The strongest saint

Chapter 263 The Birth of the Demon General

Chapter 263 The Birth of the Demon General

Tianhuo and Yu Junhao joined together, but Tianhuo had a puzzled look on his face, "Did you meet any monsters?"

Before, all the monsters came chasing him, but now, it seems that no one has encountered any monsters at all.

"Haha, didn't you notice that our team is missing a lot of people? I saw the footprints of monsters more than ten miles away, and they chased after the footprints. We are here to pick you up." Yu Junhao laughed.

After being reminded by Yu Junhao, Tianhuo found out that Mu Yichen and the others were not in the team, so they must have been unable to hold back and ran to find the monster first.

"Then let's go too, I don't know how big this place is, maybe there are more than tens of thousands of monsters." Tianhuo said, leading the chase in the direction Yu Junhao pointed.

While walking forward, Tianhuo took out the Horn of the Demon Mother and handed it to Yu Junhao, "Senior Yu, look at this thing, how should we destroy it?"

Yu Junhao took the horn in doubt, checked it for a while, and handed it to Tianhuo helplessly, "The horn of the devil mother? I haven't seen it either. I'll ask Wumo later. He comes from a great sect, so he must know how to do it."

The witch mother is a special existence that produces monsters, and ordinary people have no chance to see it, let alone the horn of the witch mother.

Tianhuo nodded, and there were less than forty hours left. If the horn could not be destroyed, he could only face those millions of monsters, but that was not what he wanted to see.

Not long after walking along the footsteps of the crowd, Tianhuo saw a few miles ahead, Mu Yichen and Wu Mo were teaming up to fight a monster. It was the one who forced Tianhuo out of the invisible state before. However, at this moment, in the hands of Wu Mo and Mu Yichen, he was able to do a job with ease, and he did not lose the wind in the slightest.

Outside the battle circle, other npcs are on alert, ready to attack at any time.

However, the strange thing is that the tens of thousands of monsters have disappeared, and only the monster that is fighting is left.

The arrival of Tianhuo and others made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, "Captain, this monster is so strong, stronger than ordinary demon generals!"

Tianhuo looked at the field suspiciously. Although this guy forced himself out of the invisible state before, his strength was not strong, but now he has turned into a demon general, and he is probably stronger than the demon general he killed!
"His aura is messy, he must have used the forbidden magic of monsters and absorbed the essence of other monsters to become so strong!" Yu Junhao straightened it out.

"Can monsters advance by cannibalizing their own kind?" Most people asked in amazement when they heard such a statement for the first time.

"That's right, but even inside the monster, this kind of secret technique is forbidden." Yu Junhao said.

Tianhuo thought about it, with surprise in his eyes, "There were tens of thousands of ordinary monsters before, so they were all eaten by him, right?"

If this is the case, I am afraid that this guy's strength will increase!

"Let's go together, he is using the battle with Wu Mo and the others to refine the essence of monsters. We can't let him succeed!" Yu Junhao suddenly said loudly, then stepped out and joined the battle.

Tianhuo and the others were not slow to move, and launched attacks one after another.

"Hey, how boring are you all doing?" Mu Yichen said angrily.

However, Tianhuo and the others ignored them, more than 200 people shot together, and besides Tianhuo and Mu Yichen, they were all NPC masters, the shots were so spectacular, the colorful attacks roared out, and the guy who had been promoted to a magic general screamed It was too late to make a sound, and it had already fallen down.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations for leading the members of the battle group to kill monsters at the level of a general. All participants will be rewarded with +1 level."

"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations on reaching level 89, four attributes +5."

Tianhuo clicked his tongue secretly, more than 200 npc powerhouses shot together, it was really extraordinary, almost a monster at the level of a magic general!
These people are probably the real core strength of the Tianyan battle group.

After being surprised, Tianhuo looked at the mission introduction suspiciously. All the monsters had disappeared, but there was no system prompt to complete the mission. It seemed that the problem was with those magic eggs.

"Senior Wumo, help me look at this thing, is there a way to destroy it?" Tianhuo touched the horn again and handed it to Wumo.

Wumo looked at the horn in amazement, but he didn't take it, but looked at Tianhuo in astonishment, "The leader actually got this kind of treasure!"

"Treasure?" Tianhuo said in astonishment, this thing only has the effect of speeding up the hatching of devil eggs and destroying those devil eggs. What kind of treasure could it be?
"That's right, treasure! The Demon Mother's Horn gathers all the power of the Demon Mother, so it is related to the life and death of the monsters it produces. If it is refined into a weapon, it will at least be an artifact-level existence!" Wu Mo said.

"I wipe it, what is it?" Mu Yichen listened to the conversation between the two, grabbed the horn and checked.

And Tianhuo ignored it, and continued to ask: "Senior, if it is not destroyed, millions of monsters will hatch in more than 30 hours, and it will be troublesome then."

"Oh? It's not easy to destroy the Horn of the Demon Mother. Only a god-level cauldron can do it. There is no other way." Wu Mo frowned.


