The strongest saint

Chapter 195 Getting into trouble

Chapter 195 Getting into trouble
Seeing the system prompt that suddenly appeared, Tianhuo suddenly became excited, "Can the artifact be swallowed?"

While excited, Tianhuo was also a little puzzled. He was not too far away from the divine cauldron before, but such a reminder never sounded, but after the spirit pill flew from his innate spirit cauldron to the divine cauldron, this reminder The sound just rang.

But now is not the time to think about this question, Tianhuo hastily said: "Agreed!"

As soon as the words fell, the illusory Xiantian Lingding cauldron roared out, and instantly reached the top of the divine cauldron, and the illusory figure suddenly enlarged, enveloping the divine cauldron.

Tianhuo looked at this scene expectantly, but what was strange was that the Xiantian Lingding cauldron did not pull the Shending cauldron back, but stayed there as before.

"If you don't want to cause big trouble, take back your innate spirit cauldron!" Suddenly, a cold female voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind.

Tianhuo frowned, and looked around, but he didn't see anyone talking to him at all, and that voice appeared directly in his mind.

"I said, take back your innate spirit cauldron!" Seeing that Tianhuo didn't move, the cold female voice reappeared in Tianhuo's mind. As it struggled, it scattered, and the surrounding NPCs were thrown away.

Tianhuo's eyes were fixed, staring straight at Shending, "Is it you talking to me?"

"That's right, take back your Innate Spirit Cauldron, otherwise big troubles will come!" the female voice said, her words were no longer cold, but a little nervous.

"Big trouble?" Tianhuo smiled, he heard nervousness from the female voice, why didn't he understand, it must be afraid that he would be swallowed by the innate spirit cauldron.

Suddenly, the ground trembled again, and even Tianhuo, who was in the cave, staggered for a while and almost fell from the entrance of the cave. He hurriedly stabilized his figure and looked, but saw cracks appearing out of thin air on the ground, spreading rapidly towards the distance go.

At this moment, as if the end of the world was coming, countless players fell into the cracks and turned into white light. On the edge of the cliff above, many players also fell down, and the cracks on the ground not only did not stop, but became stronger and stronger. Even the canyon The cliffs on both sides were cracked, and huge boulders fell down.

Seeing this situation, most of the players went back to the city directly, and those NPCs also jumped up quickly and stopped in midair to watch the situation.

"Nine souls!"

In front of Tianhuo, huge boulders fell down, blocking the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon who came to meet him, making Tianhuo anxious for a while. If this continues, he will be crushed to death by the cave collapse.

Suddenly, Tianhuo's arm tightened, and he hurriedly turned his head to look, only to see Tie Shi grabbing his arm with a smile, and then stepped into the air, crushing the falling boulder and flying towards the sky.

The Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon followed quickly, and soon left the grand canyon that was about to collapse.

Looking over the canyon, one can see terrible gullies criss-crossing, the cliffs on both sides of the canyon are constantly breaking apart, and smoke and dust are everywhere.

"Bastard, take back your innate spirit cauldron, or it will be too late!" The anxious female voice came from Tianhuo's mind again.

Tianhuo shrugged and responded, "You still haven't come back with my Xiantian Spirit Cauldron?"

"You bastard, do you think you can devour me with this ineffective innate spirit cauldron? Take it back quickly, don't get in my way, or you will be responsible for all the consequences! Hey, it's too late..."

As soon as the words fell, there was a terrible roar from under the ground. Under the roar, everyone's head was dizzy for a while, and damage values ​​of different sizes appeared on the top of their heads.

Everyone was shocked, "What is that?"

Tianhuo's face was also not good-looking, knowing that it seemed that because of the problem with the innate spirit cauldron, a big problem was about to occur.

While everyone was wondering, terrible black air quickly gushed out of the half-collapsed canyon, like a huge tornado, heading straight into the sky, and within a few breaths, it completely covered most of the sky.

And under this covered sky, as if darkness was coming, the feeling of depression filled everyone's hearts.

"Ah!" There was another roar from the ground, and then everyone clearly saw that the collapsed boulders below were instantly turned into powder in this roar, and terrible air waves surged along the ground.

In the center of the air wave, an indescribably huge fist suddenly soared into the sky, piercing straight into the black air in the sky!

"Quick retreat!" Tie Shi's face changed drastically, and he quickly retreated while pulling Tianhuo.

As for Tianhuo, he looked at the arm protruding into the sky in disbelief, and when he looked up, he couldn't see the end of the arm at all, only the forearm as thick as a mountain!
A small arm can reach directly into the sky, how big is the owner of this arm!

As that arm reached into the sky, the black air in the sky quickly gathered towards the arm, and in an instant, a jet-black armor was formed to protect the arm, and with the disappearance of the black air, everyone could clearly see I can't help but see those fists the size of mountains!

