The strongest saint

Chapter 198 The Imprisoned Dragon

Chapter 198 The Imprisoned Dragon

Hearing the fat man's exclamation, everyone rushed out. The boulder was completely useless. In an instant, everyone passed through it, and what appeared in front of them was a scene of a paradise.

But everyone didn't have the heart to appreciate the beautiful scenery in front of them, they all looked at the fat man anxiously, only to see the fat man lying on the ground like a dog groaning in mud, and slowly sat up, "Fuck me, this can also fall .”

Everyone was stunned for a while, the exclamation was actually made after the fall, everyone thought something big had happened!

Seeing that the fat man was fine, everyone looked at him, Tianhuo murmured: "Withered vines, old trees, dark crows, small bridges and flowing water, this place is really nice."

Looking around, there are countless mountains in the distance. In the late autumn, the yellow and green are alternated, which is also very beautiful. In front of you, a lake several miles in size is quietly inlaid, and more than a dozen wooden houses stand neatly on the lake. Beside, the river in the secret passage obviously flowed out of this lake.

"Sit down wherever you fall, fat man, how long do you have to sit?" After a long time, Twilight joked.

The fat man hurriedly got up, and smiled awkwardly, "The scenery here is so beautiful, but this is all we can see after walking the secret road for three days?"

"Those wooden houses look familiar." Wuchen said suddenly.

"It's the architectural style of Fenglei Pavilion, almost exactly the same!" Tianhuo has entered Fenglei Pavilion twice, so he can naturally recognize it.

"It's no wonder, that secret path has been connected here, and this should also be the site of Fenglei Pavilion." Twilight broke dawn said.

Suddenly, Tianhuo's eyes narrowed, "Go back first, someone is coming!"

In the distant sky, a figure galloped towards him. The power of Tianhuo was excellent, so naturally he could see that figure from a distance.

Back in the cave, everyone waited, and Tianhuo's eyes were filled with white light again, and he could see the situation outside through the imaginary boulder. Prisoner Qianyi, it seems that Prisoner Jiuye is also here."

In Tianhuo's field of vision, Prisoner Qianyi stopped above the lake, casually took out a bull-shaped monster that had been killed, and threw it into the lake.

Falling into the lake, the corpse of the monster sank quickly, making Tianhuo wonder, what is it doing?
After doing this, Prisoner Qianyi floated towards those wooden houses again, and entered the most central wooden house.

"Tianhuo Da, what kind of eyes are these, they can see outside, what prisoner Qianyi?" The fat man asked suspiciously.

"Huh? There is also a passage here." Hua Xiaoran's voice sounded, his arm had already penetrated into the stone wall beside him, and the boulder did not block it in the slightest.

Tianhuo looked intently, only to see a stone staircase winding down, and he didn't know where it extended.

"Go ahead and have a look? Hehe, the treasure must be here." Fatty became excited, he had already seen the situation outside, just those wooden houses and a lake.

Tianhuo nodded, but he had neglected it before and just looked outside, this road might be a place where treasures are hidden.

Walking down the stairs, the air became humid. When reaching the bottom, a straight passage appeared in front of you. This passage was not long. After a turn, everyone was surprised by the situation in front of them.

"It's actually the bottom of the lake, I'll fuck it, it's amazing!" The fat man opened his eyes wide and murmured involuntarily.

That's right, everyone has reached the bottom of the lake at this moment, and what is amazing is that there is no water falling down, as if blocked by an invisible membrane, which is very similar to those aquariums on the earth.

Here, you can clearly see everything at the bottom of the lake. There are only some aquatic plants growing on the bottom of the lake, but there are no living things. The invisible membrane extends to the distance, completely crowding out the surrounding lake water, leaving a dry road .

Tianhuo led the way forward, and his eyes gradually revealed a look of alertness. At the bottom of the lake hundreds of meters away, a hemispherical area was stretched hundreds of meters by the invisible membrane, and in this area, a water-blue monster quietly Quietly prostrate on the ground!
Tianhuo could see it clearly, it was clearly a water-blue dragon less than 20 meters long!

But it seemed that it couldn't move at all, its tail and limbs were inserted into the ground by silver steel needles the thickness of an arm, and its tail was facing Tianhuo and the others, as if it didn't know they were coming.

"Scumbag, let's see how much my strength has weakened again?" Suddenly, an angry voice came, which made everyone's eardrums buzz.

"Screw me!" Fatty stopped walking, and his eyes were fixed on the huge monster in front of him.

Tianhuo made a stop gesture, and said: "Senior, I think you misunderstood, we are not from Fenglei Pavilion."

"Fenglei Pavilion? What is that?" The angry voice asked, but the anger in the words did not diminish in the slightest.

While speaking, Shenlong moved, but then strange runes appeared on the five steel needles, abruptly stopping Shenlong's movements, and at the same time, Shenlong let out a muffled groan, obviously suffering from great pain .

Tianhuo nodded slightly to the crowd, sure enough, this big guy couldn't move.