At this moment, a low-pitched trumpet sound suddenly appeared in the world. The sound seemed to pierce the sky and resound in the hearts of everyone. It's average.

Everyone looked around, trying to find the source of the horn sound, but there was still no trace.

Just as everyone raised their heads, Mu Yichen blew the horn in his hand again, and suddenly, the low-pitched sound of the horn resounded throughout the world.

"Haha, this thing is fun, just blow it on and the whole world will ring, it's amazing!" Mu Yichen laughed while playing with the horn.

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly, and at this moment, the urge to slap Mu Yichen to death arose in his heart, the two horn sounds were actually blew by this guy!

"Hey, Tianhuo, don't look at me like that, isn't it just a few million ordinary monsters? Let's take care of it easily!" Mu Yichen said with a smile while playing with the horn.

"Fixed?" Tianhuo smiled helplessly, what a joke, it's not tens of thousands, but millions!

Mu Yichen must have done it on purpose!Tianhuo secretly thought that this guy deliberately let those monsters hatch just to enjoy the battle!

The faces of the crowd changed. How can more than 200 of them be able to deal with millions of monsters?

"You don't have to worry, there are no monsters at the level of demon generals, even if millions of monsters are hatched, they will kill each other in the first place to achieve the goal of growth." Wu Mo said.

"That's right, Tianhuo, don't worry, it would be nice to have tens of thousands of these millions of monsters left, but I'm afraid there will be a monster level existence." Yu Junhao also said.

Tianhuo nodded, heaving a sigh of relief, only now did he realize that the newly born monsters would kill each other, maybe it was their instinct, they needed to devour other monsters to strengthen themselves!
"Come with me, let's go over and have a look, not a single monster can be let go." Tianhuo said, patted the Star Devouring Moon Beast under the seat, and signaled it to lead the way.

The two-hour journey took three or four hours to arrive this time. After all, not everyone has a mount, and the forward speed is not fast.

When everyone came to the demon mother's lair several miles away, they saw that countless stone gates on the cliff were destroyed, and in front of the cliff, countless monsters were fighting, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

"You can't go forward anymore, or you will be discovered, and then they will target us." Yu Junhao stopped everyone's footsteps.

Tianhuo looked intently, not only in front of the cliff, but even in the cave, there were countless monsters fighting. Once a monster died, several monsters rushed up to divide and eat it, which looked extremely cruel.

Fortunately, the system seemed to automatically block the bloody scenes, and there was no bloody monsters flowing. I saw those monsters devouring other monsters, and fell into the fight again, and so on.

"It's best to die together, then we don't need to do it." An npc said.

"It's impossible. Once there is a monster of the general level, there will be no more fights unless the monster of the general level dies." Yu Junhao said.

Tianhuo rubbed his chin, this time he couldn't be called Mu Yichen, after all, even if he didn't blow the horn, he didn't have a way to destroy the horn, and I'm afraid he would have to face these devil eggs hatching.

"Wait slowly, I'm afraid this kind of fighting will last for a day or two before it ends." Yu Junhao said, sitting cross-legged.

What Yu Junhao said was indeed correct. The wait lasted for two days. When the third day came, he heard a roar coming from the cliff. Under the roar, all the monsters stopped fighting and moved towards the sound. Where they come, they gather and go.

When Tianhuo and the others heard the roar, Qiqi got up and looked, only to see a monster in armor standing with his hands behind his back. Opposite him, tens of thousands of monsters swarmed over and knelt down together.

"Sure enough, a demon general has appeared!" Mu Yichen's eyes were filled with excitement, and he stared intently at the bottom of the cliff.

Under the cliff, tens of thousands of monsters slowly stood up and lined up in a neat line. After the demon general raised his head and let out a roar, he turned sharply and looked in the direction of everyone. With a big wave of his hand, he led many monsters and galloped away Come, for a while, the sound of shouting and killing resounded through the world.

The newly promoted demon general was terribly fast, he was hundreds of meters ahead of many monsters in the blink of an eye, and his figure was galloping like a phantom.

"It's the Shadowless Demon!" Yu Junhao fixed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

Tianhuo raised his brows when he heard the words, he knew how powerful the Shadowless Demon was, and he had no chance of winning if he faced up alone, but he was not alone right now, "Xiao Mu, here is your chance to show off, cooperate with Senior Yu to kill the Wuying Demon!" Shadow Demon, leave the rest to us!"

"Haha, the one who knows me is Tianhuo!" Mu Yichen laughed loudly, stepped out, and met the Shadowless Demon.

Yu Junhao's movements were not slow either, the long sword appeared in his hand, and without any movement, he abruptly blocked Mu Yichen's body, and stabbed the Shadowless Demon with his sword.

"Everyone, let's go too!" Tianhuo turned his head and smiled, and while speaking, galloped out on the Star Devouring Moon Beast, rushing towards the army of monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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