The strongest saint

Chapter 243 The Old Man Who Was Nearly Ending His Lifespan

Chapter 243 The Old Man Who Was Nearly Ending His Lifespan

Seeing that the dagger was about to fall, Tianhuo felt chills in his heart, his HP had bottomed out, and he still lost [-] per second, if he was stabbed by this dagger again, he would die!

The unprecedented crisis made Tianhuo feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave. The shadowless demon in front of him was much stronger than the original tree demon, leaving him with no chance to escape!
Suddenly, the crisp sound of golden swords sounded in front of Tianhuo, and a long sword passed over Tianhuo's head, blocking the dagger that was about to stab Tianhuo's chest, and sparks flew all over the place.

The Shadowless Demon was taken aback, and hurriedly looked up, only to see a man with a chin full of stubble staring at him quietly.

Tianhuo also looked up, and after seeing the comer clearly, he let out a long sigh of relief, and then slipped out from under the dagger and sword, gratefully saying: "You came in time."

"Demon hunter!" Shadowless Demon stared at the comer with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"I like being called the number one witcher."

The man in front of him with a chin full of stubble is Yu Junhao!They were only separated for a few days, and Tianhuo never thought that it was him who saved him again.

"You two die together!" With raging anger in his eyes, the Shadowless Demon abruptly split his body into two, and rushed towards Tianhuo and Yu Junhao respectively.

Tianhuo's expression froze, with Yu Junhao present, why should he be afraid of the Shadowless Demon?After swallowing the Rehabilitation Pill and using Wen Sheng's pity again, Tianhuo retreated violently and at the same time cast his skills, "Prisoner!"

As soon as the 1-minute cooling time expired, the Shadowless Demon's separated figure was trapped by the Skyfire Prisoner, and the seven guardians of Skyfire and the Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast also rushed up, continuously attacking this clone Boomed past.

"Brush, ten..." With a wave of Tianhuo's arm, the strokes whizzed out, and instantly hit the shadowless demon clone.

What's strange is that the Shadowless Demon's avatar, which seemed to be full of blood, was instantly emptied under the attacks of Skyfire and his subordinates, leaving only one-third of its health.

Tianhuo looked suspiciously at the Shadowless Demon clone that Yu Yu Junhao was fighting against, but it was full of blood, as if that was his true self.

"Come on Skyfire, losing a clone will hurt him a lot, and his strength will also be greatly damaged." Yu Junhao said without any expression on his calm face, firmly entangled his opponent, and took the time to say.

Tianhuo nodded, seeing the damage value of the pen cutting skill approaching [-], suddenly the skill changed, and blurted out: "Ten steps kill one person..."

One by one, the shadowless demons in the cage with constant critical damage appeared above their heads. The latter kept bombarding the cage but couldn't get out of it. After a few breaths, they disappeared into the cage.

There was no system notification, but at this moment, the Shadowless Demon who was fighting Yu Junhao suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, and retreated into the thick fog without hesitation, not daring to fight anymore!

"Heh, in the hands of the demon hunter, where can you escape?" Yu Junhao sneered and chased after him.

Tianhuo was about to chase after him, but Yu Junhao waved his hand, signaling Tianhuo not to pursue, and went away alone.

Tianhuo stopped in his tracks, swallowed the Rehabilitation Pill and used Glyph Sage's Pity again, and did not pursue. With the number one demon hunter around, the Shadowless Demon should be dead.

"Master, how are you?" Diyanlinhuang beast looked up at Tianhuo, this time it was too embarrassing to face a general-level monster!
Tianhuo shook his head, the state of losing 22 health points per second has disappeared, and the health points are recovering at a rate of [-]% per second, but it took a few seconds to fully recover.

After a long breath of relief, Tianhuo said: "Fortunately, Yu Junhao has come, otherwise it's over, he also came here, could it be that the gods will be unearthed here?"

"Unearthed a divine object?" The Diyan Linhuang Beast couldn't help but turned its head to look at the stele.

Tianhuo also looked towards the stele, and suddenly his heart moved, "I understand what the blacksmith said. He said that not only humans are interested in the excavation of the gods, but it seems that monsters will also come to join in the fun. No wonder I met here. Demon General!"

"Huh? Human fetishes are useless to monsters. What are they doing here?" Di Yan asked.

Tianhuo frowned. If Di Yan didn't say anything, he really didn't know there was such a saying. Since the gods have no effect on the monsters, they are probably here to destroy the gods!
The reason for destroying the fetish is probably because the unearthed fetish posed a certain threat to the monsters, making them afraid to guard against it, and the best way is naturally to destroy the fetish.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo became a little worried, a demon general was already so difficult to deal with, if there were more, it would be a big trouble!

While thinking about it, he saw another figure coming out of the thick fog, and Tianhuo hurriedly stood up, separated by tens of miles, Tianhuo could see clearly that it was a white-haired old man, who staggered and fell down as soon as he got out of the thick fog go down.

"Go and have a look." Tianhuo patted the Diyan Linhuang Beast, turned over and ran towards the old man quickly.

When I came to the old man, I saw the old man lying on the ground, his face was covered by messy white hair, and his white robe was also a bit messy, as if he had gone through a war.

"Senior!" Tianhuo called softly, but saw that the old man only moved his fingers slightly, but he was unable to stand up, as if he had lost his strength.

Tianhuo shook his head, and hastily helped him to sit up, but his heart sank. The old man's body was extremely light, his face was covered with bark-like wrinkles, and his breath was extremely weak. It seems that he will die at any time.

