The strongest saint

Chapter 245 Humanoid Weapon

Chapter 245 Humanoid Weapon
In the tiankeng with a radius of hundreds of miles filled with golden light, the glazed tile roof emitting golden light slowly rises, accompanied by the trembling of the ground, everyone can clearly see that it is actually a palace.

The palace occupies the entire tiankeng, which shows its huge size.

The name of the Fanshen Palace quickly spread among the crowd. Tens of thousands of people in the field had different expressions, but they all looked forward to the rising Fanshen Palace.

"It's actually the palace of mortal gods! No wonder all the monsters want to snatch it." Wine King murmured, there was no expectation in his eyes, but a strong sense of vigilance.

Looking at the rising palace, Tianhuo was inexplicably excited. It seemed that something was attracting him. This feeling made Tianhuo unpredictable, but he was sure that something was calling him.

"Senior Wine King, what is the origin of Fanshen Palace?" Tianhuo asked in a low voice.

The wine king calmed down, looked at the boiling crowd around him, and said: "The palace of the mortal god is naturally the residence of the mortal god, and the mortal god is the only main god who stepped into the realm of the gods with a mortal body. proud."

"That's right, Fan God is the pride of mankind, but it's a pity that he fell in the battle with monsters. Now that his palace appears, the monsters will naturally come to snatch it, and won't let his inheritance fall into the hands of humans." Wen Hao also said.

Tianhuo looked around, but he didn't see any monsters, but Tianhuo also understood that those monsters might want to come from behind!
"The Palace of the Lord God?" Tianhuo was astonished in his heart, and then thought, is the God's Ruler also a weapon of the God?It's just that there were too many people in front of him, and the tiankeng was surrounded by people, so Tianhuo couldn't find Taoist Baibao among so many people.

While thinking about it, I saw that the palace had stopped rising. At this moment, the hundreds of feet tall golden palace stood in the field, covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles. In front of this palace, everyone felt that they were as small as ants.

The gate of the palace is tens of feet high, just in front of Tianhuo and the others, but it is tightly closed at the moment, and there are relief sculptures of four elephants on it, Xuanwu and White Tiger are on the bottom, Qinglong and Suzaku are on top, and the four elephants are all posing for battle The posture, although it is only a relief, looks lifelike, as if it will come to life at any time.

"Taoist Baibao, what are you waiting for?" The elder of Prison Dragon Sect shouted violently in this world.

"That's right, the Fanshen Ruler is on him, and he still hasn't opened the door!" Suddenly, dissatisfied voices came from the crowd.

Tianhuo's eyes searched around, but saw the crowd in the distance suddenly crowded back and retreated, immediately exposing Taoist Baibao.

Taoist Baibao snorted coldly, and the Fanshen Ruler appeared in his hand, but before he could make another move, the Fanshen Ruler shot towards the gate spontaneously, and disappeared into the gate in an instant.


The door opened slowly amidst the rumbling sound, but Taoist Baibao's expression changed, "My mortal ruler!"

The Fanshen Ruler is not just for opening doors. If you have the Fanshen Ruler, you will definitely get more benefits in the palace!But right now, Fanshen Ruler has disappeared on the gate of its own accord.

"Hee hee, Tianhuo, you don't have to worry now that you have obtained Fanshen ruler." Luoshending's voice rang in Tianhuo's mind.

Tianhuo hurriedly looked into the backpack, but he couldn't see the shadow of Fan Shenrui, not even in the Ring of the Glyph Sage, so he couldn't help but wonder, "Where is it?"

While talking with Luoshen Ding, the crowd in front moved, scrambling to be the first to rush towards the gate that has not been fully opened, and disappear behind the gate.

"Let's go, you'll know when you go in." Luo Shending urged without explaining.

Tianhuo nodded, greeted Wen Hao and Wine King, and followed the crowd into the gate.

As soon as he entered the gate, Tianhuo felt that the scenery in front of him changed. When he stabilized, Wen Hao and Wine King disappeared beside him, and even the other people disappeared. But in front of him, where is the palace?Just a sparse forest.

"What's going on? Didn't I enter the palace of the gods?" Tianhuo frowned, looking at the clear sky and earth, muttered.

As soon as the self-talk fell, the Fanshen Ruler that had disappeared in the gate before suddenly appeared in front of Tianhuo, floating quietly, with a faint colorful light lingering around the body of the ruler.

"This is the Fanshen Palace, you first collect the Fanshen's ruler." Luoshen Ding's voice sounded.

"Here?" Tianhuo looked at the situation around him again while grabbing the Fanshen ruler. This is just a sparse forest with no limit, and the sky is also full of hot sun. It seems to be no different from ordinary field maps. Really Is it the Palace of All Gods?

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on getting the Fanshen Ruler."

Following the system prompt, Fanshen Ruler appeared in Tianhuo's backpack, but Tianhuo didn't check it, but focused on the surrounding situation.

"You adventurers from another world can't sense it. The aura of heaven and earth here is several times stronger than that of the outside world. Go forward! You can't fly here." Luoshen Ding's calm voice sounded again, as if it had been a frequent visitor here.

With the Luoshen Cauldron to guide the way, Tianhuo summoned the Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast, turned around and galloped away. Tens of thousands of people entered here. If they want to get the treasure, they naturally need to race against time.

Not long after walking forward, a wooden house standing between two big trees appeared in Tianhuo's eyes. In front of the wooden house, a middle-aged man was struggling to bombard the door, but let him chop and bombard, there was a trace of trace on the door None remained.

