The strongest saint

Chapter 196 Luoshen Cauldron

Chapter 196 Luoshen Cauldron

"Hey, Po Ding, I'm coming out, let's see how you suppress me!" Blue Valley Demon Lord smiled jokingly, looking at the divine cauldron in mid-air.

Shending didn't move, just confronted Blue Valley Demon Lord, and the latter smiled cruelly again, and shifted his eyes to the surrounding crowd, "Hey, these ants seemed to be very happy when they attacked me before!"

As he spoke, the Blue Valley Demon Lord bent down fiercely and let out a roar, and then there was a shock visible to the naked eye. In that shock, countless players hung back to the city in an instant, and those NPCs fell to the ground one after another, and soon turned into white light.

"Stop!" Shending was furious, and there was a coquettish shout, and the cauldron opened its mouth, absorbing all the air waves from the demon king's roar, but it was too late, most of the people in the field were dead.

"It's so strong!" Tianhuo took a breath, such a terrifying character appeared in the game at this time, who can beat him?

"Hey, stop? Can you stop me?" The Demon Lord sneered, and the huge hill-like foot stepped fiercely, and another terrifying impact spread, and a large number of players and NPCs passed by. die.

The divine cauldron galloped towards it, but was blown out by the demon king again. After all, it was a divine cauldron that was uncontrolled, how could it fight against the demon king?

Being blown away by the Demon Lord, the body of the Divine Cauldron became larger again, turned around and flew high towards the Demon Lord, and enveloped it, "I swallowed you and suppressed you forever! The Cauldron Swallows the Universe!"

At the mouth of the cauldron, a black hole-like vortex suddenly appeared, and the terrible suction concentrated on the demon king's body, making him unstable, as if he would be sucked in at any time. With force, it fell into the ground abruptly, firmly resisting the suction of the divine cauldron.

"Hey, without that stinky three-eight controlling you, what can you do with me?" The devil sneered, clenched his right fist, and blasted up with black air.

The black air was like a giant dragon, entangled to avoid the suction force, and hit the side of the divine cauldron, blasting it away again, the demon lord stepped on his feet, and the ground rolled away like a sea wave, and the demon lord's With a figure, he swept straight to the front of the cauldron, pressed his palms, and slapped on the cauldron.

In an instant, the luster around Shending's body dimmed a lot, and the face of the Demon Lord was full of madness, "Hey, without you, the strength of that smelly three-eight should be reduced a lot!"

As he said that, the terrifying black energy gathered in the hands of the Demon Monarch, and it seemed that he wanted to crush the Divine Cauldron with one blow!

The black air in the Demon Lord's hand became thicker and thicker, and soon it seemed to materialize, and he pressed down on the divine cauldron.

Tianhuo's heart has been raised, if the divine cauldron is destroyed, no one can stop the demon king, and Tianhuo will lose the chance to devour the divine cauldron. At that time, the evolution of the innate spirit cauldron will be delayed again.

Of course, what worries Tianhuo the most is that without the containment of the divine cauldron, I really don't know what the devil will do in this world.

But at the moment, there is no time to think of any solution, only the voice of the divine cauldron rang in Tianhuo's mind, "Even if I am smashed by him, it will bring your innate spirit cauldron to a higher level, and when you meet my master Luoshen , please remember to wait for me to say hello to him..."

The female voice was full of sadness and self-blame, but she didn't mean to blame Tianhuo.

Tianhuo felt inexplicably uncomfortable, his own strength was insufficient, and there was no way to save Shending!
Suddenly, Tianhuo thought of something. Seeing that the Demon Lord had already swung his fist and smashed it down towards the divine cauldron, Tianhuo hurriedly took out the jade slip and crushed it, "Senior Xuandu, it's up to you!"

As soon as the jade slip was crushed, an illusory figure appeared in front of Tianhuo. It was Xuandu, but naturally it was not his body, but something like a projection.

Before he had time to explain, Tianhuo hurriedly pointed at Mojun, "Senior Xuandu, please help!"

Xuandu's reaction was so fast, at the moment when the demon lord's fist fell, Xuandu's figure suddenly disappeared in front of Tianhuo, and the demon lord's mountain-like body flew out abruptly.

"The demon king actually appeared in the third-level area, this is a big joke!" Xuandu's voice murmured, and he appeared beside the divine cauldron.

"Who is it!" The demon lord roared and stabilized his figure, and looked at the phantom, but his face changed, "Projection! Such a strong strength."

Xuandu looked at the Divine Cauldron beside him, then at the Demon Lord, with a thoughtful look on his face, and said: "It seems that you are the Demon Lord who is sealed here, but you don't It should appear in the third-level area, follow me!"

Xuandu's tone was relaxed, but it carried an undeniable taste. After the words fell, Xuandu raised his palms, and a vast mysterious power suddenly emerged in this world. With the appearance of this power, Xuandu was originally The illusory figure became even more illusory, as if it would disappear at any time.

Tianhuo looked at the situation in the field worriedly, and clenched his fists unconsciously. Right now, Xuandu is the only hope. If his figure dissipates, it will be really troublesome.

