The strongest saint

Chapter 258 Devil's Nest

Chapter 258 Devil's Nest
Chapter 250 Nine Devil's Cave
Stepping on the teleportation formation, Tianhuo appeared in Qinglin City, this is not the first time he came here, Tianhuo is also familiar with Qinglin City.

Today's Qinglin City has not changed because of Prisoner Rong's death, but it has become a city without a city owner. I don't know if there are players to fight for it.

Tianhuo first looked at his own attributes. From Fanshen Palace and his party, first the four major attributes of the palace + 1000, and then the extra 300 for the title and 600 for the battle group badge, and 1900 for the four major attributes of Tianhuoguang. , and when they fill up the people, there will be another 600 more.

At level 84, the mission requirement of eradicating the Devil's Nest has been met. This mandatory S-level mission has made Tianhuo look forward to it, and the mission rewards are very generous!
Mandatory task: eradicate the magic den.

Task difficulty: S rank.

Task rewards: Demon Slayer title upgrade, all upgradeable skill levels +1, and unknown rewards.

Task penalty: Level -30.

Mission introduction: You have obtained the exact location of the Devil's Nest, where countless monsters are hidden. If they emerge, countless cities in the third-level area will be destroyed. The best way is to completely destroy the Devil's Nest.

Note: The monsters are powerful and must be level 80 to perform this task.

I took out the map of the Devil's Cave, which only said the word 'Evil Cave', and did not specify the exact location. It still needs to be checked by Tianhuo. However, the map of Qinglin City in Tianhuo has been fully opened, so it is not difficult to check.

The world map was opened, and Tianhuo compared it carefully, one map after another, comparing the location of the magic cave, and soon, Tianhuo discovered the location of the magic cave, which is the Xiaoyue Valley in the east of Qinglin City.

The map of the devil's lair indicates the point to enter the devil's lair. As for the situation in the devil's lair, Tianhuo needs to check it.

"Head of Tianhuo, we have already joined the regiment!" The voices of more than 200 npcs sounded in the battle group channel.

"Yes, Brother Tianhuo, have you gone to the Devil's Lair? Where are you? Wait for us." Yu Junhao's voice also sounded.

"Don't worry, everyone. I'll go find the Devil's Nest first, and then I'll just pull everyone over here. You should prepare first. If you need anything, go directly to the City Lord's Mansion or the King's House." Tianhuo said with a smile.

"Alright, then let's prepare first." Yu Junhao said.

Tianhuo put away the map, stepped on the teleportation array and teleported to Xiaoyue Valley, then recalled the Diyan Linhuang Beast. As Diyan lifted into the sky, Tianhuo saw the situation below clearly, and saw ravines everywhere, forming a huge valley.

There are almost no trees to be seen, the place is completely barren, and the countless valleys are densely covered like a maze. If you can't fly, I can't imagine how much time it will take to find the correct route.

"Master, is the devil's lair really here? But that's right, monsters must choose such a place where no shit happens." Di Yan murmured.

Tianhuo smiled, when he first received this task, he was really worried, but now that there are more than 200 NPCs joining, and there are powerful Yu Junhao and Wu Mo, why should Tianhuo worry.

Half a day later, Tianhuo had already arrived at the location according to the map's instructions. In the dawn, he could still clearly see the end of the huge valley below. However, the strange thing was that there was no way out here, even the point indicated by the map. It's just ordinary land.

"There is a dead end here, why come to the devil's lair?" Tianhuo frowned, and checked the map repeatedly, it was right here!
Landing at the end of the valley, Tianhuo searched everywhere, but the strange thing is that there is really no hidden map, those mountain walls are solid soil, there is nothing hidden.

After a long time, Tianhuo asked helplessly: "Diyan, can you sense something?"

The Diyan Linhuang Beast also shook its head, "Master, are you sure you didn't find the wrong way?"

"The map of the Devil's Nest shows that the Devil's Nest is here." Tianhuo murmured.

"Then I'll give it a try!" Diyan Linhuang said, and the purple fire roared out when it opened its mouth, filling the entire valley in an instant. The sky fire took the opportunity to look around carefully. The scorched black immediately turned into something like a crystal, but the entrance to the devil's lair was still not revealed.

In just a few breaths, the ground has dropped several meters under the purple fire, and the valley has expanded a lot, but the entrance is still not seen.

"No, if the map is fake, then my mission description cannot be fake. There must be something we haven't discovered." Tianhuo's eyes shone with wisdom.

Dawn passed quickly, and the east had begun to turn white. Not long after, the morning sun rose and illuminated the valley.

Suddenly, in front of Tianhuo and Diyan Linhuang Beast, a two-three-meter-high dark light gate suddenly appeared. There was a huge vortex in the center of the light gate like a black hole. Suction, caught off guard, both Tianhuo and Diyan were sucked in.

And as the figure of one person and one beast disappeared, the light gate remained the same, and it lasted for more than ten minutes before disappearing abruptly.

"Steady!" Tianhuo and Diyan Linhuang beast rolled over, surrounded by the dark world, both fell down together, Tianhuo said hastily.

The Diyan Linhuang beast spread its wings, and struggled to stabilize its figure but could not fly, and glided towards the ground.

"You can't fly here, it's too deceitful, if you are not careful, you will fall to your death." The Diyan Linhuang beast slid and complained.