"Master, he is dying soon." Di Yan hesitated, but still said.

Tianhuo was taken aback for a moment, and ran here even when he was dying, what's the matter with this old man?In doubt, Tianhuo cast the eye of the sage.

Unexpectedly, under Wen Shengzhi's eyes, he couldn't see the old man's name, but he could see the old man's blood flow, which didn't decrease at all, and it didn't look like he was going to die at all!

"Tianhuo, leave him alone! He's near the end of his lifespan, you can't save him." Luoshending's voice also rang in Tianhuo's mind.

The old man's eyes were closed tightly, but his figure was trembling slightly, as if trying to open his eyes with all his strength, his fingers were shaking slightly, as if he wanted to express something.

Tianhuo shook his head, "Forget it, since you've met them all, let's give it a try."

While speaking, Tianhuo took out a pill.

Shouyuan Pill: After taking it, increase the longevity ranging from 50 to [-] years.

After checking the elixir, it was of no use to Tianhuo at all, so he simply put it into the old man's mouth and waited quietly.

After dozens of breaths of effort, the old man's body stopped shaking, and he slowly opened his eyes with Tianhuo's expectant expression.

"Hehe, Shouyuan Pill is indeed useful." Tianhuo laughed.

As soon as Tianhuo finished speaking, he saw the old man hastily sat up cross-legged, put his heart on the sky, closed his eyes and rested, and had no time to talk about Tianhuo.

Tianhuo shrugged, knowing that the old man needed to refine the power of the elixir immediately, so he didn't bother him, and led the Diyan Linhuang beast towards the stele.

"Luoshen Ding, do you know what this stele is?" Tianhuo asked, since Luoshen Ding woke up, he naturally couldn't let go of this long-standing existence.

Luoshen Ding pondered for a moment, before saying: "I know, but I can't tell you, you just wait here, it doesn't matter what the stele is."

Tianhuo was stunned for a while, knowing that he couldn't tell himself?Could it be that this stele has a big background?But then Tianhuo's eyes lit up again. Hearing Luoshending's meaning, could it be that it sensed that the divine object would be unearthed here?
Thinking of this, Tianhuo became excited. It seemed that his guess was right. If so, then just wait here, and judging from the unearthed situation of the Luoshen Cauldron last time, within this period of time, there should be strange treasures Appear.

"Hey, Diyan, let's go, look around the stele." Tianhuo happily grabbed the back of the Diyan Linhuang Beast, and walked around the stele, naturally to find those geniuses and treasures that appeared before the gods were unearthed. .

"Don't bother, just wait here, there won't be any heaven and earth spirit grass here." Luoshending's helpless voice sounded.

"Why? Didn't many heaven and earth spirit grasses appear before you appeared?" Tianhuo said in astonishment.

"You don't even think about it. It's because I am a divine cauldron that I gave birth to those heaven and earth spirit grasses. This time the unearthed divine object will not be like this." Luoshen cauldron said calmly.

"It's such a pity to say that again." Tianhuo sighed secretly, if there was a treasure of heaven and earth, it would be cheaper for him. After all, besides the old man sitting cross-legged on the ground, he was alone and no one was there. Grab it with yourself!
"Just be content with it, and I advise you to retreat, to the edge of the dense fog, or you will be in trouble when the sacred object is unearthed." Luo Shending reminded again.

Tianhuo nodded, naturally he would not doubt Luoshending's words, and there was no need to doubt.

He returned to the old man again, only to see another figure emerged from the thick fog, more than a dozen people appeared in a row, their clothes were different, but they seemed to come together.

Tianhuo had never seen these people before, and when more than a dozen people appeared, after looking at the stele in shock for a moment, they all turned their eyes to Tianhuo and the old man sitting cross-legged.

Tianhuo was on guard without any trace, but Tianhuo's vigilance was obviously superfluous. After those people looked at Tianhuo and the old man sitting cross-legged, they ignored the two and walked towards the stone tablet while nodding to each other.

Tianhuo really wanted to remind, but he still stopped speaking. If he reminded, it might cause misunderstanding, and these people must know more than himself if they can come here.

This area has a radius of hundreds of miles, which can be considered extremely wide. Soon, those people turned into black spots in the eyes of Tianhuo, but in the thick fog in the distance, people came in one after another, and no one cared about staying in the area. Skyfire and the old man at the edge of the area.

"It's just ahead, this time we must get that fetish." Not long after, several voices sounded in the thick fog behind Tianhuo.

Tianhuo turned around and looked through the thick fog, the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily, "Why can I see people from the Prisoner Dragon Sect everywhere!"

That's right, in the dense fog, a group of more than ten people walked quickly, with the word 'prisoner' embroidered on the corners of their clothes, they were the people from the Prisoner Dragon Sect.

"Wait! It seems to be the breath of Prisoner Heaven Ring!" Suddenly, the leading middle-aged man stopped in the thick fog, closed his eyes and began to feel carefully.

The voice reached Tianhuo's ears, causing Tianhuo to raise his brows, it seems that with the prisoner ring in hand, troubles are inevitable.

Those people are in the thick fog, and they still can't see Tianhuo, and Tianhuo has the eyes of the sage, the dense fog has little effect on him, and the expressions of everyone have already been imprinted in his eyes. After thinking, Tianhuo revealed the ice dragon mask, " Quite a few people from Prison Dragon Sect have already died in my hands, if you are looking for trouble, I don’t mind killing a few more.”

(End of this chapter)

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