Moreover, Xuandu was not the deity present, but just a projection. What Tianhuo was more worried about was the power of this projection. He wondered if he could kill the Demon King.

However, in the astonished expressions of Tianhuo and everyone, a dark crack was suddenly torn open by the mysterious force beside the demon king. Immediately afterwards, Xuandu's figure flickered, and when he reached the demon king, he suddenly disappeared not see.

Immediately afterwards, the huge body of the Demon Lord was thrown into the crack as if caught by something, and disappeared in the crack in an instant.

"Messenger, the power of this projection is not enough to kill him. I brought him to the first-level area. Don't worry, this guy is dead!" Xuandu's voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind, and then disappeared. The cracks are also slowly healing.

The heaven and the earth returned to calm, only the desolation on the ground was still confirming the scene that happened before.

Countless NPCs sighed, they can be said to have survived, and those players have already recorded all the process, and I am afraid it has been placed on the forum at this moment. There is no doubt that this time, the popularity of the forum will be the highest since the game started. Unique.

Of course, in the end, Tianhuo summoned the phantom of Xuandu, which will become the focus of discussion among all players.

Tianhuo didn't pay any attention to these things. Now that everything has calmed down, he was a little confused. He took the lead and didn't come to join in the fun. According to the current situation, he must have known that the unearthed artifact was a divine tripod, but he didn't know if he knew how to collect this divine artifact. Ding's solution.

However, Tianhuo's doubts were obviously superfluous. I saw the divine cauldron flying straight towards Tianhuo, and the voice rang in Tianhuo's mind, "I didn't expect you to know such a strong person. If you hadn't summoned his projection, the entire third-level area I am afraid that they will all fall into the control of the Blue Valley Demon Lord."

Tianhuo shook his head, "I caused the trouble, so naturally I should solve it."

"Hehe, it seems true to say that the sage of literature has the world in mind, and I really didn't expect that you, a sage of literature who has no power to restrain a chicken, can also have an innate spirit tripod." The female voice of the tripod was playful.

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly, thinking about the world?I am not that great, I just happen to have the soul jade slip presented by Xuandu, and what the female voice said is that the hand has no power to restrain the chicken, and Tianhuo's expression becomes weird, is he that weak?
"Hehe, well, the trouble is solved, and it's time to fulfill my promise. My body is this Luoshen cauldron. Now, I will cooperate to let your innate spirit cauldron swallow it."

Tianhuo coughed dryly, if it was before, she would have devoured it without hesitation, but now, this artifact has a spirit, and it is so strong, she said to let herself devour it, but Tianhuo hesitated instead.

"This... the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron devoured you, are you still there?" Tianhuo hesitated for a moment, then asked.

If the Divine Cauldron is devoured and the spirit of this woman disappears, Tianhuo is not willing to see it. After all, she would rather sacrifice herself in order to suppress the Demon Lord. In the end, she did not sacrifice herself to the Demon Lord. Instead, it would be a sin if she lost it. up.

"It's up to you. You can easily wipe out my wisdom at that time. After all, you are the owner of the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron. However, I hope you can keep me, even if I am the spirit of your Xiantian Spirit Cauldron. " said the female voice, with a pleading tone in her voice.

"Why?" Tianhuo blurted out, and then regretted asking such a question, wishing he could slap himself twice.

"Let's put it this way, I originally planned to die with the demon king and follow in the footsteps of my master, but the continent seems to have changed, and many adventurers from different worlds have poured in. I want to follow you and see that the monsters are completely driven away. The day you leave the mainland."

"Your master, Luoshen is dead?" Tianhuo asked.

"In the previous war, almost all the main gods fell. Even if they haven't fallen, I'm afraid they were seriously injured and fell into a deep sleep. My master is all for the mainland, so how could it be an exception?" The female voice was full of sadness.

Lord God?Tianhuo raised his eyebrows. I don't know how the game is set up, but there is more than one main god. Generally speaking, the main god these npcs talk about is the system!Is this thought to be wrong?

While thinking about it, quite a few NPCs had already arrived not far from Tianhuo, staring greedily at the Luoshen cauldron. It was clear from that look that they all wanted to snatch the Luoshen cauldron.

"I'll accept you first, don't worry, I won't erase your wisdom." Tianhuo said, the Xiantian Lingding cauldron shot out again, wrapping the Luoshen cauldron.

This time, Luoshen Ding did not resist, and let Xiantian Ling Ding pull him back to Tianhuo's dantian.

"Boy, hand over the divine cauldron!"

"That's right, hand it over quickly, it's up to you, how can you deserve to have the divine cauldron!"

Many NPCs gathered in front of Tianhuo, and without waiting for Tianhuo's answer, Tie Shi stepped forward and stood in front of Tianhuo, looking at everyone, "Get out!"

Tianhuo shook his head, human nature is like this, and he doesn't bother to pay attention to it, "Senior Tieshi, don't pay attention to them, why don't you go to my Tianyan City?"

While speaking, the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon had already appeared beside Tianhuo.

However, as soon as Tianhuo finished speaking, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon. It still looks like this.”

Tianhuo felt a chill in his heart, the mission deadline is up!
(End of this chapter)

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