Tianhuo's curiosity was aroused. It was a bit strange that there was such a boundless forest in Fanshen's palace. Fortunately, there was actually an indestructible wooden house in the forest.

"Hey, come here!" The middle-aged man also saw the sky fire not far away, raised his arm, and pointed at the sky fire.

Tianhuo frowned, with such an attitude, anyone would be upset!
"Dare to talk to my master like that, are you tired of living?" Before Tianhuo could speak, the Diyan Linhuang beast was already unhappy.

Tianhuo smiled in his heart, Diyan already knew how to protect himself, but in the past, it would not be like this.

Suddenly, the door of the wooden house was reduced to debris, and a stream of light whizzed out from the door, instantly hitting the back of the middle-aged man's heart. Before the latter had time to react, he was blown out.

Both Tianhuo and Diyan were immediately on alert. In the wooden house that hadn't moved before, a strange existence shrouded in armor slowly came out and stopped in front of the door.

"Master, this guy is a bit like your guardian, without the breath of life." Di Yan murmured.

Tianhuo also felt this way, upon closer inspection, he found that the armor seemed to be integrated with its body, very similar to its seven guardians!
"Humanoid weapon! Fighting puppet!" The middle-aged man who was blown out stabilized his figure, looked at it warily, his eyes suddenly became full of joy, and lost his voice.

Tianhuo looked at the middle-aged man in astonishment, then shifted his gaze to that strange existence, "Battle puppet?"

"Take it, the battle puppet is of great help to you." Luo Shending said.

This is the first time Tianhuo has seen such an existence. After all, his seven guardians are summoned by the Guardian Medal. They can only be summoned once a day. If the life value is emptied, they can only be summoned the next day. The battle golem is very different.

"Haha, it's done!" The middle-aged man's laughter interrupted Tianhuo's thinking, and when he looked up, he saw the middle-aged man moved, and quickly rushed towards the puppet, and the saber slashed down at the puppet.

Under the saber, the puppet did not evade, and let the middle-aged man strike down, a burst of sparks flew, the puppet was not damaged at all, but the middle-aged man's saber was shattered.

The middle-aged man's expression froze. What he held was a silver-level saber!
However, with this stupid kung fu, the puppet suddenly stretched out its palm, and a palm was printed on the middle-aged man's chest. He only heard the sound of bones breaking, and the middle-aged man's figure flew upside down again, and more than [-] people appeared on the top of his head. damage value.

"What a powerful puppet, Luoshen Ding, how do you distinguish the strength of a puppet?" Tianhuo said curiously, not rushing to make a move at all.

"It's said that it is a humanoid weapon, so it is naturally the same as weapons and equipment. Right now, this puppet should be at the gold level!" Luo Shending said flatly, without the slightest surprise.

Tianhuo was even more surprised when he heard the words, equivalent to gold equipment?Then how could his attack be so strong?With one palm, more than [-] life points of the middle-aged man were blown away, so it should be on par with him!
"Little brother over there, help me. How about I give you a spiritual weapon as a reward?" The middle-aged man got up and didn't dare to step forward, but turned his head to look at Tianhuo.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on triggering the mission 'Hand in Hand', do you accept it?"

The system prompt sounded, but Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, and said slowly: "Sorry, I want this puppet!"

As soon as the words fell, the Diyan Linhuang beast had already rushed out carrying the sky fire, and ran towards the puppet.
2700000! -900000!

Diyan and Tianhuo's status skills took effect, erasing more than 300 million life points of the puppet, Tianhuo has already asked clearly, clearing the puppet's life points will be able to collect it!
Seeing Tianhuo's actions, the middle-aged man turned cold, "Do you dare to grab my things?"

Tianhuo and Diyan ignored it, and when they saw the damage value coming out from the top of the puppet's head, they stopped their steps and stopped moving forward. The purpose of going forward was only to deter Diyan and the title of Ten Thousand Slashes to take effect.

Having been wiped out of so many health points by Tianhuo and Diyan, the battle puppet trembled slightly, and ran towards Tianhuo with a single step. It found a three-foot long knife from nowhere, and cut out a long streamer of shock. shoot out.

"Brush, ten steps..."

A series of black strokes flew out, and Di Yan avoided the puppet's counterattack, preventing it from approaching. However, at this moment, the figure of the middle-aged man suddenly appeared behind Di Yan, and he jumped up and slammed his palm behind Tianhuo. back.
64320! +64320!

A red damage value had just appeared, and a green blood recovery had already appeared above Tianhuo's head, recovering the lost more than 6 health points.

The middle-aged man was obviously taken aback by Tianhuo's astonishing recovery speed, but a cold light flashed in Tianhuo's eyes, his writing skills changed, and he said: "Good and evil mode, kill one person in ten steps..."

hum!Big golden characters suddenly appeared in the sky, and then fell down violently, enveloping the puppet and the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man, in addition to the health value that was blown away by the big characters, also had the attribute loss taken away by Emperor Flame Shock and Ten Thousand Slashes .
1800000, -600000, -84530...

"I've seen a lot of people looking for death, but you are the most idiot!" Di Yan was only responsible for carrying Tianhuo to avoid the attack of the puppet, and said to the middle-aged man playfully at this moment.

The middle-aged man has already realized that something is wrong, the young man in front of him is not as miserable as he imagined, so he hastily backed away.

But how could Diyan give him a chance to get out of Tianhuo's attack range, he opened his mouth and shouted violently: "Diyan Shenwei!"

(End of this chapter)

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