The strongest saint

Chapter 256 Demon Slaying Upgrade

Chapter 256 Demon Slaying Upgrade
"Ten steps to kill one person!"

Five large golden characters covering a radius of more than 400 meters fell down, and monsters fell down within the range.

At this moment, the attribute has been enhanced a lot, and it has the attribute of +200% damage bonus to monsters in the palace of all gods. Every time a large character falls, 70 million damage points will emerge from the top of the monster's head. It can blast and kill a normal monster.

Moreover, after doubling the attribute, Skyfire's crit rate seems to be affected as well. Although it is not 400%, it is almost a crit damage. When the first line of the poem is exited, there are no surviving monsters within more than [-] meters around him, and The system prompt sound appeared like refreshing the screen.

"Ding! The system prompts: 180 million experience points, 900 million additional experience points!"


"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations on reaching level 82, four attributes +5."

Because the level exceeds too many monsters, the experience value given by each monster is not much, but there are so many monsters at the moment, such experience value is extremely terrifying, the first attack falls, and it has been upgraded.

This time, it was even better than upgrading in Youlin last time!

However, just after cleaning up the surrounding monsters, the demon general who was staring at Tianhuo before also arrived, thick black air wrapped around his body, and with his big hand probing, the black air blasted towards Tianhuo like a dragon, "Death!" !"

"Protect the leader of Tianhuo!" The more than 200 people had already seen the demon general rushing towards Tianhuo, and they left their opponents for a while, and all rushed towards Tianhuo.

"I'll do as long as I come, you concentrate your strength to deal with the monsters!" Wu Mo, who had already escaped from Prisoner Dragon Sect, was extremely fast, and blocked Tianhuo before the demon general.

"There are a total of nine demon generals, you are entangled in groups, I will clean up these ordinary monsters first!" Tianhuo said hurriedly seeing that more than 200 people were not far away.

Everyone stopped, and then quickly grouped and rushed towards the seven generals guarding the edge of the battlefield.

Yu Junhao has already entangled a demon general, and now he has the upper hand steadily, and now Wumo is also entangled with another one, so with his strength, Tianhuo naturally has nothing to worry about.

"There is not much time, everyone try their best to use the strongest attack!" The wine king's voice sounded in the distance, as if he saw the situation on Tianhuo's side, and he was also rushing towards the demon general at this moment.

The battle must be resolved within 10 minutes, otherwise the attributes will drop a lot as time passes, and it will be more difficult to deal with monsters by then.

Tianhuo naturally understood this truth. In the blink of an eye, the Diyan Linhuang Beast who was fighting heartily in the distance had already appeared in front of him.

Diyan was galloping in the field, while the sky fire on his back continued to verbalize skills, and a large number of monsters fell down wherever he passed, and they continuously turned into his own experience points.

"Master, it's too scattered, 10 minutes is not enough!" Di Yan galloped, but there was a look of worry in his eyes.

Tianhuo can naturally see that he has to kill nearly ten thousand monsters by himself in 10 minutes. If they rush towards him like last time in Youlin, it is almost the same. If he kills himself, there is not enough time.

Thinking while attacking, Tianhuo gritted his teeth and shouted: "Everyone attack the demon generals, and leave the ordinary monsters to me!"

The shout spread across the battlefield, making everyone stunned, and many people snorted in disdain, "Let us deal with the demon general? Are you kidding me!"

The strength of the demon general is many times stronger than these ordinary monsters. Many people dare not face the demon general at all. It is better to deal with these ordinary monsters.

However, with their entanglement, the monster simply ignored Tianhuo. After all, Tianhuo did not have the ability to taunt. If this continues, it will be troublesome when the attribute bonus time is up.

"Thousands of people have no hesitation to deal with just nine demon generals? Let me go!" Wine King pointed at the Glyph Sage Token, and suddenly, an illusory Glyph Sage Token appeared in the sky. It has the size of a hundred meters!

"That's Wen Shengling! Come on, once the tokens of the ten major sects come out, we must cooperate." The faces of those who were not willing to deal with the demon generals before changed. Under the threat of the tokens of the ten major sects, even if someone Those who dare to defy are not the people in front of them.

Immediately, everyone abandoned the attacking monsters and rushed towards the seven demon generals outside. The wine king was right, thousands of people only needed to deal with a few demon generals, and the pressure was not great.

And as these people left, the Diyan Linhuang Beast under the Skyfire Seat suddenly raised its head and roared, and in the roaring sound, strange ripples immediately filled the air, "Diyan Shenwei!"

Under Diyan's divine power, those monsters seemed to be enraged, and they let out hoarse roars from their throats, and then rushed towards Diyan in unison.

"Haha, Di Yan did a good job!" Tianhuo was overjoyed. He never thought that Di Yan, a skill with unknown effects, could not only add negative status to the target, but also attract hatred.

"Get ready to upgrade! Broken iron clothes on the battlefield of hundreds of battles..."

"Ding! The system prompts: 150 million experience points, 750 million additional experience points!"


Skyfire is already at level 82, and the experience value obtained has decreased again, but the Diyan Linhuang beast has not been affected, and the experience bar has increased rapidly. In such a short time, it has reached more than 50 levels.

