The strongest saint

Chapter 259 Mount Hatching

Chapter 259 Mount Hatching
Chapter 260 Mount Hatching
Countless demon soldiers drilled out from behind the stone gate, and suddenly, a tyrannical atmosphere permeated.

But Tianhuo was not afraid at all, turned on the back of Diyan Linhuang Beast, "Fight!"

A sonorous and forceful voice spewed out from Tianhuo's mouth, and then Diyan opened his mouth wide, and the blazing purple fire spread out instantly, rushing towards the mountain wall, covering all the magic soldiers in it.

Emperor Yan Linhuang Beast (divine beast, rideable), level 65, hp3250000, attack 325000, defense 260000.


Diyan's attribute was abnormal, and the purple fire instantly diffused in front of all the stone gates, and a series of damage values ​​of more than 30 suddenly appeared on the heads of those magic soldiers who rushed out.

"Excuse me! Touching the long sword generously, how can the world invite fame. The stars and flags are raised, and the sun and feathers are in the sky..."

In an instant, countless damage values ​​emerged from the heads of the demon soldiers in front. Adding the damage caused by the purple fire of God Flame, the front was full of damage values, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

"Damn Wenshengmen! Damn scholar!" The demon general behind the stone gate on the high place looked down, and from Tianhuo's attack, he recognized Tianhuo as a member of Wenshengmen.

"Stay away!" the demon general roared suddenly, then his figure flickered and he swept out of the stone gate.

Many demon soldiers did not dare to disobey the command of the demon general, and retreated hastily, but several demon soldiers died in the hands of Tianhuo and Diyan.

"Scholar of Wenshengmen, I will tear you alive with my own hands!" The figure of the demon general shot forward, and the majestic black energy swept away, forcing Zihuo back and shooting towards Tianhuo.

Tianhuo narrowed his eyes slightly, and patted Diyan Linhuang Beast, "Diyan, withdraw!"

Diyan Linhuang Beast didn't know Tianhuo's plan, but without hesitation, it turned around and galloped away.

"Where are you going!" the demon general roared, and came in quick pursuit. The other demon soldiers also followed under the leadership of the burly monster, but the speed was much faster than not allowing Di Yan and the demon general.

"Diyan, the faster the better!" The current Diyan Linhuang Beast has reached level 65, and its speed is naturally not what it used to be, much faster than the Demon General.

Seeing the distance getting farther and farther, the anger on the demon general's face became more intense, and the black air swept through, and his speed suddenly increased.

"Master, he can't catch up with me, should we run away?" Di Yan asked with ease in the pursuit of the demon general.

Tianhuo smiled mysteriously, "Capture the king first before capturing the thief. As long as the general dies, the other demon soldiers are nothing to worry about."

"Oh! Got it, hehe, without the help of those demon soldiers, we have a great chance of killing the demon general, look at me!" Di Yan laughed, and then his speed increased a lot.

Tianhuo nodded in satisfaction, turned his head to look, and saw the demon general chasing several miles behind him, wrapped in black air, he couldn't see his expression clearly, and those ordinary demon soldiers were still more than ten miles behind In addition, although the lineup is huge, they cannot catch up with Di Yan.

"I've heard that Wuyi is a scholar, little bastard, do you know how to escape?"

Behind him, the demon general's angry roar came from time to time.

Tianhuo turned his head and smiled, jokingly said: "Is this the only speed that the dignified demon general can have? Come on!"

Hearing Tianhuo's sarcastic voice, the demon general was furious, but Diyan was a divine beast, and his level was not low, so he couldn't catch up for a while, so he had to chase after him angrily.

"Tianhuo, we've arrived at Xiaoyue Valley, what's the situation on your side?" Mu Yichen's voice sounded in the war group channel.

"It's exciting here, you have to hurry up." Tianhuo smiled, and turned his head from time to time to look at the magic generals who were several miles away behind him.

"Damn, Tianhuo, don't be unkind, if you kill all the monsters, I will definitely not give you the Star Devouring Moon Beast!" Mu Yichen threatened.

Tianhuo pondered in doubt, and asked, "Xiao Mu, what do you mean?"

"Haha, that Yao Lao gave me your Star Devouring Moon Beast and asked me to hand it over to you, understand?" Mu Yichen laughed loudly.

"Give it to me quickly, I promise to leave you a bunch of monsters." Tianhuo said with his eyes brightened.

"Ding! System prompt: Received an email from player Mu Yichen, please check it!"

Tianhuo hurriedly opened the mail system, only to see that Mu Yichen had indeed mailed the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

After removing the attachment, the mount egg appeared in Tianhuo's backpack, which made Tianhuo look forward to it, and finally hatched!

Mount Egg: Star Devouring Moon Beast (can be hatched)
"Tianhuo, you keep your word. Yao Lao also said that your mount will evolve at level 30. As for success or failure, it's hard to say." Mu Yichen said.

Tianhuo smiled, "Understood, come quickly!"

As he said that, Tianhuo hatched the mount egg, and a mount suddenly appeared in the mount bar, Tianhuo's first mount.

Star Devouring Moon Beast (spiritual beast, mount), level 1, HP 12000, attack 1100, defense 500.

Mounting effect: movement speed +200%, physical attack +10%, magic attack +10%, defense +10%, crit chance +10%, crit damage +100%, negative state resistance +5%.

Skill: Swallowing Stars, an active skill, can swallow damage no more than three times its own life value after casting.

