The strongest saint

Chapter 197 The Secret Path

Chapter 197 The Secret Path
Three days, here we go!
Looking at the Wan Shi Tong who appeared in front of him, Tianhuo felt helpless. In the past three days, the Wannian Beast Luo Tianguo was first taken away by the Feiyun Moying Horse and the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and then grew again under the influence of the Luoshen Cauldron. Swallowed by iron stone.

As for Tianhuo, he only got the Dragon Cloud Grass, but he still couldn't let the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon enter adulthood.

"It seems that you have tried your best, but the time has come, Tianhuo, according to the agreement, I have to terminate your contract!" Wanshitong shook his head and said slowly.

Tianhuo clenched his fists, closed his eyes slightly, and suddenly opened his eyes after a while, and the book of literati fell into his hands, "Senior, can you be accommodating?"

Tianhuo's actions fell into Wanshitong's eyes, Wanshitong smiled teasingly, "What? If you are not accommodating, you want to do it? Can you beat me?"

"I can't beat it!" Tianhuo's eyes were full of determination, "But even if I can't beat it, I won't watch you take Jiuhun away."

Wanshitong kept smiling and said, "I already told you three days ago, I don't want to say it again, even if you are given a chance, how long can you make him enter adulthood?"

Tianhuo's expression tightened, yes, it's okay for Wanshitong to say that if he meets other dragons, he will definitely come up to dissolve the relationship between the two without saying a word, and the only way is to let the nine-hundred golden spirit dragon enter adulthood, but he can How long will it take to do it?

"Brother Tianhuo, I'm really sorry." Tie Shi beside him saw it, because he took away the Ten Thousand Years Beast Luo Tianguo, and Tianhuo was about to lose the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon!
As for the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon, he looked at Wanshitong tremblingly and warily at the moment, but he didn't dare to speak.

"Hehe, it seems that this sky god took away the ten thousand year beast Luo Tianguo, Tianhuo, your luck is not good!" Wanshitong teased.

Tie Shi cupped his fists towards Wanshitong, and took out a spiritual fruit from his arms and handed it to Tianhuo, "Brother Tianhuo, I'm sorry, I only have a thousand-year-old beast Luo Tianguo here, I wonder if I can help you."

Wanshitong squinted his eyes, pretending not to see the movement of the two, turned his head and waved the folding fan alone.

Seeing this, Tianhuo naturally knew that Wanshitong was giving him a chance, so he hurriedly took the beast Luo Tianguo and handed it to the Nine Soul Golden Linglong, "Nine Soul, swallow it quickly."

"Wait!" Luoshending's voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind, making Tianhuo's movements stagnate, and before Tianhuo was confused, the pill appeared in front of Tianhuo, "Master, if you want this dragon If you enter adulthood, taking this elixir is the most suitable."

Without the slightest doubt, Tianhuo put away the thousand-year-old beast Luo Tianguo, and threw the elixir into the mouth of the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon instead.

When Wanshitong saw this scene from the corner of his eye, his expression became weird, and he coughed dryly, "Cough... Tianhuo, if that's the case, I can rest assured, see you someday!"

After finishing speaking, Wan Shi Tong's figure suddenly faded away.

Tianhuo looked at the field suspiciously, and the figure of Master of Everything had disappeared. Why did this guy change his attitude so quickly?And judging by his tone when he was leaving, he seemed a little scared!

hold head high……

Not long after the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon swallowed the elixir, it suddenly soared into the sky, and for a moment, a terrifying coercion permeated the world, making those npcs who wanted to snatch the divine cauldron stunned, and then retreated quickly. hesitate.

In the sky, colorful rays of light radiated in all directions, and in the center of the rays of light, a sound of dragon chant resounded continuously.

"Luoshen Cauldron, what kind of panacea is that? What exactly is it used for?" Tianhuo looked at the situation in the sky and asked.

"That's the panacea left by the master before he was promoted to the main god. I don't know what it is. I only know that it is very useful for beasts." Luo Shending said.

There was joy in Tianhuo's eyes. No matter what, it was something left by the main god. It would not be a problem to help the nine-hundred golden spirit dragon enter adulthood, and Master of Everything didn't make things difficult for himself, so he must have seen something.

After a long time, the Nine-hundred Golden Spirit Dragon succeeded, and Tianhuo returned the Millennium Beast Luo Tianguo to Tianhuo, "Senior Iron Stone, thank you very much."

Tie Shi was a little embarrassed, "If I had known that the Ten Thousand Year Beast Luo Tianguo was so important to you, I wouldn't have robbed you. I'm sorry, brother Tianhuo."

Tianhuo smiled, "Isn't that good? It looks like my Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon will be blessed by misfortune."

Tieshi's body is the Sky God Peng, and Tianhuo already knew it from Wanshitong. Although he doesn't know what grade the Sky God Peng is, but judging by his calm and composed appearance at the moment, he must be no worse than the Dragon Clan. Otherwise, under the pressure of Wanshitong and Jiuhun Come on, I'm afraid it's already unbearable!

And this guy, who swallowed the ten thousand year old Beast Luo Tian Guo himself, now found out the thousand year old Tianhuo, which made Tianhuo a little speechless, but the matter has passed, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't mention it.

In the sky, the colorful light around the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon has weakened, and Tianhuo's eyes are full of hope. It seems that it is about to succeed!

Suddenly, the Nine-hundred Golden Spirit Dragon turned into a stream of light and returned to the pet space in an instant. Tianhuo hurriedly opened the pet panel to look, but saw the words "evolving" displayed on it.

