Chapter 244
"Sure enough, it's the aura of Prisoner's Ring. It's right in front. Let's go!" The leading man opened his eyes suddenly, and a deep sense of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he quickly walked out.

Tianhuo looked at the old man beside him, patted the Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast, and dodged to the side together, otherwise if there was a fight, it would inevitably affect the old man.

After walking a few hundred meters, the people who imprisoned the Dragon Sect also came out of thick fog. The leading man casually glanced at the old man sitting cross-legged, then turned his gaze to Tianhuo hundreds of meters away.

As for Tianhuo, he also looked at the crowd jokingly, waiting quietly with his hands behind his back.

The leading man was stunned by Tianhuo's actions, "He seems to know that we are looking for him, and the prisoner ring is in his hands!"

"Deacon, if we don't make a decision until the elder arrives, it looks like that kid isn't afraid of us!" a disciple whispered.

"You guys are stupid, when the elder comes, the credit will not be ours, and maybe the elder will blame us!" The leading man said, waved his hand, and led the crowd towards Tianhuo.

"But before we leave, the elder told us not to cause extra problems!" A disciple said a little nervously.

The leader stared and continued to move forward, completely ignoring the disciple's reminder.

And the conversation of several people fell into Tianhuo's ears, which made Tianhuo feel a lot more relaxed. Although they couldn't see the attributes of the npc, judging from their identities, their strength should only be considered average.

"Hey, isn't that Tianhuo?" A familiar voice came from afar.

Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, turned his head to look, and couldn't help but feel happy, "Senior City Lord, Senior Wine King!"

In the distance, two figures shot towards Tianhuo, they were the old city lord Wen Hao and the wine king!

"Haha, Tianhuo, long time no see, your strength has become unfathomable!" Wen Hao laughed and landed in front of Tianhuo first.

"Senior, how are you doing recently?" Tianhuo was sincerely delighted, indeed, he hadn't seen the two of them for a long time.

"Of course it's fine, haha, but I think you are better. I took the time to go to Tianyan City before, tsk tsk, not bad!" Wen Hao laughed.

At the beginning, Wen Hao asked Tianhuo to take over Tianyan City, but now it seems that he made the right choice!
Tianhuo is a little embarrassed, he can say that he doesn't care about Tianyan City, and completely relies on Zhi Duoxing to govern it. Compared with the original, it is indeed much more prosperous, but Tianhuo dare not take credit for it.

"Senior Wine King, have you cleared your demonic energy?" Seeing that Wine King also rushed in front of him, Tianhuo hurriedly clasped his fists and said.

When he was in Ice Wind City, Wine King kidnapped Qingsong, let Tianhuo and the city lord discover the abnormality, and also borrowed Tianhuo's unusable sage match, now it seems that Wine King has recovered.

The wine king was a little embarrassed, and cupped his hands at Tianhuo, "Brother Tianhuo, thank you very much!"

The city lord also became embarrassed, hesitated before saying: "Tianhuo, I'm really sorry, we left in a hurry, and we didn't have time to bring you the match of Wensheng."

Tianhuo shrugged, that piece of equipment was sealed, even if he gave it to him now, he couldn't use it, so it didn't matter.

Not far away, the dozen or so disciples of the Prisoner Dragon Sect saw Wen Hao and the two of them coming, and hurriedly retreated. It seemed that they all recognized Wen Hao and Wine King, and they did not dare to provoke them.

Naturally, Tianhuo noticed the retreat of the Prisoner Dragon Sect, and he was amused, so he ignored it, and said, "No problem, Senior Wine King, how is Xiaojiuer?"

As soon as Xiao Jiu'er was mentioned, kindness suddenly appeared on the wine king's face, he nodded and said: "That kid has grown up a lot, and he still misses you often, ha ha."

Tianhuo also smiled. That kid gave him the hidden spirit jade pendant back then. Although there was a big trouble hidden, the hidden spirit jade pendant helped him a lot, so I have to thank him.

"Senior, just the two of you from Wenshengmen?" Tianhuo asked again, more than a dozen people from the prisoner Longzong have already arrived, and according to the leader's previous intentions, there will be stronger ones coming. !

Wen Hao nodded, "Our strength has recovered a lot. Although we have been suppressed a lot here, there will be no problem in coping with the unearthing of the gods this time."

Wine King also nodded, agreeing with Wen Hao's words, "We stayed in the third-level area for too long, and our strength dropped too much. During this time, we have recovered more than half, and we are familiar with this place, we are enough."

"Oh?" Tianhuo raised his brows, so that's the case!
Tianhuo still remembers the situation when he and the wine king dealt with the dark gold boss in Xinshou Village. Back then, the wine king seemed to be able to cause thousands of damage to that boss, but in the eyes of Tianhuo today, that was too trivial , it turned out that it was because they stayed in the third-level area for too long and their strength declined.

It's no wonder that Tianhuo met many npcs who came from the second-level or even the first-level area, but they all left here without any problems. It turned out that they were afraid that if they stayed here for a long time, their strength would decline!

"By the way, senior, listen to what you mean, do you know what is about to be unearthed?" Tianhuo asked.