Thousands of ordinary monsters all stared at Tianhuo, rushing forward without fear of life and death, but before approaching the [-] meters of Tianhuo, they all fell to the ground, and their bodies also slowly disappeared under the automatic collection of Tianhuo's skills.

And the nine demon generals in the distance were already powerless, they couldn't even take out their hands to deal with Tianhuo at this moment, and they didn't even have the chance to issue orders, so they could only sense the death of many of their subordinates with heartache.

"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations on reaching level 83, four attributes +5."

Not long after, Tianhuo upgraded again, and the unprecedented refreshment made Tianhuo very happy. There are not many such opportunities!

After tens of breaths of effort, hundreds of monsters have already fallen [-] meters away from the sky fire, and they all turned into white light and disappeared. Yu Junhao and Wu Mo also ended the battle. With all their strength, they were killed in a few minutes. respective opponents.

Of the nine demon generals, only the outer seven remained.

"Ding! The system prompts: 90 million experience points, 450 million additional experience points!"


The experience points that Skyfire can get are getting less and less, but even if a monster has less than 600 million experience points, Skyfire only needs a hundred monsters to upgrade, which is easier than ever.

"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations on reaching level 84, four attributes +5."

"Ding! The system prompts: 40 million experience points, 200 million additional experience points!"


The level is too much higher than that of the monsters, and the experience points gained are getting lower and lower. From the previous dozens, it can be upgraded to hundreds now. Tianhuo knows that his level can no longer rely on too many monsters, but the emperor The Yanlin Phoenix Beast has reached level 60, and its experience value has not decreased. It would be nice to help it level up.

"Ding! The system prompts: The title of Demon Slayer has been upgraded, the current 3 stars, and the attributes have been enhanced. Please check the title panel for details."

Unknowingly, even the title of Demon Slayer has been upgraded, but Tianhuo didn't care to check it, and continued to attack.

Yu Junhao and Wu Mo both rushed towards a demon general with a tacit understanding. Together with the hundreds of people who were fighting the demon general, they should be able to deal with a demon general soon.

"Bastard, really bastard!" The remaining seven demon generals yelled angrily, but they couldn't get away, and they were all trembling to death.

"Retreat! It's better to be punished by Lord Demon Monarch than to die here!" A demon general gritted his teeth and retreated quickly in the gap of breathing in exchange for injury.

"Withdraw!" The other demon generals also roared unwillingly. Amidst the roar, the monsters charging towards Tianhuo turned around and ran away.

"Chasing!" The wine king waved his big hand, and took the lead in chasing the demon general away, and the rest of the people naturally would not give up the opportunity to beat the dog in the water when they saw this, and chased after him one after another.

And Di Yan didn't need Tianhuo to explain, he moved his four hooves and chased after the ordinary monster.

"Diyan, is there a way to leave a mark so that we can find them later?" Tianhuo asked knowing that he couldn't kill all the monsters who were about to escape.

Di Yan nodded, "Small idea!"

I didn't see Di Yan's actions, but Tianhuo knew that Di Yan had already fulfilled his confession in secret, and when he was free in the future, he would just go and wipe out these monsters.

"Damn human! Still want to chase? Wait for the anger of Lord Demon Lord!" A demon general turned his head and glanced at the chasing crowd, and uttered cruel words viciously.

"The black curtain covers the sky!" Several other demon generals used mysterious methods in a very tacit understanding, only to see thick black air permeating out, forming a black curtain hundreds of meters high, blocking everyone's sight.

A group of monsters disappeared into the shadows under the pursuit of everyone, and then there was no sound.

Everyone didn't dare to enter the shady scene, so they had to stop and watched the remaining monsters escape. Being able to win a big victory is already worthy of everyone's pride!

"The monsters that everyone is afraid of seem to be nothing more than this!" Those npcs who have not experienced the life-and-death battle in the palace of all gods stared at the shady scene with disdain. At this moment, they did not pay attention to monsters at all.

"That's right, it's so easy to repel, I really don't know why some people say that the monster is so powerful, it simply destroys my human prestige."

All of a sudden, there were voices in the field.

"Huh! If there is no bonus of the four ways of Wen Shengmen powerhouse, how can you talk so easily? If you have the ability, why do you want to escape when there is no bonus?" The more than 200 npcs who have experienced life and death are not happy, Fight back.

These more than 200 npcs who planned to follow Tianhuo escaped from the hands of monsters. Naturally, they have seen the horror of monsters. If you don't know how to be grateful, let it be fine, and even make rude remarks.

"Shut up! Get out of here quickly, or the monster will have no way to resist it when it comes back." Yu Junhao said, and rushed to Tianhuo, and the more than 200 people who planned to follow Tianhuo naturally moved over.

"Senior Liquor King, Senior City Master, follow me to Tianyan City!" Tianhuo invited the two of them, clasped their fists together.

"That's natural. You can fly in the thick fog, and you can take care of each other if you walk together."

Tianhuo ignored those who were still cynical, looked at the thick fog not far away, and waved his hand when he was sure of the direction, "Let's go!"

More than 200 people closely followed Tianhuo, and all rushed towards the dense fog.

(End of this chapter)

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