"Death!" A deep roar came from below, and then the fist was suddenly replaced by a palm, and it was pressed down downward!

"Fuck..." Tianhuo's face changed, watching the huge palm pressing down in the sky, this time, I'm afraid no one can escape!

The range covered by the palm is huge, if it falls, no one in the field can avoid it!
Immediately, Tianhuo summoned the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon back, and was about to break away from Tie Shi's palm to use the homecoming skill, but saw Tie Shi's gorgeous wings popping out from behind, and as soon as he spread his wings, Tianhuo felt that the scenery in front of him changed , When it stabilized, Tieshi stopped and looked back.

Tianhuo also looked back, but saw that the big hand was blocked in mid-air, and it was the divine cauldron that blocked him!

"Bastard, you quickly take back the Xiantian spirit cauldron, I promise you, the big deal will be swallowed by your Xiantian spirit cauldron after this matter is over!" The female voice reappeared in Tianhuo's mind, full of helplessness.

Tianhuo was stunned, would he dare not accept it at this time?Obviously, this divine cauldron is here to suppress this terrible monster. I let the innate spirit cauldron swallow it without knowing it before, which made the suppression of the divine cauldron ineffective, so I released that terrible monster!
The Xiantian spirit cauldron turned into a stream of light and returned to Tianhuo's dantian, followed by the spirit pill, but Tianhuo didn't have time to check it, but looked at the place where the god cauldron and the big hand were.

"Smelly Sanba Luoshen, I crush your broken cauldron!" The earth-shattering voice still came, but the huge palm shook it directly towards the divine cauldron blocking it below.

"The tripod determines the universe, give me the town!"

In the divine cauldron, the female voice resounded through the heavens and the earth, and then the light radiated brightly, bouncing away from the whole body, abruptly bouncing that powerful hand away.

This is not over yet, the big hand was flicked away, and the scorching light from the divine cauldron roared out, wrapping the entire arm in an instant. At this moment, it was a giant hand burning with raging flames!
"Don't stand still, help!" The female voice resounded, and the divine cauldron flew above the giant hand, bombarding it continuously, and the giant hand shrank a little with each bombardment.

The stupefied people came back to their senses, they thought they were doomed before, but now with the backing of Shending, everyone launched an attack on the giant hand.

Tens of miles away, Tianhuo also opened the third page of the Book of Grammar, and as a string of golden characters whizzed out, it flew across a distance of tens of miles and hit the giant hand in an instant.

"Huh?" Looking at the forced damage, the corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly. This is a whole poem!If you put it on a normal boss, that would be millions of damage points.

But not only Tianhuo's damage value is mandatory 1 point, but also those other NPCs, who can't break through the defense of the mysterious giant hand at all.

Everyone sighed for a while, and continued to shoot while looking at each other, venting their anger after enjoying themselves, as well as venting the grievances before venting!
"Broken cauldron, get out of here!" The voice came from the earth, resounding throughout the world, and the giant hand that was burned by the flames seemed not to know the pain, and slammed towards the divine cauldron.

But the divine cauldron suddenly grew bigger, and it blasted towards it without giving in at all. Terrible waves of air swept across the sky, forming gusts of wind that raged.

"I will suppress you back!" The female voice in the cauldron was firm and cold.

"Ah! Die Sanba Luoshen, I must destroy your broken tripod." The roar came from the ground again, and the palm of his hand turned into a fist, and the tripod flew upside down with a punch.

"Dare to scold my master, Blue Valley Demon Lord, haven't you been suppressed enough?" Shending's voice resounded, and the size of the cauldron became bigger again, and it turned and blasted towards the giant hand.

With one hand and one cauldron, the bombardment started again, as if covering the sky and the sun, the terrifying air waves raged in the sky, and the people below did not dare to stay at this moment, and retreated one after another.

In the distance, Tianhuo and Tieshi looked at the scene with different expressions. Tianhuo was guessing what level of monster this Blue Valley Demon Lord was and how big it was, while Tieshi, with a cold light in his eyes, stared at the giant monster. Without blinking a hand or an eye.

There was a deafening sound, and the divine cauldron was blown out again. Although it was a divine cauldron, it was not controlled by anyone. It depended entirely on the divine cauldron itself, and it seemed that it was not a match for the devil.

The divine cauldron flew away, but before it flew back, the giant hand began to shrink sharply. Then, the ground trembled again. During this trembling, the ground collapsed. The shape shot out, and stood firmly in the sky above the ruins.

"Haha..." That figure exuded dark black air all over his body. While laughing loudly, the icy aura spread quickly, making everyone's scalps go numb. Is this the Blue Valley Demon Lord?

Although the figure has shrunk countless times, but at this moment, the body of more than [-] feet is like a big mountain. Black air whizzes out from the breath, forming a terrible hurricane. !"

(End of this chapter)

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