Chapter 255
Countless doubts piled up in Tianhuo's heart, and the Fanshen Palace was easily given to him, but Tianhuo still couldn't be happy, looked deeply at the statue that looked exactly like his father again, and left the hall.

The door was slowly closed, Tianhuo took a long breath, and then looked at the old man who had been waiting by the side, "Senior, there should be a way to destroy these monsters that broke in, right?"

The old man looked at Tianhuo suspiciously, "Master, have you not understood the usage of the Fanshen Palace?"

Tianhuo smiled awkwardly, how could he know how to sense it now?
The old man saw Tianhuo's embarrassment, understood it, and said with a smile: "I'm just the steward of Fanshen's Palace. I don't know many usages. You should have seen it. It's just magic ban and teleportation. With these two powers alone, Impossible to clear the monster."

While speaking, the whole world suddenly trembled, and in the distant sky, the color of the wind and clouds changed, and the wind raged violently.

Looking at this scene, Tianhuo had a feeling that the world in the distance began to collapse!
"Senior, what's going on here?" The vision at this moment made everyone stop their movements, and even those monsters turned their heads to look at the sky anxiously.

"Because of the loss of Fanshen, the world of Fanshen Palace will shrink a lot every once in a while. Now that it has changed hands, Fanshen Palace can only exist by relying on your power. With your strength, I am afraid that you can only keep the center of the mountain range. world." The face of the housekeeper of Fanshen Palace became serious.

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly. The previously immeasurably large world of Fanshen Palace will be reduced to only mountains?

"The power of all gods, forbidden demons!" The steward waved his sleeve robe, and suddenly, golden light surged in the palace behind Tianhuo, and the golden light diffused quickly, forming a film of light around the mountain range again, engulfing those who hadn't entered yet. Monsters are completely blocked.

But it was too late at this time, tens of thousands of monsters came in, and it seemed that many high-level monsters were mixed in!
The sky and the earth in the distance are collapsing, quickly turning into chaos, and the flowers, plants and trees in it are all turning into nothingness, and the collapse is quickly spreading towards the mountains, the earth trembles violently, like the end of the world.

"Master, improve your strength as soon as possible! All these will be restored." The old man said, his voice changed, "It's just that before you reach level [-], I'm afraid you won't be able to come in again."

As the old man's voice fell, the world beyond the mountains suddenly collapsed and disappeared, and the monsters that hadn't entered were completely annihilated!

Immediately afterwards, Tianhuo could sense that the surrounding mountains were also collapsing rapidly, and the prohibition against magic was dissipated. At this moment, starting from the stairs, white lights suddenly appeared, enveloping the figures.

The white light appeared extremely abruptly, but within a few breaths, it wrapped up the remaining humans and monsters in the field. With the disappearance of the white light, all humans and monsters also disappeared in this world. Obviously, they were sent away. The palace of all gods.

"Master, take care!" The old man bowed to Tianhuo, and without waiting for Tianhuo to be suspicious, a white light appeared all over his body, and then the scenery in front of him changed.

In an instant, Tianhuo had appeared on the flat ground before him, and the Fanshen Palace was still standing in front of him, and it seemed that there was no change. At this moment, Tianhuo had an inexplicable understanding in his heart, and he blurted out, "Close !"

The huge palace covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles suddenly shrunk, and suddenly turned into a golden light that rushed towards Tianhuo's left hand, and disappeared on Tianhuo's arm in an instant.

Next to the "Heaven" shaped birthmark on the back of the left forearm, a golden palace imprint appeared, like a golden tattoo, occupying a place on Tianhuo's forearm.

"Miraculous equipment..." Tianhuo secretly sighed in his heart, there are always places beyond imagination in the world of Destiny, and there is such equipment that can accommodate everything, but I don't know if this function can be used now.

"Damn it, the mortal god's palace has changed, we can't bear the anger of the Lord Demon Lord, let's not leave a single one behind!" A roar sounded, and then even the sky-shattering black air filled the air, covering the world.

Tianhuo was startled, and looking around, at this moment, humans and monsters were intertwined in the field, and they were all staring blankly at the place where the palace of the gods disappeared. Obviously, they hadn't recovered yet, but under the roar, many monsters rushed towards The people around him attacked.

Everyone was shocked, there were only a few thousand people at the moment, but there were tens of thousands of monsters, and they were intertwined together. How could it be possible to defeat the monsters?
"Run away!" Most of the NPCs had no intention of resisting at all, and ran to the outside to avoid the attack of the monsters. At this moment, they just wanted to get out of here quickly.

At this moment, most people regretted it in their hearts. They thought they could get some benefits in the palace of the gods, but they couldn't even go up the stairs. They didn't get half of the benefits, and they had to face countless monsters!

If they knew that the entire Fanshen palace had fallen into Tianhuo's hands, I don't know how they would feel.

