The strongest saint

Chapter 252 Palace Guardian

Chapter 252 Palace Guardian

At the edge of the right side of the square, figures emerged in the white light. When the white light dissipated, their wretched figures were revealed. These people were also covered in blood, not much better than Tianhuo and others.

As soon as these people appeared, they looked at the square and the stairs for a while, and then turned their eyes to Tianhuo and the others. They could tell from each other that they were all survivors who escaped from the hands of monsters.

"It's good that there are still people alive, let's go and have a look." Yu Junhao motioned to Tianhuo, and then they strode forward together.

Tianhuo looked at the crowd with hopeful eyes, but after looking all over, he couldn't find the figures of Wine King and City Lord Wenhao.

"Have you encountered monsters too?" The surviving troops of the two teams met in the square and greeted each other.

As everyone expected, both sides were survivors who escaped from the monsters, but what Tianhuo was curious about was how they teleported directly to the edge of the square.

"The power of all gods, move!"

Suddenly, the previous voice sounded again, and with the appearance of this voice, countless white lights appeared in the square, and in the white lights, figures appeared one after another.

"Fantasy Palace, actually came directly in front of the Palace of Fanshen!" Surprised voices sounded, they didn't know what was going on, they were still rushing towards here before, but they suddenly appeared here.

After a few breaths, the white light in the field dissipated, revealing thousands of new people. These people didn't seem to have experienced the war, and they didn't care to pay attention to the surrounding situation. After seeing the stairs leading to the palace, They scrambled to run.

"What's going on? These people have been teleported here too!" Yu Junhao frowned, and those NPCs who had experienced life and death also frowned. Everyone came here after a narrow escape, but these people were directly teleported here mysteriously.

"The monsters are outside, they may come in at any time, these people are still thinking about treasure hunting!" The previous 200 people were very upset, but they couldn't stop them, almost all of them ran towards the palace, and soon reached the stairs forward.

"Get out of the way, don't get in the way!" Thousands of people ran towards the stairs that were only [-] meters wide. Crowding was inevitable. For a while, there were angry curses from the crowd.

However, an unexpected scene appeared, and those who had stepped on the steps all disappeared suddenly in the white light, and when they reappeared, they had already reached the edge of the square.

Seeing this, the people behind became alert, but they were squeezed up the stairs abruptly by the people behind, and also disappeared in the white light.

On the first step, white light continuously lit up, which was exactly the light that should be transmitted during teleportation. In an instant, hundreds of people had been sent to the edge of the square dozens of miles away.

"Tianhuo, you're here too!" Wine King and Wen Hao didn't run towards the stairs. When the crowd moved forward, their figures were revealed, and they naturally found Tianhuo not far away.

Tianhuo was overjoyed. He was worried about their safety before, but now it seems that at least he is much better than himself!

"Senior Liquor King, Senior City Master, it's great that you're all right!" Tianhuo laughed, feeling relieved.

"Huh? What's the matter with you guys?" Wine King looked suspiciously at the more than 200 people in the field. Almost all of these people were covered in blood, obviously having experienced a life-and-death battle.

Tianhuo shook his head with a wry smile, "The outside is already surrounded by monsters, and we all fought bloody battles to escape."

Wine King and Wen Hao glanced at each other, with solemn expressions in their eyes, Wen Hao said: "We didn't encounter any monsters, we were rushing here, but we were sent here suddenly, it seems that the guardians here don't want to see There are still people who died at the hands of monsters."

"Guardian?" Tianhuo frowned, could it be the owner of the previous voice?
The first time that voice appeared, it activated the prohibition against all monsters, and the second time it appeared, it directly transmitted thousands of people scattered everywhere. Is it the guardian that Wen Hao said?
"That's right, Fanshen is one of the main gods. It's not surprising that there will be people willing to guard this place even if they die." Wen Hao nodded.

"Hehe, the guardian is just what we say, and we don't know the specifics." Wine King explained.

"Everyone, since the monsters have surrounded the Fanshen Mountains, we must find a way to find the guardian. Only he can clear those monsters." Wen Hao's voice changed, and his eyes moved to everyone.

While speaking, Wen Hao flipped his hands and took out a token. On the token was engraved with the word 'Wen' full of book atmosphere, which was a symbol of status, the status token of Wen Shengmen disciples.

"It turns out to be a strong man of the Wensheng sect. It's a pleasure to meet you!" As soon as the token came out, everyone hurriedly bowed their hands and saluted, only Wu Mo of the Prisoner Dragon Sect felt a little uncomfortable.

Wen Hao put away the tokens, looked at the crowd who were still running towards the stairs, shook his head and said: "Those people can't count on them, they have been blinded by the so-called treasures at this moment, the matter of finding the guardians can only be It's up to us."

Everyone understood that since the guardian activated the power of the mortal god twice to help everyone, there must be a way to destroy the monsters outside.

Wen Hao's voice fell, but his expression became weird, because he saw that more than half of the people in the field turned their eyes to Tianhuo.

