hands and said, "I don't know that the Lord City Master is coming, so I am far away to welcome you."

Tianhuo smiled, looked at the name on the middle-aged man's head, and said: "Senior Qiwang is too polite, how dare you be a kid!"

"Hehe..." The owner of this mount shop is called King of Riders!
King Qi smiled, put his hand down, and said with a smile: "I often hear senior brother Yu Beast King talk about you, and seeing you now, it's still beyond my expectation, and you are indeed a good-looking talent."

Tianhuo was astonished, this is the junior of the Beastmaster King?They are all from the Beast Master Sect!
"Senior, it's absurd, senior, I have something to ask for advice on this trip." Tianhuo clasped his fists, said, and took out the mount egg.

"It will take another 40 years for this star devouring moon beast to hatch. Senior, is there any way to hatch it in advance without affecting its potential?" Tianhuo asked.

The knight's eyes lit up, he hurriedly took the mount egg and checked it, his face gradually showed a look of surprise, "Master City Master is very capable, if this little guy hatches, it will at least be a low-level beast, powerful, powerful!"

Tianhuo was stunned, and lost his voice: "Divine beast?"

"Hehe, don't underestimate the low-level beasts. Compared with the spirit beasts, even the highest-level spirit beasts, the low-level spirit beasts are countless times stronger, and with the spirit beasts as mounts, the city lord is probably the No. 1!" Qi Wang exclaimed.

Tianhuo didn't underestimate it, but was deeply surprised. The Star Devouring Moon Beast was originally a spirit beast!This nirvana, if it is hatched again, it will be upgraded by a level, and after taking the super-evolved Danhou of the mount, isn't it a mid-level beast?
For a moment, Tianhuo became excited, and hurriedly asked: "Senior, please tell me how to make it hatch as soon as possible."

The King of Riders shook his head, "If it was in my Beast Control Sect, it would be able to hatch in a few days, but here, it is a bit difficult to handle. I just came here and I am not familiar with this third-level area. I am not afraid of the city lord. Adults are joking, but this is my first time here."

Tianhuo was a little disappointed, it seemed that the King of Cavalry didn't know!
"But don't worry, Lord City Master. I heard that Yao Lao is also here. You might as well ask him. He is also a famous encyclopedia among the top ten sects. He must know how to do it." King Qi continued.

Tianhuo was overjoyed, "Then I would like to thank senior Qi Wang for your guidance. I will go right away and visit senior again some other day!"

After bidding farewell to King Qi, Tianhuo walked towards the pharmacy. It just so happened that he had to ask him about the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon. Speaking of which, they were all similar in nature, and they were all looking for things that would give birth and ripen.

Not long after walking out of the mount shop, the sky in the north suddenly lit up, and the entire sky was lit up with colorful colors. Under this light, all the players stopped and looked at the strange shape in the sky suspiciously.

Tianhuo also looked up, and his face was printed in color by the colored light. In the distant sky, there was an inexplicable feeling, and in an instant, the innate spirit cauldron of Tianhuo's dantian suddenly came. There was a change, and he trembled violently.

Tianhuo was overjoyed, could it be that the devouring was over?

In the pleasant surprise, before Tianhuo went to check, the system notification sounded.

"Ding! System prompt: Player Tianhuo, please pay attention. Due to the influence of heaven and earth anomalies, the evolution of the innate spirit cauldron failed, and it returned to its original state, and the Fenglei cauldron disappeared!"

Tianhuo's joy froze on his face, and the muscles on his face trembled slightly. The innate spirit cauldron failed to evolve?And it is affected by the colorful light of the northern sky!

"Your sister!" Tianhuo gritted his teeth and scolded angrily, the spirit tripod that he finally got was gone, just disappeared, and the Xiantian spirit tripod was equivalent to a waste of work.

That's a spirit weapon level alchemy cauldron!
And what Tianhuo is most looking forward to is the situation after the innate spirit cauldron is solidified, and it will definitely bring him a not weak attribute bonus at that time. It's good now, but it failed!

"Treasures unearthed, it must be treasures unearthed!" Countless players were discussing, all excitedly looking at the place where the colorful light came from, no one noticed the depressed Tianhuo at all.

"Your treasure, sister! You've hurt me!" Tianhuo gritted his teeth, turned around and walked towards the pharmacy. Because of the colorful light, the evolution of the innate spirit cauldron failed. From Tianhuo's point of view, it must not be a treasure.

However, Tianhuo didn't care too much about it. Now he has a headache about the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon.

In the backyard of the pharmacy, Yao Lao was also staring intently at the abnormality in the northern sky, and didn't notice the sky fire coming in at all.

Tianhuo looked at Yao Lao suspiciously, only to hear his voice murmuring: "The divine artifact has been unearthed, a new artifact has finally been unearthed in the Destiny Continent..."

"Sacred weapon? Yao Lao, is that colored light emitted by the divine weapon?" Tianhuo asked suspiciously.

Yao Lao was taken aback for a moment, only to find that Tianhuo had already arrived beside him, coughed dryly, and said with a smile: "You can't say that, the unearthed artifact just caused the phenomenon of heaven and earth, but I don't know what it is."

Tianhuo shook his head, such a big sky, who knows where the colorful light appeared from?Not to mention the location of the artifact, and even if you know the exact location of the artifact, those powerful NPCs are not vegetarians, will they not act?
Shaking his head, Tianhuo said: "Yao Lao, don't worry about the artifacts for now, just help me to see, how can this mount egg hatch faster, and where is the beast Luo Tianguo? Or something similar to it."

Yao Lao took the mount and took a look at it, then gave it back to Tianhuo, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'll tell you about the unearthed artifact first."

As he spoke, he motioned for Tianhuo to come and sit down at the stone table beside him, and then slowly said: "When a divine artifact is unearthed, it must be accompanied by a large number of treasures, and it is very likely to be a god-level treasure. You know, god-level treasures of heaven, material and earth are extremely rare, and their utility is even wider."

"I've been to many places in this third-level area, but I haven't found anything that can help you. Now you understand?"

Tianhuo shrugged his shoulders, and he naturally understood that what Yao Lao meant was to let him go to the place where the artifact was unearthed to try his luck. If he got some natural treasures, he might be able to help the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon and the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

Before that, he dismissed the unearthed artifact, but now, Tianhuo probably has to go.

(End of this chapter)

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