Tianhuo looked back and saw a dark cliff behind him, thousands of meters high, and the place where the two fell was halfway up the cliff, also at a height of thousands of meters. If they really fell, it would be strange if they didn't die.

Landing firmly on the ground, Di Yan withdrew his wings, "Master, it should be here, there is such a strong monster breath."

Tianhuo has already looked at this place clearly, it is similar to the hidden map secluded forest that he went to at the beginning, but there are no forests here, looking at the flat river, only some gray and black weeds grow.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on discovering the hidden map Demon Cave. You have gained 10 experience points and 1 reputation points."

"Sure enough, it's the devil's lair, but I haven't seen any traces of monsters yet." The system prompt confirms that this is the devil's lair.

"It's all here anyway, why worry about not being able to find the monsters, master, which direction should we go?" Di Yan Lin Huang Beast asked.

"Wait, I'll gather them here first." After speaking, Tianhuo opened the battle group channel, "Seniors, are you ready?"

"Is it finally here? It's the second day, hehe, leader, quickly pull us over, we can't wait." Everyone laughed.

"Assembly!" Tianhuo didn't talk nonsense, and directly used the assembly skill.

"Ding! System prompt: The current map is closed, and this skill cannot be used!"

The crisp system prompt sounded, causing Tianhuo's face to change, and he said in a deep voice: "It's troublesome! Seniors, you can't use the assembly skills here!"

"What? That's bad! You broke into the devil's lair alone, quickly hide it, and don't let the monsters find it!" Yu Junhao's anxious voice sounded, breaking into the monster's stronghold alone, that is definitely courting death!
"Leader, give us the location, and we'll come over right away." Wumo also had a serious expression on his face. Tianhuo is their strong backing against monsters, and he must not let anything happen to him.

"Xiao Mu, are you there?" Tianhuo thought of Mu Yichen, and he might be the most competent right now.

"Tianhuo, you're so unkind, why are you thinking of me?" Mu Yichen's lazy voice came, but Tianhuo could hear the excitement under his voice. Fighting has always been this guy's favorite.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll give you the map of the Devil's Nest, and you bring them here. In the Xiaoyue Valley to the east of Qinglin City, the place where the Devil's Nest is located was scorched by the emperor's flames. It's easy to recognize." Tianhuo said, and mailed the map of the Devil's Nest out.

"Hey, little meaning, just wait!" Mu Yichen laughed loudly, and hurriedly greeted all the strong NPCs.

Tianhuo heaved a sigh of relief, this treasure map obtained from Fenglei Pavilion can be used to open the map of the magic cave, the most cheating thing is that this map cannot use the assembly skills, so it is impossible to use the city return scroll and other teleportation types Skill.

"After two more days of training, we will be able to go out. At that time, we will attack all the way west from here, try our best to occupy the human city, and strive to join other demon generals as soon as possible."

"Yes, Lord Demon General, but several Demon Generals have already fallen. I don't know what's going on with Lord Demon Lord."

At this moment, two voices came from the pitch-black mountain wall behind Tianhuo.

Tianhuo frowned, no wonder he didn't see the monster, it turned out that the monster was hiding in the mountain wall!

Not daring to hesitate, Tianhuo hastily received the Diyan Linhuang Beast, and at the same time cast the invisible skill to enter the invisible state.

"Why do you need us to worry about Lord Demon Lord? Let's go, the last two days of training will see the light of day again!"

As the voice fell, one after another dark stone gates on the mountain wall were slowly rising amidst the rumbling sound, and behind the stone gates, one after another, all the demon soldiers in full gear were waiting quietly.

Seeing this, Tianhuo's pupils shrank, and he saw hundreds of stone gates rising at the same time, and behind each stone gate, densely packed with demon soldiers!
"Damn, this is a big joke..." Tianhuo thought in his heart, no wonder the rewards for this mission are so rich, there are tens of thousands of ordinary magic soldiers, and under the eyes of Tianhuo's Glyph Sage, he can clearly see that these They are all magic soldiers ranging from level 75 to level 85!
Behind a stone gate on a high place, a burly figure descended and landed heavily on the ground. Tianhuo looked along the stone gate where he fell, and saw a middle-aged man in a majestic armor standing with his hands behind his back. It's a magician!
While Tianhuo looked at the demon general, the demon general frowned slightly, and the tip of his nose twitched slightly.

Tianhuo's heart sank, didn't he, he just glanced at him, and he actually felt it?
"Wait! It smells like a human!"

With the tip of his nose twitching, the demon general raised his hand suddenly, and said in a deep voice, but his eyes followed the ground and saw a series of footprints of Di Yan.

"Hmph! You dared to come here, and you were almost fooled!" The demon general's eyes suddenly glowed black, and he stared straight at Tianhuo.

"come out!"

Amidst the yelling of the burly man who fell before, the terrifying black air swept away from the flip of his hand, and fell on Tianhuo in an instant, and a series of damage values ​​also appeared on Tianhuo's head. Suddenly, the invisibility state was broken!
"Hey, there really are humans sneaking in, kill!" The burly man sneered, waved his big hand, and the demon soldiers behind the stone gate swarmed out!

"I'm afraid you won't succeed, Diyan, fight!" Tianhuo looked dignified, turned his hand and summoned Diyan again, persisted for three or four hours, those strong men should be able to come!
(End of this chapter)

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