Quickly skimming in front of Shenlong's head, everyone looked at the trapped Shenlong with some anxiety, but under the anxiety, they were all full of excitement, Shenlong, this is the Shenlong, although it is water blue, but it is so beautiful. It is genuine existence.

"So it's an adventurer from another world." Shenlong opened his mouth slightly, his tone full of helplessness.

"Shenlong, let me fuck you, Shenlong has spoken to us!" Fatty said excitedly as he pulled Hua Xiaoran beside him.

Ignoring Fatty's excitement, Shenlong glanced around the crowd, then set his eyes on Tianhuo, "You took my dragon descendant as a pet, if I can move at this moment, I will kill you first."

Tianhuo shrugged his shoulders. Although the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon is evolving, it is normal to hide it from this divine dragon, and he has already learned about such consequences from Wanshitong, but it doesn't matter. After all, the divine dragon in front of him can't move. "Senior, Fenglei Pavilion Trapped you here? Need our help?"

"Hehe, I don't know what Fenglei Pavilion is. I only know about the Prisoner Dragon Sect. It was the Prisoner Dragon Sect who did it. But if you want to help me, I'm afraid you don't have the strength yet." Shenlong said, with a sense of helplessness in his words .

"Don't underestimate us, especially Tianhuo, he is the strongest existence among our players, and our Tianyan battle group is also the strongest battle group in the game." Fatty was unhappy and argued.

Everyone was a little speechless about Fatty's words. Up to now, the whole game is just one battle group!
"Hehe, if I go on like this, sooner or later I will be subdued by the Prisoner Dragon Sect using the secret method. You are probably my only hope." Shenlong sighed and said slowly.

"Ding! The system prompts: trigger the mission of the war group to save the dragon, do you accept it?"


Warband Mission: Save the Dragon

Task Difficulty: S Class

Mission reward: unknown

Failure penalty: Warband member level reduced by 5
Mission description: The blue dragon is imprisoned here by the prisoner of the dragon sect, and its strength is decreasing day by day. , can break the five imprisoned dragon needles, get it, and save the dragon.

A reminder of the task appeared in the task panel of everyone, everyone was stunned, S-level task!
"Tianhuo, read that right? S-level battle group mission?" The hero's voice sounded.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong, come or not? If you don't come, don't blame us for not being rewarded." Mu Yichen joked.

"Wait a minute, I'll come when I explain something." The hero's voice was full of excitement.

Regardless of Fatty's joke, Tianhuo looked at Shenlong, "Senior, how long have you been trapped here?"

Shenlong sighed again, "At the beginning, I saw that there was no one here for thousands of miles, so I planned to stay here for a while to refine a spiritual fruit, but I didn't expect that at a critical moment, a bastard from the Prisoner Dragon Sect appeared and beat him up. Cut off my refining, causing me to fall into a backlash, and he took the opportunity to trap me with the Dragon Prisoner Needle."

"I have forgotten how long it has been. Over the years, my strength has dropped again and again. Back then, my body was as long as [-] meters, but now, you have also seen it." Shenlong continued.

"I've heard this before. I heard that the strength of the general dragon clan is related to its size. The larger the body size, the stronger the strength." Twilight broke dawn and looked at Shenlong again.

"You are right. Looking at me now, I know that my strength has been reduced countless times, so I can only rely on you. If you can save me, I will thank you very much!" Shenlong said, and said to Tianhuo: "And I It doesn't even care about you accepting my dragon disciples."

Tianhuo rolled his eyes secretly in his heart, so what if he cares?However, since he accepted this task, Tianhuo naturally planned to complete it. After all, the penalty for failure was to reduce the level by five levels, and no one wanted to be downgraded like this.

"Senior, is the person guarding you called Prisoner Jiuye?" Tianhuo asked, this is the key question, because Prisoner Jiuye was seriously injured by the demon spirit cannon, if it was him, it would be easy!

"I don't know, it's just a nasty old man. I've been trapped all these years, and he's always been the one looking for something to eat for me. Otherwise, my spiritual power would have been sealed, and I'd have starved to death." Shenlong said.

Tianhuo was stunned. It seems that the prisoner Qianyi threw the corpse into the lake to feed the dragon, but his two pets never had to eat, and even he ate very little during this time. hunger feeling.

"Brother Tianhuo, pick me up, get ready." A heroic voice sounded.


When the skills were used, the surroundings of the sky fire with three white lights lit up, making everyone stunned. With just a few members of the battle group, could it be that Yifeng and Zi Meier are also here?
Sure enough, the white light dissipated, and the figures of Yifeng and Zi Meier also appeared in the field, Yifeng smiled and said: "We are also here to help with the battle group."

Tianhuo is overjoyed, with these two npcs around, the success rate is greatly increased!

"Okay, the entire battle group is here, let's have a big fight!" Mu Yichen said eagerly.

However, as soon as Mu Yichen finished speaking, a mocking sneer rang in everyone's ears.

"Hey, if there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and if there is no way to hell, you break in, my Lord City Lord, die!"

(End of this chapter)

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