Looking at the people who had no intention of resisting the monsters, Tianhuo frowned. It was only a few hours since the last time he used the Blessing of the Glyph Saint, and the cooling time was not yet, so he couldn't benefit everyone!
"Brother Tianhuo, quickly use the Saint of Graves to bless you!" Yu Junhao rushed to Tianhuo's side and said anxiously.

Tianhuo smiled wryly, "The cooling time has not yet expired, so it cannot be used!"

If it can be used, Skyfire will naturally use it immediately, but the system prompts that the cooling time has not yet expired!

Yu Junhao's expression froze, and he saw more than a dozen high-level monsters quickly scattered and landed on the edge of the battle circle, apparently to prevent everyone from escaping.


Suddenly, the voice of the wine king suddenly sounded in the battle circle, and with the appearance of this voice, a huge "defense" character was seen flying into the sky and dissipating in mid-air.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have received the blessing of Jinkou Yuyan, and your defense will increase by 10% within 50 minutes!"

"Jinkouyuyan?" Tianhuo's pupils shrank slightly, and a strong look of hope flashed in his eyes, Jinkouyuyu?This is Wen Shengmen's skill, so can I learn it myself?

"Protect!" The wine king's voice came next, and another big word 'protect' appeared in the air.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have been blessed by Jinkou Yuyan, and the damage you receive will be reduced by 10% within 20 minutes!"

In an instant, a shield composed of a faint light glowed around everyone.

As if inspired by the wine king, City Lord Wen Hao also shouted: "Attack!"

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have received the blessing of Jinkou Yuyan, and your attack will increase by 10% within 50 minutes!"

Defend, protect, attack!
Wine King and Wen Hao teamed up to cast the mysterious Jinkou Yuyan. Although the effect was not too strong, everyone in the field was blessed, and their strength increased a lot.

"If you run away, you will be defeated one by one, and everyone will die at that time, if you don't want to die, fight with me!" The wine king's voice resounded.

"On paper!" Wen Hao flipped out a page of paper, and saw a string of large characters jumping up from the paper and shooting towards all directions. Wherever it passed, huge damage appeared above the monster's head.

"It's the strong man of Wen Shengmen! We have hope, and we will fight these monsters!" After seeing the actions of Wen Hao and Wine King, most of the fear in the hearts of thousands of people disappeared. They knew that they could not escape, so they simply fight!
"They are just scholars, and I am a literary sage. If I use the same skills, the effect will be far inferior to mine. If I can also speak eloquently, what will it be like!" Tianhuo said secretly in his heart, his face full of hope .

"On paper, I will too!" Tianhuo thought to himself, and then flipped open the first page of the Book of Grammar.

"Rushing to the crown, relying on the corner, resting in the rain..." Big golden characters flew out one by one, covering the world, under the golden light, fear flashed in the eyes of all the monsters.

"Kill him first!" A demon general outside raised his finger to Tianhuo, as if sensing the threat of Tianhuo's existence.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have received the bonus of the power of the scroll. Within 30 minutes, all attributes will be doubled, and items and experience will be doubled!"

However, the order of the demon general was too late, and the bonus had already fallen on everyone. Immediately, under the skyrocketing strength of everyone, their confidence skyrocketed!
"Haha, damned monsters, it's time for you to die now!" Yu Junhao glanced at Tianhuo in surprise, and touched his waist with his hand, only to see a cold light emerge from his waist, and a bitter chill suddenly appeared in the field.

And Yu Junhao kept moving, his body was swept up violently, and he spun rapidly in mid-air, circles of shocking sword lights shot out, filling a radius of hundreds of meters, and the monsters within this range, He fell down amidst screams.

"So strong!" Tianhuo saw Yu Junhao perform such a terrifying attack for the first time, almost instantly killing those low-level monsters. You must know that even low-level monsters have a HP of 600 million. To achieve instant kills, how terrifying is it? Attack power!
"This person must be stopped, I'm coming!" I thought the demon general would rush out, pointing at Yu Junhao, and the latter snorted coldly and plundered towards the place where the monsters were densely populated. Naturally, this was done to spread the attack to those monster.

The place where Tianhuo stood was actually emptied within a few hundred meters, and all the monsters fell, while those strong NPCs were looking for their targets.

"The opportunity to upgrade is here!" Tianhuo was a little excited. The monster's experience value was extremely high, and the value of the things that exploded was also extremely high. Right now, the attribute has become several times stronger within 10 minutes.

Quickly opened the battle group channel to check, but Tianhuo's excitement was greatly reduced. There were not enough members online to enable experience sharing. It seemed that he could only enjoy it for himself.

"Diyan, battle spirit, guardian, kill!"

Summoning the helpers that can be summoned in one breath, Tianhuo used the day to travel thousands of miles to plunder, also rushing towards the place where the monsters are denser.

"Ten steps to kill one person..."

The voice of Tianhuo resounded in the field, and following the sound of Tianhuo, large golden characters also appeared in midair, covering a radius of more than 400 meters, and smashed down fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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