The strongest saint

Chapter 251 NPC's Worship

Chapter 251 NPC's Worship

The time of Saint Grave's blessing passed, and Tianhuo's face was also not good-looking. There were still thousands of people who did not come in. Without the blessing of Saint Grave, their defense could not support the monster's attack for too long!
Yu Junhao's expression changed, and he hurried out of the light film, attacking the chasing monsters one after another, responding to the humans who were still outside the light film.

Seeing this, Tianhuo also swept out of the light film, and the verbal punishment skill was displayed again, "Furious..."

"Fuck him, fight with these monsters!"

Watching the strong people outside the light film die in the hands of the monster one by one, those who were already safe inside the light film rushed out again holding their weapons tightly.

"Go back!" Yu Junhao turned around and yelled violently, "It was hard to be safe, but now he rushed out again, wouldn't that make those brothers sacrifice in vain?"

"We want to live and avenge them with the power of the Fanshen Palace!" Yu Junhao stopped again.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the light film stopped abruptly, and all their figures trembled under the anger, "Ah! Damn monsters, this hatred, this hatred, is irreconcilable!"

"Don't share the sky!"

Thousands of people took care of each other, and under the protection of Tianhuo's literati, more than a hundred people rushed out. The lives of these hundreds of people were bought by those who died!

Who can feel at ease watching the brother behind him die in the light film?
But everyone understands that what Yu Junhao said is right, only if he is alive, can he have a chance of revenge!

For a moment, everyone's eyes turned red, and they couldn't bear to look at those brothers who died in the hands of the monsters. However, in everyone's hearts, a seed of revenge was planted.

In front of Yu Junhao and Tianhuo, there were no strong human beings, and everyone who could go in went in. At this moment, there were monsters in front of them, and there were no surviving humans.

"Brother Tianhuo, there is no other way, retreat!"

Yu Junhao pulled Tianhuo and retreated, retreating into the light film.

Tianhuo glanced at Yu Junhao in surprise, this guy has been ignoring him all the time, even saving himself depends on his mood, but at this moment, he actually called himself 'Brother Tianhuo'?
However, Tianhuo didn't think much about it. He went out this time and grabbed a few more monsters. He was already 78 at the moment, but Tianhuo didn't pay much attention to his level. He looked out of the light film regretfully, and saw that the outside was already occupied by monsters. It's impossible, there are npc powerhouses who can survive.

"Is this the battle with monsters? It's tragic!" Tianhuo sighed in his heart. Before the tens of thousands of people who entered the palace of the gods, there were only a thousand people left, but now, there are only more than 100 people left. It was still the result of Tianhuo and Yu Junhao's support, otherwise, there would be less than 100 people!
One can imagine how tragic the battle with monsters in ancient times was, and it is no wonder that the strong in the mainland hate monsters to the bone!I don't know how many ancestors died in the hands of monsters to keep the Destiny Continent.

Judging from the current situation, I am afraid that the monsters will revive again, and it will not be long before the great war in ancient times will reappear.

"Huh? Where are the wine king and the senior city lord?" Suddenly, Tianhuo's heart jumped, and he hurriedly looked towards the surviving crowd.

After checking it carefully, Tianhuo's heart cooled down. He didn't see the figures of Wine King and City Lord Wenhao at all. Could it be that they all died in the hands of monsters?

Thinking of this, Tianhuo asked a little nervously: "Seniors, have you seen the wine king and Wen Hao from Wen Shengmen?"

When he asked this sentence, a trace of hope surged in Tianhuo's heart, "Seniors, you must be careful!" '

Facing Tianhuo's question, everyone thought about it, then shook their heads, no one saw them at all!

"The monsters are attacking in a large area, but the palace of the mortal gods is so big. It is impossible for the monsters to find everyone. Maybe they didn't meet the monsters somewhere. Brother Tianhuo, don't worry." Someone comforted in the crowd.

"That's right, brother Tianhuo, don't worry, they will be fine."

For a while, a series of comforting words sounded, making Tianhuo stunned. These strangers are so polite to him?

Yu Junhao also patted Tianhuo on the shoulder, turned his head and said to everyone: "We are able to get here safely, almost thanks to the blessing of Brother Tianhuo. I believe everyone has seen that if we want to fight against the monsters outside, Brother Tianhuo is Our greatest hope, I hope that everyone can join the battle group of Brother Tianhuo and slay demons together to avenge the brothers who died!"

"I will join, and I swear to the death that I will not betray Brother Tianhuo!"

"I'm joining too. This life was saved by Brother Tianhuo, and I swear to serve Brother Tianhuo to the death!"


For a while, hundreds of people expressed their opinions firmly, staring at Tianhuo with hopeful and respectful eyes, which made Tianhuo stunned.

Today's Tianyan battle group has three npcs, Yifeng, Zi Mei'er, and Yu Junhao. If you add the hundreds of people in front of you... Tianhuo secretly smacked his tongue, this is probably the battle group with the most npcs!Moreover, these surviving npcs are all extremely strong, so it is a good thing to join your own battle group!
Even if other battle groups appear in the future, it is impossible to invite so many npcs to join!
They are also happy to add them, but what makes Tianhuo difficult is that the current battle group is full, with a total of 3000 people. If you want to recruit more, you must upgrade the battle group.

