The strongest saint

Chapter 187 Emperor Blessing Melon

Chapter 187 Emperor Blessing Melon

Tianhuo looked up at the sky again, and the colorful lights in the northern sky gradually dimmed.

"Yao Lao, why is the colorful light gone?" Tianhuo asked doubtfully, could it be that the artifact has been taken away?

"It's always like this. Every time an artifact is unearthed, there will be omens. It doesn't mean that it will be unearthed now. Judging from the omens, it will be at least two days later." Yao Lao said.

Tianhuo frowned, two days, two days later is the deadline given to him by Master, I don't know if it will be in time, I am a little worried!
Frowning, Tianhuo's eyes became firm, no matter what, the relationship with the master and servant of the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon cannot be dissolved, the acquired artifact is unearthed, must go!
"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You must seize it. Not to mention getting the artifact, it's also good to get a few natural treasures. And before the artifact is unearthed, the treasures will start to appear. At this moment, I'm afraid there are already some treasures." Tiancaidibao appeared first." Yao Lao looked at the sky that had lost its colorful light and said.

"Now?" Tianhuo's mind turned, and then he said, "Yao Lao, where exactly is the place where it was unearthed?"

Yao Lao shook his head helplessly, "I'm not good at calculation, you might as well ask your deputy city lord, he is from Moutianmen, there must be a way to find out."

"Zhi Duoxing?" Tianhuo was dumbfounded, Zhi Duoxing is a peerless genius of Moutianmen, although his strength is not good, but in this aspect, he seems to be pretty good.

"Hurry up, first come first served!" Yao Lao said with a smile.

"Well, I'll go right away." Tianhuo said, directly used the homecoming skill, and appeared in the mansion.

As soon as he appeared, Tianhuo saw Zhi Duoxing walking anxiously and happily, "Master, I am looking for you everywhere. There is an artifact unearthed, which is within the scope of my Tianyan City..."

Tianhuo waved his hand, "I also got the news, where is it?"

Zhi Duoxing was overjoyed, "Master, it's on the northern edge of Tianyan City, the extreme north!"

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth curled up, and he said with a smile: "Zhi Duoxing, well done, you helped me a lot this time!"

Zhi Duoxing is the deputy city lord of Tianyan City, so he naturally knows all the maps within Tianyan City, and if Tianhuo's guess is right, it must be in the Grand Canyon!

The Grand Canyon is not normal at all, as if it was carved out of the ground by something extraterrestrial, and the bottom of the canyon is like spring all the year round, presumably it is related to the artifact.

Therefore, when talking about the land of the extreme north, Tianhuo thought of the Grand Canyon.

"It's my honor to be able to help the master, master, I also calculated that there will be illusions when the artifact is unearthed this time, and such a grand occasion must be strong like a cloud, the master must be careful!" Zhi Duoxing said with some worry.

Tianhuo nodded, "I understand! Go get busy!"

After finishing speaking, Tianhuo quickly walked towards the teleportation array, first come, first served, hoping that no one would be faster than him.

Appearing in the extreme north, Tianhuo recalled the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon and Emperor Yanlin Lion, and flew towards the Grand Canyon. The distance teleported this time does not seem to be very far. From the map, it should be within an hour. to the Grand Canyon.

The sky was getting dark, but in Tianhuo's eyes, everything was clearly discernible. With the galloping flight of the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, the Grand Canyon had already appeared in Tianhuo's eyes.

"Nine souls, go directly to the end."

At this moment, Tianhuo has become more and more certain that the Grand Canyon must be caused by the artifact, and if the exact location of the artifact is located, it must be at the end, after all, it is the deepest place, and strangely, there is no stagnant water.

When it came to the end, there was still no one there, so Tianhuo heaved a sigh of relief, and then fell straight down. At this moment, a strong strange fragrance has already filled the Grand Canyon.

Before it fell, Tianhuo's eyes were attracted by a strange Ganoderma lucidum drilled from a crack in the stone on the platform, and a Glyph Saint's Eye was thrown over

Dihunzhi: Spirit-grade medicinal material, its use is unknown.

Tianhuo didn't know much about things like spirit grass. He saw that it was Earth Soul Mushroom, and he didn't know the usefulness of this thing, but since it was a spirit-level medicinal material, how could Tianhuo let it go? Holy laziness.

"Ding! The system prompts: You use the laziness of the sage to collect the earth soul mushroom × 1."

The collection was successful in one go, not as exhausting as it was when collecting the lava demon lotus back then, which made Tianhuo happy, "Look around quickly, where there are still spirit grasses, it seems that the artifact is about to be unearthed here."

It's a pity that Mu Hui and the others are not online at the moment, otherwise they can be pulled over by then, and it's good to open their eyes. When a large number of NPCs gather here, they will definitely attract the attention of the players, and they will naturally understand that the artifact will be unearthed here.

And such a big event, I'm afraid it's inevitable to take the lead.

However, in the hands of many NPCs, Tianhuo doesn't believe that taking the lead can get any benefits, at most, he can get some spiritual herbs.

After getting the Dihunzhi, no other treasures of heaven and earth were found, and the sky was completely dark at this moment, but in the sky above, Tianhuo clearly saw a few figures rushing past, just stopped for a while and continued to fly .

They don't have the eyesight of Tianhuo, they can't see the situation below, they just think it's an ordinary canyon.

