Chapter 261
Tianhuo stared intently at the hundreds of stone gates on the cliff, pondered for a moment, then turned over from the back of the Diyan Linhuang beast, "Diyan, break open!"

The Diyan Linhuang beast folded its wings and stared at one of the stone gates, "Look at me!"

As soon as the words fell, the figure of the Diyan Linhuang beast shot out like a cannonball. The moment it approached the stone gate, it turned slightly and hit the stone gate with its body.

Amidst the deafening sound, the ground trembled slightly, and the Shimen was also shattered under Di Yan's impact, and Di Yan's body disappeared into the Shimen under the huge impact force.

Tianhuo hastily followed, and dodged into the stone gate.

Inside the stone gate is a cave hundreds of feet high, with a cold breath permeating the air, Tianhuo looked at it intently, and saw that the entire cave was densely covered with jet-black eggs, from the ground to the cave wall, and then to the cave roof. , are all covered with balls as tall as a person!
And on the stone wall behind him, besides the egg, there are stone gates, which are the stone gates seen from the outside, and it is the only place where there is no egg.

The height of the cave is several hundred feet, and it has been extended to the distance, and it is not known how long it is.

"The Devil's Egg Cave!"

Just as Tianhuo was looking at the situation in the cave with numbness, Luoshending's cold voice came. Obviously, it was no stranger to these balls, and from the voice, it could be heard that it hated these things very much.

Devil's Egg Cave?Hearing this, Tianhuo cast the Glyph Sage's Eye on Dandan beside him.

Magic Egg: Eggs that breed monsters, countdown to birth: 42 hours!

"The monster is born like this? What is it that excretes so many eggs?" Tianhuo murmured with shock in his eyes.

"Naturally, it was produced by the devil mother. Skyfire, destroy these eggs as soon as possible, otherwise if they are allowed to be born, the nearby cities will be in trouble!" Luoshending said in a deep voice, obviously very afraid of these devil eggs.

Tianhuo frowned and looked at the eggs in the cave. The ones on the ground were not difficult to destroy, but there was nothing he could do about the ones on the top of the cave. After all, it was impossible to fly here.

Reminiscent of what the demon general said about attacking the city in two days, Tianhuo understood that they were waiting for these demon eggs to hatch!Contemplating, Tianhuo asked: "Luo Shen Ding, what level of existence is the Demon Mother?"

"The devil mother has no fighting power, but she has a very strong vitality. She is responsible for laying devil eggs. You don't have to worry, even if you encounter it, it will not be difficult to deal with it." Luoshending said in a comforting voice.

"But it's not easy to destroy these magic eggs. Not to mention the huge number, there's nothing we can do about those on the top of the cave." Tianhuo pointed to the top of the cave, which is more than 1000 meters high.

"It would have been nice if the Luoshen cauldron was still there, but it's a pity that it was fused with your innate spirit cauldron. It is indeed impossible to destroy these magic eggs within more than 40 hours, but there is no way, do your best!" Luoshen cauldron sighed.

Tianhuo took a breath, fortunately he found it in time, if these monsters hatched, it would be a difficult battle, "Okay, I will try my best, Guardian, War Spirit!"

Eight guardians and puppet battle spirits appeared beside Tianhuo, and with a wave of Tianhuo's big hand, they rushed out together, and the attacks continued to fall.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on destroying the magic egg, you will get -1 evil value, 10 experience points, and an additional 50 experience points."

Destroying the magic egg is not difficult. The puppets and guardians can handle one with each blow, and the system prompts are constantly ringing in Tianhuo's ears.

"Oral punishment, a hundred battles..."

The big golden characters lit up in the cave, and after the big characters fell, all the devil eggs within the range burst, and soon turned into white light.

"Clear out a path to go inside first, it will be easy if the witch mother is here." Luo Shending seemed to have thought of something, and reminded again.

"Oh? Could killing the devil mother completely destroy these devil eggs?" Tianhuo asked with bright eyes.

"That's not true, it's just that there must be good things in the place where the witch mother is. You'll know when you find it. I don't know if there is a witch mother yet!" Luoshending said mysteriously.

Tianhuo pursed his lips, good thing?Then you have to see for yourself.

With an order, the puppet and the eight guards rushed out towards the depths of the cave, cleaned up the magic eggs in front of them, and quickly advanced towards the depths of the cave.

"It's still a little slow to rely on them, Diyan, let's go!" Looking at the advancing speed of the puppet and the eight guards, Tianhuo was a little dissatisfied.

Now at level 86, the attack range has reached 430 meters, and the radius is also 215 meters. Every word spit out means that a wide range of magic eggs will be cleaned up. Swept toward the depths.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on destroying the magic egg, you will get -1 evil value, 10 experience points, and an additional 50 experience points."


A series of system prompts appeared, and Tianhuo's experience bar was growing visible to the naked eye, which surprised Tianhuo. A magic egg only has 60 experience points, but his own attack falls, and every time there are [-] to [-] magic eggs Destroyed, after all, the magic eggs here are so close together that they are too dense.