Moon Eater, active skill, insufficient level, not activated.

Description: The mount of spirit beast level can get attribute bonus after riding, and can join the battle.

"Is it that powerful at the first level?" Tianhuo looked at the attributes of the Star Devouring Moon Beast in surprise. It is only at the first level, but the attribute bonuses that can be obtained are not weak, especially the movement speed, if you ride him , It is beyond reach!

"Hey, Diyan, you will be liberated in the future!" Tianhuo teased, he has been riding the Diyan Linhuang Beast for a while, this guy is not a professional mount after all, it's just a pet!
The Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast rolled its eyes, "The Star Devouring Moon Beast was born? Master, that guy's speed is fast, but his combat power is far inferior to mine."

Tianhuo smiled, each has different emphasis, it is good that the mount can participate in the battle, Tianhuo does not ask how strong it can be, but right now this guy is only level one, although it can enhance its own attributes, it is not the time to bring it out , otherwise it will be very troublesome to resurrect if you hang up.

Turning his head to take a look, he saw that the demon general was still hanging several miles away, never giving up on the pursuit, but his tens of thousands of subordinates were nowhere to be seen.

"Come on, Diyan, another half an hour is enough." Tianhuo's eyes showed a fighting spirit, and he moved forward. Those monsters should not be able to catch up with him in a short time. will face off.

Right now, the 12000 quota for the battle group is full, with 600 more of the four major attributes and 6000 of physical and spell attack and defense, plus the addition of the artifact Fanshen Palace and the upgraded title, the attributes of Tianhuo have been enhanced a lot.

Character name: Tianhuo
Occupation: Vincent
Auxiliary Occupation: Ding Sheng (Elementary)

Rating: 84
Upgrade experience: 88483540/352884000
HP: 948000/948000
MP: 201200/201200
Tome Attack: 180420-180420
Defense: 132140
Strength: 9480, Constitution: 9480, Intelligence: 10060, Agility: 9070
Reputation: 2684700
Sin: -956302
Pets: Emperor Yanlin Lion (divine beast), Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon (evolving)

Mount: Star Devouring Moon Beast (spiritual beast)
Puppet: War Spirit (Dark Gold)
Gangs: None
Battlegroup: Tianyan Battlegroup (Advanced Battlegroup)


Looking at his own attributes, Tianhuo deeply realized the benefits of the four attributes under the addition of the Glyph Sage suit. Although the equipment has not changed, the four attributes have increased by 2590, which has brought huge changes to himself. Compared with level 81, all attributes have been enhanced a lot.

In the face of ordinary monsters, Tianhuo doesn't have to worry about it at all, but in the face of the existence of demons who can't see through such attributes, Tianhuo dare not be careless.

After walking forward for more than half an hour, a blurry cliff could be vaguely seen tens of miles away, Tianhuo made Di Yan slow down, and it was almost the same!
"Can't you run anymore? Kid, die!" The demon general's roar came from behind.

Tianhuo had known for a long time that the Demon General would not give up chasing him. After all, this was a Demon Cave, and if it didn't care if humans broke in, it would not be a Demon General.

Compared with the Shadowless Demon that he met outside the Fanshen Palace, the speed of the Demon General in front of him is far different. This is the only thing that Tianhuo can rest assured about, but what worries him is the attack and defense of the Demon General in front of him. .

The Diyan Linhuang Beast turned around slowly, faced the galloping demon general, and prepared quietly, while Tianhuo also tightened his grip on the Book of Glyphs. Seeing that the demon general was a thousand meters away, he opened it On the second page of the Book of Glyphs, suddenly, one by one characters were entwined around the body.

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the scroll, the defense will increase by 10% within 50 minutes, and the damage received will be reduced by 20%."


Tianhuo, who was on guard, watched the demon general step into his attack range, and instantly cast the skill of Prisoner's Ring, and saw a cage appearing around the demon general, and Tianhuo launched a pen attack without hesitation.

With a distance of 400 meters, one stroke after another flew across the air, arriving in an instant, submerged in the cage, and landed on the demon general.

62530, -325460, -135800...


Ordinary damage is about 30, and critical strike is more than [-]. However, after only two words fell, the demon general entangled in black energy in his hand, blasted towards the cage and smashed the cage, and strode out. Continue to rush towards the sky fire.

"Hey, sure!"

The demon general's movements stopped immediately, and he stopped while maintaining the posture of running forward, while Tianhuo quickly opened the third page of the book of the sage.

The pale golden chivalrous line was like a long dragon, instantly submerged into the demon general's body, and immediately, more than 120 million damage value appeared.

"20 seconds, it should be enough to kill your 900 million life points!" The corner of Tianhuo's mouth curled up slightly, and it is not as difficult to deal with the demon general now, after all, in the third-level area, the strength of the demon general is also extremely limited Big restrictions.

However, just as the few strokes landed on the demon general, thick black air emerged from the demon general's body again, and the demon general's body-fixing equipment was broken instantly. As he stepped forward, the black air turned into a sharp arrow, In an instant, it hit Tianhuo's chest.

"Master!" Fear flashed in the eyes of Diyan Linhuang Beast, seeing Tianhuo flying upside down from its back, it hurriedly followed with loud shouts.

At this moment, Tianhuo was also amazed. The 20-second holding spell was actually broken in a few seconds. How did he do it?
(End of this chapter)

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