Chapter 253

The figure of Tianhuo was swept towards the stairs by the light, and disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.

Even Yu Junhao on the stairs didn't react, Tianhuo had already passed by.

Immediately, everyone in the field froze, staring blankly at the end of the stairs.

"Did Brother Tianhuo go in?" Wen Hao murmured, looking up at the stairs, but right now he was in front of the stairs, and he couldn't see the end of the stairs at all, so he didn't know what was going on there.

"Let's go up too!" Wine King said, stepping up the stairs, but suddenly, a white light suddenly appeared, teleporting him to the edge of the square.

The same is true for Wen Hao, who was teleported out as soon as he stepped on the stairs.

The remaining 200 people looked at each other, and then stepped on it, but the strange thing is that they were not teleported out.

"Could it be because we escaped from the monsters? None of them who were sent out had encountered monsters!" Wu Mo, who had already escaped from the Prisoner Dragon Sect, murmured.

"It's very possible, let's go. The steps we can go up should be limited. Let's try to go up and see if we can find the guards in the surrounding side halls." Everyone stepped out and went up the steps.

The voices of the crowd did not reach the ears of the thousands of people. Seeing them stepping up the stairs with ease at this moment, their eyes lit up, and they were also walking towards the stairs.

However, the situation has not changed. As soon as they stepped on the stairs, they were all teleported to the edge of the square.

"They are all wounded, is this the reason?" Taoist Baibao looked at this scene from a distance, his eyes lit up with joy, and without hesitation he took out a dagger and stabbed it in his arm, and then turned towards him again. Run up the stairs.

Some people saw the actions of Taoist Baibao, and they all imitated each other thoughtfully, but this scene fell in the eyes of Wu Mo and others, their eyes became strange, and they forgot to continue to go up for a while, but turned their heads together Looking at those self-harming people, can they come up like this?

Taoist Baibao quickly ran to the stairs and stepped up without hesitation, but as before, a white light emerged and sent him to the edge of the square again.

"Haha..." Wu Mo and the others shook their heads and laughed, then turned around and continued to move forward.

At this moment, Tianhuo reached the end of the stairs in a few breaths under the guidance of the light, and then the light dissipated, and the Fanshen Ruler also fell into Tianhuo's hands.

Tianhuo looked back in astonishment, and saw that the entire staircase was divided into nine avenues, each of which was a kilometer long. Looking back at this moment, he could no longer see the people under the stairs, and could only see a corner of the square and the canyon. .

Shaking his head, Tianhuo turned around and looked at the golden gate on the courtyard wall in front of him. A plaque with a size of tens of meters was hung above it, which read: Fanshen Palace!
While looking at the gate, the Fanshen ruler in Tianhuo's hand suddenly shook slightly. Although it was very slight, it was still clearly captured by Tianhuo, and with the shaking of the Fanshen ruler, the door was slowly opened.

Inside the gate is a square more than ten miles long and wide, the floor is paved with white jade-like floor tiles, and at the end of this large courtyard is a huge golden palace tens of feet high, that is the real Fanshen Palace!

Tianhuo didn't hesitate, and stepped into the gate quickly. Suddenly, the scenery in front of him changed. It was still this square, but in front of Tianhuo, a statue more than ten meters high suddenly appeared.

The statue is in the center of the square, and it seems to have appeared here suddenly. After all, when I looked from outside the door, there was nothing here.

Tianhuo was about to raise his head to see who the statue belonged to, but suddenly he was patted on the shoulder, which surprised Tianhuo, and his figure quickly dodged to the side.

"Hehe, little friend, don't panic!" The old voice laughed.

Tianhuo flashed out, and when he watched warily, his expression froze, and he lost his voice: "Is it you?"

The old man in front of him is none other than the old man who was rescued by Tianhuo outside. Luoshen Ding said at that time that his lifespan was about to expire, and it was Tianhuo who gave him the Shouyuan Pill to save him. He just appeared in the Fanshen Palace At that moment, the old man disappeared.

"Senior is the guardian?" Tianhuo asked after thinking.

There was a warm smile on the old man's face. Hearing this, the smile faltered slightly, and then he smiled again: "Guardian? Well, hehe, I have been guarding the Palace of Fanshen for many years. The title of Guardian is also good."

Tianhuo's heart moved. The wine king said before that the guardian was their name, but it was because they didn't know how to call it.

"Senior..." Tianhuo cupped his fists and wanted to speak directly about the monsters outside, but the old man waved his hand and interrupted Tianhuo's voice.

"Little friend, please sit down!" The old man waved his sleeves, and saw a set of tables and chairs gradually appearing on the ground beside him, with a pot of steaming drinks on it.

Tianhuo sat down suspiciously, staring at the old man, the monsters outside could come in at any time, it is impossible for the old man not to know, yet he is still so calm.