Thinking about it, Tianhuo said awkwardly: "Thank you for your kindness, seniors, but the matter of joining the battle group may have to wait until we go out, because now the battle group has no quota."

"What's the matter, anyway, from now on, the Tianyan battle group will be my home, and Brother Tianhuo will be my regiment leader."

"Yes! We just wait."


Tianhuo smiled, but inadvertently caught a glimpse of the elder Prisoner Longzong's expression changing. He didn't know what he was thinking, but he ignored it. He was about to say something to everyone, but saw the old man walking towards him slowly.

Tianhuo was slightly on guard, this old man's strength was extraordinary, at least I had no resistance in his hands before, I don't know what he wants to do!
Seeing that Tianhuo was on guard against the old man, everyone rushed to Tianhuo's side to protect Tianhuo and looked at the old man warily.

Seeing this, the old man was taken aback, stopped in his tracks, showed a smile that he thought was kind, and said, "Brother Tianhuo, I'm really sorry for what happened before. I want to ask, if I leave the Prisoner Dragon Sect, will you accept me?" Like them?"

Hearing this, Tianhuo looked at the old man in disbelief, wondering if he had heard wrong, to leave the prisoner dragon sect?real or fake?Why does it feel unreal.

With the strength and status of the old man in front of him, he has been in the Prisoner Dragon School for many years, but now he actually said the words of leaving the Prisoner Dragon School, whoever he is, probably wouldn't believe it!
However, the old man's eyes are full of sincerity at this moment, making it impossible for people to have the slightest doubt.

Tianhuo pondered for a moment, then asked intently: "Give me a reason!"

"Hehe..." The old man smiled miserably, and suddenly slapped himself on the chest.

With the old man's slap, an illusory figure flew out of his body and dissipated behind him, and the old man spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"How can the stand-in puppet die?" Yu Junhao lost his voice.

Without waiting for Tianhuo to ask questions, he saw the prison dragon token on the old man's waist suddenly shattered, and the old man's face also turned pale, and he sat down and gasped for breath.

"This is a lost method of feigning death. After using it, his soul jade slip in Prisoner Dragon Sect will be shattered. At this moment, Prisoner Dragon Sect must think he is dead." Yu Junhao whispered in Tianhuo's ear.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows in astonishment, and used this method to trick the Prisoner Dragon Sect into thinking that he was dead. It seemed that the old man was really planning to leave the Prisoner Dragon Sect!
After a while, the old man calmed down and said, "The prisoner dragon sect has been in collusion with monsters. I have been in the prisoner dragon sect for more than 200 years, and I hardly go out. I don't know that the monsters are so cruel. Now I have seen many strong people die tragically. What face do you have to live?"

"It's just that when I think of those strong men who died for us before, I don't even dare to think about dying. I want to live, I want to kill all the monsters, and I want to avenge those strong men!"

The old man said firmly, looking at everyone expectantly.

And the words of the old man are no less than a bolt from the blue to everyone. The prisoner dragon sect colluded with monsters?One of the top ten sects, actually colluded with monsters?

"Brother Tianhuo, since he is determined, accept him! Besides, he has a very high position in the Prisoner Dragon Sect, so I'm afraid it will be of great benefit to you." Yu Junhao whispered in Tianhuo's ear.

Tianhuo glanced at Yu Junhao in astonishment, then nodded, "Haven't you asked senior's name yet?"

The old man's eyes lit up, knowing that Tianhuo had accepted him, he hurriedly got up and said: "The me in the past is dead, now, let me enlighten the demon! Repent from the monster."

"Eh? Okay." Tianhuo didn't care about it. It would definitely be of great use to put him back in the Prisoner Dragon Sect in the future. Tianhuo faintly felt that the hatred between himself and the Prisoner Dragon Sect would become bigger and bigger.

"Brother Tianhuo, let's go. I don't know if the monsters outside will break through the restriction. We have to plan early." Yu Junhao said.

Outside the light film of the canyon, countless monsters occupy it, as if they are looking for a gap in the prohibition of demons.

Tianhuo nodded, and moved his eyes to the depths of the canyon. In front of him was the real palace of all gods. At this moment, the feeling of calling became stronger!

The canyon is not too long, only more than ten miles. Soon, everyone has reached the end of the canyon. What they see is a square with a radius of tens of miles. Golden staircase.

Above the stairs, a courtyard wall several feet high stands tall. I don't know what will be behind the courtyard wall, and on both sides of the stairs, side halls are arranged in an orderly manner.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the courtyard wall at the end of the stairs, and there was a plaque hanging on the golden gate of the courtyard wall, which read: Fanshen Palace!

"The palace of all gods is inside!" Tianhuo said in his heart, hope appeared in his eyes, and he really wanted to know what was giving him the feeling of calling.

"I've heard that there are countless treasures in the palace of the gods, but now that I'm here, I don't have that kind of desire, I just want to fight the monster!" Someone in the crowd murmured.

However, this voice seemed to resonate with everyone, and everyone shook their heads slightly and sighed secretly, as if they had no interest in the Fanshen palace in front of them.

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, and suddenly stared intently at the edge of the square on the right, where figures appeared in white light, obviously, they were teleported.

Everyone also noticed the abnormality there, and they all looked at it intently.

(End of this chapter)

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