The strongest saint

Chapter 254 Artifact Fanshen Palace

Chapter 254 Artifact Fanshen Palace
Character name: Tianhuo
Occupation: Vincent
Auxiliary Occupation: Ding Sheng (Elementary)

Rating: 81
Upgrade experience: 3483540/328131000
HP: 689000/689000
MP: 149400/149400
Tome Attack: 115140-115140
Defense: 87420
Strength: 6890, Constitution: 6890, Intelligence: 7470, Agility: 6480
Reputation: 1774700
Sin: -956302
Pets: Emperor Yanlin Lion, Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon (evolving)

Mount: Star Devouring Moon Beast (Unhatched)

Puppet: War Spirit (Dark Gold)
Gangs: None
Battlegroup: Tianyan Battlegroup (Intermediate Battlegroup)


Tianhuo looked at his attributes, the attributes attached to the equipment were not considered strong, and he was already at level 81, but his equipment was still at level [-] or [-], some of which could not keep up with his own level, but with the addition of the sage suit , the attributes can also be called terrifying.

Tianhuo understands that what he needs are the four major attributes, especially when he has assembled the Glyph Saint suit, the level and the four major attributes represent his own strength.

The attribute at this moment is in Tianhuo's expectation, but what is unexpected is the prestige value, which was only 120 million before, and now it has soared to 170 million. The ordinary monsters killed before, each monster is only 170. It seems that I am still a mess. It took more than [-] monsters to accumulate the prestige points to more than [-] million.

The prestige points needed to upgrade to a high-level battle group are enough, and you can upgrade after the things here are over, but for now, let's go through the gate of the guard puppets first.

"excuse me!"

As soon as Tianhuo's voice fell, he turned his hand and held the book of Wensheng in his hand. Just as he was about to open the third page, the gate of the palace trembled slightly. At the same time, a majestic but ethereal voice came out, "Let him come in!"

Tianhuo's movements froze, so there's no need to defeat the puppet of the temple guard?

The door opened slowly, and the puppet of the palace guard respectfully swept aside and knelt down, "My lord!"

Tianhuo was startled, all gods?Isn't it dead?

The door was open, but there was a thick white light lingering inside, making Tianhuo unable to see clearly what was going on inside, but the puppet at the side made a gesture of please, signaling Tianhuo to go in.

Tianhuo suppressed the astonishment in his heart, what he was going to meet now was one of the main gods of the Destiny World!I couldn't help being a little excited for a while, but in the excitement, I couldn't help being a little confused.

Stepping into the main hall, the surrounding white light disappeared, allowing Tianhuo to see the situation clearly, but he was attracted by the four statues more than ten meters high.

In the depths of the main hall, four statues with different expressions are close together, but one of the statues is slightly forward, and the other three are guarding him. It is clear at a glance that he is the main one.

As soon as he saw the guarded statue, Tianhuo's blood seemed to be boiling, and he couldn't leave his eyes anymore. He stared closely, and murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "Is this a coincidence? "

Tianhuo's thoughts turned quickly, and his body trembled slightly because of excitement, because the statue in front of him actually looked exactly like his father!
"Father..." Tianhuo's heart seemed to be blocked by something, and he was in unspeakable pain. Looking at this statue, it was like seeing his father. His father also turned into a statue with a calm expression in a strange way, and the man in front of him The statue looks the same as his father, but has a different expression.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence! The statue designed by the programmer just happens to look the same as his father." Tianhuo murmured in his heart, but he felt a little uncertain, because Tianhuo felt an inexplicable kindness on this statue. , it seems that this is his father, but Tianhuo can't accept it.

After all, this is a game, and although my father has turned into a statue, he is still sitting cross-legged, not standing with his hands behind his back.

"Hey! You are finally here!" A gentle voice sounded, and Tianhuo saw an illusory figure emerge from one of the statues and landed in front of Tianhuo. It was the middle-aged man who looked like a god!
"Senior Fanshen?" Tianhuo withdrew his gaze, clasped his fists hastily, and said.

The middle-aged man nodded, then raised his head slowly, "Don't be cautious, I'm just a remnant soul, hehe, Fanshen, what a familiar title, unfortunately, I'm already dead."

"Senior Fanshen is waiting for me?" Tianhuo asked suspiciously. Before Fanshen said that he finally came, he was very confused.

Fanshen looked at Tianhuo up and down, and the joy in his eyes became more and more intense. After a long time, he turned and faced the guarded statue, knelt down, and murmured: "Master, I have finally waited for him..."

Tianhuo couldn't understand the words that followed, but the words "Master" shocked Tianhuo even more. The majestic Lord God actually has a master. Then who is this person who looks exactly like his father?

After a long time, Fanshen got up and looked at Tianhuo with delighted eyes, "You may be very confused now, but please don't ask, you will naturally know when you should know."