Suddenly, the ground trembled slightly, and not far behind Tianhuo, the boulder was shattered, and a vine slowly drilled out of it, quickly sprouted branches, and spread in all directions.

Diyou Melon Vine: A rare heaven and earth spirit that can produce Diyou Melon with miraculous effects.

"Growing so fast, it should be able to bear fruit soon?" Tianhuo murmured, his eyes were full of joy, if he continued like this, he could reap a lot of benefits!

As Tianhuo muttered to himself, the Diyou melon vines stopped spreading, but golden flowers began to grow on those vines. The growth speed was extremely fast, and they bloomed in just a few tens of breaths.

After blooming, there was no next move, which made Tianhuo a little puzzled. Everything was abnormal when the artifact was unearthed. It seemed that it was affected by the breath of the artifact. The growth speed of the heaven and earth spirits was extremely fast. It won't take long for it to bear fruit!
There were no other spiritual plants growing around for the time being, and after the flowers of Diyou melon vines bloomed, there was no movement for a long time. Tianhuo simply sat cross-legged beside the melon vines and waited. This waiting took several hours.

In the sky, strong NPCs flew by from time to time, but no one came down to check it, making Tianhuo worry again and again, if those strong men came down, I was afraid that Di Yougua would not belong to him.

Suddenly, the sound of heavy objects hitting the ground came from the Diyou melon vines. Tianhuo hurriedly looked at it, and saw Diyou melons the size of a fist growing up slowly.

Tianhuo was overjoyed, and hurriedly stood up and waited. At the moment when he matured, he would be able to display the laziness of Wen Sheng!

However, before Tianhuo could be pleasantly surprised, the two figures flew across the air again and stopped in the sky. They were communicating with each other, and then fell towards the canyon.

Tianhuo frowned, stepped on the back of the Nine Souls Golden Spirit Dragon, pointed to the cave on the cliff more than ten meters high, "Nine Souls, go to that cave."

Hiding there is not easy to be found, and it is also within the scope of one's own skills. When the time comes to use the laziness of Wen Sheng without anyone noticing, there is a good chance to get Diyougua.

Flying into the cave, Tianhuo put away the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon and the Emperor Yanlin Lion, and he also used the invisible skill to enter the invisible state and wait.

Seeing the Diyou melon growing slowly below, Tianhuo couldn't wait, and the two figures also fell down, and found the Diyou melon vine growing on the platform at a glance.

"Diyou Melon! Send it!"

Tianhuo didn't dare to check the attributes of the two of them, otherwise they might be discovered, and the two of them stared intently at Diyou Melon Vine. In this dark night, they seemed to be able to see clearly, but luckily they didn't find the stone cave on the cliff .

Both of them were dressed in the same outfit, which made Tianhuo feel familiar. After looking carefully, Tianhuo raised his brows slightly. These two people belonged to the Prisoner Dragon Sect!

Ever since he killed Prisoner Baiteng of Prisoner Dragon Zong, Tianhuo thought that Prisoner Dragon Zong came back to find trouble for him, but after so long, no one came to find him, so he unexpectedly met him here.

Tianhuo understands that once he shows up, the two of them will definitely find the Prisoner Ring in their hands, and they will also understand that he killed Prisoner Baiteng, and trouble will be inevitable at that time.

But right now, Tianhuo is not worried.

Prisoner Dragon Sect disciples, those who can appear here should not be weak. Tianhuo saw the names on the heads of the two. One of them was named 'Prisoner Qianyi' and the other was 'Prisoner Qianer'. This weird name is good Remember, but it's more like the system randomly took it for them.

"It's almost mature, there are eight of them in total, which happens to be half of each of us." Prisoner Qianyi said.

Suddenly, the eight Diyou melons released golden light, obviously, it was a sign of maturity!
"Haha, it's ripe, pick it!" Prisoner Qian laughed loudly, bent down to pick it, but before his hands arrived, each Diyou melon disappeared strangely.

With just a few breath attacks, the eight Diyou melons just disappeared.

"Haha, how about it? Give me my share." Prisoner Qianer urged.

Prisoner Qianyi's face was extremely ugly, and he suddenly glanced around, "Who dares to snatch my prisoner Longzong's things? Get out!"

Prisoner Qianer was covered by Prisoner One before, and he didn't see that Prisoner Qianyi fell to the ground to pick the Diyou melon, so he looked around cautiously at this moment.

After a while, there was still no response. Prisoner Qianer couldn't help but frowned, "Brother, Di Yougua was robbed? Do you think I'm a fool?"

Prisoner Qianyi's face became even more ugly, and he said in a deep voice, "Didn't you see it? I haven't touched it yet, and the eight Diyou melons are gone!"

"Hey, if you want to take it all by yourself, just say it, you are a senior brother, I will let you, five of you, three of me, the head office will do it!" Prisoner Qianer said coldly.

Prisoner Qianyi turned sharply to face Prisoner Qianer, "Junior Brother, let me repeat, I didn't get it, I was snatched away!"

"Regard you as senior brother, don't you be ignorant of good and evil, where is anyone here except you and me?" Prisoner Qianer said with a gloomy expression without giving in at all.

As for Tianhuo in the cave above, he looked at this scene with a strange expression. He never expected that he secretly used the laziness of the sage to get the eight Diyou melons, which actually turned the two of them against each other. It seems that the war is about to break out what!

(End of this chapter)

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