"Huh? Haven't evolved yet?" Tianhuo murmured suspiciously, thinking he had succeeded!
"Luoshen Cauldron, do you know how long it takes to evolve successfully after taking that panacea?" Tianhuo asked, after all, the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon is his means of transportation, if he can't appear for a long time, it will be troublesome to travel by himself in the future.

"I really don't know about this. It's almost done. Skyfire can start to devour it. From the looks of it, I'm afraid it will take a long time to complete it." Luoshending said.

Tianhuo shrugged his shoulders and ignored the matter of the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon. Anyway, he will succeed sooner or later, and asked, "How can I not hurt you?"

What Tianhuo was referring to was naturally the spirit of the Luoshen Cauldron.

"As long as you don't give the order to devour my wisdom, everything will be done by the innate spirit tripod."

Tianhuo nodded, "Swallow the Luoshen Cauldron! Keep the spirit of the weapon."

"Ding! The system prompts: start devouring, the innate spirit cauldron is evolving."

On the panel of the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron, the word Evolving appeared, exactly the same as before. This time, it may take longer to complete, after all, this is an existence at the level of an artifact.

"Brother Tianhuo, it's time for me to say goodbye. If we see you someday, let's continue." At this time, Tie Shi also clasped his fists.

Tianhuo smiled. After all, Tieshi is a transformed sky god. He swallowed the Ten Thousand Years Beast Luo Tianguo before. Maybe he needs to find a place to refine it at this moment, so he doesn't want to stay, "Uncle Tieshi, I am in the sky. Yancheng, come and take a look if you have time."

Tie Shi clasped his fists with a smile and stepped up into the air, leaving behind a series of afterimages that disappeared.

"It's okay this time, it's all over!" Tianhuo said to himself, and used the skill of returning home. Those npcs seemed to have completely given up on Shending.

Appearing in the living room, Tianhuo half-lyed on the animal skin sofa, but recalled the previous scenes in his mind. After a long time, he opened the battle group channel, wondering if he could contact Twilight and the others.

"Twilight, what's going on with you?" Tianhuo said casually.

"Huh? Have we left the area where we can't contact the outside world?" Fatty's voice came first.

"Isn't this nonsense, otherwise how could we hear the voice of Tianhuo." Hua Xiaoran's voice sounded.

"Tianhuo, is it over on your side? We haven't come to the end here. It used to be a man-made passage, but now it has become a natural passage. I don't know where it leads. It's been three days and I haven't finished it yet." Twilight breaks dawn Said.

"Hey, the fire is big, come and explore if you have nothing to do, I guess, there must be a treasure at the end!" the fat man said expectantly.

"Treasure?" Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, and then he took out the six broken treasure maps. After putting them together, the treasure maps shone with light.

In the flickering light, the treasure map gradually healed and became a complete treasure map.

Treasure map (unopened): The treasure map that records the secrets of Fenglei Pavilion, even if every pavilion master does not know about it, only the past elders know about it.

The explanation is still the same as before, but on this complete treasure map, there are actually unopened words written on it. No matter how Tianhuo uses the eye of the sage, it cannot be identified. It seems that the condition for opening does not require identification. Instead, something else is needed.

"Ding! The system prompts: The deputy head, Twilight Lixiao, is using the assembly skill and wants to pull you to his side. Do you agree?"

Just as Tianhuo was groping for the treasure map, the system prompt sounded, and Tianhuo put away the treasure map. Anyway, there is nothing to do now, so you can go to explore.

After agreeing, the scenery in Tianhuo's eyes changed, and when he stabilized, he was already in a vast cave.

On the cave wall, unknown stones are like stars in the sky, illuminating the cave. In the center of the cave, a small river flows quietly, no one knows where it is going.

"I have something to do here, so I won't come here." The hero's voice sounded, the assembly skill was aimed at all members, and he naturally received it.

Everyone is not surprised. As the leader of a gang, the hero is naturally not as leisurely as everyone.

"This is the secret way?" Tianhuo said.

A few people were sitting and resting at the side of Twilight Reaping, and they got up after the arrival of the sky fire. Twilight Reaping pointed to the upper reaches of the river and said, "That's right, it seems to be coming to an end, and I can already feel the breeze."

"Hehe, then continue walking. I also want to see what is in the secret path that you have just walked through in three days." Tianhuo smiled and walked upstream with everyone.

"Tianhuo is big, Yifeng and Zi Meier are not with you?" Fatty asked cautiously beside Tianhuo.

Tianhuo shook his head, "I don't know where they are, what's wrong?"

"Hey, it's nothing." The fat man laughed and said nothing.

Yifeng and Zimeier are NPCs, and Tianhuo will not pay attention to their whereabouts. Presumably they are looking for monsters somewhere, that is the responsibility of a demon hunter.

After a few hours, it finally came to an end, but everyone's faces became ugly, because the road ahead was actually a dead end blocked by huge rocks.

"Strange, there is obviously a wind blowing in, but how could it be a dead end?" Twilight broke dawn and frowned.

Tianhuo, with a milky white halo in his eyes, smiled mysteriously, "That's just an illusion, but if you pass through it directly, the opposite side is really a paradise!"

As soon as the words fell, the fat man rushed over first, and his figure disappeared into the boulder in an instant.

Everyone was overjoyed, it was exactly as Tianhuo said!However, at this moment, Fatty's exclamation sounded, causing everyone's hearts to sink and they rushed away.

(End of this chapter)

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