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled wryly, "Senior, can I know the identity of this senior? Even the last name is fine!"

Fanshen paused, then smiled, "I'm sorry, I can't tell you, but what I can tell you is that you may be able to find part of the answer in the second-level area."

Tianhuo looked at the statue with the same appearance as his father again, knowing that he couldn't ask anything, changed his mind, and asked again: "Senior Fanshen, what is the stone tablet that appeared outside?"

"Stone monument? Hehe, it is a pillar supporting the sky. It is a special existence in the first, second and third level areas. Its position is erratic, and it may not appear in any place. You are lucky, and you are lucky enough to see it."

"Okay, Fanshen Palace will be handed over to you in the future, but because there is one thing missing, I'm afraid I can't help you much. If you want to restore it, you still need to find my indestructible body. That thing is On me." Fanshen said with a smile.

"Leave it to me?" Tianhuo was stunned, this is the main god's palace, so he just left it to himself?

"Well, isn't Fanshen's ruler on your body? Insert it there, and then bleed to recognize the master." Fanshen pointed to a platform behind the statue, on which there was a groove for placing Fanshen's ruler.

Tianhuo was a little excited, although he didn't know why he gave Fanshen Palace so easily, but Tianhuo just wanted to see what else Fanshen had planned.

Fanshen's ruler fell on the groove of the platform, and it sank into it in an instant, completely blending into the platform, and Tianhuo dripped blood on it as Fanshen said.

"Ding! The system prompts: You have successfully identified the master, congratulations on obtaining the Palace of Fanshen."

The crisp system prompt sounded, but Fanshen at the side let out a long sigh of relief, "Fanshen Palace can finally reproduce heaven and earth, Tianhuo, Fanshen Palace was personally refined by my master, you must treat him kindly, and The one thing missing, you can only rely on yourself."

"Ding! The system prompts: The palace of the gods who are missing from the trigger mission, do you accept it?"

Before Tianhuo checked the attributes of Fanshen Palace, the system notification sounded again.

"Accept!" Tianhuo secretly said in his heart, this is probably the purpose of Fanshen, right?You will know when you see the task.

Quest: The Missing Palace of Mortal Gods.

Task difficulty: ss level.

Task reward: important parts of Fanjing Palace.

Mission introduction: The most important part of the mysterious Fanshen Palace is missing, so the power it can exert is average. If the missing part is found, the Fanshen Palace will be able to restore its previous power. According to Fanshen, this important part It's on his divine body, you can get it if you find the divine body.

"It's actually a double-S level mission. It's the same difficulty as my ultimate mission. It doesn't seem easy!" Tianhuo thought to himself, Fanshen had already said that the thing was on his indestructible body, but Tianhuo smiled a little. Will the immortal body perish?

"The Fanshen Palace has been handed over to you. You must understand your responsibilities and make good use of the Fanshen Palace!" Fanshen said, the illusory figure disappeared into the statue, and there was no more movement.

Tianhuo rubbed his chin. He thought that Fanshen had some purpose before, but it seemed that he was thinking too much. He gave him Fanshen Palace, at most he let himself find his indestructible body, and this is not Mandatory, this double s-rank mission is optional.

Of course, according to Tianhuo's temperament, he will naturally look for it. After all, the palace of Fanshen must be completed, so it is impossible not to go, but the sky is big, and there are no clues. reason.

Fanshen Palace (special equipment, artifacts, recognized owner, non-tradable, non-discardable, non-stealable, non-drop), four attributes +1000, damage bonus to monsters +200%, there is heaven and earth inside, and everything can be stored.

Explanation: The top-level artifact refined for him by the master of all gods, there is no doubt that it is powerful, but it lacks important things, resulting in a great reduction in power.

"I'll go, add one thousand to the four major attributes?" Tianhuo secretly clicked his tongue. If it is a complete mortal god palace, how much will it be added?
But the strange thing is that at this moment, you can see the attributes of the Fanshen Palace, but you can't see the appearance of the Fanshen Palace. It seems that because you are in the Fanshen Palace, after all, it says: There is heaven and earth inside, and everything can be stored.

At this moment, Tianhuo understood that the woods he passed through after he entered the gate of Fanshen Palace, the entire world was inside the Fanshen Palace, and the appearance of Fanshen Palace was naturally seen from the outside. like that.

But before Tianhuo studied the usage of the Fanshen Palace, the old guardian's voice sounded outside, "Master, the ban on magic has been broken, do you need to restart it?"

At the moment when Tianhuo recognized the master, the prohibition against demons that prevented the entrance of monsters had disappeared. At this moment, countless monsters had passed through the canyon and rushed towards the square.

Tianhuo was a little astonished, the guardian actually called himself the master?But now is not the time to explore, the monsters have already rushed in, and the big trouble has begun!
(End of this chapter)

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