The strongest saint

Chapter 262 The Horn of the Demon Mother

Chapter 262 The Horn of the Demon Mother

Looking at the spirit beads flying above the witch mother's head, Tianhuo showed joy, and now he understood what the good things Luoshending said were, these spirit beads!
The spirit beads can speed up the fusion of the Xiantian spirit cauldron, and the witch mother in front of her has at least a dozen spirit beads on her head, if you get all of them, the Xiantian spirit cauldron will be able to fuse successfully!
In joy, the witch mother moved, and when she opened her mouth, thick black air gushed out, intertwined with Diyan's purple fire, and unexpectedly firmly blocked the way of the purple fire.

"Bi cutting, caressing the long sword..."

Tianhuo waved his arm, and drew a series of strokes in the air. The strokes penetrated the purple fire and black air, and immediately hit the witch mother.
241310, 1057050...

Seeing that the witch has a defense of 20, but Tianhuo has the attribute of ignoring the target's defense by 20%, plus the damage bonus of strokes, the normal damage caused to the witch is as high as more than [-]. million!
However, after more than ten strokes fell, the witch mother fell to the ground, "Sure enough, she has no fighting power, such a weak monster!"

Killing the Demon Mother in an instant, Tianhuo was a little stunned, seeing that the attribute was not weak, but it was not much stronger than ordinary monsters, and even weaker than Demon Generals by many times.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on killing the witch mother, you will get a crime value of -1000000, a reward level of +1, and a reputation value of 20."

"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations on reaching level 88, four attributes +5."

"Ding! System prompt: The title of the Evil Punisher Envoy has been upgraded, the current 7 stars, and the attributes have been enhanced. Please check the title panel for details."

"Ding! The system prompts: The title of Demon Slayer has been upgraded, the current 4 stars, and the attributes have been enhanced. Please check the title panel for details."

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up spirit beads x 9."

"Ding! System prompt: You use the laziness of Wen Sheng to collect 1 monster corpse, and get devil blood beads x 10, devil mother's horn x 1, and magic general egg x 1."

It is not much more difficult than killing an ordinary boss, but a series of system prompts made Tianhuo a little stunned. The benefits of killing the devil mother were unexpected. The two titles were upgraded, and the level was improved. The most unexpected thing was that the devil's egg was collected !

Emissary of Evil Punishment (7 stars), obtained after the crime value is lower than -3300000. After using this title, the favorability of kind NPCs will increase. Additional effects: four attributes +1800, life recovery +18%, mana recovery +18%.Note: This title can be upgraded.

Title: Demon Slaying (4 stars), obtained after killing a certain number of demons. After using this title, the favorability of npcs will be increased, and it will have a deterrent effect on demon monsters. Additional effects: four attributes +900, damage reduction +10%.Note: This title can be upgraded.

"If you think your innate spirit cauldron succeeds in devouring it, give me all the spirit beads." Before Tianhuo could take a closer look at the spoils, Luoshen cauldron urged.

Naturally, Tianhuo would not hesitate, and let Luoshending take the nine spirit beads.

"You continue to work on your work, and I will tell you when it's done." Luoshen cauldron fell silent after speaking, presumably helping the congenital spirit cauldron to merge with the divine cauldron.

"Master, this big guy is too easy to deal with, what should we do now?" Diyan Linhuang asked.

"Wait." Tianhuo said, looking at the collected items.

Demon Egg: The strongest magic egg bred by a low-level witch mother. After hatching, you can randomly get monsters of the level of a magic general.

"Eh? Demon general egg?" Tianhuo stared blankly at the demon general egg in his hand, feeling a strange feeling in his heart. Could it be possible to keep monsters as pets?

However, Tianhuo immediately shook his head. It should be impossible. Monsters are the strongest villains in the game. They cannot be set as pets, and the devil egg in his hand may have other uses.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo asked in the Zhantuan channel: "Senior Yu, do you know the devil's egg?"

"The devil's egg is naturally the devil's egg that can hatch the devil's egg, you shouldn't get it? Then you have to be careful, the devil's egg has a fatal attraction to all monsters, because once a monster swallows the devil's egg The egg, then its strength will skyrocket." Yu Junhao's voice sounded a little surprised.

"It is said that the devil's egg has another unknown use, but it is said that if the devil's egg is refined into a pill, the demonized person can get rid of the devil's energy and return to normal. Of course, the truth is not clear. After all, it is almost impossible for the devil's egg to fall into the hands of humans." Yu Junhao said again.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows. The rumors in the game are generally true, so this magic general egg can be used to make alchemy, maybe it can produce some powerful elixir.

Of course, if you want to refine alchemy, you have to wait until the Xiantian Lingding is devoured, but it should be soon.

Putting away the devil's egg, Tianhuo looked at the horn of the devil's mother.

Witch Mother's Horn: A special item bred by the Witch Mother, which can speed up the hatching of the devil's eggs after it is blown, and can kill all the devil's eggs originating from the witch's mother after it is destroyed.

"Haha, the Light Gate has appeared!" At this moment, Mu Yichen's loud laughter resounded in the battle group channel.

"Haha, that's great, Moku, here we come!" Everyone's laughter also rang out.