And to Tianhuo's surprise, each magic egg actually has a crime value. Although it is only a little bit, each attack can get [-] to [-]. Such a growth rate is terrifying!

"Ding! System prompt: The title of the Evil Punisher Envoy has been upgraded, the current 5 stars, and the attributes have been enhanced. Please check the title panel for details."

However, after a few attacks, Tianhuo's title as Emissary of Punishment has been upgraded.

Emissary of Evil Punishment (5 stars), obtained after the crime value is lower than -1500000. After using this title, the favorability of kind NPCs will increase. Additional effects: four attributes +1200, life recovery +12%, mana recovery +12%.Note: This title can be upgraded.

Skyfire's evil value reached -146 million before, and now it has broken through -150 million. The title has been upgraded, and the four major attribute bonuses have been increased by 300, and the life and mana recovery have increased by 3% compared to before.

"Fuck it, Di Yan, I'm afraid I can raise my title by many levels this time!" Tianhuo was overjoyed, and continued to use verbal punishment with full motivation.

After traveling several thousand meters, he still couldn't see the end of the cave, but Tianhuo's experience has increased by more than 5000 million, and it is extremely easy to obtain experience points.

"Master, there is a fork in the road." The Diyan Linhuang Beast said suddenly, its footsteps also slowed down, and it turned to look to one side.

On one side of the cave, there is a fork of the same size coming together, and the fork is also densely packed with magic eggs, covering every inch of the cave.

Tianhuo checked for a moment, and suppressed the tingling sensation in his scalp, "Don't worry, the forks also converge here, keep going."

Gradually, Tianhuo discovered that the cave was getting bigger and bigger, and there were more and more side roads. Along the way, he probably encountered no less than ten side roads.

"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations on reaching level 87, four attributes +5."

"Ding! System prompt: The title of the Evil Punisher Envoy has been upgraded, the current 6 stars, and the attributes have been enhanced. Please check the title panel for details."

Emissary of Evil Punishment (6 stars), obtained after the crime value is lower than -2400000. After using this title, the favorability of kind NPCs will increase. Additional effects: four attributes +1500, life recovery +15%, mana recovery +15%.Note: This title can be upgraded.

The level has been raised, and the title of Evil Punishment Envoy has also been upgraded again, becoming a six-star, and in the cave ahead, there is also a flickering light.

Thousands of meters away, circles of blue light flickered in the pitch-black cave, but Tianhuo could see it clearly. It was the light coming out of a huge snake-tail-like thing, and it was circling the huge Draw a circle in the cave, from the ground to the top of the cave and then to the ground, blue light flickers everywhere it passes, and when the blue light dissipates, it leaves behind one after another magic eggs.

"It's still laying eggs, it must be the witch mother!" Tianhuo murmured, watching the situation thousands of meters away.

"That's right, it's just a low-level witch mother. It must be killed, otherwise the monsters will continue to flow." Luoshen Ding said.

Tianhuo nodded. The witch mother can lay a devil egg almost every second. If it hatches, it will become a monster. Killing it can block the source of the monster.

"After this task is over, you can go to Long Island to find the Glyph Sage suit, let's go!" Tianhuo slapped the Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast, if you take lava flower pills and poetry, you can easily reach level 90, and then naturally go to the dragon island!
Demon mother (low level), level 100, HP 9000000, attack 100000, defense 100000.

Explanation: The monsters that are responsible for producing magic eggs must be guarded by powerful monsters wherever they go.

Seeing the attributes of the witch mother, Tianhuo's expression became weird, "Luo Shen Ding, is this what you said about not being able to fight?"

The attack and defense of the witch mother is far inferior to that of the demon general, but the explanation is very clear, there must be a powerful monster guarding it!

But at this moment, the witch mother almost occupied the entire cave, and the monster guarding it could not be seen at all. Thinking about it, it should be at the level of a demon general!
"Don't worry, the devil's lair has always been very secretive, and generally it will not be discovered by others, so I guess that the demon general you killed before is the existence of the guardian demon mother. It is dead, so what are you worried about?" Luo Shending said.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, not daring or not being careless, if there are other demon generals guarding him, it would be difficult to deal with.

While thinking about it, the Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast had already rushed hundreds of meters in front of the Demon Mother, and when it opened its mouth, raging purple fire roared out, filling the passage in front of it in an instant, and the Demon Mother was hurting, and quickly moved forward Drilling away, no longer caring about producing magic eggs.

And as the witch moved forward, I saw that her figure gradually became smaller. After walking several hundred meters, her figure was only more than ten meters in size. The black scales covered her whole body, and she turned around abruptly. When he opened his mouth, thick black air rushed towards Zihuo, and instantly intertwined with Zihuo.

At the moment it turned around, Tianhuo saw finger-sized beads flying above its head, which turned out to be spirit beads!

(End of this chapter)

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