"Captain Tianhuo, what do you think?"

With the appearance of a questioning voice, the other hundred people also turned their attention to Tianhuo, "Skyfire? You were the one who cast the blessing of the Saint of Grace before?"

For a moment, more than 200 people were staring at Tianhuo with grateful expressions in their eyes.

Tianhuo looked at the crowd in astonishment. The people beside him before him had all received the blessing of the Saint of Graves, and he knew it, but those who escaped in later seemed to have also received the blessing, otherwise how could he ask such a question.

"Haha, brothers, we found it. It turned out that he saved us!" Seeing Tianhuo's silence, how could those people not understand that it was Tianhuo's divine protection.

Tianhuo was stunned. It turned out that not only Yu Junhao and others were blessed by his sage, but even the npcs fighting on the other side were also blessed!
"Don't thank you for your kindness, City Lord of Tianhuo, I will be at your disposal in the future!" One after another figure bowed, and in an instant, nearly half of the people in the field saluted Tianhuo.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, this scene has been done by hundreds of people before, "Seniors don't have to do this, let's find the guardian first!"

Everyone stood up, looked at Tianhuo with extremely reverent eyes, and then nodded fiercely.

Yu Junhao turned his gaze to the Fanshen Palace, and said, "Brother Tianhuo's words are orders, have you heard it? Let's go! The guards must be up there."

Everyone stepped out in unison and walked towards the stairs.

More than 200 people looked a bit embarrassed, and there were bloodstains all over their bodies. Wherever they passed, a strong fighting spirit permeated the air. Those thousands of people avoided them one after another. They dared not stop them, let alone say anything. .

Soon, the 200-meter-wide staircase was already occupied by more than 200 people including Tianhuo, while the thousands of people behind them were not happy, but they did not dare to speak. Just looking at their momentum, these 200 people were not something they could mess with. What's more, they are just a mess, but these more than [-] people are tightly united.

Tianhuo looked at the number of stairs in front of him, and thought of the scene where those people were teleported to the edge of the square, he couldn't help feeling a little uneasy, would he also teleport himself out?

"I'll come first!" Yu Junhao raised his hand to stop the footsteps that Tianhuo wanted to take, nodded slightly and stepped up.

Everyone watched Yu Junhao's movements nervously. His steps affected everyone's hearts. At this moment, time seemed to be slowed down countless times, and Yu Junhao's steps were slowly falling towards the first step.

And everyone's hearts were raised at this moment. If they couldn't go up, how could they find the guardian?When the monster came in, everyone would surely die.

Yu Junhao's right foot landed on the stairs, and nothing happened. Yu Junhao took a slight breath, stepped up, and quickly swept towards the stairs.

After going up more than ten steps in one breath, Yu Junhao stopped, looked at the side halls on both sides, turned around and said: "It's no problem to get here! Wait a little longer!"

On both sides of Yu Junhao, there is a side hall. Yu Junhao just glanced at it, and then continued to step forward, going up hundreds of steps, and he has already walked half of the steps, and there is no abnormality.

Yu Junhao kept walking, but just as he continued to step out, a golden light suddenly appeared, blocking his way, no matter what he did, he couldn't pass through the blocking of the golden light.

After a while, Yu Junhao turned around helplessly, "I can't help it, I don't know what's going on, I can only go here."

"Let me try!" Tianhuo stepped up the stairs step by step, and there was no transmitted light, nor any strange feeling.

Suddenly, Fanshen Ruler broke away from Tianhuo's backpack and appeared above Tianhuo's head, a soft light radiated out, enveloping Tianhuo.

The movement of Fanshen ruler was too fast, no one reacted, Tianhuo was already wrapped in light, and seeing the sudden abnormal appearance, everyone was shocked, "Head of Tianhuo, be careful!"

Tianhuo waved his hand hastily. Others may not know it, but Tianhuo believes that the magic ruler will not harm him.

"My mortal ruler, boy, it's you again!" A familiar voice came from a distance, it was Taoist Baibao!

Tianhuo hadn't noticed that Taoist Baibao was also in the crowd at the back. When he heard the voice, he couldn't help turning around to look, but saw Taoist Baibao jumping out of the crowd and rushing towards the stairs.

"Hmph! Courting death!" Without waiting for Tianhuo to speak, more than 200 people in front of the stairs turned around in unison, exuding a fierce aura, forcing Taoist Baibao to stop abruptly.

Taoist Baibao's expression changed, he didn't dare to move forward again, but he was puzzled in his heart, why would these people defend Tianhuo?

The other thousands of people were equally puzzled and looked at Tianhuo in astonishment. Everyone didn't understand that an adventurer from another world had won the support of more than 200 people in front of him!

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, grateful in his heart, and said, "Don't worry about them, come up! Go wherever you can, and see if you can find the guards in those side halls."

However, as soon as Tianhuo's voice fell, the light surrounding him suddenly changed. Holding Tianhuo, he flew towards the top of the stairs, dragged out a series of long afterimages, and disappeared on the long stairs in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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