"This is the best spiritual tea, I grew it myself, little friend, try it." The old man poured out a cup of tea and handed it to Tianhuo.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, it seems that the old man has a way to deal with the monsters outside, that's why he is so calm!
Thinking of this, Tianhuo didn't refuse, picked up the cup and drank it down.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on taking the unnamed spiritual tea, the four attributes +100."

"Hehe, that's not how you drink good tea, you need to drink it slowly." The old man filled up the sky fire again, and continued: "Thank you, little friend, for saving the life of a poor old man like me."

"Senior, the monsters outside..."

Before Tianhuo finished speaking, the old man waved his hand again, making Tianhuo helpless for a while.

"Little friend, do you know why the Fanshen Palace was born?" the old man said slowly while sipping his tea.

Tianhuo shook his head, how could he know!
"Hehe, I have been guarding the Fanshen Palace for countless years, and my lifespan is nearing the end of my life, so I went out to spread the news. The purpose is to find a new owner for the Fanshen Palace, otherwise I will lose my hair, and I am afraid that the Fanshen Palace will die." It will fall into the hands of monsters." The old man continued.

"Master Fan Shen fell to protect the mainland, how could his palace fall into the hands of monsters." The old man said while sipping tea.

Tianhuo was surprised when he heard the words, did the old man spread the news?In order for Fanshen Palace to choose the master?

"As for the monsters outside, I have nothing to do." The old man said again.

Tianhuo's expression froze, there is no way?

"But it won't be difficult for the new owner of Fanshen Palace, little friend, please!" The old man put down his tea cup and stood up, bowed slightly towards Tianhuo, and made a gesture of invitation, but the direction he pointed was actually Fan Shrine!

Tianhuo also got up, and said in astonishment: "Senior, let me be the master of Fanshen Palace?"

"Hehe, it's not up to me. Fanshen Palace is a top-notch artifact, and it naturally has a spirit. If it recognizes you as its master, you will naturally be the master of Fanshen Palace and mine." The old man smiled. , his eyes moved to the statue in the center of the square.

Tianhuo also followed the eyes of the old man, and finally saw the statue in the center of the square clearly. It was a burly middle-aged man with a faint smile on his resolute face. "Is this a mortal god?"

The old man nodded and looked away, "That's right, go in by yourself, I've never gone in before, I don't know what's going on, I wish you good luck!"

Tianhuo nodded, the top artifact, everything here is actually inside the artifact!

Nodding, Tianhuo didn't hesitate, he suppressed the astonishment in his heart, there are still monsters guarding outside, don't waste time!

He walked quickly to the gate of the palace, but saw a stream of light flashing on the gate, and then a blue-black figure swept out from the gate and landed a few feet in front of Tianhuo, "If you want to enter the palace, defeat me!"

Temple Guard Puppet: Attribute unknown!
"Puppet?" Tianhuo opened his mouth, but the puppet can actually speak?What level of puppet is this?
In Tianhuo's impression, puppets are just humanoid weapons, how could they speak?
"Let's do it! I will suppress my strength to the same level as yours!" The temple guard puppet spoke again!

Tianhuo settled down, for the top artifact, and for those npcs to leave here safely, then fight!
Right now, I am level 78, and my level is already far ahead of the players. However, in front of NPCs, my strength is not strong. Right now, the puppet of the temple guard has also suppressed my level to level 78. It should not be difficult to deal with, "Wait a minute!"

As Tianhuo said, he took out the Lava Flower Pill and the Lava Demon Pill. Since both are already level 78, they should break through to level 80!
However, before taking the two pills, Tianhuo changed his mind, he should first upgrade to level 79 by reciting poems, in that way, he would be able to directly reach level 81, and the opportunity to get rewards for reciting poems at level ten has been wasted. Waste no more.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo thought for a while and said: "If you caress your long sword generously, how can you help the world invite fame. The stars and flags are raised, and the sun and feathers are flying in the sky. Thousands of horses are stationed in the wild, and they are stationed in the fifth battalion in Linyuan. Mountaineering and martial arts festival, carrying water Longitudinal soldiers. In the past, the battles were fought, but now the universe is at peace."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on creating an unprecedented swan song, all attributes +10, level +1, verbal skill proficiency +1000, note: you can only get three special rewards within every tenth level, and you can't get rewards if you exceed the number of times .”

"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations on reaching level 79, four attributes +5."

Tianhuo did not change the original poem, but the reward remained the same as before, and there was no change.

Seeing the level increase, Tianhuo opened his mouth and took the elixir.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on taking the Lava Demon Pill, the four attributes +100, negative state resistance +10%."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on taking lava flower pill, level +2, four attributes +50."

"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations on reaching level 80, four attributes +5."

"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations on reaching level 81, four attributes +5."

During this period of time, Tianhuo has not obtained any new equipment that can be used, but the four attributes combined with the bonus of the Glyph Sage suit are not weak anymore.

Checking his attributes, Tianhuo smiled slightly, "Offended!"

(End of this chapter)

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