Wen Hao smiled, "It doesn't matter what it is, the important thing is not to let it fall into the hands of monsters."

Wine King also nodded, "That's right, we don't know what it is, I'm afraid no one knows, but we know that monsters are coming to fight for it, and we have to guard against it because we are afraid that the gods will fall into the hands of monsters."

Tianhuo nodded, it seems that there will be many sects from the top ten sects, this time, it is far more lively than when the Luoshen Cauldron was unearthed last time, but in this way, Tianhuo knows that his chances are even slimmer.

Wen Hao looked at the Prisoner Dragon Sect not far away, and then looked at Tianhuo with a smile, "I heard that the Prisoner Dragon Sect has suffered from you again and again, and now you are known to everyone in the Wensheng Sect. Tianhuo, tell me, who have you met?"

Tianhuo was dumb, shrugged his shoulders, and was about to speak, but the ground trembled.

Wen Hao and Wine King looked at each other and said in unison: "It's started!"

Tianhuo looked at the two suspiciously, what started?Could it be that the gods were unearthed?

As soon as this thought appeared, the stele began to descend slowly, and at the place where it descended, a faint golden light began to glow on the ground, and suddenly, a suffocating pressure suddenly appeared, permeating the world. Come.

Those people who were still heading towards the stele before, retreated quickly at this moment, and retreated towards the edge area, all of them had serious expressions on their faces.

At the place where the stele meets the ground, a faint golden light slowly diffuses towards the stele and the surrounding ground. The golden light is like flowing water, spreading towards the falling stele, as if it wants to cover the whole stele.

The coercion came from nowhere, and as the golden light spread toward the stone tablet, it became more and more intense, forcing Tianhuo to retreat step by step, but was held back by Wen Hao and the wine king, and both of them rushed out The gentle power enveloped Tianhuo, which made Tianhuo feel better.

"Persevere, this coercion will disappear soon." Wen Hao turned his head and said, looking at the stele again.

The ground was still trembling, it was unknown whether it was caused by the falling of the stone tablet, or something was trying to get out of the ground, and the low rumbling sound resounded in everyone's ears.

On the ground, the golden light continued to spread, until it stopped several miles in front of the Tianhuo trio. Looking around, the ground in front of them was pale golden, as if it was a ground paved with gold.

At this moment, the part of the stone tablet within the field of vision of Tianhuo was also completely covered by golden light, and the golden light became more and more intense. After a while, the stone tablet seemed to become a golden tablet, which was extremely dazzling.

"It is attracting everyone to come, it seems to be preparing for the selection of the treasure." Wen Hao murmured.

Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, then nodded, yes, at this moment, there is a golden light, which can be seen tens of thousands of miles away. If this continues, the number of powerful people attracted may not be very many.

The coercion has dissipated without knowing it, but the stone tablet is still sinking. Looking up, it still doesn't see the top.

"It's been several hours, the stone tablet is falling very fast, why can't we see the end!" Wine King murmured, obviously he didn't recognize the stone tablet in front of him.

The sky had already darkened, and in the night, the golden light became more dazzling, like a guiding light. After so many hours, there were already countless people present, and beyond the golden light on the ground, it had become a sea of ​​people.

And the three of Tianhuo had long guarded the old man sitting cross-legged to prevent others from disturbing him.

Until dawn, the sinking of the stele continued, and the top was still invisible when looking up, giving people a strange feeling, as if the stele had never fallen.

In the arena, countless npc powerhouses kept silent with a tacit understanding. Even if the enemy was right in front of them, they resisted the urge to strike.

Prisoner Longzong, the elder that the leader said had already arrived, looked at Tianhuo with fierce eyes from time to time, but there was no change, presumably waiting for the god to be unearthed.

Tianhuo naturally noticed the unfriendly gaze, but he ignored it. Right now, there is nothing more important than the unearthing of the gods.

At the moment when the morning sun rose, the ground suddenly stopped trembling, but within a few seconds, the ground trembled again, and within the area covered by the golden light, the ground suddenly collapsed, as if it had disappeared directly, becoming A gleaming tiankeng!

But in the blink of an eye, a tiankeng with a radius of hundreds of miles around the stone tablet appeared out of thin air!

Countless people swallowed their saliva, especially Tianhuo. At this moment, they understood Luoshending's reminder, so it is so!
"Huh? Where did that old man go?" The wine king's doubtful voice made Tianhuo and Wen Hao look down.

Sure enough, the old man who had been sitting cross-legged on the ground had disappeared at some point, and there was no trace left behind.

"Master, that old man is really rude. After saving him, he didn't even say hello when he was leaving." Di Yan's voice rang in Tianhuo's mind.

Tianhuo shook his head, at this time, who cares about him!

Suddenly, the surrounding crowd became excited, and saw that the stone tablet in the center of Tiantian Pit faded away quickly, and soon disappeared, while in the Tiankeng, an indescribably majestic palace slowly rose up.

"The Palace of the Fanshen! This is the Palace of the Fanshen, I have seen it in the classics!"

(End of this chapter)

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