Tianhuo was also overjoyed, not only because everyone was able to come in, but also because of the horn of the devil mother in his hand. Before, he was worried about how to destroy the millions of devil eggs in front of him. With the horn of the devil mother, the problem became easier!
The witch's horn looked like the horn used to sound military horns in ancient times. It was dark all over, and it felt extremely hard when held in the hand. Tianhuo tried it, but with his already over [-] strength, he couldn't shake the horn at all.

"Di Yan, try it, bite it!" Tianhuo tried for a while but couldn't go back to the horn, so he simply sent the horn to Di Yan's mouth.

The Diyan Linhuang beast rolled its eyes, but still bit down hard.


A low and muffled sound appeared in the mouth of Diyan Linhuang Beast. Tianhuo was overjoyed and looked over hastily, only to see that Diyan's mouth was bleeding, but the horn of the Demon Mother was not damaged at all.

" pay me for my teeth..." Diyan Linhuang Beast said inarticulately, tears welled up in his eyes.

Tianhuo was stunned, Diyan is a divine beast, even if he couldn't bite the horn, his teeth were all broken, how could this be possible?

After a long time, the corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched and said, "It will grow back soon, don't worry, Di Yan, can't you break the horn of the Demon Mother?"

The blood at the corner of Diyan Linhuang's mouth faded away, and he looked helplessly at the horn of the Demon Mother, "I don't know."

Tianhuo touched the tip of his nose, and there were dozens of hours before the magic egg would hatch, and the horn had to be destroyed before then.

"Tianhuo, we are all down, where is the monster?" Mu Yichen's voice came.

Tianhuo put away the horn, there is no way to destroy it for the time being, let's talk about it after reuniting with everyone!

"The monsters have been chasing me before, you keep walking straight ahead, I'll come and join you." Tianhuo said, riding on the Diyan Linhuang beast and returning to the original road, but it was only then that he remembered that before After destroying so many magic eggs, he actually forgot to summon the Star Devouring Moon Beast!
"Fortunately, with tens of millions of experience points, the Star Devouring Moon Beast can be upgraded a lot!" Tianhuo murmured, and then recruited the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast is about three meters tall and five or six meters long. It has strong limbs, sharp claws on its toes, gray-white fluff on its abdomen, and long light brown fluff on its back. On its wolf-like head, His mouth opened slightly, revealing his sharp teeth.

"Hey, it looks quite majestic." The Diyan Linhuang Beast looked at the Star Devouring Moon Beast that appeared beside it, and said playfully.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast also looked at the Diyan Linhuang Beast, then turned its head away in disdain, completely ignoring the Diyan Linhuang Beast.

"Ouch? Little Tunxing, this attitude is not acceptable. Could it be that you are afraid of me?" Seeing that the other party ignored him, Di Yan continued.

"Okay, let's go out first." Tianhuo patted the Emperor Flame Linhuang Beast, and led the guards, puppets, and Star Devouring Moon Beast forward, but this time, Tianhuo chose to stay close to the magic egg. Still use verbal punishment skills to open the way.

Naturally, the purpose is to upgrade the Star Devouring Moon Beast. If you ride it, you will still have attribute bonuses, but it is only one level in front of you, and it is too fragile.

When leaving the cave, the Devouring Star and Moon Beast was already at level 20, and the strange thing was that the devil eggs destroyed along the way had no evil value.

However, the evil value of Skyfire has reached -3892102, and the benefits he has obtained are enough, and he is not reluctant. After killing those monsters, it should increase a lot.

Star Devouring Moon Beast (spiritual beast, mount), level 20, HP 240000, attack 22000, defense 10000.

Mounting effect: movement speed +400%, physical attack +30%, magic attack +30%, defense +30%, crit chance +10%, crit damage +100%, negative state resistance +5%.

After leaving the broken stone gate, Tianhuo looked at the Star Devouring Moon Beast's attributes expectantly, and saw that the first four attributes had been greatly enhanced. Looking at the 400% movement speed, Tianhuo was looking forward to it, "Diyan, in the future You just concentrate on fighting the enemy, hehe."

Saying that, Tianhuo swept directly from the back of Diyanlinhuang beast to the back of Devouring Star and Moonbeast, feeling the softness under the seat, Tianhuo was very satisfied, a professional mount is different!

"Ding! System prompt: Riding the star devouring moon beast, movement speed +400%, physical attack +30%, magic attack +30%, defense +30%, crit chance +10%, crit damage +100% , Negative status resistance +5%."

Immediately, Skyfire's attribute increased by a bit, and Scroll's attack directly increased by 45%.


As soon as Tianhuo's words came out, the Star Devouring Moon Beast gave Di Yan a provocative look, and then ran wildly. Its huge body was extremely dexterous, and it didn't make any sound between its steps.

"Little Tunxing, this speed can't get rid of me!" The Diyan Linhuang Beast murmured, and also rushed out quickly, chasing after the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

Feeling that the speed is no less than Diyan, Tianhuo is overjoyed. He has such a speed at only level 30. It is worthy of being a mount of spirit beast level. If he successfully evolves into a beast at level [-], his speed may be another level. Situation!

After running for two hours, Tianhuo had already seen Yu Junhao and others from a distance, but the strange thing was that the two sides attacked from both sides, but they didn't see those monsters!
(End of this chapter)

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